'Eternally Entwined' Damon Sa...

By ElleMiglioranza

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Eternally Entwined is the 6th Book In The 'Epic Love Sage' Life for Siena and Damon Salvatore lives have tak... More

Endless Love.....
For My Salvation.....
Innocents Lost.....
Reaching Out.....
Author Note.... ***Important Information***
So Close Yet So Far.....
I Know That These Scars Will Bleed....But Both Hearts Believe.....
Don't Believe Everything You Think You Know.....
Your Love Kept Me Safe.....
The Light Will Scare The Darkness Away.....
We Found Love Right Where We Are.....
Why Can't I Be Your Lover.....
Say You Love Me.....
Supernatural Love Conquers All..... **New Years Eve Special**
Together We Are One..... **New Year Day Special**

Stuck In This Prison No Optimism.....

1.7K 101 27
By ElleMiglioranza

Siena P.O.V

After telling Aleeya where she and her stupid coven and whoever else can take a hike about taking my daughter from me all so we can become coniunctis sanguine. Well they needed to wait until Isabella grows into her true potential. I’m not having years of my baby life robbed from again no way in hell. What the hell was I even thinking at the time to even agree to any of that? Didn’t I not care about the life of my own daughter that much? I know I felt a little out of it while I was there that I didn’t know what I was doing at Aleeya place. Well none of that mattered now because I put my foot down and none of it was going to happen. I think I made myself extremely clear to Aleeya that I’m not parting with my baby girl.

Not long after Aleeya left Nico came back with my coffee. He began to question me how I knew Aleeya and of course I couldn’t really tell him the truth. So I told him that I had met her in New Orleans while I was there when I went to visit Nic. Of course Nico was an inquisitive kid though he kept reeling more questions. I’m guessing he gets that from his father as I recall Damon never used to back down when something didn’t add up. So I took the focus off the whole Aleeya situation and made him focus on his little sister. Watching Nico hold Isabella was something truly amazing the way he just looked at her with adoration. It was one of those pictures perfect moments that I just wanted to always remember. Nico left not long after I admired Isabella from her basinet but I felt my eyes getting heavy. I was truly exhausted after the craziness of tonight and one thing was for sure I’m never going through all that ever again.

I was woken up to the noise of commotion I slowly opened my eyes to see about three nurses and a doctor around Isabella basinet. Instantly I felt my heart being to race as I could hear the panic in their voices.

“What going on?” I demanded as I got out of my bed and one of the nurses turns to me with fear in her eyes.

“Mrs Salvatore…..” She tried to stop me from going toward the basinet. I pushed her out of the way sending her flying across the room.

“Mrs Salvatore you need to calm down” The Doctor insisted as he came towards me then I shoved him out of the way. As I looked over I could see Isabella all wrapped up in her blanket my eyes adverted to the nurse who was still standing by her basinet her eyes were filled with sorrow. In that moment I knew something wasn’t right I rushed closer and looked down at my little girl. Her lips were blue her colouring was blemish purple she wasn’t breath or moving. In that very moment I felt like I had been staked in the heart I felt like I couldn’t breathe or move or anything. It was like everything around me became still I could hear the nurses talking but it felt faint. I reached down and picked up my little girl she felt so cold even with the blanket around her. My eyes began to blur from the tears that were fighting to escape. As reality began to set in that my daughter was dead I broke down and cried as I held my lifeless Isabella to my chest. In that one moment I felt broken that I had lost something so precious and a part of me died along with her.

The doctors and nurses tried to talk to me telling me that I needed to let go of my little girl but I couldn’t I didn’t want to let her go . I wanted to die too I didn’t see how I could continue to live without my little girl. How could one little person hours old change me so much from being the woman who didn’t care into this person I’m now. As soon as my eyes locked with her it was love at first sight. Isabella was a part of me a creation made from me but also Damon. I know I don’t remember any of that the relationship the love I had for him. We both created something so precious so perfect and now she was gone. Knowing that I couldn’t deal with it at all I knew I had to do something all I kept hearing was from them that they wanted to take my baby away.

I screamed at yelled at them to leave me alone every part of me wanted to go on a bloody massacre killing everyone in my path. The only thing that kept me from doing that was the fact I would be disgracing the memory of my daughter. I don’t know how I kept it all together but I compelled the doctor and nurse to leave and not to return. I felt on edge like I didn’t know what to do right now as I knew they would run test or god knows what on her and I didn’t want that. What if it showed abnormality in her blood or whatever? What if they begin to ask questions I knew I could compel them but I could hardly do that to those people who were in here. I was a total mess not thinking straight but I knew what I needed to do as hard as it was going to be it had to be done. 

So I got changed as quickly as I could before anyone could come back. I picked up my little Isabella and held her in my arms as before all I felt was the coldness radiating from her. I held back my tears because I knew I was ready to break down again at any moment. I took in a deep breath before using my vamp-speed to get out of the hospital. I made my way to Fells cemetery I compelled worker to un-earth a plot. Part of me wanted to let Isabella rest in the Salvatore family crypt because in fact she was a Salvatore. The spot I found was a perfect resting place for my little girl where the sun would always shine throughout all the four season. I stood there with tears streaming down my cheeks as I watch the workman fill the hole and place a tiny wooden cross.  The worker looks at me and gave me a sorrowful look before walking off asking no questions as I compelled him to.

I approached the plot and looked down at the tiny un-earthed patch I felt my legs give way and I fell to my knees crying over my daughter gave. I never in a million years thought I would be doing something like this. No parent expects to have their child go before them I was no different.

“I was your mommy right from the very start, and I always will be. I am a mom, I am your mom.” I felt the tears flowing down my cheeks as my version began to blur because of the aching I was feeling right now was unbearable. “Nobody will ever know you like I did. Not even your daddy. And that breaks my heart. Because to me you are perfect.  An amazingly playful little girl who would wiggle and squirm while you were in my womb to say ‘hey mommy’” I knew that Damon was gone and would of never seen his daughter but I would like to think that wherever he is right now. That he’s looking after our little angel that he would be there to comfort her. I don’t know what’s it’s like on the other side or heaven or whatever but I guess it gave me comfort in some ways that she would be with him. “I feel so sad for everyone who will never get to know you because you were so perfect.” She was perfect in every way with her beautiful green eyes those rosy red cheeks nothing how she appeared to be when I held her in my arms dead. “No one will ever know the strength of my love for you like you did; you’re the only one who knows what heart sounds like from the inside”. I tried to get up to my feet but I couldn’t I didn’t want to leave her but I knew I had to. I closed my eyes to take in a deep breath more for courage than anything else as I slowly rose to my feet. “I’ve always said that the wisest words come from Winnie the Pooh. I chose Winnie the Pooh for your nursery Isabella, because he’s been such a source of inspiration for me. So I want you to remember these words that I’ve been clinging to get me through this absolutely darkest day of my life as I learn to be a mommy again without you here to help me “If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together… there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart… I’ll always be with you.” I took one final look at my little girl’s grave and used my speed to get away. When darkness is upon your door and you feel like it’s a lost battle. You put your defences down and await the dusk of your life, look beside you and you'll find me with an armour to make sure I die before you fall!

Damon P.O.V

I was consumed in a bask of bright white light I kept shouting to Bonnie to stop all this but it was all too late. I felt myself hit hardness of ground I looked up to see I was in the Salvatore crypt. All I hoped that Bonnie didn’t move me from underground from the tunnels to my family crypt. I was a little frightened to move because if I walked out of here and I was still stuck in Mystic Falls 1994 I will literally scream. As I got up from the ground I could hear someone talking I began to listen in and it sounded like Stefan. I hoped that my mind wasn’t playing trick on me but the only way I would know if I get the courage to walk out there. As I did Stefan threw a perfectly good bottle of bourbon I caught it. I watched as my brother looked at me all wide eyed in shock to see me a few feet from him. I think Stefan thought he was seeing dead people as he couldn’t believe I was there. Even as he touched me he seemed as it wasn’t real even to me it felt so surreal that he was here.

He was one of the people that I was dying to see while I was locked in that prison that I wanted to see more than anything. When he hugged me it was like he was holding on to me for dear life. I never expected for Stefan to be this emotional as we hadn’t had the best of relationships but I guess what was proved right now was a bond between brothers can never be broken. Hearing Stefan crying sent a stir of emotions through me as I didn’t like to see him like this. I tried to hold back my own tears I knew this a shock to him. All that kept running through my mind is the fact that I left Bonnie behind and with her last dying breath she brought me home. I will be eternally grateful to her for doing that. She brought me back to my family and there was no way I could thank her. That hurt more than anything because I was such a jerk to her. She put me before herself a selfless act all though I could be back with my Bella see my son to witness my little girl to be born, to see my baby bro.

