Pulled by Roses- A War of the...

By firebolt36

48.3K 1.6K 259

Lady Kathryn, better known as Katy, lived a simple life in Ireland. That is until her father was accused of t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Seven

834 25 5
By firebolt36

Katy nuzzled into the soft sheets, listening to the rustling from next to her. She engulfed herself in the blankets and opened one eye, immediately retracting back to darkness. She was exhausted and yawned softly. Richard pulled her to him, still half sleeping. Katy smiled as Richard's chest rose and fell with each breath. He kissed her temple and groaned, sitting up in the bed.

"Must you go?" Katy questioned quietly, as Richard shifted. He chuckled and laid down next to Katy. She placed her head on his warm chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"We will make quick work of it, as we always have," Richard assured her, lightly rubbing her side and back. "Then I will return to you." Katy nodded, taking deep breaths.

"It feels different this time," Katy whispered, interlacing her hand with his. Richard said nothing but played with her fingers. "Where are Anne and I to go?"

"Perhaps the Lovell Estate, in Yorkshire, would be best," he whispered, kissing her head. His soft lips stayed close to her, "It is rather removed, you'd both be safe there."

"Yorkshire? Not London?"

"I do not expect you will need the extra protection. Ideally, we may reason with George and have him rejoin our cause."

"Has anyone had contact with George?" Richard sighed and looked up towards the ceiling.

"My mother attempted to make contact on behalf of Edward. I do not know how he reacted." Katy ran her finger over Richard's chest, hearing his heart beat faster. "What would you have me tell him?"

"A Lancastrian court will not favor a son of York," Katy responded bluntly. "George should abandon his claim and return as a loyal follower to Edward. He has lost almost everything but may have an opportunity to bring himself back to favor. He made a rash decision while feeling he had no other way."

"I rather despise your wisdom at times," Richard joked, looking into her eyes. Katy smiled and sat herself up, covering her body with the sheets. Richard moved slowly, beginning to dress himself.

"You look tired, your Grace. You should rest before you go into battle!" Richard chuckled to himself, still dressing.

"It is extremely difficult to rest when a divine creature lay a small distance from me." Richard approached Katy, leaning close to her. "I now have husbandly duties to attend to." Katy smiled and quickly kissed him, immediately looking at the ground.

"The first of those is to come back," Katy whispered, looking at him again. Richard smiled softly and breathed deeply.

"Always," he called back to her, sliding out the door. Katy sighed and lay back in the bed. She closed her eyes briefly when the bed began shaking.

"You must tell me everything!" Anne whispered from the edge. Katy laughed and covered her face. "Let's get you dressed, and you may share!" She squealed and clapped her hands.

"You rest, and I will tell," she teased slowly standing from the bed. Everything burned as she moved sluggishly around the room. "It is not very comfortable in the beginning," Katy called putting her dress on quickly. "But by then end..." Katy trailed off and turned red, lacing her bodice together. Anne smirked from the bed, cradling her belly. "How are you today?"

"Come," Anne motioned towards Katy and took her hand, placing it lightly on her. Katy's eyes grew and she laughed with excitement.

"He is strong!" Her hand moved slightly as the child moved. Katy sighed and looked at Anne, half smiling. "I am sorry to tell you, but we are due to travel to Yorkshire." Anne stared blankly back, "Richard wants us away from any potential enemies. I will have the carriage made ready, but we must depart today."

"I shall gather my belongings." Anne stepped closer to the door and turned quickly to face Katy, "Where are we going?" Katy smiled and swayed back and forth.

"The Lovell Estate!" Katy called, not hiding her excitement. Anne's uncertain behavior changed as a smile grew on her face. "We will have each other through this time, as we always have." Anne slipped from the room and Katy strolled to the window, watching Richard and Francis ride away from her. Katy did nothing but watch. Richard looked over his shoulder back towards her and she wondered if he could see her in the window. She raised her hand and waved slightly, hoping he may see her one last time before joining Edward and the battlefield.


Anne and Katy began their travel without Richard and Francis, and while the women had now accepted that when summoned the men must leave, the timing seemed to get worse. Anne would now have to begin her confinement without Francis and though she had Katy to support her, Katy was no match for her husband. Anne also felt for Katy, having finally married Richard only for him to snatched away as soon as he had given himself to her. Katy put on a brave face, daring to not tell Anne she felt this battle was different. Anne suddenly began shifting in the carriage, closing her eyes and breathing deeply.

"What is it?" Katy asked concerned, taking her hands. They were warm and clammy, and Anne suddenly relaxed.

"It is nothing," she spoke calmly, opening her eyes and smiling at Katy. "The baby is moving. We should continue."

"Anne," Katy whispered, noticing the sweat dripping from her face.

"It is nothing. He is not due to come for many more days," she lied.

"How long have you had these episodes?" Anne remained quiet and Katy hit the top of the carriage, her eyes never leaving Anne. It rolled to a quick stop and Katy exited, speaking with the groom.

"We must find a village," she advised quietly.

"Your Grace, I have strict instructions to bring you to Yorkshire without any extra stops. I cannot go against your husband's command."

"Lady Lovell's child is coming now. We must find a village and a midwife so she can give birth without harm. I have never been present for the birth of a child, and I fear I do not know what to do."

"There is a monastery not far," a knight advised, moving ahead on his horse.

"Go please, tell them of our arrival." The young man sped into the forest, filling the air with dirt. "We must go quickly, but carefully to not disturb her." The groom nodded and began calling orders to others. "We are going to a monastery," Katy advised sitting across from Anne, taking her hands again. "You must remain calm, for I do not know what to do," Katy whispered looking at her friend, trying to give support.

"This is how Isabel lost her child!" Anne began crying hysterically.

"No, Anne, this will not happen here today. We are not traveling far; you and the child will be safe." Katy continued trying to keep Anne calm, breathing with her and holding her close. She knew birth was imminent as Anne wailed in pain. The carriage stopped suddenly, and the door flew open.

"Come child, we must get you inside," a soft voice called. Two young nuns helped Anne to her feet and moved her quickly into the house. Katy stumbled behind them, trying to help in any way she could. They sat Anne down and turned quickly to Katy.

"Can you please get us hot water? And sheets?" Katy nodded and rushed through the corridors to the kitchen. She didn't need to ask, for the sisters were already putting together everything Anne would need.

"Thank you," Katy whispered, running back into Anne's room. Anne screamed, pushing extremely hard as Katy rushed in. Katy stood with Anne and held her hand. Anne screamed again and dug into Katy's hand. Katy felt nothing through her beating heart, for she had never been this terrified.

"You must push, child!"

"I can't do it," she cried, throwing her head back. "I can't do it!"

"Anne, look at me." Anne's eyes moved to Katy's, "You can, and you will. You are going to be a wonderful mother. This child knows the world is ready for him, you must also know you are ready for him." Tears streamed down her face and she screamed, pushing as hard as she could.

"Once more!" The sister called, and Anne obliged, pushing her body forward. The sisters moved with the child quickly, Katy and Anne watching and listening. A small cry filled the air and Katy sighed with relief. She squeezed Anne's hand and smiled.

"You have done it!" Anne closed her eyes and the sister brought her the small child.

"It is a boy," she whispered, placing him in Anne's arms. Anne smiled through her tears and held him close to her heart.

"He is beautiful," Katy whispered, lightly touching his hand. "What should you like to call him?" Anne laughed to herself with her son and looked to Katy.

"Francis had picked a name. After a man he hopes his son will look up to. Richard." Katy's heart skipped a beat and she beamed.

"It is perfect," she responded proudly.

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