Lofty Living

By Renulen

13.7K 170 101

A young man stumbles across a loft, a giantess, who needs his help. He quickly learns that things don't alway... More

01: The Loft and the Vuln
03: An Important Errand
04: Legally Bonded
05: Terms of Endearment
06: Working Hard
07: At the Market
08: Meeting the Mother-in-Law
09: Sketching What She Loves
10: Bigger Sister
11: An Odd Yet Cute Secret
12: Going to Morrow
13: Meeting the Parents
14: A Little Independence

02: What a Loft

1.5K 18 10
By Renulen

     After a restful night's sleep, Jorund begins to stir. His body still aches slightly from the beating he had suffered from a week ago, his body trying to tell him to rest a bit longer. Being wrapped in something soft and silky only encourages this. He wants nothing more than to roll over and fall back asleep so that he can finish the dream he was having; the details of it already beginning to fade but he is sure that his mind will pick back up on it.

     The sound of a frying pan sizzling reaches his ears, and apparently his stomach as well as it begins to pester him for something to eat. Knowing that this is a fight that he is going to lose, he submits and opens his eyes, being greeted by the sight of a dark brown canvas that is surrounding him.

     Jorund begins to struggle, fully unaware of where he is at. But every attempt he makes go move is met with resistance, his body wrapped with what appears to be long, black hair. His mind is panicking, trying to make sense of the situation he is in. Looking up, he sees an opening. Outside he sees a large face looking down at him smiling. Her sapphire eyes catching his attention as they are a beautiful feature. "Good morning, Jorund. I was afraid that you were going to sleep all day today."

     He begins to calm down, remembering yesterday's events. Her beautiful face is the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes after being beaten unconscious. How Florence told him she had taken care of him for an entire week. Asking him to bond with her, which is the equivalent of being married from what he can understand. He looks down at his chest, seeing the medallion that hangs from the necklace she had given him, a reminder of how he had said yes. Wrapping her hair around him as they went to bed, apparently something all lofts do with their vulns, what they call humans.

     Looking up at the loft, he feels that he has no regrets about bonding with her. He can't help but wonder how he fell in love with her so quickly.

     She is a very beautiful woman, her eyes being one feature he can't help but stare into; a beautiful shade of blue which changes depending on how the light hits them. From how she says that she cared for him and the smile which she has on her face, he can tell that she is sweet and loving and genuinely does care for him. He will admit that he has fallen for her and wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his days with her. "Good morning," he replies with a smile.

     Managing to free his arms from the soft locks which are wrapped around him, Jorund tries to stand upright; an easier task said than done. The fabric is moving beneath him, proving to make for unreliable footing. After several attempts he begins to hear giggling from above him. "Here," Florence says as she reaches into the space where he is confined, "let me help you."

     He watches as her fingers come in through the opening and heading for him. Looking at them he can see just how long they are. Even though her longest finger isn't even half the length of his body it is still sizeable. His first instinct is to back away, to recoil at the sight of something so large coming for him. He only relaxes because he remembers that she has no intention of harming him, allowing the large digits to come close to him. Her fingers begin to wrap themselves around his body, four of her fingers easily covering his torso and a portion of his legs. They begin to tighten around him, too tight for his liking but not painful, before he is lifted out and towards the giant woman's face.

     Looking down he can see that she kept him inside of her pocket, which explains his surroundings when he first woke up. He must have been in a deep sleep for her to move him from the comfort of her breasts to her pocket without him being disturbed. The pocket his located near her breasts, which explains why the area was so soft behind him.

      Brought up to her face, Jorund can see how she is smiling at him, just like a newlywed would stare at their spouse; he can only imagine that he is similarly staring at her. Looking into her eyes, he can easily see his reflection in them. His attention does not stay focused on her pupils for long when the giant woman begins to lower him and bring him close to her puckered lips.

     Jorund knows what is coming next, this won't be his first kiss from the loving woman; remembering the first kiss they shared yesterday all too well. He found it to be an odd experience, growing up learning that two people lock lips for such an act of love. With her, it does not work out quite that way. He can't deny that receiving a kiss from her is a pleasant experience.

     With her lips enveloping his face, he plants a kiss of his own on her lower lip. The couple holds this kiss for several moments, He finds himself leaning into her soft lips, his one hand reaching out and stroking her cheek. Eventually the kiss does end, the two smiling at each other as they are once again looking at each other.

     Florence pulls the small man against her cheek, cuddling him so that she can show her affection for the small man. "I love you so much."

      "I love you too." Jorund can easily tell just how much she loves him from her affectionate gestures towards him, finding them to be pleasant. He leans into her cheek, cuddling up to her as he does his best to show his love for her.

      "You ready for breakfast?' Florence asks as she lowers Jorund onto the table, unwrapping her hair which is still around Jorund's body.