The thought of seeing Siena just brought a huge smile to my face the face she would be all glowing like she was the last time I saw her. To hold her in my arms and tell her how much I love her and I would never leave her side ever again. To feel the softness of her plump lips against mine. To sleep beside her and feel the warmth of her skin next to mine. I know my first night with her I won’t want to sleep as for months I’ve dreamt to have her beside me I wouldn’t be able to close my eye. The one thing I discovered over these months away is that I thought I understood love. That what I had with Siena while we were together was love but being apart from her I learnt what love meant. They say a good love is one that sits you down, gives you a drink of water, and pats you on top of the head. But I say a good love is one that casts you into the wind, sets you ablaze, makes you burn through the skies and ignite the night like a phoenix; the kind that cuts you lose like a wildfire and you can't stop running simply because you keep on burning everything that you touch! I say that's a good love; one that burns and flies, and you run with it. That what I felt about my princess the kind of love that truly consumed you from the inside out, that burning passion and desire.

As wonderful as it was to see my brother there was one person who I was dying to see that was my princess. All I wanted to know was where she was. I pulled away from Stefan and he quickly wiped away his tears. I think he was a little embarrassed about crying but he didn’t need to be. It was good to see that Stefan cared about me so much as I cared just as much.

“I missed you too buddy.” I gave him a small smile while Stefan was trying to pull himself together. He looked a real state like there was more to all this than my return.

“I can't believe it” He wiped his face of his tears that were still running from his eyes “I thought you were gone.” Yeah well I thought the same but I would have thought Siena would have told him what she had done. Maybe she didn’t want to get Stefan hopes up in case it went all wrong.

“Well you didn't think I was gone-gone. I promised you an eternity of misery. Heh” I teasedthen smiled at him which Stefan responded right back at me.

“So where Bonnie has she gone to see Jeremy?” As soon as Stefan spoke of Bonnie all I felt was guilt because she gave up her life for me.

“She sacrificed herself so I could come back but I don't want anyone to know. No sense making this harder than it already is.” I didn’t need question to be asked as it was best for them to think that Bonnie was gone when the big light consumed us. I don’t want to give them any hope as she really was truly gone and I know one person who going to hold resentment to my return that would be Jeremy.

“What are we going to tell people?” That I wasn’t sure about it’s not like I could tell them the truth about what went on. I knew the only person who would understand was Stefan as I couldn’t hide all this from him. So I began to tell him about what hell is truly like and it was Mystic Falls 1994. As I began to explain the story to him Stefan looked at me with a lot of confusion and I didn’t blame him either it sounded a little out there.

“Mystic Falls? 1994?” Stefan really wasn’t getting his head around all this and who could blame him.

“I know. A bunch of witches were going to get together and create some space time purgatory you'd think they'd pick a better year than the one Kurt Cobain killed himself in. The whole thing was just very depressing” I took a swig from the bottle of Bourbon as it was truly depressing thinking back to the last few months. Then dealing with that psycho Kai and his stupid games and in the end he killed my only friend who helped me through all that.

“So how did you get back?” I knew now I had to tell him the whole story including Siena part in this all. Stefan might be mad at her for holding back so maybe it wasn’t the best of idea to tell him. She heavily pregnant and the last thing I want is for Stefan to shout the odds at her. All I wanted right now was to see her I had done my little brotherly bonding now was time for husband and wife bonding. I felt a smile creep up on my face as I thought about Siena reaction when she will see me.

“Long story, big flash of light. Two decades worth of jet lag. I will explain all of my adventures in that flannel hell scape, but first, there's someone I got to go see” I said as grasp Stefan's shoulders then walks past him.

“If you’re going to see Siena then that might be a bad idea” I stopped in my track and turned to him. Stefan held a serious expression as he began to approach me “Siena couldn’t deal with the grief Damon. Her grief losing you consumed her she was turning into something that she wasn’t. She was attacking people her bloodlust wasn’t in control she killed people” I was trying to absorb all this in as it didn’t sound like my Siena. My princess hadn’t she didn’t take human lives not the way Stefan was saying “So she did the only thing she could do” Stefan looked at me and I could tell he was hesitating.

“She did what Stefan!” I shouted at him as I wanted to know what the hell Siena had done.

“Siena had all her memories and feeling for you compelled away” I felt my jaw drop this couldn’t be happening. Why would she do that after her coming all the way to where Bonnie and I were?

“She did what?” I yelled as I couldn’t believe she did something so freaking stupid. She knew it would have been days until I came back maybe a week or two. We saw each other she knew I was alive and well. Why would she do this?

“She had Alaric do it.” Stefan spoke with sorrow in his voice. I tried to pull myself together because this wasn’t the end of the world right now. I know how compulsion works it’s just like a cloak and illusion.

“I just need to see her Stefan. Our eyes will meet, fireworks will go off, and the balance of nature will be restored. She loves me!” It was all as simple as that. Siena and I had a connection that not even compulsion could stop. The love that we held for one another was unbreakable.

Siena P.O.V

From the cemetery I went straight home and ran into the bathroom as I felt sick to my stomach I just laid my new born daughter to rest. I kept my head down the toilet as I was bringing up the contented of my stomach. Every time I thought of her all I could see was her lifeless body how she looked blue with no life. I couldn’t deal with it at all I began to smash up the bathroom ripping stuff off the wall screaming. I wanted to let out my rage and grief at the same time tears were flooding down I could hardly see what I was doing. I stumbled out of the bathroom and in my rage I began to thrown anything that was in my way in the hall way picture vases trinkets. Whatever I could get my hands on to let all this out. I came to the door to Isabella nursery and opened it and it all looked beautiful and untouched. I walked over to her crib and looked down and began to cry even harder as I knew she would never sleep in there. Every part of me wanted to tare this room apart but I couldn’t. I just fell to the floor crying calling out my little girls name knowing that I would never see her ever again. That feeling right that was something that I don’t think I could ever deal with. How could I ever move on? Was this the same kind of pain I felt when Damon died? Is that why I compelled my memories of him away? Could I do that with Isabella?  

I was broke out of my thought by someone knocking on the door. I chose to ignore it as I wasn’t in the right mind to see anyone right now. Then it hit me what if it was Elena? What if she knew what happened? They couldn’t know not yet how could I tell them that my baby was dead when I’m barely trying to understand it all. Then I could hear Elena calling out my name and I felt my heart accelerate I got up from the floor and began to wipe away my tears. I walked out of Isabella room closing the door behind me to see down the hallway Elena and Caroline standing there with worried expressions. I knew I had put an act on for now because they be asking questions. When I look back at everything I did by burying my daughter not letting any of them know. Oh my god Nico…. His going to hate me for not telling him about Isabella. God what have I done?

“Siena? What happened to the hallway?” Elena spoke with concern as she began to approach me. The guilt started to consume me I couldn’t let her see the state of the bathroom as I trashed it. I walked towards her with a fake smile while ushering her into the living room.

“I knocked a few things over” I tried to keep my voice steady while Caroline and Elena both looked at me with a slight smile on their faces. I didn’t see anything to smile about right now but I couldn’t lose my temper with either of them I needed to be calm.

“Looks like Damon and you have re-sparked that flame you didn’t think existed” Elena spoke in a teasing manner while I looked at her dumb fold as I didn’t understand what the hell she was on about.

“Yep that is defiantly a Siena and Damon rage of passion” Caroline spoke as she peaked down the hallway.

“Why do you keep bring up Damon?” I spoke through my teeth as I couldn’t hold back my anger no longer. I heard the front door open I looked to see Ric walk into the room.

“Damon back Siena” I began to shake my head as I began to back away from them. This couldn’t be happening he couldn’t be back no that’s impossible. He was dead he died months ago.

“He's back?” I watched as Elena and Caroline nodded. This couldn’t be possible “How?” I asked confusion as I couldn’t be dealing with this. With dealing with the fact that my daughter died and now my estrange husband coming back from the grave I was going to lose my mind.

“I don't know, honestly everything Stefan said after "Damon's back" is kind of a blur.” Caroline spoke ‘Damon back´ I felt like I wanted to be sick I rushed out of the room and went into the bathroom and locked myself in. I went over to the toilet and began to puke again there was nothing coming up my stomach was hurting from doing so. I felt sick to the stomach knowing that Damon going to be asking about Isabella I know I don’t remember our relationship. There was one thing about Damon Salvatore he was one who didn’t back down.

“Siena….” I heard Elena knocking at the door and trying to turn the knob to get in “Siena you’re scarring me. What wrong?” I could hear panic in Elena voice I needed to get a grip and deal with this.

