Seoul High School // Hyunin

By inniexjinnie

13K 391 306

Yang Jeongin a normal boy moved to a new school, Seoul High School a school for rich people, and without know... More

Introduction [edited]
O N E [edited]
T W O [edited]
T H R E E [edited]
F O U R [edited]
F I V E [edited]
S I X [edited]
S E V E N [edited]
N I N E [edited]
Hello, it's me
T E N & H A L F
E L E V E N & H A L F

E I G H T [edited]

820 28 22
By inniexjinnie

Friday has came, it was lunch time. Jeongin was at school with his friends like usual. They were talking about everything and nothing, but something seems strange or more like the behaviour of two of their friends was strange.

Dongpyo whispered to Jeongin
"Don't you think that Jaemin and Jisung are strange? I mean they are avoiding each other's eyes"

"You saw it to right! Something is definitely wrong" Jeongin whispered back

"So everyone what did you guys do yesterday?" Mingi spoke up, also curious about the two best friends

At that moment Jaemin who was eating and Jisung who was drinking, choked on their food and water and Jisung spilling some water on the table

"Are you guys okay?" Daehwi asked

"Perfectly fine!" Jisung and Jaemin said at the same time

"I-I'm gonna go take some tissues" Jisung said before walking away

"Nana, why are you two so strange today huh?" Jeongin asked tilting his head curiously

"Huh, I-I don't see what's strange" Jaemin responded back

He was slightly blushing but hide it by lowering his head and eating his food.

" I'll definitely find out the truth, it's time for detective Son Dongpyo to shine" Dongpyo whispered to Jeongin and Daehwi

" Count me in " Daehwi whispered back

" Don't steal my job ! " Dongpyo said

" You aren't even a real detective anyways " Daehwi answered

" You guys are unbelievable " Jeongin said laughing

Lunch passed by quickly, Jeongin was now at his last class of the day, English. Then a message popped up.

H: Hey !
J: Hi
H: I didn't know you texted during class
J: 1) you texted me first hyung, 2) then I'll talk to you later hyung!
J: huh?
H : Are you coming to the library later ?
J: Yeah I gotta do some research for an assignment, why?
H: For how long ?
J: Easily 2 hours
H: Okay ! Talk to you later !
J: WAIT! You didn't tell me why
H: I've got basketball practice after class for 1 hour then I'll be there, see ya!
J: What? Why?
H: Why not

Jeongin! Are you listening? Tell me what was I talking about

He has lost track of what the teacher was saying while messaging, but thankfully his deskmate wrote down something.

" Hmm you were talking about the  Commonwealth " Jeongin said

" Okay good " The teacher said

" You saved me there!" Jeongin thanked Dongpyo

After class, Jeongin went to buy some snacks before going to the library. He passed by the basketball hall and remembered that Hyunjin said he had practice today, so he decided to just go watch a bit. He has never been to a basketball match, he founds it too noisy and crowded.
There were girls and boys in there, mostly because of the members of the TOP3. On the bench we can see a fanclub that never miss a practice or a match, always there to provide everything the players need, a group of girls acting cool and all just to try and get noticed by the TOP3, friends from the basketball players and some members of the TOP3.

Jeongin spotted Han and was about to leave because he didn't want them, mostly Hyunjin to know he was there. But too late Han was already calling him and running in his direction.

"Jeongin! How have you been?" Han asked

"Pretty fine hyung" Jeongin responded

"Come on, come sit with us" Han directed Jeongin to their bench before Jeongin could even say anything

People were surprised and started whispering but no one could hear because they were situated meters away from were the TOP3 bench was.

"Guys this is the new student Jeongin" Han presented Jeongin to the others

"H-Hello, I'm J-Jeongin, Yang Jeongin" Jeongin greeted them

"Hi, I'm Seungmin we already know your name by the way" Seungmin said

" Y-you already know?" Jeongin questioned really surprised

"Yeah of course, Jisung talked about you" a deep voice said

Jeongin turned his head to the voice and recognized that the one talking was Felix. He was surprised by the voice, like how such an angel like face have such deep voice and it showed on his face.

