Abusive Yang x abused male be...

By Monksanto

397K 4.1K 4.9K

You were Yang's boyfriend for a good long while intel she started beating you for no reason you then got fed... More

Ending a relationship and heading to shade
First day a shade and getting drunk
Our first mission
Weapon tune-up day and hanging out with Leone.
The team finds out, and Y/n's lousy day
The confession
Finding out the truth.
Heat (Lemon)
The last question for a little while I promise
Meeting my family
My semblance
My list of story ideas
Vacation and a reward (lemon)
Her family
New story is out
A plan and a safe place for now...
The proposal
300 fallowers
The wedding
getting ready for the vital festival
Vital festival
Yang vs Leone
Shower time ( Lemon)
A wonderful surprise
The perfect life: Epilogue
Potential for a sequel
Sequel is out

Final confrontation

9.9K 115 187
By Monksanto



Y/n P.O.V~

I was in my wife's and I dorm, cooking for my Leone, who was sitting on our bed reading a pregnancy book on what to do while pregnant with our child.

Leone:" It says that I should eat lots of dairy products."

Y/n:" Okay, but were out of milk, and the only other thing we have is cheddar cheese. What about eggs are eggs, okay?"

Leone flipped threw her book as she smiled.Leone:" Eggs are great; it says they are suitable for the baby."

Y/n:" Alright, I will whip up a quick cheddar cheese omelet for you."

Leone:" That sounds wonderful, honey."

I smiled at my wife and quickly made an omelet with cheese as I grabbed the other things that I had made for Leone like a baked sweet potato and some salmon. After I had finished cooking, I turned off the stove and placed the finished breakfast onto our dining table as Leone got off the bed.

Leone:" Thanks, love."

Y/n:" It's no problem and thing for you two."

Leone smiled and held her stomach as she began to wolf down her food. After Leone finished her food, she smiled at me and thanked me for the meal before sitting back on our bed. I smile and sit with her on the bed.

Y/n:" How did I get so lucky to have you?"

Leone:" No luck involved. I fell in love with you."

I smiled as I held Leone in my arms as we both put our hands over the area where our baby was in her womb.

Y/n:" Hard to believe thirteen weeks already."

Leone:" Yeah."

I kissed Leone's neck and was going to switch on the T.V., but my scroll began to ring and vibrate. I picked up my scroll and answered the call.

Y/n:" Hello?"

Qrow:" Y/n! It's Qrow. Yang and Tai are on their way to shade. Meet me in town square so we can stop them there."

Y/n:" *Sigh* Alright."

I hung up the call and looked at my wife longingly.

Y/n:" Leone, it's time."

Leone sighed and gripped my shoulders and looked into my eyes with worry.

Leone:"* sigh* Please be careful."

Y/n:" Okay, my love."

Leone and I kissed and hugged. As we broke the kiss and I began to walk away.

Leone:" I'll see you later. I'll be waiting for you..."

I waved goodbye as I went to face my enemy one last time.

Thirdperson P.O.V~

Tai and Yang Xiaolong were walking down the street towards shade academy to get the love of Yang's life back hopefully. The father and daughter duo stopped walked when they saw that Qrow and Y/n were in their path waiting for them.

Yang:" Y/n! Have you finally decided to leave that lion whore for me?"

Y/n:" No. Qrow and I are here to stop you."

Qrow:" I don't want to fight Tai, but I will if I have to."

Tai:" Well, too bad; we're not stopping."

Qrow sighed as he and Y/n pulled out their weapons and prepared to fight. Yang activated her gauntlet and robotic arm as Tai took a fighting stance with his gauntlets out. Y/n swung one of his blades at Yang, grabbed and swung it around with the chain connecting it wrapped around Y/ns arm, threw him over a building, and soon jumped after him. Qrow and Tai only glared at each other as Tai yelled out.

Tai:" You should be helping us, Qrow; she is your niece!!"

Qrow:" One. The two of you are sick and need help. Two. You know I can never trust you after what you did to my sister and three. I'm helping Summer!"

Tai:" Why would you help that bitch after she betrayed me!"

Qrow:" The reason she cheated on you is that you were an ass and devoured it plus after you, two got divorced and made it so she can't legally see Ruby anymore."

Tai:" It's payback for she did to me!"

Qrow:" Shut up, Tai!"

