Mothra Izuku! - Bakudeku

By Lampislife

160K 4.3K 2.6K

Midoriya Izuku is bullied for his weak quirk that only seems to hurt him, his enhanced hearing gives him hea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Bedroom layout
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (USJ)
Chapter 13 (USJ)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21 ( Sports festival 2)
Chapter 22 ( Sports festival 3)
Chapter 23 ( Sports festival 4)
Chapter 24 ( Sport festival 5)
Chapter 25 ( Sports festivel 6)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (FTC)
Chapter 29 (FTC)
Chapter 30 (FTC)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 20 (Sports festival)

3.6K 121 18
By Lampislife

Everyone in the school was in the stadium, busteling and bumbing into eachother, it was giving me a mild headache with all the extra noise from the crown but I was able to calm myself down so now it's just slighly distracting with all the diffrent conversations going on. 

 I was asked before the ceramony if I wanted to do the speech, since I got first in the entrance exams, but I gave that duty up and it went to Kachan since he got second. Now that I think about it that was probably a bad idea. Kachan isn't exactally "good" at talking to crowds. 

When he's asked to go up to the pudium I say a quick good luck then he's on his way up. Once Kachan steps up to the podium he stays silent for a few seconds,

"I just wanna say...

I'm gonna win."


The U.A students boo and through out the crowd I can hear snickers and laughs.

"WHY WOULD YOU BE SO DIRESPECFUL, YOU'RE REPRESENTING US ALL!" Iida speaks for our class, making his signature arm gestures while yelling above the rest of the booing students.

"Not my fault the rest of you are just stepping stones to my victory." he shrugs off.

Kachan usually conceals how uncomfortable he is infront of crowds by making his speeches short and rude, so they don't expect more. It's not really a healthy way to deal with it when he's eventually gonna have to talk to a crowd of fans, but it's definitally a better reaction than me, who get's reduced to a pudle of sweat and stutters.

Kachan gets off the podium and is imidietally berated by ("what shitty hair calls it") the bakusquad. Before I can get over to him Miss midnight starts talking , she annouces that we're going to be doing a sort of obstacle race and that the first 42 students who pass go to the second round.

If I used my Mothra form I would probably win the whole festivel no problem (I know this sounds rather pretentious of me, but I've ended up first in mostaly every class drill already), but I made myself a promise before the festivel. I realised that I don't really have the dominant need to win, I'm used to losing. I've learned to truley appreciate top tens, I don't have to do perfect, I just have to do my best. I am going to aime for first, I just feel like it's unfair, taking away their chance to win soulely because I was born with an unfair advantage.

That's why I don't plan on using my mothra form, it's not a vow so I will probably use it in the final round, if I make it, because I DO need to impress some heros if I want to get a some decent requests for internships.

While I was lost in thought the crowd of students shifted to the line up where we would suposidly start the race. I need a plan.

Midnight didn't mention anything besides getting to the end first, this isn't the time to show off my quirk because I'll just get lost in the haze of everyone else, all I have to do for this round is be eficient. This race will obviously have obstacles because of what midnight said, I can assume all most of the hero course students plan on fighting these problems headon to show off their quirk, thinking their sooo much smarter than the others, idiots. (Izuku just hates when people are dumb.) 

The only people that will really pose a threat are Kachan, Todoroki, Momo and possibly others from outside of the hero course who solely want to win to get into the hero course (Like Shinsou.). Todoroki has the fight power to be flashy and get it done, he's also smart so he'll probably not incovinience himself too much. Momo is also really smart, but the whole recomendation thing might go to her head and she could possibly feel presured to show off more. Kachan is a given cosidering he's smart, not Iida book smart, but street smarts like me, he'll probably have the same idea as me and go straight for the win.

Even if I know I have to just go for the win I still don't know exactally what's out there and if it's even possible to just get past. Most of the students will probablly hesitate, waiting to look at what the obstacle is before going, that's where I have a slight uper hand from swatching and taking notes on the previous sports festivals. When ever there's an obstacle course or race thing, theres usually a hall, no enemies,just to get ahead and possibly hinder people behind you, I plan on running out full speed to try and get ahead befor Todoroki clues into that bit. 