“I’m coming just give me a sec” I got up from the floor and went over to the sink and looked into the smashed mirror and I could see that I looked a total mess. I splashed some cold water on my face to hide some of the redness I took a deep breath as I opened the door. I went back into the living room where all three of them looked at me. I folded my arms “I don't want to see him.” That was the god honest truth I couldn’t see him because I’m frighten of what he may do when he finds out that our daughter dead because of me. I shouldn’t have fell asleep not after the way she came out where she was lifeless and wasn’t breathing. If I stayed up I could of done something and she would be alive she would have been home in her room sleeping.

“I get it, but that's how you feel now, Siena. If you thought there was even a chance you'd see Damon again you would have never asked me to compel away your memories of loving him.” Ric was trying to reason with me but there was no reasoning about this I couldn’t see him.

“It’s done now I feel nothing for him. I Don’t-Want-To –See-Him” I walked over to the couch as my legs felt like they were going to give away at any moment. I wasn’t holding myself together at all I was literally crumbling right in front of them. I’m trying so hard to be behaving like the strong Siena but all I want to do is break down.  

“DAMON IS GOING TO KILL ME!” Ric yells in frustration which made Elena and Caroline jump. Was he really worried about Damon? Ric was like an original they are pretty hard to kill from what I remember.

“You're un-killable” I spoke to him calmly to remind him why did he need to fear Damon Salvatore.

“Doesn't mean he won’t try.” Once again Ric yelled in frustration. I shook my head as I didn’t know what Ric expected from me? What tell him to give me my memories and everything was magically going to be ok? No it not going to be okay not when Damon knows about out baby. I feel guilty enough and that’s with no emotional attachment to Damon what the hell would I be like if all my feelings of him were brought back?

“Siena….” I looked up to see Elena sitting on the coffee table in front of me “I know your frighten and with Isabella being here you guys can be a family again like you were before” Hearing Elena speak of Isabella made that sick feeling come again and I knew I had to put my foot down about all this now.

“What do you think is going to happen when I do see him?” I yelled as I got up walking away from Elena as she was really pulling at my heart strings right now. I looked directly at Ric “He's a psychotic killer!” I screamed before heading into the kitchen as I needed something to calm me down. I went into the cupboard and grabbed a bottle of bourbon I broke the seal and drank from the bottle.  As I took it away from my mouth I see Ric come in with the same worried expression on his face I didn’t get why this bothered him so much.

“Siena you only feel that way because I erased all the good parts.” Ric was trying to sympathies with me but it wasn’t going to work there was nothing that was going to make me want to remember. 

“I don't see anything that could balance out the bad” Ric looked at me disappointed “Promise me you won’t lift the compulsion” Ric sighed “Promise me!” I couldn’t have him taking the compulsion way if this version of me is hardly keeping it together what would the version of me that’s hopelessly in love with Damon be like.

“I won’t, Ok, not until you ask me to.” Ric spoke in defeat which for the first time since I woke up today of felt some sort of relief. I see Elena and Caroline walk into the kitchen both with an unsure looked upon their faces.

“Siena if you don’t want to see Damon we will respect that. We won’t bring it up again. Okay” Elena gave me her warm smile and all I wanted to do was cry and tell her what had happened but how could I? Where would I even start? “Care you ready?” Elena spoke as she picked up her bag from the chair.

“Where are you going?” Ric asked as Elena and Caroline began to leave the room.

“I’ve gotta show off my totally adorable niece” I watched as Elena smile lit up as she spoke about Isabella “Care when you see her she the most adorable baby that you will ever see” Elena spoke so proudly of her but I couldn’t let them go to the hospital and find everything out. I needed to tell them I know I should tell them but I was to frighten to say it out loud that my daughter was dead. It was like I was confirming it all I know I buried her but I’m just hoping this is a horrible nightmare and I’m going to wake up any moment.

“NO!” I shouted then I realised how I just reacted wasn’t going to help me right now. “Sorry I didn’t mean to shout. She had a few problems with her breathing last night they put her in ICU” I watched as their faces became concerned I didn’t need this right now. “It’s nothing to worry about it’s just for 24-48 more for observation” I tried to speak a little more calmly because my act right now was failing more than anything.

“Well I’m family I’ll be able to see her” Elena spoke brightly. She wasn’t going to give up I needed to think quickly on my feet right now.

“No you can’t” I snapped involuntary “Limited contact I’m the only one that can go in. Meaning you guy can’t tell Damon so he can compel his way in. Okay he sees her on my terms” I needed to be firm about this as Ric seemed a little weak when it came to Damon. “I only came home to get showered and changed” I could feel myself losing it at any moment as I was trying to hold back my tears I just needed them to leave. “I don’t mean to be rude guys but I really need to get going”

“Siena I could speak…..” Elena began to say but I stopped her in mid-sentence.

“Elena please just freaking drop it!” I yelled at her which made her jump but right now I didn’t care I wanted to be left alone. “Can you all just leave!!?” As soon as I said that the three of them left the cottage. I just dropped to the floor crying as I didn’t know what the hell I’m meant to do I’ve made matter worse by not telling them. Now with Damon return he will torment me until the truth comes out. What did I do so wrong to deserve this? Why I’m being punished? Those were the questions that ran through my mind as I continued to break down.

Enzo P.O.V

Well I was put into quite the predicament curtsey of Stefan Salvatore. All because I made his friends and family see him for his true colour and he didn’t like it. So he set me up with some vampire hunter to take me down. This was how sick and twisted he was and now I’m becoming fully aware of why his brother loathed him and knew he would never come for him. Stefan Salvatore only thought only of himself and no one else in his eyes I was a loose cannon. Opening the eyes of his love one to show them who he truly was and he didn’t like that one bit. Reason why I’m stuck in this cruddy place chained up like an animal. Tortured for information to give out names and I could of given plenty but I had been tortured by Augustine for decades. What they were doing to me was just child’s play barely scratched the surface. There methods were laughable but I let slip once place that they would find a vampire or two and that would be Savanah.

While they were out playing hunters I was trying to figure out a way to get out of here. I couldn’t break the chains as I was far too weak from the vervain. There wasn’t any window just the one door which Tripp and his fellow lackeys used come through to have their play time. I needed to get out of here it was only a matter of time until they kill me. I heard the door open and I looked up to see it was Matt the human that is friends with every vampire but is playing vampire hunter with his new friends.

“Oh Tripp's errand boy returns.” Matt laughs sarcastically and walks toward me with a cup of blood bending down in front of me. He purposely spills some of the blood from the small glass on the floor.

“Ooh, my bad.” Seem as if Matt what to play ‘Mr Sarcastic’ today well I think I can play that game.

“Heh. That's all right, mate. Just lean in and I'll take it right from the tap.” Matt didn’t look amused as he hands me the glass and I drank the whole contented it wasn’t enough but better than nothing. 

“I'll pass.” Matt spoke flatly to my request about having a bit from him. Did he really expect me to escape on these small rushing’s?

“Yeah come on I'm gonna need my strength back for when you help me escape.” I mean that had to be the reason why he was giving me blood those other bugger hadn’t given me a drop all they did was drain me of my own.

“Sorry. If Stefan turned you in I'm guessing you deserved it.” I felt my blood boil as he spoke of Stefan being so noble are these people so blinded by Stefan and his so called ‘saintly ways’.

“When did Stefan's moral compass become the new true north? Wasn't he the one who scurried off to some poxy, little town while he let everyone believe he was still searching for his brother? Not exactly the heroes move, if you ask me.” Which was the truth he abandon his beloved Elena his nephew his sister in-law who was grieving. All so he could build this new life so he could forget what had happened sounds like a moron to me.

“Still I think the general population is safer with you in here.” Well it seems I needed to up the ante to all this a little leverage needed to go my way right now.

“Yeah. Probably right, well except for Elena...Siena, Stefan, Caroline, You. What do you think would happen if I were to tell your boss about known vampires and their...groupies?” The door opens; Matt turns to see Tripp entering. Let see if my little word with young Matthew had opened his eyes slightly to get me out of here.

“Well, Savannah was a waste of gas. Minus a few blood bags, the house you told us about was empty.” Well it seems that Stefan had move already what a surprise making another new fake life somewhere else. Or Tripp was foolish enough to call his new founding family BFF and inform him either way Stefan got away with it.

“Odd. Must have smelled you coming.” I told him with a smile and Tripp didn’t see amused at all.

“Hmm, would have been a total bust, except I happened upon a girl that fit the description that you gave me. That was near Whitmore. 500 miles from where you said she was gonna be.He pulls out a phone and shows me a photo of a girl “Is this Ivy?” That was defiantly her.

“That's the one.” I told him with a smile while Matt looked at me a little disgusted.

“So I give you today to conjure up the location of your vampire friends, or you and I are gonna go sightseeing in Mystic Falls.” Tripp leaves and I glared at Matt; Matt turns away from me following Tripp out, closing the door behind him. If he knows what good for him Matt and his merry vampire fellow friends better get me the hell out of here or I’ll be singing everyone name.