Tai and Qrow growled at each other and began to fight. Y/n and his ex we fighting all over the tops of buildings. Y/n would swing his blades at Yang but would miss, and when he didn't, he made deep cuts across Yang's body and limbs, making her bleed. Y/n swung one of his blades at Yang's face causing a cut goes from the bottom of her left cheek to her right eye across her face and blinding her in one eye. As the blade left her face, Yang grabbed the chain of the blade, pulled Y/n closer to her, gripped him by his shirt, and threw him off the top of the building. Y/n went there a wall of a night club as Y/n got up he saw that his shirt had been ripped from his body. Y/n was beyond angry as his eyes glowed white he transformed and let out a demonic screech.

Yang came threw the same hole that Y/n created gazed at Y/ns new form.

Yang:" I see you have unlocked your semblance."

Yang smirked as she slammed her fist's together.

Yang:" We can finally have a fair fight!"

Y/n let out a demonic scream as he flung his blades at her covered in black flames. Yang caught the blade in her hand, ripped it off the chain, crushed it to absorb the fire dust to boost her attack strength. Yang punched Y/n there the wall of the building, making him land on the street outside of the club as he tumbled to the ground. Yang lept out of the building and attempted to do a falling punch on Y/n's face, but Y/n quickly moved his head out of the way, making Yang's fist go into the gravel next to them. Y/n kicked Yang knocking her about five feet back from where he was.Y/n flew towards Yang and shoved her threw several buildings, making her scream in pain as he punted her into the air. Y/n flew up to Yang and dive-bombed with her into the top of a parking garage slamming into the many different floors, making her almost pass out by the time they reached ground level. As Yang fell to the ground, Y/n landed on her stomach, making her mouth spew blood. Y/n grabbed Yang by her robotic arm and spun around and threw her into a nearby building smashing her threw the wall. Yang saw Y/n's blade coming towards her and caught it by having it stab into her robotic palm, making oil and drip as she pulled Y/n towards her by the chain of his blade. Yang threw him inside the building, which turned out to be a church. Yang threw Y/n at the giant stone crucifix, which made him fall to the ground as Yang ripped his wings off Yang held Y/n to the stone cross and thrust his blade at him, making the chain wrap around him and tying him to the stone cross. Yang walked towards her ex.

Yang:" Oh, Y/n, we are going to be so happy together.Once I kill that slut."

Yang forcibly kissed Y/n and began to walk away, swaying her hips.

Yang:( Hehehe. He's all Mine, you lion whore!)

Meanwhile, Y/n was still bound to the cross, trying to get untied. Y/n was thinking about one thing, Leone.

Y/n:( I have to stop her! I need to stop Yang! For Leone! For my unborn child!)

Red lightning began to strike next Y/n as tiny chunks of rock started to float in the air from Y/n, generating massive levels of aura. A red pillar of energy shot up into the air as Y/n let out a scream of anger. Everyone in the town gazed at it Qrow, who had just defeated Tai, looked at the beam with wonder. Blake and Lubbock looked up from their food in aw, and Leone looked longingly at it as she spoke.


Yang looked to see than the pillar of energy had disappeared as she saw a silhouette float down from the heavens.

As the form touched the ground, it turned it's head to look at Yang.

Yang:" Y-Y/n?"

Y/n roared at his ex his lower jaw, splitting in half as he slammed Yang onto the ground under him. Yang saw Y/n's new form and was shocked. Y/n's blue demonic skin was now a deep crimson, with horns sticking out of his head, and his eyes were pure red, and he was crying tears of blood. Y/n began to rapidly punch Yang as Y/n was trying to kill her. Y/n pulled off Yang's robotic arm next to Y/n sunk his teeth into Yang's regular arm as he ripped it off with his jaw. Y/n spit out Yang's arm before saying disgusting. Y/n pressed his mouth to Yang's witch Yang seemed to enjoy intel Y/n bit her tongue and quickly discounted their mouths ripping her tongue out, making blood spew as she yelled. Y/n began to punch Yang once again, beating her face in repeatedly. Qrow went to Y/n's side to try to get him to stop.

Qrow:" Y/n! Stop, she's had enough!"

Y/n didn't listen. He smacked Qrow away, making him fly into a wall knocking him out and breaking some of his ribs. Y/n kept on punching Y/n in the face over and over again, something breaking in Yang's body every time one of Y/n's punches landed. Y/n let out a laugh as he was enjoying himself. He joyed, killing the woman who had caused him so much pain.

Leone:" Y/n!"

Y/n stopped his barrage of attacks as he looked at his wife and roared at her his jaw splitting. Leone grabbed Y/n's arm, preventing him from attacking.

