Sweet Child Of Mine

By Wayward_Mikaelson

595 7 0

Takes place right after the fight in Irresistible. You fall into a deep coma brought on by a powerful but rar... More



29 0 0
By Wayward_Mikaelson


You and Dean got into the Impala after eating a filling breakfast. As you guys were pulling out of the bunker garage, Ketch came driving up. Dean pulled up next to him when Ketch held up what looked like a giant folder. "This is for YN to look at. Its just about our birth mom." Ketch said handing it to Dean who passed it to you. "Thank you," you said. "Um, theres a few things up on Sams laptop that you need to look at concerning our adoption. Have Sam show you. Dean and I will be back. Just going to take a drive." Ketch nodded and rolled up his window and drove into the garage while you guys drove into town. You went to open the package but set it in the back. Opening it would just prolong this talk with Dean. "I was pregnant. In the dream world." You said staring at the road ahead of you. From the corner of your eye, you saw Dean quickly look at you. "I saw. We were married too." Dean must have seen that picture and marriage license when he went to try and wake you up. "We were." You smiled. "After Jack killed Michael, things were easy going. I guess that should have been my first clue that I was dreaming." You thought back to the weeks and months of peace. No cases. No angels aside from Cas and Jack. Nothing. "Probably, I would have not questioned it either to be honest," Dean said placing a hand on your leg. "Four months after the attack, you proposed with a ring you got at a pawn shop." Deans hand slowly tensed up as you said that but brushed it off. "Then I told you I was pregnant. A few weeks later we hitched it at the court house. A few months later we decided it was best for the both of us to leave this life and raise our baby without one or both parents leaving for a hunt. So you, or at least dream you, left to tie up some loose ends." You thought back to the lonely nights where Dean hunted with Sam. It felt like a million years ago. "While dream you was away, I put up protection spells and painted traps. When you were home we'd do normal people stuff like fairs and farmers markets. But only if I was up for it and hadn't puked." Your voice broke a bit and Deans hand squeezed part of your leg. "It's okay," He said. "Talk it all out." You took a few deep breaths and looked in the back at the package on the seat. You really wanted to grab it and open it and look at it. But your promised Dean and from your almost meltdown in front of Sam, you needed to say these things out loud. "The one thing I miss the most was being pregnant. Feeling the baby move around. The morning sickness. The heartburn. Everything about it. When the dream ended," You slowly wrapped your arm around your stomach. "I cried over the life that was never going to happen. Then the thing with Cain happened." You looked at Dean who had pulled over on the side of the road and was staring at you. There was something in his eyes that you could only read as, sadness. "YN," He said. "I am not going to lie, I wish I we were living that life right now. Seeing it was hard and I wanted to stay but, I needed you to wake up." You looked away. "Coming back was hard. After cain told me I had a brother, he gave me an angel blade to kill myself awake until I was actually awake. I wasn't aware how deep in my subconcious I was until I began to realize I had no idea how I got to places like that. But each time I came close to killing myself, you would beg me not to. I almost didn't a few times but I didn't anyway." Dean just stared at you. You wondered what he was thinking. He already said that he wished he could have stayed in that dream world with you. Dean always talked about retiring and just living a good old happy life. Settling down and maybe having a few kids. But with how things were going, there might not be a chance at a good old happy life. "Do you miss it?" Dean asked pulling you closer to him. "Dean," You turned to face him. "Of course I miss it. I had spent almost an entire year without having to worry about if you were going to come back or not. I spent months perfecting baby names. I spent months mourning over friends who died. Hell, even Crowley was excited for the baby." Dean reached up to wipe a stray tear from your face. "Well then," He said softly. "After this whole Mark thing, if you still want that life, we will work hard towards it." Deans face said he meant it. "I had something like that with Lisa and Ben. I thought after them I wouldn't have something like that again until I met you. I want all of that with you." You reached up to his face and pulled it to yours and kissed him. "I wouldn't want anything else." You kissed him again and pulled away to grab the package from the back. "Now lets take a look at this." you opened the package to see a file. You began to pick through it. "Well," you said looking up from the papers. "This was in no way helpful. Except for the fact we have a name. She had a history of both violence and having affairs. Then the document where she said she wanted nothing to do with us." You licked your lips and tossed the papers back into the file and into the package. Then it hit you. "Why didn't I think of that before?!" You slide away from Dean and pulled out your phone. "Cas maybe be able to help out with this!" Dean continued to look at you and then it hit him too. He put the Impala into drive. "He might be able to see if there's someone up there that may know who our father was or is." Dean turned the Impala around and drove off. You grabbed his leg. "We didn't drive all the way out here to not get a greasy burger from Jo's. You turn this car around or so help me I will jump out and walk there." Dean laughed and turned the car around. "As you wish."


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