Alaric P.O.V

What happen at the corn maze a total mess it was all down to one person Tyler? Apparently he lost control of his truck then went steaming through the maze hurting people including Siena. I don’t know if it was the shock of what happened or earlier she was getting signs of going into labour. She was ready to have this baby and what worried me more than anything was that baby heart was deteriorating. What didn’t help matter was the fact as much as that little girl was trying to come out Siena body was healing. Which is a normal reaction for a vampire we get hurt and we heal ourselves. The whole birthing experience was something that will haunt me for all eternity as I held a broken Siena in my arms who feared for her unborn child. I didn’t know who this person was who came to help but Siena seemed to of known her. If it wasn’t for her we wouldn’t have known what to do as she gave an emergency C-section. When little baby Isabella came out it wasn’t the happy experience that your meant to have once a baby born. She wasn’t breathing and blue she looked dead as she was placed on the ground. My heart broke for Siena who was asking why wasn’t she crying and when reality kicked in that she wasn’t breathing. I held a shattered Siena in my arms trying to comfort her but I knew even if I held her tightly or told her words of encouragement it wouldn’t be enough.

Liam one of the student who was on the medical programme literally saved the day and brought Isabella back to life. The look on Siena face as she looked down at her little girl was priceless it was filled with love and adoration she was happy. Not fake compelled happy but the real kind of happy because she was holding something that she and Damon had created. Which got me thinking that maybe in time she would ask for her memories back all I had to do was wait and take it from there. I had to admit Isabella was cute and she looked more like her mom rather than her dad. Nico had all that he was a splitting image of Damon sometimes when I would see him it was so canny. Siena was brought to the hospital and I went with her to make sure that she was settled. Elena wanted to come but I told her that she needed to thank her friend Liam for saving her niece life.

When I was down the hospital there was a moment between Jo and I that considering the circumstances she enjoyed tonight. I knew I couldn’t let her get mixed up in my complicated life because every woman who did ended up dead. So I compelled her to not like me that I was a drunk and too involved in work and had no time for a woman in my life. The next moment Jo kisses me like she totally ignored everything I had just told her. As she walked away I felt shocked as she had to be on vervain or something because she wasn’t like me that I knew for sure. I wasn’t sure what I needed to do right now I needed to find out how she couldn’t be compelled and it seemed that I wouldn’t find out tonight.

I went back home and tried to sleep but it was proven difficult as I kept having nightmares of what happen tonight. With Jo nearly catching me out because of the blood on my shirt from my wound and being heal. To the ordeal with Siena of her giving birth and Jo being frighten of something while she was trying to help. I was disturbed out of my thought by my phone ringing I looked at the screen and saw it was Stefan ringing. I ignored it at first but he kept ringing I yelled down the phone at him but the voice her heard talking back wasn’t Stefan. It was Damon and in that one moment I felt joy because my best friend was back and then regret as he knew I compelled Siena. This wasn’t good at all and knowing Damon as well as I do he will torture the crap out of me until Siena gets her memories back. So after the long and threating call I got changed and went to Elena dorm but her and Caroline weren’t there I was about to go and see Nico. To let him know that his dad was back from the dead but I stopped myself as I didn’t think it was my place.

I headed to Siena cottage and as I walked in Elena was telling her about Damon return. Let’s just say that Siena wasn’t dealing with all of it well. She looked tired and exhausted and refused to see him which made my life a lot harder. All she saw was that Damon was a psychotic killer and didn’t want anything to do with him. Between the three of us we couldn’t convince her to change her mind and she made me promise her that I won’t compel back her memories. I was truly put in an awkward position as I knew I looked at Siena as a daughter but I knew how much Damon loved her. So in the end I agreed half-heartedly because the way she was behaving in that moment was worrying me.  Elena wanted to bring Caroline to show her Isabella and Siena just lost it which was worrying but then she explained that she was in ICU due to her breathing. Which kind of explained Siena behaviour right now of why she didn’t want to see Damon. Of course she was focused on her daughter to get better and nothing else. Elena kept pressing on the matter that made Siena totally flip out telling us all to leave.

I made my way back to Whitmore and Siena was on my mind the whole time as I couldn’t imagine what she was going through right now. With her worries being over Isabella hoping that her daughter will pull through this which I’m sure she will. Siena didn’t need us on her back about Damon even as much as he wanted to see her. He not going to deal with any of this well and even more so that Siena don’t want him to know about Isabella. This was all too messy and this was only the start of the day and I’m sure it’s going to be getting far more complicated. How right was I? Because as soon as I walked into my office I had Matt, Caroline and Nico there with news that Enzo had been taken by Tripp and his vampire hunters. So it’s just another additional drama added on to today’s list.

“Why didn't you tell us Enzo has been locked up this whole time?” Nico spoke with frustration in his voice. I knew that Enzo brought Nico to see what Stefan had been up to basically revealed that he moved on with his life. I think Nico actually built some kind of connection with him with the way his behaving.

“Honestly, I didn't know anybody was missing him.” Matt responded. I guess Enzo wasn’t very popular before with what happened between him and Siena and the whole going all murderous and only Damon actually liking him. I thought Enzo was pretty cool he was the only one who didn’t give up on searching for a way to bring Damon home.

“Matt!” Caroline shouted as she glared over at him. My eyes were focus at Nico who stood there with a clench jaw and his fists tighten. I don’t think he was aware of Damon return because if he was then he wouldn’t be here right now.

“I'm sorry! I was confused about which vampires we like and which ones we don't!” Matt voice dripped with sarcasm and I could understand why he felt confused by all this. As far as he knew none like Enzo due to all the things he had done.

“Ok. Well, what about Ivy? Is she there, too?” Nico asked trying to keep his temper under control. Right now he resembled Damon in so many ways his toleration level for one. I knew Ivy was here because Stefan wanted to drop her on our laps well more on Caroline and Nico lap.

“Tripp drove her and two others across the border last night.” Matt spoke with sorrow in his voice. That how Tripp was getting rid of them driving them over the boarder of Mystic Falls. All this was too messed up how the hell are we meant to save Enzo without getting caught?

“Oh, God.” Caroline sighs as she sits down covering her face with her hands. We needed to come up with a plan from the looks of this right now Nico about to explode I needed to take control of all this.

“Well do you know where Tripp is now” That what we needed to establish right now and hopefully it would give us time to bust Enzo out.

“He's running down another lead but he didn't tell me what it was.” Matt responded well that was a start we just needed to make sure that Tripp and his little hunter buddies weren’t going to back to where they were keeping Enzo. Also the fact who they have been told is a vampire.

“Well can you find out? We need to know who his next target is.” That what was important because if Enzo has spoken of any names he might let a few in our direction.

“If Enzo talks it'll be you guys.” Matt spoke with fear in his voice and I could see the reality of all this being to settle in with Caroline and Nico.

“Well that's not going to happen because we're busting him out, right, and if for no other reason than so I can kick his ass for getting caught in the first place.” Nico looked at Matt and I could see that he meant every word. It looked like he had built a close relationship with Enzo.

“You have any idea how he managed to get his hands on him?” That was the big question as I didn’t see Enzo to be the type of guy who would be capture easily as he was a pretty old vampire. I look up to see Stefan enter my office.

“He didn't. I turned him in” Caroline and Nico stare at Stefan, disbelieving. He had to be kidding he was the one who turned Enzo over? Stefan was many thing right now but this is the lowest thing has done and I don’t think he can worm his way out of this one.

Siena P.O.V

After they left I pulled myself together as I needed to think what I needed to do. Maybe I needed to get out of town for a while to get my head together. Because I know even though Damon will be told that I need time alone he won’t listen. This is Damon Salvatore he was like a dog with a bone he wouldn’t leave me alone that I knew for sure. If he finds out that I had Isabella then he would be far worse I needed to get the hell out of here. I went into my bedroom and went into the closet to grab a bag to put my clothes in. This was my only option right now just until I figure this out for myself as I know at some point they are going to find out about Isabella. I just don’t want to be around to explain it as I’m hardly wrapping it all round my mind myself let alone trying to explain it all to someone else. I grabbed a bunch of cloths and stuff them into the bag. I began to rush around the room frantically finding stuff that I would need to take with me. I stopped when I heard my front door close I felt my heart accelerate as I didn’t need any visitors right now. I could hear footsteps coming towards my room I rush to the door and locked the door. Just as I did that someone was turning it trying to get into the room I back away from the door as I was frighten to know who was on the other side. If it was Elena back to ask questions or Nico asking me if he could come with me to see Isabella it felt like my heart was in my throat.

“Who is it?” I asked trying to keep my voice steady as I continued to throw thing into my bag.  I just wanted to get the hell away from here I didn’t want to face my family or friends right now.