Leone:" Y/N STOP!"

Y/n tried to punch Yang again but stopped as Leone began to speak.

Leone:" Y/n...Please stop... I don't want you to become like her..."

Y/n looked at Leone and tilted his head, showing that he was confused at what she meant.

Leone:" Y/n... Look at yourself beating up a defenseless person and enjoying it; there is blood all over your face and hands. If you keed doing this, it will change you forever Y/n. Where's the man I fell in love with where's the father of my child? Because he's not here anymore."

Y/n looked down on his hands and began to cry, realizing what he was doing. Y/n's red eyes had changed back to his standard E/c eyes. He was no longer crying tears of blood, only transparent humane tears. Leone cupped his cheek as she spoke.

Leone:" There he is. That's the man I love. The man I fell in love with three years ago. The man who I found drunk in a bar. The man who made me whole. The man who saved me from an army of grim. The man who got me pregnant in the shower. The man I am willing to die for. The man I love so much."

Y/n hugged Leone as he shifted back into his standard cat faunus form and hugged his wife crying.

Y/n:" I'm a monster!"

Leone:" No, your not you; we're just angry and rightfully so."

Y/n:" I love you, Leone!"

Leone:" I love you too, Y/n."

Leone and Y/n stud up.

Leone:" Come on, we need to get Qrow some medical care and you some clothes."Y/n Slightly chucked as he didn't release that he was naked; his clothing had been ripped off because of Y/n's second form. Y/n picked up Qrow as the couple took him to the hospital and got Y/n some clothing. Qrow was all patched up, and the couple was consulting a doctor before talking to him.

Leone:" So can we see him?"

Dr.Wang:" Yes, but he is a little bit out of it from all the pain killers we have him on."

Y/n:" Okay, thanks for letting us know.

Dr.Wang:" Alright, let me take you to him."

Dr.Wang took Leone and Y/n to see Qrow, and when they got to him, he was acting odd.

Dr.Wang:" Hello, Qrow, how are you doing."

Qrow:" Are you Dr.Wang?"

Dr.Wang:" Yes, Qrow, I'm Dr.Wang."

Qrow:" Can I touch you?"

Leone and Y/n chuckled slightly, chuckled at the drunk's words. Dr.Wang then left the room as 

Y/n looked down and hesitantly spoke.

Y/n:" Qrow, I'm sorry for not listening to you, can you forgive me?"

Qrow:" Yeah, plus, you have got one hell of a punch, kid!"

The happy couple talked with the drunk who was high on prescription meds as their talk ended Y/n, and Leone walked out of the hospital hand in hand.

Y/n:" Leone...I'm sorry for going overboard with Yang."

Leone:" Y/n it's okay yo-"

Y/n:" No! It's not! I did a horrible thing and that moment will make people including you see me as a monster-" 

Leone shut Y/n up with a kiss as she looked him in the eyes.

Leone:" Y/n! You are not a master you only lost your temper at happens with everyone. I love you and will always love you."

Y/n Blushed and kissed his wife before saying that he loves her too.



















































Y/n P.O.V~

Leone and I where court to hopefully and finally end Yang's rain of terror once and for all, Leone was know eight months pregnant as we read our opening statements and our lawyer had entered the chamber saying sorry that she was late. I was shocked to see that our teammate and team leader Akame would be our lawyer.

Y/n:" Akame, since when are you lawyer!?"

Akame:" Shut up; I'm trying to help you!"

I quickly shut not to make my team leader mad. I didn't want to make Akame angry or else what could happen. After what seemed like hours of people talking about laws and other stuff that I wasn't smart enough to fallow, it was time to present our evidence Akame showed tapes witch she got from Blake saying that Yang had rapped me ten times witch wasn't wrong, but it wasn't right.

Yang:" Objection!"

Yang yelled out with her new voice that she had gotten because of surgery to replace the tongue that I ripped out.

Yang:" I only raped him seven times!"

Yang then stopped speaking, as she just realized what she said.
Judge:" I'm sorry, ms. Xiao long did you just admit to rapping Mr.Belladonna here."

Yang:" ...No."

I chuckled at the fact that Yang's stupidity got her in jail. As the judge sentenced Yang to 79 years in prison and cicatrice care for her mental condition known as Yandere syndrome. I lost my tie as Yang was taken away, and my wife looked at me and hugged me.

Leone:" It's okay. She can't hurt you anymore."

I smiled as the world was going to be better for my kid without Yang in it.

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