miniminter's sister | wroetos...

By multiixfandcm

624K 6.4K 6.4K

"Just come and kiss me, Harry." I said quietly. I didn't think he heard me at first, but he came closer towar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
so this is weird
hi yes me again im so sorry

Chapter 35

6.2K 69 37
By multiixfandcm

I'm writing this chapter listening to M83 on shuffle and,, my emotions are all over the place.
Enjoy <3

"Goodbye Mrs - Sue, goodbye Sue," I corrected myself, hugging Harry's mum one last time. "Thank you for this week, it's been amazing!" I truthfully told her.

"No, thank you, Sophie. You make him so happy, and that makes me happy."

Well, crap. Now I was going to cry.

"Mum! Stop making Sophie cry!" Harry joked, coming over to pull me away. He wrapped a protective arm around my shoulder, and after he promised his mum a phone call a week, we both walked back towards the car.

"They're all amazing," I spoke, clambering into the taxi. "They're all amazing and I loved every second of this trip. Thank you for inviting me."

This prompted a warm smile to emerge on Harry's face, and I could tell that he also felt relieved. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I'm also glad it's over. There's only so much time you can spend with your family before it gets, you know, suffocating."

"I know how you feel on that one," I said quietly, nodding my head in agreement. We both tuned out on the way to the airport, and went through our phones respectively.

Soon enough the car came to a halt in the car park and our luggage was unloaded for us. A quick exchange of thanks and we were waiting for our flight again.

"When we get back to London, I need to pop to my flat to get some stuff, haven't been there in a while," he laughed, scratching his head.

I sipped some of my coffee I had bought walking through the small airport, and pondered on a thought. "You know - you've slept over loads in my room for ages. It's understandable if you wanted to stay at your place for a bit, and you know, I could come and stay with you for a bit."

"I'd like that - only if you were really sure, though." He double checked, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek.

"I'm really sure. Plus, I have all the stuff I need from this trip, so I wouldn't need to make an emergency trip home. We can pop over if we need to."

"That sounds perfect! Shit, Cal and Cal are going to lose their minds, they've missed you - and me, I hope," he laughed, the sound of it promoting a smile. "What are you laughing at?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You. Your laugh. Just you in general," I spoke quietly, my small smile now transforming into a bigger one, one that couldn't be wiped off of my face.

He nudged my shoulder quickly and and whispered into my ear. "Fans approaching."

I shoved him playfully and chastised him, "Harry! They're fans stop being mean!"

As he had observed, two girls and a boy approached us, with their phones out.

"Hey guys!" I spoke cheerfully, standing up from the uncomfortable airport seats.

After a quick exchange of pictures and hugs the trio left us. "Doesn't it feel amazing to know that that's just made their day? Like, isn't excitement just buzzing throughout your body? I love meeting fans. I absolutely love it," I said wistfully, eventually sitting back down next to Harry.

"Yeah, I enjoy it I guess. I'm just not that good with social interactions - I'm not a people person."

No, but you're my person I thought to myself. Better not say that one out loud, he wouldn't let me hear the end of it.


"That's us!" I exclaimed, getting up once more and stretching my arms. I wasn't feeling too nervous for this flight back, knowing that I had Harry if I needed him. "Let's go."


"Yeah, yeah, okay. I'll call you if I need anything. And call me if you need anything either! Love you too, Simon. Bye!" And with that I ended the call to my brother. Harry and I had landed in London little over an hour ago, and we had just arrived into the parking lot of his apartment.

"I feel like I could sleep for a hundred years," Harey complained, stifling a yawn. Balancing on my toes I reached up to give him a kiss.

"When we get inside you head off to bed and sleep, and I'll join you straight after. Sound like a plan?" I asked, holding his hand as we wheeled our luggage towards the elevator that would take us up to his floor.

I think he was too tired to even argue, instead just simply nodding his head and holding onto the railings.

"I love you," I spoke affectionately under my breath, not entirely sure if he could hear me or not. It seemed like he could not, for he continued to randomly open and close his eyes, all the while still resting on the rail. I smiled, placing my hand on top of his, and patiently waited for the elevator to arrive at the designated floor. I had forgotten that he lived in a high rise flat block, and that he lived very close to the top.

After what seemed like a very long time, the elevator stopped and the two of us got out. Harey looked like a walking corpse, as if he was about to collapse at any second. Turns out he wasn't as good at travelling as I had first assumed!

We got to his door and I knocked four times, hearing footsteps approach the other side of the door.

It was Freezy who greeted us, and after taking one good look at Harry, he realised that he needed to help get him to bed. I carried the luggage in, shutting the door behind me whilst Cal sorted Harry out in his bedroom.