“Hey, it’s me.” Damon softly I felt my eyes widen as I heard his voice he was here just behind that door. “I just wanted to talk” I felt like I wanted to be sick again. I couldn’t talk to him. I couldn’t see him because he will dig and dig until he gets what he wants. I wasn’t that girl that he thought I was. I wasn’t the Siena that was madly in love with him I had no feeling for him at all.

“I can't, not now.” I spoke as I did up the zip to my bag. My hands were shaking as I felt I had no control of myself psychically or emotionally and with him turning up like this isn’t helping me.

“Look. I know why you did what you did. It's not real. You know what's real? The way you felt for me. Bella once told me it was the most real thing you ever felt in your life.” The way he called me ‘Bella’ made my stomach turn. Damon was speaking to calmly I could hear in his voice slight fear the fear of my rejection but he had to understand I’m not that ‘Bella’ I’m not that person.

“Those feelings are gone.” I called out to him coldly as Damon needed to get into his head I didn’t feel anything for him in that way. All I felt towards him right now was fear the fear of how he will react to our daughter death. That he will blame me for it and he had every right to as I was meant to watch over her I was meant to protect her. I failed. I failed as mom not once but twice I didn’t deserve to be a mother.

“Oh, come on, Siena. You've compelled enough people to know it's just a way of covering the truth and no matter how badly you want it done, it doesn't make it any less of a lie, you know.” He spoke in a pleading way which pulled at some kind emotion within me. Maybe if I just showed him how I felt nothing if he was to see the look on my face when I tell him I feel nothing for him. He will leave me alone. I began to approach the door slowly reaching for the door knob “Oh, I hear you breathing” I gasped pulling away covering my face with my hands as this was too much. I could hear in his voice how much he wanted to see me it was like a different Damon to what I remember. “I know we only just saw each other not long ago but from the moment you left all I wanted was to  hear you breathe” What did he mean we saw each other not long ago? I let out a sigh because it was killing me hearing him like this as he was man who was so in love with me but I couldn’t give him the same in return. I rested my head on the door as I didn’t know what I wanted to do. Did I want to open this door? Would everything change when I would see his face? Would all my feeling come flooding back to me? “Just open the door, Siena. Everything can go back to the way it was.” I looked down to see that he was jiggling at the door knob wanting to come in “Just—“ I heard him sigh in defeat “Just open the door, Siena, please...or, at the very least, step aside because I'm gonna kick this door in.” I knew he wasn’t going to back down so I unlocked the door. Then I used my speed to grab my bag escaping out of the window as I couldn’t see him.  Damon was so desperate to see me and I felt some kind of compassion towards him that he had this great love for me. I couldn’t do this not today not tomorrow not next week it wasn’t ever going to be like Damon wants it to be. That the cold hard truth of it all.

I kept running and running till I was in the middle of nowhere I had no idea where I was but from the looks of it I was nowhere near Virginia. I stopped to breathe as I felt out of breath. I could picture Damon tarring up the cottage right now because he didn’t get his way to seeing me. It couldn’t be on his terms it couldn’t always go his way. Why was I feeling guilty for leaving like that? I hated whatever I was feeling right now. Maybe it was because of the fact I buried our daughter and I didn’t have the courage to tell him. I had to get him off my back and the only person who I knew could get through to Damon at times was Stefan. I got my cell out and called his number he was a little surprised to hear from me after the way things were left between us.

I explained to what had happened how Damon just turned up at my place that he wanted to see me. It was difficult to speak to Stefan because a part of me wanted to tell him what happened with Isabella. Stefan and I always close and I always told him what was on my mind but this I couldn’t tell him. I told him how Damon threatens to kick the door in so I unlocked it and left out of the window. Stefan hadn’t said a word yet which worried me even more.

“Stefan say something?” the silence from him was killing me all I wanted for him to tell me he would deal with Damon. Keep him on some kind of leash until I figured something out.

“Siena what do you want me to say? I just found out you gave birth to my brother child. You just jumped out of a window to avoid him” What could I really tell him? For him to know I gave birth means that Caroline opened her big fat mouth what part didn’t she understand I didn’t want Damon to know. Cause telling Stefan was a great idea. Now he going to be asking me question about Isabella who not in ICU who is lying to rest at fell cemetery.

“I know, I know. I panicked. I don't want Damon to know about Isabella. Not yet I j-just can’t….”I couldn’t hold back my tears no more as this was tarring me apart from the inside out.

“Siena don’t cry please” Stefan spoke with sympathy in his voice. I tried to pull myself together while I wiped away my tears but they continued to fall. “He's been trapped over there alone for months. He just wants to see you.” Stefan was just thinking about his bother but he needed to understand what all of this was doing to me to some degree.

“Look. I get how I'm supposed to feel, but I know how I actually feel. What if I look at him and my old feelings break through the compulsion.” I think that what I fear more than anything what I looked at him and it all came flooding back. The guilty I felt now when I feel nothing for him was destroying me how would it be if my feeling I once felt for him returned.

“Well, they won't, but even if they did, is that such a bad thing?” Stefan questioned me. Would it be a bad thing? If Isabella was alive and well maybe it wouldn’t be but she wasn’t our little girl was dead and as much as Damon claims to love me. He would never forgive me for that and that one thing I do know about Damon.

“Yeah. I started over just like you did, Ok? I made a smart choice for myself and for my future. I don’t love him Stefan I feel nothing for him” I hear Stefan groan as he didn’t like what he was hearing but I was only telling him what I was feeling.

“Oh, please forget that you told me that and definitely do not tell Damon that.” He had to tell Damon that nothing was going to change between us that I wasn’t in love with him. It was as simple as that.

“What because if he doesn’t get his own way he has a tantrum goes on a murder spree.” That would be a typical thing for Damon to do that what he always did when things didn’t go his way.

“I was gonna say because he'll be heartbroken. Listen what do you want to do? I mean, you have to see him eventually.” I knew I had to see him at some point but I couldn’t right now I needed time to think I messed up so much today without thinking. How am I meant to tell everyone about Isabella let alone Damon?

“You’re going to tell you brother to stay away from me. Which will be easy as he have no idea of where I’m…..” I began to say but Stefan cut me off in mid-sentence.

“I think he’s going to figure out soon enough you’re going to be at the hospital with Isabella” I felt my eyes widen as I knew how manipulative Damon could be to get information “He has a right to see his daughter Siena even if you don’t want to see him. Let Damon see her” I felt a lump once again in my throat as Stefan began to plead for me to allow Damon to see Isabella. Damon would never see her not alive at least.

“I can’t…..” I hung up on Stefan as I couldn’t continue to have this conversation. I knew they will be questioning about Isabella soon enough and it will all come out that she’s dead. They won’t only hate me for neglecting her overnight but they hate me for hiding the fact she was gone. Either way I’m going to be hated.

Damon P.O.V

From when Stefan told me about Siena asking Ric to compel away what she felt for me I felt more confused than anything. Didn’t she believe that we wouldn’t come back? Did she have one of those vision and thought I wouldn’t come home? I know how heartbroken she was when she knew her time was running out to leave me. Maybe that’s why she went to this extreme and got Ric to compel her because she couldn’t deal with the fact I may not return. Siena had hoped she went through all the effort and maybe her fear made her do this. That was the only logical explanation that I could give myself. I knew what I had to do I needed to see her because I know once our eyes would meet that spark that fire that she had for me will return. Compulsion was a cover up and I know for a fact our love for one another is that strong that it will break it.

I finally got out of Stefan where Siena was living and he told me it was some cottage on the outskirts on Mystic Falls. When I approach the place it looked quite and tranquil the kind of place that would have been perfect to raise a family. A lot smaller to what I’m used to with the boarding house being so grand but perfect home for my two girls even Nico if he wanted to live here with us. As I wanted all four of us to be a family like we were meant to be. I took in a deep breath before entering as I did I look around and it seemed all so homely like a real family kind of home. I could hear a noise down the hallway and I began to walk towards it. I stopped at a white door and I could hear someone moving around the next moment I heard the door lock. That when I knew it was Siena on the other side of this door but she didn’t need to be frighten to see me. All I wanted was for her to see me to see the man love loves her more than anything in this world.

After all my pleading she finally unlocks the door and when I walked in she wasn’t there. All there was breeze and the curtains flapping away from where she escaped. She really couldn’t face me and I didn’t understand why? Why couldn’t she just look me in the face? What was Siena so frighten of to see me? None of this was making sense to be all this time I’ve been dying to see her. All I wanted was to have her back in my arms and hold her tightly. I didn’t envision for her to be running away from me by going out of the window. Right now I was pissed as this wasn’t how this reunion was meant to go down it was all meant to be fireworks followed by display of affections. Not my wife running scared. Well someone needs to do some explaining and that would be my dear friend Alaric.

