Inseparable love (A kevedd st...

By XxbandsforeverxX

272K 8.2K 2.2K

edd comes out and he loses his two best friends, but gains new friends through surprise, Kevin. Why is Kevi... More

Edd's Introduction (the story begins on chapter 3)
Kevin's Introduction
Morning time
The hallway
lunchtime secrets
A friend?
Quick message
Now you know (:
our first date♡
a start to something grand?
off to a great start
kiss me once, kiss me twice
I'm sorry (skip if you wish)
Double D's situation
He has no idea
Where's the dork?
His prince charming
Let's go home
kevin's house
Mending the pain
Our day out
A little dirty?
Was this fun?
Will Nathan survive?
the plan
I'm so sorry please forgive me
Raven's Surprise
What the hell is going on?
Sorry haha
It's all good (sorry to keep you waiting)
The ending is near
You know you want it

here it is folks

9.5K 319 63
By XxbandsforeverxX

Kevin's pov:

Omg omg I don't know what to do. My mind feels in a whirlwind of shock, but in a good way. Kind of like when you find out it's a snow day in the middle of may.

"Thank you for saying yes", I say as a blush covers my face.

"You're welcome Kevin. ", the dorks face lit up too. We both awkwardly look away as my friends are saying awwwwe.

"Well, you guys should kiss!", nazz says excitedly.

"No not yet", I say. I don't think the dork would be up for that. I want to save our kiss for a special time.

"Come on dork, do you want a ride home?", I offer. He looks at me in glee.

"Sure", he says. We both feel pretty awkward but we manage.

"Bye love birds!", Nathan screams as we walk away together. A light blush covers my face again. Did he actually say yes? The thing is, i've liked double d for a while, but i never would have guessed that i would be going out with him. We walked through the parking lot and go up to my bike. Double d always had trouble getting onto it so I lifted him up. His torso was tiny and feminine as he let out a little squeal. Oh god, so adorable.

"Sorry if I frightened you, I was helping you onto the bike", I said hopping on.

" worries. It's fine.", double d responded. I looked back to find his face in a blush and a little blood dripping down from his nose.

"Here dork", I said as I took a tissue from my pocket and gave it to him.

"Oh dear!", he said surprised. He put the tissue up to his nose and wiped the little bit of blood.

"Hold on", I said as I revved my engine.  We took off as double dork wrapped his arms around my waist. I knew exactly what he was thinking right now. Ugh, he's so cute. We arrived at my house which was only across the street from double d's house. We hopped off the bike and he gave his helmet to me.

"Thank you for the ride Kevin. ", dork said.

"No problem,  umm...hey double d? Would you like to go and ummm... you know, go out for a picnic tonight. Like I know we have school tomorrow,  but I think it would be fun to like get to know you more.", I said shakidly. Oh gosh what if he responded with no?

"I would love too! How about 8:00 tonight?", he asked.

"Yeah, that would be perfect!", I responded really happily.

"Okay, see you then Kevin", the dork said as he walked off to his house. I looked him up and down as his cute hips went side to side. Oh gosh, I need to get ready and prepare the food!

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