Quarantine Diaries| An Aphmau...

By o0f_lifee

3.7K 59 143

Everyone was stuck in Aphmau's house due to the Coronavirus. Though they were friends with each other, they w... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5 (Pt.1)
Holy Crap
Day 5 pt 2
Day 5 pt 3
Day 6
Hey I gots a question
I can't believe y'all
Day 7
Day 7 pt 2/Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Filler Chapter 1
Day 12
Day 12
Day 13
Two Weeks Later
Surviving 2020

Day 11

106 2 17
By o0f_lifee

Day 11

Aaron's P.O.V

After Emmalyn left, Aphmau started to stir. I walked into her room when something caught my eye. Emmalyn left something on Aphmau's dresser. I debated if I should tell her or not. After pondering it, I decided to not tell her and look at it. I grabbed it and saw that it was a note. In confusion, I opened it to see a neatly written note.

Hey Aphmau,

I'm guessing that you woke up since you are reading this. I would've given you this information in person, but your boyfriend came in. I just wanted to let you know that I've decided to leave Garroth and Laurance alone. The poor couple trust each other too much for me to get anywhere far. I've decided to go after another two people, and I'll leave you out of it. Plus, my plan already went into action. :)
Have a very nice day...

What the he is she talking about? Leaving Garroth and Laurance alone? Whatever she was doing, she was bothering them and Aphmah had something to do with it.

"Aaron? What are you doing in here?" The previously sleeping girl asked. I turn around and threw the note at her, not intending to hit her.  She read the note and her eyes widened.

"Aaron, did Emmalyn give you this?" She asked, worriedly. I shake my head and pointed to the dresser where the note was laid.

"No, she put it here." I say. She stared at the note, then at me, then back at the note. She sighed.

"Okay, that's.... Interesting. I wonder who's next." She mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I ask, walking towards her.

"Lately, she's been trying to break apart couples and start drama. She's the one that started the thing between Travis and Zane. She tried to get Garroth and Laurance, but I guess she gave up." She explained. She looked like she wanted to say something, but she stopped herself.

"Why would she do such a thing? I didn't take Emmalyn to be the type of person to do that. She was so quiet." I say, looking around Aphmau's room. Aphmau's face flashed guilt for a spilt second before nodding in agreement.

"I know right? But I guess you can never trust the quiet ones." She joked. I let out a small chuckle.

"Well, I'll head downstairs now. Come join us when you're ready." I say, walking out her room.

Aphmau's P.O.V

I sigh im frustration. Why didn't I tell him that it was MY idea? I started this whole thing. This is MY fault. I groan and get up out of my comfy bed. "Who is next? Who do I have to warn? Who's gonna get hurt?" I ask myself. I walk out my room to see Katelyn talking to Emmalyn. I listen into their conversation.

"Why would he do such a thing? Aphmau did nothing to him?" Katelyn said, clearly pissed. What did she tell her?

"I know right?! Aphmau was too good for him anyways." Emmalyn said.

"I know! I can't believe Aaron would cheat on her, with Michi! Out of all people, I thought she would change." Katelyn said, disappointed. I furrow my eyebrows. Aaron would never cheat on me!
I walk out my room and downstairs. I walk into the kitchen to see Aaron and Michi kissing. I felt my heart shatter. I guess Emmalyn wasn't lying after all. I felt tears stream down my face. The pair broke apart and turned to me. They had a blush on their face.

"What the heck are you two doing?!" I yell. Aaron and Michi seemed to be dazed. My yelling broke them out of whatever trance they were in.

"Aph! I-it's not what it looks like!" Aaron stuttered. I shook my head.

"Not what it looks like?! You were literally making out with my friend! Michi, I thought I could trust you." I say, sadly. Michi shook her head.

"Aphmau, listen! It-" I cut her off.

"I don't want to hear it!" I yell. "Aaron, we're through. I don't want to hear your voices ever again!" I yell storming off. In the corner of my eye, I could see Emmalyn smirking a little. But I ignored her, in my fit of rage. I locked myself in my room and jumped onto my bed. I curled up into a ball and cried. I can't believe him! I can't believe I trusted them. I guess some people never change.

I heard a soft knock at my door. I wanted to ignore it, but I didn't. "Come in!" I say. I heard my door open and close.

"Hey, want happened?" A calming voice asked.

"Aaron cheated on me..." I whisper. I heard them gasp. The weight on my bed shifted and a felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Oh my Irene, I'm so sorry Aphmau. Do you wanna talk about it?" They asked. I shake my head.

"N-no... I really don't." I say. I open my eyes to see Vylad hugging me. I take a shakey breath and close my eyes.

"Okay then... Do you want me to leave?" Vylad asked. I shake my head.

"No... I need someone right now." I say. Vylad sighed.

"Okay... Just tell me when you want me to leave. Until then, I'll stay here." He said in a comforting tone. I nod, as I feel myself fall back asleep.

3rd person

Aphmau fell asleep while Vylad continued to hug her, he let go of her and smiled st the sleeping girl. He left Aphmau's room to see Emmalyn standing outside of it. "What did she tell you?" Emmalyn asked.

"She said that- wait, why do you wanna know?" Vylad asked.

"Because she's my friend." Emmalyn said, kinda offended.

"Oh... Well her and Aaron broke up." Vylad explained. Emmalyn smirked a little.

"Oh no... What a shame..." Emmalyn said walking away. Vylad stared at her as she walked down stairs.

"What an odd question to ask. Maybe I should go ask someone about this... But first, I should confront Aaron." Vylad said, walking downstairs.

Sorry for the long wait! I had to reset my phone and lost all my notes that I had for all my stories. So I had to rewrite all my story chapters that I had. I'm also sorry for the short chapter. The next one will br longer. Anyways stay safe, stand up for what's right, and remember


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