     His feet firmly on the table's surface and free from her grip, his face turns red when he feels the cool air hitting his body and remembers that he has no clothes on. Instinctively covering himself he looks up at Florence, his face beet red, "I am, but can I get my clothes back first."

     Crouching so that she can be eye level with him, "You don't have to be so modest around me," gently placing her finger on his hands as she says this, "We are bonded and you are my mate. You don't have to hide yourself from me."

     Jorund can only assume that the word "mate" is another term lofts use, and from the context that it means husband. Relaxing a bit, his face beginning to return to its normal color, he does realize that she has a point. She wasn't so shy when she removed her clothes last night, and they did cuddle as is. "Well, I don't think that I should have breakfast without any clothes on. May I have my clothes?"

       "Your clothes were wearing are ruined," Florence points out, "Covered in blood and torn, I had to throw them out."

       "That's okay,” Jorund says casually, trying to sound casual anyway, “Just hand me my duffle bag and I can pick some out."

     "What duffle bag?" Florence is looking at him with a look of confusion, as though she has no idea what he is talking about.

       "The one I had with…" He stops when he realizes where his duffle bag could be. He placed it on the forest floor before he attempted to rescue Florence. With how quick she was to bring him back to her home she wouldn't have noticed it, nor would she have thought to grab it either. His first thought is to ask to go back to the clearing and retrieve it. Until he realizes that there is no point in going back for it. His belongings being left there for a week he highly doubts that they would still be there. He can always buy more clothes, but he can't obtain any in his current state  "What am I going to do for clothes then?"

     "Hold on, I have an idea." Florence leans in and kisses Jorund once again, a big smile on her face and giggling as she pulls away and leaves the kitchen.

     Jorund is looking around the house that he lives in with her, now noticing just how small it is. The furniture does seem to be large for the home, considering that they do accommodate Florence's size, seeming like they are taking up a bit more space than they should. Watching as Florence disappears into her bedroom, he notices just how tall she looks compared to the doorway; the loft needs to duck slightly to avoid hitting her head on the door frame. He can't help but wonder why her home is on the small side. Is she tall for a loft?

     Florence reappears in the kitchen, ducking through her bedroom door once more, carrying what appears to be a small sack. "Here," she says as she hands the item over to Jorund, "I tore three holes for your head and arms. Will this work?"

      Jorund looks at his new wife, who is smiling at him. He looks at the sack which Florence handed him, not being overly fond of the idea on wearing it. "This will work nicely for now." Appreciating the gesture, he has a strong feeling that she doesn't have anything that is made for him, he slides the sack on over his head and wears it. The sack is oversized on him and the canvas material is a bit rough on his skin. Still, it is better than nothing.

       Within moments, Florence brings over two plates. She places one plate in front of Jorund,  which is a small plate to her but large for the small man. He looks at the scrambled eggs that are on his plate, which both look and smell off to him. They seem to be discolored as if Florence had added something to them; the heavy aroma of a multitude of spices seems to be coming from them as well. He looks over at Florence's plate seeing that she has the same thing, only on a much larger quantity.

     "Sorry, I don't have any dishes or silverware for you. We can get you some after we visit the town hall and see the mayor."

      "Something important we need to do?"

    "Of course," Florence says with a giggle, "We have to get our bonding license and make it official." She is bouncing excitedly in her seat, loving the idea that she is about to be legally bonded with someone who truly loves her.

     Jorund smiles at Florence, seeing just how happy she is. He may have agreed to bond with her and accepted the necklace which she gave them. Until they get the license it won't be considered official.

     Jorund turns his attention back to the plate that has been set before him. The breakfast, which Florence has made for him, doesn't look nor smell very appetizing. He turns his attention to the giant woman who is seated and eating her breakfast. She seems to be enjoying it, looking forward to each bite she takes as she digs her spoon into her eggs. Maybe this is one of those meals where it tastes better than it looks. Grabbing a handful of eggs off the plate, he takes his first bite and is surprised at how it tastes.

     His eyes beginning to water and trying not to gag, Jorund discovers that ti tastes a lot worse than he had believed to be possible. All the seasoning which Florence had decided to use is overpowering and he can pick up on one other taste; jam. Did she actually put jam in with the eggs? He struggles to swallow what he has, his throat fighting back to keep it from reaching his stomach.

     Managing to swallow the bite he has, he looks over at Florence unable to believe how bad of a cook she is. No, she isn't a bad cook. A bad cook isn't able to stomach the meals they make. Florence is happily eating her breakfast with a smile on her face, more eggs entering her mouth. Could it be that she just has a unique taste? That is the only conclusion that makes sense to him. "You feeling okay?" Florence asks with some concern in her voice, "You haven't touched your breakfast."

