Chapter Twelve

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January, 1469

Katy rushed through the long corridors. She had been summoned by the Queen and did not wish to have her waiting. Isabel and Jane giggled as she rushed by. Katy did not have the time nor the patience for them today, though they became increasingly more frustrating. Katy constantly reminded herself Isabel would be leaving tomorrow, along with the rest of court, to return to London. She and Richard were to depart separately and make their way to Kildare. Truthfully, she was nervous and excited. This would be her first time truly along with Richard, but she could not wait for him to meet the rest of her family.

"Ah, Lady Kathryn," the young guard opened the large door, "We've been expecting you." Katy smiled softly and walked slowly into the chambers.

"Thank you," she spoke clearly, looking into the light room. Elizabeth and her mother stood next to the large bed and Katy curtseyed. "Good morning, your Grace and Countess Rivers."

"Ah, my dear Katy. How are you today?" Jacquetta smiled softly.

"Very well. And yourselves? Did you enjoy your stay?" Katy questioned eagerly.

"You have been an exceptional hostess. Everything was perfect." Katy smiled and sighed with relief. "You should be proud."

"This was not an easy task thrusted upon you," Elizabeth added in. "I wanted to thank you, before our departure."

"The pleasure is truly mine. You have done so much for me, it is the least I could do in return. For without your help, my father may still be imprisoned."

"I am grateful to God for bringing you into our lives. You are a light spot for myself and my children. I have never seen Richard so willing to do as you ask, except for with Edward."

"To be in your presence and serve you is extraordinary. God has blessed us both. Should Richard and I return to London, I should like to become your lady. I have much to learn still, but cannot imagine having to navigate this court alone."

"Katy, we have seen a bright future for you," Jacquetta added in, taking her hand. "You will bring peace and light to dark times."

"Mother!" Elizabeth scolded quietly. "What she means is that we are honored to have another good Christian woman marry into the family."

"We are friends, and I will always support you and your family," Katy responded. The door opened quickly and Katy turned to see Richard, bowing to his sister-in-law.

"Dear sister, if it is alright with you, I must take Lady Fitzgerald away. There has been an unfortunate change to our travel."

"Of course, Richard." Elizabeth embraced her, "I will watch over Anne and Thomas. They are both in my good graces." Katy blushed and smiled.

"Until we are together again." Richard extended his hand, and lightly squeezed Katy's. He led her into the corridor and the door closed behind him.

"We are to depart tonight. There is worry due to weather and it is either tonight or not for a month."

"A month?" Katy questioned with disbelief.

"I have asked Anne to pack your essentials, but we are to leave now to make it to the ports."

"Will Thomas be joining us?"

"I am afraid we will be alone. We leave with the King's blessing. Thomas will continue to escort her grace, the Queen, and will remain in England." Richard gave Katy his arm, which she took quickly. "Is there anything you wish to bring that I have not thought of?"

"I don't believe so. But I should like to say goodbye to Thomas." Richard smiled and looked ahead.

"He is meeting us at the carriage."

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