you, me and my big little sec...

By lilacmills_

11.8K 256 165

•COMPLETED• Dianne Buswell is 29 and has a big secret that only her family her best friend megs and her roomm... More

Lillie Alice Buswell
but why?
so dats your partnwer
what do you wanna do
down days
he's special
i won't ever do it again
tired talk
the final
i miss you
happy new year
joey lillie day
the D word
mummys birfday
mark and rina
special girl
this year's love, every year

camera block through

536 10 2
By lilacmills_

Dianne woke up surprisingly not to her 4 year old jumping on her but just to silence, she looked at the clock, 7am. Her little beauty would normally be up by now but she wasn't. Dianne walked into her room to find her fast asleep in her little baby bed. "Lillie darlin, it's time to wake up" Dianne said softly sitting on her bed.

"Morning mummy, am I going to swicly today?"

"You are baby because you have an inset day from school so can come, you can watch mummy and joey do their American smooth"

"Is dat the soarin one"

"Yeah it is, cmon get out bed honey" Lillie jumped out of bed and ran through to the kitchen.

"Amy! Amy! Amy!"

"Yeah darlin"

"Did you know I'm going to swicly today and I can see mummy and joey do their dancey dance" she said spinning round in a circle.

"I did, you excited to meet everyone?"

"Yeppy! What's for breakfast mummy?"

"I was guessing your usual"

"Otay" Lillie said getting up onto the stool next to Amy.

"So how's your dance Di" Amy asked starting to eat her food.

"I mean it's been stressful, Joe didn't pick it up that easily but we got there and now it's looking okay, what about you how's things with Danny?"

"Okay I guess, been quite a hard week but we kinda managed" Dianne passed a bowl over to Lillie, the  starting to make breakfast herself.


Meanwhile Joe was a nervous wreck at his house. "But what if it doesn't go well Byron? What if I let not only Dianne but Lillie down too? What if.."

"Bru your gonna be fine calm yourself down man, isn't Lillie coming today?" Joe nodded.

"Think about that then until you have to think about the dance, it's only Friday, you don't have the actual thing until tomorrow"

"I know but it's still nerv wracking man, especially with Lillie watching I want to be able to show her I can get Dianne to go far this season not going out week 3"

"Yeah bru, I get ya, also at the end of the year I was planning to move in with Emily at her place, so I mean if anything does happen, you can turn my room into a kids room"

"Byron! Nothing's gonna happen, why does everyone seem to think it is"

"Because it's kinda obvious you like the girl, and not just her but the little girl that comes in the package too."

"Byron, it's only week 3 calm down"

"You'll be thanking me later, for the fact that I made you realise you like her" The thing was maybe he did, she was gorgeous and talented and an amazing person, and her daughter had made him see a bit of light in the world, maybe he did like Dianne. Joe was left to ponder with his thoughts whilst he ate before going upstairs to get ready to head off to Elstree. When he got out of his uber he saw Dianne and Lillie get out of the one infront.

"Mummy! Joey's there, joey's there!"

"Hey darlin how are we?" Joe asked as she came running into his arms and he rested her on his hip walking over to Dianne.

"Excited, becwause I get to weet ebeyone"

"I can tell you are, you okay Di" he asked as she got her and Lillie's bag out of the uber and said thank you to the driver.

"I'm good Joseph, how you feeling?"

"Nervous but okay, do you wanna take her so you can let her meet people easier"

"Yeah" when they walked in they didn't get many looks because the crew knew about Lillie, but when they passed the crew bit into where most of the pros and celebs were they did, but no one questioned and presumed they'd introduce them to her when they wanted to. They went into the big room where most of the pros and celebs were with the big screen for watching the dances on.
"Hey guys" Dianne said and then Lillie became shy again like how she was when she first met Joe.

"Hey you guys, who's this?" Stacey asked nodding towards Lillie.

"This is Lillie, my daughter"

"Awww Dianne I had no idea" Janette said standing up to go say hi.

"Hey Lillie, I'm Janette" she said gently to her.

"Hello Janette, you dance wiv dr ranj don't you?"

"I do"

"I see him on the tv" Lillie chatted as she began to get more comfortable around everyone. Soon enough everyone was sat down watching Lillie show her dance moves to everyone.

"I could be a pro like mummy one day" she said as she finished her little sequence.

"You could baby, are you okay here with everyone whilst Joe and I go and do our runs" Dianne asked getting up off the sofa and putting her down on the floor.

"Yeppy, I stay with Stacey and Janette" Lillie answered climbing up on the sofa they were both sat on.

"Look! It's mummy and joey!" Lillie squealed as they came onto the big screen and began to do their dance.
"We're soarin! Flyin!" Lillie sang to the music making Stacey and Janette laugh.


"Mummy! Joey! I love love loved it!" Lillie shouted running towards them when they came back in.

"I'm happy you liked it baby" Dianne said picking her up and booping her nose.

"But I fink you need to change it at ve end" They both already knew what she was going to say, Joe and Dianne had both discovered that Lillie turned out to be one of the many Joanne shippers there were during strictly.

"I know what your going to say missy and no" Dianne said putting her down.

"But it would be better if you changed it so you kissed at ve end"

"Lillie Alice Buswell." Dianne scolded.


"How many times do I need to tell you that that's not going to happen"

"But it should"

By now everyone around them was laughing including Joe, at the interaction happening between mum and daughter.

"But it's not going to, so dream on honey dream on" Dianne laughed along too, as Lillie huffed but continued to chat away and watch the other dances.

A/N sorry if this chapter is kinda short I can never really tell if it's gonna be short until I publish it, but we've found out Lillie's one of the joanne stans😂 I'm putting this put a bit earlier than usual before I forget, I'm also gonna start updating every other night bc I've now finished writing this book, anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter even if it turned out to be short😂 Bella xx

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