Chapter Thirty

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December, 1470

Katy walked silently through the crowd of people. They parted to either side of her, whispering furiously. Katy sighed and looked over the people, remaining stone faced. She hated all who surrounded her. George did little to protect her, though try as he might, and she was a constant source of ridicule. It took Warwick little time to remove her from George's household and protection, as he had the King's ear. Isabel attempted to keep George far from her, no doubt on her father's orders. A few people pointed to her, covering their mouths as she gazed. Katy dared not look at the King, sitting on his throne, where Edward should be. Henry could barely speak, let alone rule the country.

Katy had in many ways become a shell of former self. She hardly smiled, let alone laughed. She remained always on high alert, especially as men and women approached her. Katy had yet to submit herself to the King and was watched at all hours of the day. Francis, on the other hand, submitted himself in order to keep Katy's lie alive. Francis was granted his pardon, but heavily guarded at all times. Much of court did not believe Lord Lovell would abandon Richard, let alone bring his betrothed to be presented to King Henry. As a result, he and Katy were forbidden from any interaction. Luckily, Anne remained in Yorkshire, escaping any torment.

"Lady Kathryn," Roger sneered, "Lord Warwick wishes to see you." Katy said nothing to the man and continued to walk away. "I am speaking to you!' He yelled, digging into her arm. Katy turned on her heels and immediately felt her hand burning. The court was silent as Roger grabbed his face, looking at the woman filled with hate.

"It behooves me to remind you, on the orders of the Duke of Clarence, you are not to touch me."

"Fucking bitch," he muttered, storming towards Katy and forcing her to leave with him. Katy resisted, looking over the surrounding people filled with panic. He grabbed her sleeve, ripping it from the rest of the dress. She found no help in this new court, though she was unsurprised. Roger had grown more malicious and merciless with how he handled Katy. He had not laid a hand on her since George's intervention, but now she was Warwick's and Roger felt safe escalating his behavior. He would certainly be dead should he have attempted this while Edward was king. But she was now alone and needed to fend for herself.

Roger dragged her from the hall and forced her to the wall. Katy pushed him away and took only a few steps before Roger pulled her back to him. Roger back Katy to the wall again, holding her hands above her head. Katy broke his eye contact, trying to hide her fear. Her legs shook as she struggled to hold herself up, fighting for her safety, maybe even her life.

"I ought to take you right here," he threatened. "Then we would have an answer for your questionable virtue." Katy closed her eyes, taking deep, rapid breaths. She turned to face him slowly, looking him in the eye. Her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed.

"I will have your head," she growled. Roger laughed at her meaningless threat, or so he thought it was.

"You have no one to support you. Lord Clarence does not give a damn on what happens to you. He is simply playing you, so you are more likely to cooperate." Katy's face softened at these words about George and Roger smirked. A man quickly grabbed Roger, throwing him to the ground.

"That is not how we treat ladies in this court." Katy collapsed to the ground, her back supported by the wall, her body shaking with fear. She breathed deeply and covered her face, weeping into her hands.

"Yes, Milord," Roger scurried away, and a body sat with her.

"He is gone, my lady." Katy nodded, still covering her face. "I apologize for his behavior. It may have been tolerated under the last king, but not this one."

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