I focus back in when I see Midnight shift, probably ready to his the airhorn. I get into my runningstance,diging in my heel.


(or watever noise airhorns make ●﹏●)

I bolt, right off the track befor the horn even stops, Kachan caught up pretty quick cosidering, you know, he can fly! Luckily I made it infront of Todoroki in time because I was right in my assumption that he was going to freeze up the hallway. Momo is slightly slowed, needing to pole vault, but she's not exactally taken out yet, thanks Todoroki.

Kachan's flying gets the best of him, because he's imidiately spotted by the robots, wich are aperentally the first real obstacle. He get an arm swung at him, needing to dodge he loses momentum, Focus On Yourself Izuku. 

I see one of the stun gun robots stare dead at me, dang it's locked on me. I start making swift zig zagy motions, efectivle dodging without loseing to much momentum. Eventually I make my way under the robot, and easily dodge the others slow swings at me. I make it to the next obstacle which was some kind of big revine with big pole-land things that have wire conecting them. 

This will slow me down  slight but and will definitelly give the chance for the others to catch up, Sigh~ I guess I just have to get top 42, so I'm not doomed. Goodbye first place. 

I spread out my wings to give me scarily good balance, and tigh rope walking it is! I try to make it as fast as possible but during my tightropes slow hop run thing Kachan, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Momo, some pink haired girl from support and Shoji. 

I'm not awfully far behind, once I hope of the rope/wire back to solid land you should have seen my face when I realised there was a mine feild. Me and Kachan did this test as kids, we found that my wings can withstand explosions like their nothing! the heat sometimes stings but the wing in heneral is completely fine! so we made aton of attack idea where he would lauch me with his explosions... explosions that mines can make. hehehehhehehe.

I see that most of the people who passed me are strugelling, Todoroki and Kachan are tied, todoroki constanly faltering when his ice gets blown up and he cant just slide like frozone. Kachan is stuggrling cause when he ccidetally hits and explision when flying, it totally throws him off.

I start to gether mines, putting them in a pile, I see Uraraka stare in confusin as she passes me, I just grin. After carfully digging up eleven mines I step far back,

Then I remeber that this is a great opertunity to be flashy. ACROBATICS?

Insread of running then falling on my back into the mines, I run into the start of a short gymnatics rutine, ariel, cartwheel, and then frint flip, impact hitting the mines dead center of my wings, I tense them and go flying.

There's a loud bang from all the mines going of at once,I fly through the air, gliding for more distance, when the gliding gets low enough and I've passed Kachan and Todoroki at this point, I curl up into a ball, preparing to impact onto another mine to get a slight bit more ahead. The mine impacts giving me a slight pop before I dive roll, roundoff, ariel, backhand spring and then get over the finish line with another ariel.

I land the ariel and when I look up I see the crowd silent, some of them have open mouths, some havr giant grins. 


I see Kachan come hurdeling in panting. Todoroki right after him, crashing into Kachans back topiling both of them over.


Once my addreniline settles down, and I feel a slight stingy pain in my wings, the explosions were quite big if I'm honest, I reach my hand back, my wings aren't bleeding but they do hurt like a mothertruker when I touch them even lightly, I better keep them safe in the next rounds because if I go to recovery girl I'm going to be to tired for the rest of the sports festival.

They give us a small break inbetween this round and the next, fifteen minutes to be exact. 

I'm so freaking thirsty. (・ωー)~☆

( 1622 Words ) 

(HOLY CRAPOLLY 5K!!! Thanks for all the views! I thought this was just going to be some random story lost in the sea of wattpad bnha, never to be read by a single soul, so thanks for reading!!! Thank you for the comments too, even if their not encouragment they let me know I'm making the story intresting enough for ya'll have something to say. So yeah, THANKS!!!)

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