Meanwhile, I ventured over to the living room, where other Cal was enjoying a football match.

Approaching him from behind, I tiptoed closer and closer until - "CAL I'M HOME!" I yelled - not too loudly, but loudly enough to scare him in a close proximity.

He practically jumped out of his skin at the noise, and would've shouted back until he realised it was me.

"Sophie Minter! Is that you? At our place? It's never been seen before!" He joked, jumping up from his place on the sofa to wrap his arms around me. I hugged him back - I had missed him.

With the exception of the New Years party, I hadn't seen him since Simon's birthday, which was all the way back in September. It felt too awkward to reach out after the break with Harry, seeing as he lived with them and all.

I was broken out of my train of thought as Cal asked if he could film - something for his vlog I think I heard him say.

"Course you can, don't even need to ask," I agreed, perching on the top of the sofa.

"Guys! Look who has just come through the door! Let's give it up for a rare Sophie Minter!" He started, swiveling the camera to my face.

"Watch it, Cal. I may be tired but I can still hit pretty hard," I grinned.

"That is true," added the other Cal, who had just walked out from Harry's room.

I moaned. "Okay, that's not fair! You're making me sound like I go round hitting people!" I protested, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Well do you?" Joked Cal, knowing that this was good content.

"No! I don't! But now you're making me dig a hole so I'm just going to be quiet." I sulked, coming round to sit next to him.

"Anyway," Cal continued, flashing me a quick grin, "Sophie and Harry just came home from Guernsey - wait was I supposed to say that on camera?" He checked, and I nodded.

"As I was saying, Sophie and Harry have just arrived back from Guernsey and Freezy just put Harry to bed - he was a walking zombie when he arrived home."

"That's right," I added in, chuckling. "Speaking of, I should probably head to bed too," I yawned, covering my mouth.

"They're going to do the nastyyyy!" Cal chanted, him and Freezy both teasing me.

"If Harry doesn't kill you when he watches that, I will," I warned, but smiling at them both. However, I had turned a bright shade of red.

"She didn't deny it!" Freezy teased, to which I rolled my eyes.

"You two are so childish! I will be going straight to sleep!" I protested, getting up and checking my phone - no new messages. Cal had now put his camera away, and the volume had been turned up again on the TV.

"Goodnight, guys," I yawned, waving goodbye to both the Cal's. I was in need of some proper shut eye.

I hadn't been in Harry's room for a while - and evidently neither had he. This was very different to the first time I had been in his room, where I had been convinced he was a neat freak, like me. Or maybe, he was messy and had just tidied for me. That would make more sense, as when he had been staying in my room his clothes often littered the floor.

I stepped over the dirty clothes and other objects, and tried to carefully climb into bed. However, Harry was sprawled all over, and there was no way I could get in there without waking him up - and I didn't want to do that.

"Dammit," I cursed under my breath. I should've just gone to bed at the same time.

Sighing to myself, I left his room and went to get a glass of water from the kitchen. I could feel my eyelids drooping, exhaustion was catching up to me.

"Sophie?" Freezy called out from the couch. "What are you doing in the kitchen? Go to sleep."

"I was going to but Harry is sprawled out on the bed, didn't wanna wake him up. I'm just going to sleep on the couch or something," I halfheartedly explained, flailing my arms about.

"Take my room, I'll sleep on the couch," He offered, jumping up to come and help me get to his room.

"Yeah, thanks Cal, appreciate it," I whispered, honestly just wanting to lie down.


My initial thought as I woke up was panic. Panic surged through my body as I shot up from my sleeping position, a uneasy feeling lingering in my chest. Where was I?

As I looked around the unfamiliar room, I saw my phone on the table next to me. It was only seven in the morning.

I got out of bed, and immediately spotted a picture of Cal on the mantelpiece. Slowly, I started to remember what had happened last night. It began to make much more sense.

Grabbing my phone, I quietly left the room, going to make myself some breakfast. However, by the sounds of it, someone else was already up, and watching TV.


He turned round and waved, beckoning me to come over. Breakfast could wait for a while, right?

I walked over to him, smiling as I sat down next to him. "Thanks for letting me sleep in your room last night," I whispered, leaning my head back against the sofa.

"No problem! Couldn't let you sleep on the sofa, could I?"

"Well you could've, but the chivalry in your jumped out," I teased, looking at my phone as it pinged.

"Speaking of, Harry's just texted. I'll see you later," I mumbled, quickly rushing away.

I didn't think anything of our encounter, but perhaps I should have. 

Hehe hope u enjoyed the slight cliffhanger <3 also this one is back to usual (short) length ! Sorry ! The next chapter is gna be very dramatic hehe so it'll be an extra extra exTRA long chapter I hope you're ready !!!!!!!!

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