I made my way to Whitmore where Ric had made his new residence. He had Professor Shane old office I snooped around while I waited for my dear friend arrival. I wanted to know what the hell he was thinking about compelling Siena because I thought he would have been the last person to agree to that. Yeah I expect Klaus or one of his annoying sibling but Ric that truly left me a little shell shocked.  I placed the bottle of bottle of Bourbon and two glasses waiting for him to come in. I propped up my feet on his desk as I waited it didn’t take long for Ric to make his appearance.  I knew I had to remain calm for now because if I go all Damon on him I won’t get my answers. So the soft gentle approach is in order.

“Professor Saltzman. What, you couldn't compel yourself a PH.D?” I sat up and began to pour a glass of Bourbon; I glance up to see Ric looking at me stunned. Didn’t he think I would swing by after hearing he compelled Siena. Well here I am and I want answers.

“I can't believe you're back.” He spoke as he took a sit on the other side of the desk. I think I’m going to be hearing a lot of that today.

“I am...heh” I slide the glass to Ric. I think if I licker him up he may talk a lot more.

“So...how the hell are you?” He asks sitting in back in the chair across from me. He really wanted to hear this?

“Well let's see Ric...I clawed my way out of some retro pocket universe only to find that I needed to compel myself a new change of clothes because this anti-magic hamster ball is keeping me from going home, and then I find out that my best friend rather than doing anything about it decided that it was the best use of his time to compel my beautiful and lovely pregnant wife to forget that she ever loved me...Heh...I'm great...Ric...Thanks for asking” I spoke sarcastically and drained my Bourbon. Ric looked at me with concern and he needed to be concerned because what was going on was well and truly messed up.

“Look, Damon—“ Ric began to say but I didn’t want to hear it.

“I know she was a train wreck without me but a full mind erase, seriously?” That what I didn’t understand there wasn’t any need for that. He could have compelled her to calm down or something. Not to erase from her mind completely what we had.

“She loved you too much, and it was killing her.” Ric raised his voice slightly. I knew that my Bella wouldn’t have dealt with my death well at all but it was no excuse to go to these extremes,

“Well, I'm flattered, but I'm back” I took my feet off the desk quickly and leaned toward Ric. “So let's get this uncompulsion on the books huh.” That all he needed to do bring it all back then Siena and I can go back to how we once were. Not this running for her life act because that hurt far too much knowing the woman I love can’t bear to be near me.

“Fine, as soon as Siena tells me that's what she wants.” I felt my jaw drop slightly what didn’t Ric get Siena wasn’t going to ask him to do that not the way she was behaving right now.

“Right. Here's the thing she's not gonna want to be uncompelled” I got up and walked toward Ric “If she can't remember why she'd want to be uncompelled mmm--mmm chicken, egg” I spoke as I was holding my glass of Bourbon is one hand and nothing in the other, weighing the options.

“I know, and I'm sorry” Ric spoke apologetically. Sorry? Is that all he could say?

“Sorry? She won't even see me, Ric. Siena my wife she pregnant with my kid who gonna be here any time soon. All you can say is sorry???” I couldn’t hold my temper no longer as Ric didn’t see the seriousness of all this right now.

“I get it, Damon but she's happy, and I'm not gonna take that away from her until she asks me to. Siena wouldn’t keep you from seeing Isabella” Ric face turned a shade lighter for a moment “When she’s born. You know Siena not like that” I looked at him sceptically for a moment to see if he was hiding something from me. I couldn’t figure out if he was or wasn’t but he was right Siena wouldn’t keep my little girl from me. She wasn’t that far gone or heartless.

“It's not like I don't want Siena to be happy” I finished off my Bourbon “I just want her to be happy with me” I said pointing to myself, but I could see that Ric won't budge on the subject. “Right.” I slammed the glass down on the table and walks past Ric. Then I stopped to go back for the bottle of Bourbon and left. It seemed that everyone stopping me from seeing her. Well I think I need to try alternative approach I’ll stalk her ass until she finally gives in. Siena can’t resist me for long even with this lame ass compulsion her hatred would make her confront me. That’s the route I had to go down to get some kind of progress.

Nico P.O.V

When I saw my little sister for the first time I couldn’t believe how cute and adorable she was. I have never held a baby before in my life but when I held Isabella I had like a strange feeling overcome me. There was some lady who came who I think was my mom friend but I could sense that my mom wasn’t keen on her being here. The whole excuse of me going to get her a coffee was basically to say ‘Nico get out of here as this is going to get nasty’. So I did as she asked and left and got her coffee by the time I came back that woman was gone. I asked how she knew her and she told me some story about meeting her in New Orleans I could sense that was a lie. As much as I tried to get the truth my mom wasn’t going to spill. I could see that she was tried so I gave Isabella a kiss then my mom and told her I’ll call tomorrow to check on her.

I had a pretty good night sleep I think it was down to the fact that I was happy that I was a big brother now. That I needed to look out for my little sister and protect her like my dad would have. Who would have thought a little person who I hardly knew could change so much around us all. I got showered and changed as I was going to head to the hospital to see how they were both doing. I couldn’t wait to hold Isabella again in my arms even thinking about it just brought a smile to my face. As I was about to leave I got a phone call from Caroline asking me to meet her at Ric office. I was going to protest but then she mention about Enzo being capture by the vampire hunters. Every part of me wanted to walk out of that door and see my family but I couldn’t I needed to find out what had happened and how the hell he got caught.

So it all came about that Matt was the one who had the info about Enzo that Tripp was some kind of vampire hunter. All I knew right now is the fact we needed to get Enzo out of there it was as simple as that. No if’s or but’s. Then my uncle made an appearance saying he was the one who handed Enzo over to trip. If he wasn’t family I would have staked him then and there because Enzo had been there for me more than Stefan had been. Even when I pleaded to him to stay he walked away from me. I told him that he had to fix this mess and help us save Enzo. Stefan didn’t seem too happy but he nodded his head in agreement. The whole journey to Tripp cabin Caroline and Stefan had been arguing about his behaviour recently while I just kept quiet. I had every right to dig into Stefan but the thing is if I was to let out what I felt it wouldn’t be pretty.

“Look Enzo wasn't being careful Tripp would've caught him eventually and that meant danger for all of us.” Stefan was trying to justify his actions still to Caroline and all I wanted to do was smash their heads together.

“Right so you handed Enzo over so we wouldn't be targeted and now you're rescuing him so we won't be targeted. Way to go.” She spoke sarcastically and I couldn’t help but chuckle as I walked ahead leaving them behind as I just wanted to get Enzo out.

“Well, I thought Tripp was gonna kill him. I didn't think he was going to keep him alive for information.” Was Stefan being for real right now? I stopped to turn which took them both by surprise.

“Oh, well, in that case, sounds like you were just being practical. So did you rat out Ivy, too?” I knew Stefan wanted rid of her with the way he tried to dump her on us.

“What?” Stefan looked at me with confusion like he was innocent or something.

“Well, you didn't want to deal with her anymore, you wanted her gone, and now she is. You know what you really should write Tripp a thank-you note.” I turned to walk away but Stefan grabs my shoulder to force me to face him.

“Hold on a second Enzo turns Ivy right, a hunter kills her and yet I'm the bad guy? I'm not the one threatening to turn in other vampires to save his own skin.” He didn’t get any of this at all. Did Stefan think that he could come back and play hero once again?

“The only one who turned in other vampires is you Stefan. That's why you're helping. Guilt for getting dad's friend captured.” I yelled at him I watched as Stefan face harden to my reaction while Caroline looked a little taken back.

“Yeah. Damon is my brother and I gave up on him first. Enzo didn't so if rescuing his idiot friend is gonna somehow make it up to him that's exactly what I'm gonna do.” Stefan yelled straight back at me.

“Make it up to him? What are you talking about?” I felt confused how the hell was Stefan going to make it up to my dad. He was dead.

“Great one Stefan” Caroline yelled as she slapped his arm then looked at me “Nico with everything that gone on…..” Caroline was hesitating to speak which was frustrated me more than anything.

“What Caroline!?” I yelled at her as I didn’t have time for any of this.

“Your dad back” I heard Stefan say I looked at him and he had a serious expression. How could my dad be back?

“What? How? Where is he?” That all I wanted to know I needed to see him. I had so much to say to him and firstly to ask for his forgiveness for what I made him do to mom.

“I think he be at your mom’s….” I began to walk away from them. As much as Enzo didn’t deserve to be in this situation I needed to see my dad. I’m pissed that they only just told me now about he being back. I know my dad and he would have been on mom case which wasn’t what she needed right now. I felt excited to see him but also afraid at the same time but this was my dad I had to face him soon or later.