       "I'm fine," Jorund answers with a smile. He knows better than to insult a woman's cooking. He has made that mistake once before. His mother made a meal which he was not particularly fond of and he had told her that it was nasty. He remembers what his mother did and he can only imagine what Florence would do if he insulted the breakfast she has taken the time to make him. "I have never had a breakfast as unique as this.".

       Florence smiles at her husband before turning back to her plate.  Jorund looks back at his plate, the meal before him looking even less appetizing now that he knows what it tastes like. Slowly and reluctantly he grabs another handful of eggs and places it in his mouth. It doesn't taste as bad the second time, but he still has a hard time swallowing it due to the taste. Each bite is terrible and his throat is fighting him as he attempts to swallow. Eventually his plate is clean, the sick feeling in his stomach reminding him that he has just had the worst meal of his life.

     Florence leans forward, having cleaned her plate long before Jorund has, a big smile on her face. "Did you enjoy your breakfast?"

      He smiles at the large face before him, staring at her sapphire eyes, "It was nice to have a home-cooked meal that was prepared with so much love." Of course, he is omitting how awful it tasted and how his stomach vis cramping as a result. The fact that she prepared a meal for him is a loving gesture.

     Florence's smile widens, letting out an excited squeal. In one quick motion, she pushes the small man against her lips as she kisses him again. Such a motion surprises Jorund, but he does mot struggle. He can't help but enjoy each kiss that she gives him since it shows just how much she does love him. The token of affection only lasts so long, though he does wish that it would have lasted a moment longer. "You have no idea how much that means to me. I can't tell you how many times my cooking skills have been criticized. The fact that you actually love it means so much to me."

       "I am not surprised that I met a special woman who is a unique cook." Jorund can't help but feel that someone should be handing him a shovel now. He knows that he should be honest, but he can't help but enjoy how happy she is. If he has to put up with her unique style of cooking then he will gladly do so.

       Florence grabs the empty plates from the table and proceeds to carry them so that they can be washed. Jorund heads for the edge of the table, peering down to see just how high up he is, a drop that would seriously injure him if were to fall. He can imagine that this will be a common hazard for him while living with the loft he has taken as his wife.

       The reason Jorund had moved to the table's edge was not to see how high up he is but to catch a glimpse of Florence's feet. The skirt of her dress stops right above her ankles, giving him an unobstructed view.  They are lovely, just like the loft herself. He watches as her long toes curl slightly while she is cleaning the dishes the two of them used.  He does notice that her feet are on the large side when compared to the rest of her. He would love to tell her just how lovely her feet her but refrains from doing so for the fear of how she will react. He remembers the reaction he got from the only time he has confided his secret, it did not go well. He will just have to be content admiring her perfect peds from a distance.

      With the dishes clean and set off to the side so that they can dry, Florence returns to the table. Crouching so that she can be closer to Jorund, she smiles at him, eager to spend an entire day with him. "You ready to go?"

     "Yeah," Jorund says as he returns a smile.

     Standing at her full height, once again, Jorund finds himself looking up at the beautiful loft once again. He still finds it odd to be looking up at a woman, though he can imagine that this will become normal for him soon enough. Bringing her hand close to him, her palm open as she is ready to grab him, "Arms out," she instructs. The small man extends his arms outward as Florence begins to wrap her fingers around him for the second time today.

     Jorund can feel her fingers tightening around his body again, firmly holding him to the point where he does feel some discomfort. He knows that such a grip is necessary, otherwise, he could slip from her grip as she lifts him; he only wishes that she would be slightly more gentle. He soon finds himself lifted and placed back in the pocket he found himself in earlier. He can stand this time so he can see his surroundings.

     Florence crosses her arms, embracing her small passenger in a loving hug and placing Jorund in another tight grip. She can't help but smile, looking forward to making her way to the town hall. Jorund has accepted her proposal to bond with her, accepting the necklace she offered him, soon it would be official.

     Jorund is struggling in Florence's grip, her embrace a bit too tight for his liking. He can imagine that this is because she simply loves him too much. He sighs, deciding not to say anything to her about how she is squeezing him and to take it as a token of her affection for him.

      As the loft approaches the front door, he waits for her to stop so that she can put her shoes on. Jorund is curious about the type of shoes she wears; hoping that she prefers to wear flats, leaving a nice view of her arches and toe cleavage. To his surprise, she doesn't stop. The giant woman opening the door before she heads outside. She is going to walk about in her bare feet? He peers over the pocket he is riding in, watching as Florence's toes are appearing from beneath her skirt with each step she takes. He is having a hard time believing his luck. He managed to meet a woman who prefers to walk about barefoot. He leans back, feeling her soft breast behind him, looking up at Florence's face with a big smile on his face. He can't help but wonder how he managed to end up with someone who is just perfect for him.

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