"You must be surprised right, that's Felix, I know how you feel, I sometimes still wonder how" Han said

"Y-yeah a bit" Jeongin responded

"Haha don't worry, he is a sweetheart" Seungmin said

"Be careful your boyfriend could get jealous" Felix joked as he winked

"He can always sleep on the sofa" Seungmin said non chalantly

"But you stay in his house?" Han spoke up

"And? I don't see your point" Seungmin replied

"Anyways, how do you like this school Jeongin?" Felix interrupted the conversation, he knew it could go on for hours

"It's really great, everything is so new to me here" Jeongin responded

They started getting to know each other. On the other hand the boys who were playing also noticed that Jeongin was there. So they continued for a bit and did a 5 minutes break.
The fanclub was cheering and daydreaming about the players, while the other girls were trying to get eye contacts with the TOP3 members, but failed, because as soon as the break was announced, they went directly to their bench.

"Hey! Library boy!" Hyunjin greeted loudly

Jeongin's cheeks flushed red at the mention of his surname in front of the others, like Hyunjin already has a surname for him, so the others must think that they are close.

"H-hey hyung" Jeongin timidly said

"You guys know each other?" Felix asked

"I thought that you just saw him at the cafeteria that day when I greeted him?" Han said

"I saw both of them yesterday after school tho" Changbin added

"What am I missing again??" Seungmin exclaimed

"W-we aren't that close, we just barely know each other" Jeongin tried to get himself out of any more embarrassing situation

"Hyunjin you aren't bullying this boy I hope ??" Chan asked

"Seriously hyung why would I do that" Hyunjin protested

"Then you're interested in him" Minho said smirking

Jeongin's cheeks got redder at what Minho just said, it was just impossible.

"Just leave him alone already, I'm here you know" Han spoke up

"I know, I know don't worry" Minho replied while hugging Han

Changbin also tried to hug Seungmin, 'cause he didn't want the two of them to take the spotlight

"Seungminnie I need to recharge my energy" Changbin said while opening his arms for a hug

"No way! You're sweating like hell" Seungmin stopped Changbin's attempt

"Just a bit" Changbin tried again

"Do you wanna sleep outside or what?" Seungmin asked but Changbin already caught him in his embrace, he tried to resist but Changbin was just too strong.

"Now I'll smell bad" Seungmin said but didn't resist anymore and smile a bit

"Chan hyung I got you this choco-caramel energy ball, I know you love it" Felix handed it excitedly to Chan who accepted

"Thanks babe" Chan said while leaving a quick kiss on Felix's lips

The fanclub was screaming loudly, some where excited about the couples, some envied them and the girls who were trying to get attention started sulking and looked pissed off.

"You guys will make Jeongin vomit, I think Imma vomit first" Hyunjin said faking vomiting

Jeongin didn't know what to think of the situation, he was a bit embarrassed that he witnessed the scenes in front of him, but chuckled nevertheless at Hyunjin's reaction.

"I think I gotta go, I still have homeworks to do, it was nice to meet you all" Jeongin excused himself and smiled

"Wait do you wanna come with us at Minho's and Felix's place after your studies?" Han proposed

Going to one of the TOP3's place, no Jeongin couldn't believe that, but he gotta deny anyways because he didn't want to disturb them and didn't to go back home too late.

"But I still got at least 2 hours of work to do and I don't know how to go there and go back home, it's very kind of you but-" Jeongin was trying to deny but got cut off

"I can bring you there and send you home" Hyunjin said

"We still have 1h30 of practice, we also need to get changed, so you'll have time

"Come one, I barely talk to you at school" Han insisted

"But my parents" Jeongin tried again

"I'm sure they wouldn't say no to a hang out at a friend's house" Changbin retorted

"It will be fun" Felix said

"O-okay I'll go, thank you for inviting me" Jeongin decided that he couldn't decline the offer anymore and his parents would be happy to know that he got friends, if he can even call himself their friends

"No need to thank!" Minho said

"I'll go do my stuff now then" Jeongin excused himself for the second time

"See ya !" Han exclaimed

Before Jeongin could go, Hyunjin took his arm gently

"I'll come in 30 minutes, I'll help with your homeworks" Hyunjin said with a smile

"There's no need really hyung" Jeongin declined

"But I want to, go inside our lobby, I'll see you there" Hyunjin said while handing him the keys

Before Jeongin could thank him or anything, Hyunjin was already making his way to the basketball court.
Before going out, Jeongin heard Hyunjin shouted "Hyung! I'll leave practice early today".


author's note:
I'm sorry for the long wait, but I hope this chapter reached the expectations!
Stay healthy everyone ♡

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