Elena P.O.V

I made my feeling pretty clear to Liam last night with telling him he was my type of guy which he was. The way he took total control of the situation with Isabella how he was calm and knew exactly what to do while I just knelt there frozen. All I kept thinking was that my little nice was dead and how all this was going to affect Siena. She had already lost Damon and that didn’t go down well with her compelling him away from her mind. If Isabella died it would destroy her in so many ways and more. I watched as Liam brought her back to life as she let out her first cry it was truly an emotional moment for everyone who was there. Isabella Salvatore was alive and it was all down to one great guy Liam and I showed him my gratitude. Then Stefan made an appearance and things just got a little awkward from there I excused myself from Liam by telling him I was tried.

I was pissed at myself because I still allowed Stefan to have some kind of control over me even when he made it clear he didn’t care. Then why did he turn up at my dorm? Did he want to talk? I was tempted to call him but I stopped myself and went to have a hot shower. I got changed into my PJ and climbed into bed I must have just dosed off when I was woken by Caroline. When gave me the shocking news that Damon was back I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I instantly asked if Bonnie had returned too but it was only Damon. I felt sad because Bonnie deserved to be back just as much as Siena and Damon. Two thing that concerned me now one being Siena reaction to Damon return. Then there was second reason being Jeremy reaction to Damon return and no Bonnie I knew he wasn’t going to take it well at all. The only way I could tell him was over the phone because he wouldn’t take a step out of Mystic Falls even if I was to tell him it was urgent.

So I called Jeremey first he didn’t take to the new too well just as I suspected he hung up on me and I couldn’t do a thing to comfort him. That hurt me as I just wanted to give him a hug or something you know words of encouragement but Jeremy just pushed me away. Now I knew I had to face Siena I didn’t know if she was at the hospital still or home. When I called through to her room another person picked up that wasn’t Siena which meant she was home. So Caroline and I went to the cottage when we walked in the hallway was trashed. Caroline gave me the look to say that Damon and Siena have obviously reunited. I couldn’t help but smile because that’s all I wanted for them to be a family again especially with Isabella birth. Well I was totally wrong Siena freaked out about Damon return she even ran into the bathroom to be sick. She was worrying me with her behaviour I tried to reason with her maybe convince her that seeing him might be good. Even Ric stated his thought on it all but Siena went crazy at all of us demanding that we aren’t to tell Damon about Isabella.

So I was going to respect Siena wished that I wouldn’t push the whole Damon issue. I just wanted to see my niece that’s all that matters as I haven’t had the chance to hold her. When Siena heard I was going to see her and bring Caroline she like freaked out which took me by surprise. Then she told us about Isabella breathing problems how she was in ICU for the next few days. My heart went out to my little niece as she wasn’t having the best of times since coming into this world. As I was family I would be able to go in that was standard when I told her that she flipped out fully telling me that I couldn’t see her that it was only her who could. Then basically kicking us out of the house I had to apologies to Ric and Caroline for her behaviour. As I knew it was all down to Damon return and Siena just freaking out as she see him as this bad guy. If she only gave him a chance she would see how his changed how he will be an amazing father like he was with Nico for the few months.

So I left them to go and do my shift in the hospital as I needed to speak to Jo as Ric told me what happened that the compulsion didn’t work. I needed to see if she was wearing vervain or something. While I was there I could take a peak in the ICU and see my adorable niece. I arrived at the hospital and began to make my way in. I wanted to see Isabella before my shift started I made my way there but as I was going to go through the double doors I could hear someone call out my name.

“Elena.” I turned around to see Jo approaching me with a kind of serious expression. I smiled as she came closer but she didn’t responded back.

“Hey” I felt a little nervous to see her as in theory I didn’t have access to the ICU and I think Jo about to explain that to me.

“I didn't think you were here today.” She spoke with slight confusion in her voice. She was right I wasn’t but I just thought it would be best to keep myself busy these days with everything going on.

“Yeah. No. I changed my schedule around.” Jo nodded then took a sip of her coffee.

“Okay. Follow me.” She spoke as she began to walk away and I followed Jo down the hospital hallway. She brought me into an office and asked me to take a seat this all seemed a little official right now.

“I like your bracelet. What is it made of?” I tried to break the ice but also to see if it was lace with vervain. I went to touch it but Jo moves her hand away grabbing a chart. I pulled my hand back reaching behind her neck awkwardly.

“No idea, while you're here can I get your opinion on something?” She asked as she looked into the file searching for something.

“Sure yeah” I didn’t know what else to really say she wanted my opinion I couldn’t say no.

“Female patient-blunt force trauma to the head, massive internal haemorrhaging, multiple bone fractures she was a victim at the corn maze.” She places the file in front of me where it states that the girl with all these injuries was discharged with clean bill of health.

“I don't get it. Why you showing me this?” I didn’t get what Jo was trying to tell me what opinion was needed if this girl was ok.

“Neither do I. Liam say you treated her at the scene. That's a pretty good save for someone with half a semester of Pre-Med.” I knew instantly who it was. The girl I had fed my blood to who played Lady Whitmore for last night Corn maze event.

“Yeah you know uhm I think Liam was exaggerating how bad off she was. It was dark, and, yeah, there was a lot of blood—“ I began to say but Jo cut me off.

“Don't! I know what Alaric is. I know what you are.” She spoke leaning towards me.

“What do you mean?” I didn’t know what Jo was trying to imply but if it was what I thought she was trying to say I couldn’t flat out admit it not after the whole Augustin stuff that went on here before.

“Well it was all kind of confirmed when your vampire sister was trying to give birth” Jo spoke smugly as she sat back in her chair and I felt my jaw drop as she mention that Siena was a vampire. Jo must have seen that Siena body was healing itself while Isabella tried to come out.

“Jo…..” I began to say but she held up her hand to cut me off.

“Elena please do not insult my intelligence. The reason why I wanted to speak to you privately it is to do with your sister” Jo spoke a little more compassionate now it wasn’t that authority tone as before. Maybe she wanted to talk about Isabella being in the ICU.

“What about her? She told me about Isabella breathing problems that she was admitted to ICU” I watch as Jo face became stunned by what I was telling her. She sighed as she closed her eyes. She was acting a little strange right now which worried me.

“Is that what she told you?” She spoke with despair in her voice then shook her head “Of course she did…..” I had to stop her from talking as I didn’t understand what Jo was telling me right now.

“Jo what’s going on?” I had to ask even though I feared the answer. Jo looked at me with sorrow in her eyes.

“Elena I’m sorry to be telling you this but Isabella didn’t make it. She passed away during the night.”

Damon P.O.V

After leaving Ric office I was pissed no I’m was raging because he wouldn’t just give Siena her memories. No he wanted her freaking permission. She wasn’t going to do that right now not with her thinking I’m some kind of bad guy which I wasn’t. Siena meant the world to me I change into a better man because of her. I couldn’t just let her walk away from me not knowing what we had so I decided that I’ll go back to the cottage until she returns. When I arrived I walked in I was still annoyed but I needed something to keep me focus and not lose my temper. I walked into the living room and I saw several framed photos on the dresser all of friends and family but nothing of me.

“Well, somebody was thorough” I saw a bottle of bourbon on the side I grabbed it and drank from the bottle. I looked down the photo of Siena, Stefan and Elena. “No pictures of Damon anywhere” I muttered to myself, then I saw a picture of Siena from the charity benefit that her mom and dad done a couple of years back. When I heard her sing for the first time I couldn’t help but smile as I looked at the picture she looked like a goddess in that white dress. True perfection in every single way.  “Huh” I grabbed a black sharpie off her dresser and got comfortable on the couch “Ooh” As I began to draws a stick figure of myself next to her. Then I felt a presence in the room and I knew exactly who is was as I always got that vibe from him since he became a member of the five “It's kind of creepy, you just standing there all hulky and brooding” I spoke without looking up as I knew it was little Gilbert.

“Says the freak who's stalking Siena when she clearly doesn’t want to know” I finished my stick figure with two eyes, a smile and two fangs sticking out.

“Technically, I'm lying in wait.” Which I was I wasn’t technically staking her I’m just waiting for her return and I didn’t want to get into a debate with Jeremy right now.

“Why didn't Bonnie come back” Jeremy asked as he came further into the room and I didn’t answer him “Why didn't she come back?” I knew I had to lie to him because if he knew what happened and how Bonnie was alive but now is dead he wouldn’t deal with it well at all.

“Because she wasn't there. It was just me.” I lied through my teeth which for some reason bothered me. What the hell was wrong with me? I notice that Jeremy sat next to me oh great he gonna use those puppy dog eyes on me now.

“You know I paid her cell bill so I could call her phone and hear her say the same six words every day?” He spoke with sorrow in his voice.

“Sounds good. I'll give it a call.” I realised what I just said as Jeremy was glaring at me while anger filled his face.

