Chapter Four

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"Nothing will change his mind now. He believes Richard is the best suited to be your guardian. Richard would never betray him."

"Thank you, your Grace. I do not know what you said to the King, but I cannot imagine a way it didn't help. I am truly indebted to you and his Grace."

"I'd like to introduce you to my children, the princesses. For now that you are head of Richard's household, you will be traveling with us."

"Children are the greatest blessing. How many do you have?"

"Three girls. With boys to follow soon!" She laughed and spun through the corridor.

"I hope to be a mother one day."

"You will make a wonderful mother. And I will ensure you marry a respectable man. By putting you with Richard, the king is hoping you'll be suitable for a duke."

"Me a duchess? I cannot imagine it." Elizabeth stopped her walked and turned toward Katy.

"I can. Court is bustling with rumors. And George is not the only man to have taken an interest."

"Will I ever be allowed to return home?"

"I am sure in time you will be allowed to visit. No one will hold you here against your will. And if in time you wish to return, I will plead your case."

"Thank you. That is very kind of you." A large door opened, and the light pats of feet filled the air, followed by giggles. It could only be described as joy as the two small princesses ran and hugged their mother.

"Mama!" They exclaimed in unison. Elizabeth picked up the smallest and smiled.

"Girls, this is Lady Kathryn. She's going to be heading Uncle Richard's household." Katy curtsied to the small girls, who smiled and curtsied back.

"I am delighted to make your acquaintance, your highnesses. You both are quite beautiful."

"This is Mary," Elizabeth explained as the girl dug her face into her neck.

"Are you the lady from Ireland?" The older girl asked twisting her body back and forth, while looking up at Katy. Katy crouched down to eye level with the small princess.

"I am." She lightly reached out and touched Katy's hair.

"Lizzie, please."

"Mama, she's got hair like mine!" She jumped up and down and clapped. Katy's heart melted with the display of innocence from the young princess.  "I heard Uncle Richard speaking about you yesterday," she exclaimed, smiling back at Katy.

"Can you tell me what he said? Or must it be kept a secret?" She giggled and nodded.

"Lizzie, does Uncle Richard know you heard him?"

"No, Mama. He walked ahead of me." She turned her attention back to Katy, "He said you were the most beautiful woman he's seen." Katy's face turned immediately red and Elizabeth couldn't help but laugh at her daughter.

"She loves to listen to the world around her."

"It will surely be beneficial to her. Especially if she then can learn to keep secrets," Katy teased. "But Princess Elizabeth, I hope I can trust you to share anything else you hear from your Uncle Richard." She smiled and nodded again.

"Once your wardship is complete, I should like for you to become one of my ladies. You are a great light in this darkened time. Your support and loyalty would be a breath of fresh air."

"I would be honored to join your household, until such a time I can head my own," Katy curtsied low. Elizabeth's face beamed, her light eyes filling with happiness.

"You must rest now, Lady Kathryn. You have much to prepare for."

"Thank you, your Grace," Katy lowered herself once again and exited the chambers. She walked quietly through the dark halls. Silence engulfed her thoughts. She was to head a Royal Duke's house until he married. The Queen and King had found favor in her and granted her plea. 

"George, we will not speak of this again. When the time comes for her to be married, I will decide who her husband is. She is a ward of my court."

"Do I not deserve an obedient wife to give me sons?" George questioned, angrily.

"When the time comes, you will be considered. Richard is to not lay a hand on her. I will assign a lady to accompany her at all times."

"You have too much trust, brother." George's footsteps stormed away. Katy waited till it was silent again to being walking. She quickly turned the corner, immediately running into a hard yet soft covered surface. Katy quickly dropped herself, recognizing the fabric.

"Your Grace," she whispered.

"Walk with me, Lady Kathryn," he commanded. "I wish for you to speak freely." Katy took deep breaths while matching Edward's stride. "Since your arrival, many eligible nobles have asked for your hand. I am sure the letters will also begin flowing to your father. I must ask that you resist all advances from these men." He stopped in his tracks, "As a sign of good faith to you, I signed your Father's pardon this evening and it is on its way to Ireland as we speak." Relief washed over the woman, and she sighed with relief. She smiled and looked up at the young monarch, tears forming in her eyes.

"Words cannot express the gratitude and thanks I have for your Grace's great mercy. Kildare, Desmond, and all of Ireland will remember this day and look proud upon our one true anointed King."

"I unfortunately cannot have you return to Ireland. To be frank, I will need your help to ensure Ireland remains loyal to the Yorkist throne. I promise to you, a future with a good husband. One that will elevate your family's standing. As a good show to Ireland, the man will have influence there. An Irish lord should be matched with an Irish wife."

"I will do as the King wishes." Edward stopped once again in front of Katy's chamber doors.

"You and Richard are to be chaperoned at all times. To maintain your integrity, you will never be alone. Lady Jane Beauchamp has been assigned to you. She is Warwick's niece. She will report everything to him." He opened the door and Katy entered. "Sleep well, Lady Kathryn." Katy curtsied and let the door shut softly behind her.

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