Chapter Twenty-Three

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Katy skipped in her chambers, laughing with Anne. Her belly was suddenly swollen, and Katy was fascinated by it. Katy could not contain her excitement over the child. Anne held herself lightly as Katy sat to work on her hair.

"You must be excited," Anne commented standing from Katy's bed.

"It has been a long time since we have been here." Katy made eye contact with her through the mirror. "And we are to be merry! The feast will be wonderful. And we must make a good impression."

"That should be easy, especially for you and Richard. You bring out the best in one another. It is rather maddening how well it works, for you hardly disagree." Katy laughed and turned to face her.

"Believe me, we have had our fair share of troubles. He can be extremely difficult to reason with and cocky, but only to me." Anne laughed to herself, knowing this to be true. Richard had found his place with his brothers, yet mainly kept quiet with them. He had the innate ability to control his emotions, unless Katy was involved. In those instances, he was rather rash and combative. Edward enjoyed watching his little brother mature and become respectable in court on his own merits.

"You bring out the best in him, like I have said," she continued to laugh. Katy rolled her eyes and pinned her hair up. "We are going to be late if you do not hurry!" She teased.

"We both must still dress!"

"And you must help me with my new figure!" Katy smiled softly and walked to Anne, who was sitting again. She helped to pull the woman to her feet. "Please do not tie it too tight. I worry I may be unable to breathe," Anne whispered stepping into her skirt. Katy chuckled and lightly laced her yellow fabric together. It shone like gold in the summer sun. Anne quickly grabbed her bodice and Katy continued to lightly tie her friend in.

"You are absolutely glowing," Katy complimented. Anne beamed and approached Katy.

"We must hurry," she advised again. Katy slipped into her red dress; the same one she had worn when she was given to Richard as his ward. It had been sometime since she had worn it, though she felt she needed to today.

Anne rushed from the chambers quickly, speeding toward the great hall. Katy walked slightly slower behind her, taking the time to appreciate the walls surrounding her. Music and chatter filled the air as they approached. Anne was quick to disappear into the crowd, looking for Francis. Katy looked over the sea of people, suddenly realizing she recognized no one. Katy walked slowly, maneuvering through the crowds. Richard, Francis, and Anne were nowhere to be seen, leaving Katy slightly uncomfortable.

She made her way to a wall and stood alone, smiling softly and humming to the music. A glass of wine appeared into her vision. She looked up at the smiling young man, who bowed his head, his straw hair moving slightly. Katy took the glass and looked to the ground.

"I also do not know anyone here," he confided, chuckling to himself. Katy looked up at him, laughing softly.

"What would make you think I do not know anyone here?"

"A woman, such as yourself, should be socializing and dancing. Not standing alone speaking with a stranger. So, are you a guest of the Duke or Lady Kathryn?"

"I know his Grace rather well," Katy lied. She took a sip of wine and watched his blue eyes scan over the room. "And you?"

"I am John, son to Edmund Townsend, mayor of Gloucester. Who may you be?"

"You may call me Katy," she replied wanting to withhold information. "I have heard wonderful things of your father."

"He has been wonderful to Gloucester. My father is rather fond of his Grace. He speaks ever so highly of him. I look forward to meeting him today." Katy smiled and said nothing. Silence brewed ever so slightly, until John spoke again. "Have you met Lady Fitzgerald?" Katy shook her head and looked back to John.

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