“Why? She hated you.” He shouted at me. He was right before Bonnie and I ended up in the hell of Mystic Falls 1994 we didn’t like each other much. That all changed especially when you’re in a world when you only had each other. Our relationship change we both were there for one another. I needed to make it clear to Jeremy that Bonnie won’t be the next to return.

“Bonnie wasn't there with me Jeremy because she found peace. She's in a better place.” That all I could tell him because if Jeremy knew the truth he wouldn’t deal with it well none of them would. This was best for everyone to think that amazing young woman that I had the pleasure of getting to know had found her peace. I just have to live with this deep dark secret not like something I’m not used to doing.

Elena P.O.V

I sat there shell shocked after hearing what Jo had told me that Isabella had died. I began to piece everything together in my mind. The state of the cottage the way everything was trashed. How Siena rushed to the bathroom to be sick as soon as she heard that Damon was back. It was all because she was trying to deal with the death of her daughter, my niece. She was gone. That tiny little person who fought for her life the one that Liam brought back to life was gone. I just couldn’t speak I just sat there stunned trying to wrap it all around in my mind of how life could be so cruel. How Siena was feeling carrying her little girl all that time now she came into this world. She only had a few short hours of hold her in her arms. My heart went out to her and I couldn’t imagine what was going through Siena mind. I felt even worst for pushing the whole seeing Damon. I shook myself out of my thoughts and I could see Jo looking at me with worry in her eyes.

“My niece is dead?” I knew what I had heard but I needed for Jo to confirm it. It all just felt like a terrible nightmare and all I kept thinking of was Siena then Damon and poor Nico who was so happy to becoming a big brother.

“I’m sorry. From what we could understand before you sister took her. Was that it was a respiratory issue during her sleep and passed” I felt my eyes widen as Jo spoke how Siena took Isabella I didn’t hear anything else but that.

“Siena took her” I felt my heart break as I couldn’t even think what was going on in Siena mind in that one moment when she was told her daughter had died.

“Yeah one nurse ended up in the ER with broken arm and hip from Siena attacking her” I got up from the chair I felt like I wanted to be sick with hearing all this. Siena was going through all this alone why didn’t she tell us?

“Oh my god…..That’s why she was the way she was” I had a flash of how Siena was behaving when I was back at the house how she was hardly keeping it all together. I thought I was to do with Damon but it wasn’t it was Isabella death. That why she didn’t want to see Damon even more because she will think Damon would blame her as I know how my sister mind works. Compelled or not what happen was killing her because it wasn’t only a part of her it was a part of Damon too. How could she look him in the eye and tell him there daughter was dead.

“Elena your sister needs you more than ever right now” Joe snapped me out of my thoughts and I realised she was in front of me “You don’t need to do your shift just go and check on your sister. I’ve seen how human react to the loss of a child and I think a vampire would go down a totally different route” She was right I saw what it did to her when Damon died how she went off the rails but this was her own flesh and blood.

“What do I say to her? I don’t even know what to say….. Oh my god there Damon” I felt fear overcome me as thought of Damon reaction to all this. How was I meant to comfort Siena? What could I say to her to make her feel a fraction better? There wasn’t anything really she lost her baby.

“Elena you standing here working yourself up isn’t helping. Go and find your sister” Jo placed her hand on my shoulder for comfort. I didn’t understand why she was being so nice to her we were a bunch of vampires we hurt human but she was showing compassion and I didn’t understand.

“Why are you being so nice? Why are you so calm about all this?” I had to ask her and she looked a little taken back for a moment.

“How about I make you a deal. You don't ask questions about me and I won’t ask questions about you.” There wasn’t much I could really say to all that.

“Deal” I turned away from her making my way to the door as I grabbed the handle to leave.

“Oh and you can tell Alaric if he wants to avoid a complicated relationship, he doesn't have to hide behind compulsion to do it” I looked at her and nodded before leaving. I knew I had to go and find Siena and be there for her and tell her I knew about Isabella. When I thought of that little precious girl she was like a flower bloomed already wilting. Beginning its life with an early ending. No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye. She was gone before we knew it, and only God knows why.

Damon P.O.V

After putting Jeremy straight he pretty much left straight away. I couldn’t tell the kid the truth it would destroy him as it destroying me. I felt guilty because I was here but Bonnie wasn’t she deserve to be here as much as I did. It was going all so well until that bastard Kia showed up and hurt Bonnie I tried to save her but that sicko wasn’t going to let me. I looked up from the couch to see a picture of Bonnie with Siena. I got up and walked over and picked up the frame they both looked so happy. I know Siena and Bonnie were not BFF but there was a form of respect between them. Siena made her way to us all so she could help bring Bonnie magic back. Deep down I knew it wasn’t all for me I knew Siena took that huge risk for everyone who missed her. I took out my phone called her number as I took a seat in the arm chair. Looking at the photo the phone rings once and then her voice mail picks up.

“It's Bonnie. Leave me a message *Beep*” That was her outgoing message?  

“That's it? That's your outgoing message. Really? I mean, the onetime I'm actively seeking the sound of your voice, that's all I get. Perfect. Hmm...Anyway I just wanted to say that because of what you did for me today is the day I get to see Siena and my family. So thank you and I'm sorry. Other than that, I don't know what to say or what I'm supposed to say except that, defying all possible global scenarios, I might miss you a little bit.” I heard my phone beep I looked at the screen to see that it was Siena. “Ooh, hey, I got to go” I switched over to Siena and I could feel my heart accelerate slightly knowing I was going to hear her voice. “So you didn't forget my number. That's a good start.” It was a good start considering earlier she jumped out of the window to get away from me.

“Yeah I figured that I'd press the Damon button and see what happened.” As she spoke I could hear sorrow in her voice like she had been crying. I knew Siena better than anyone for her to be this upset it might just mean that even with the compulsion that maybe feeling are still there.

“And what is happening?” I tried to keep my voice cool so I didn’t sound to needy like earlier as that approach didn’t work in my favour. I could hear her sniffling and I knew she did that when she was crying and knowing that she was broke my heart. I wanted to find her and comfort her in a tight hug tell her that everything will be okay.

“I don't know. I don't even know what I'm doing.” She spoke through her tears as her voice became more unsteady.  “I just--I'm thinking we should meet face to face. I can't run from you forever and there something we need to di-discuss” Once again her voice broke now I could hear her crying even harder.

“Siena you’re crying. Why you crying? If it’s me putting too much pressure I’ll back away. I don’t want you crying princess” That was the last thing I wanted because I didn’t want her to feel pressured to seeing me if it was upsetting her this much. As much as I wanted to see her I could wait until it was on her terms.

“I’m okay. Just pass by the cottage I’ll meet you there. I won’t be long” I couldn’t help but smile and looked around the room thinking I was already here. That I would be seeing her beautiful face in any moment.

“Yeah, yeah I'll be here--there; I'll be there, absolutely in a bit. See you in a little bit.” I wanted to tell her that I loved her but I felt that was something to be said to her face. I didn’t want to freak her out any more than I had.

“Okay” She hangs up and I quickly got up from couch putting the picture back in its place. I began to cleaning up a little bit so it didn’t look like I had been snooping around. I looked in the mirror and began to fixes my hair I felt nervous in seeing her now. It was crazy a few hours ago I was ready to kick in the door and now I’m like one of those teenage kids frighten to see the girl his in love with. I heard the door open and I turned around to see Nico standing there with stunned expression.

“You’re really back” I began to approach him and he took a few steps back “I’m sorry for…..” I cut him off with tight a hug. To have my Nico here was something truly amazing I felt a lump build up in my throat as Nico held on to me for dear life “I-I-I mi-missed you so much d-dad” I could hear Nico speak through his tears and I pulled away to see him crying.

“You have nothing to be sorry about son. I forgive you” As soon as I told him that Nico broke down and cried onto my shoulder. He was truly overwhelmed by my forgiveness but I couldn’t hold what happened against him as it wasn’t him it was that Nickar that took over him. “Hey Nico….” He pulled away from me and began to wipe away his tears. “Your mom on her way she coming here to talk to me” As I was talking to Nico I heard the front door shut. My heart literally skipped a beat at the thought of Siena entering this room any moment. I gave Nico a small smile “Well that was fast” I said as I was turning only to see some guy holding gun pointing at Nico and I. I vamped out and was about to attack him but he pulls the trigger and the dart missed me and I heard Nico cry out in pain. I turned to see him drop to the ground. I turn back to the guy and went for him and he shoots again and I caught vervain dart in between his fingers and threw it hitting him in the knee.

“Ah'” He groan as he grabs at his knee. Then he tries to throw a stake at me, but caught it and vamp sped to him holding him by the neck with the stake against his jaw.

“Who are you?” I demanded then I felt sharp pain in my back. “Uh!” I groaned as the vervain hit my system releasing him to see two guys who have shot me, before I collapse and everything goes black. 

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