you, me and my big little sec...

By lilacmills_

11.8K 256 165

•COMPLETED• Dianne Buswell is 29 and has a big secret that only her family her best friend megs and her roomm... More

Lillie Alice Buswell
but why?
so dats your partnwer
camera block through
down days
he's special
i won't ever do it again
tired talk
the final
i miss you
happy new year
joey lillie day
the D word
mummys birfday
mark and rina
special girl
this year's love, every year

what do you wanna do

494 9 9
By lilacmills_

It was week 6 of strictly and Joe and Dianne were growing closer and closer by the day, of course resulting in Joe having an amazing bond with Lillie and also her being one of the main Joanne shippers in London.

"Mummy" her little voice said when Dianne came back to get her from her house and bring her to Joe's with them so they could film.

"Yes sweetie"

"Are you ever going to acwually ask Joey out or are you going to just swit here and wait for nothing to happen" Lillie had also resulted to often giving Dianne relationship advice she already knew most of the time.

"Why are you so eager for it to happen hmm?" Dianne asked tapping her nose.

"Becwause you cutey and Joey cutey and den you boaf are extwa cutey, and you wike him not as a person wike, as in wuv wike" it pained her to say that Lillie was really spot on, if she did like Joe, which she had eventually figured out she did, she'd have to ask him out before strictly finishes or they leave the competition which could be anytime so Lillie was right and she really did just need to get a move on and tell him her feelings. But as simple as that sounds it's not that simple in real life.

"Eventually it will baby, when mummy gets the courage to do it" she said kissing her head thankful that Joe had gone to his and it was just Dianne getting Lillie today because she didn't really want Joe over hearing this chat she was having with her daughter about him.

"Otay but don't wait forever mummy becwause he could be gone soon" Lillie finished and ran off to get her iPad, pjs and uniform for Joe's as they often stayed over when they were filming.


Dianne walked through from what had basically turned into Lillie's room now and luckily Byron didn't mind staying at Emily's when they came over or having little bits of Lillie's stuff about the room and house.

"This house is becoming more filled with Lillie's stuff day by day" Joe laughed.

"I know" Dianne chuckled as she rested her head on Joe's shoulder. She felt like now was the time, when it was right to just say how she felt, she took Lillie's advice and just decided to go for it. Sometimes she couldn't believe she was taking relationship advice from a 4 year old but here she was.



"Can I talk to you about something" she sat up from his shoulder and turned to face him

"Sure anything"

"I don't know how to say this to be honest so I'm just gonna spit it out, I like you Joe, like as more than a friend, I wanna be more than a friend to you" She felt she had to clarify her words as Joe could get confused at the best of times, but he clearly wasn't confused when as soon as she finished speaking Joe pulled her face towards him, his lips touching hers. Her soft lips moving in time with his, their hearts racing as they deepened the kiss, only pulling away when they needed air. "Dianne I like you too" She smiled and rested her head on Joe's chest staring into space, with nothing but joy filling her.

"What do you wanna do?" Joe asked her.

"As in like because your bored or what do you wanna do with the whole me you like eachother thing?" she asked genuinely confused.

"With us liking eachother silly" he laughed.

"Well, I don't know to be honest I have a contract, but I really like you Joe, I wanna be with you"

"I wanna be with you too but you do know your risking your career by going out with me, by us dating if anyone found out in the crew your career would be ruined and I'd never forgive myself if that happened"

"I know, but I'd take that risk for you"

"Really? You'd risk your career for me?"

"Yes I would Joseph because you make me happy, like unbelievably happy"

"You make me happy too di"

"So I'm guessing it's hello boyfriend" she laughed putting her hand out for him to shake.

"Hello girlfriend" Joe laughed shaking her hand "wait what about Lillie?"

"I mean she did give me relationship advice earlier telling me to just go for it and I did" she smiled up at Joe. "she'll find out in her own time, either she'll end up catching us, or we'll just tell her, but not straight away, is that okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be she's your daughter"

"Your becoming a father figure you know, every other one she's had we left in aus and Johannes I wouldn't really class as one, your the first one she's had over here" Joe smiled and held back the tears threatening to fall, pulling Dianne closer into his chest, as his heart had a fuzzy feeling he couldn't ignore.

A/N so erm I said I was gonna update every other dayyy, but stuff changes ahah, I just want you guys to read this asap ngl I really enjoyed writing this book, so yeah change of plans imma now update every evening/night😂 but hope you enjoyed this chapter, Bella xx

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