New Beginning

By iconicbearhug

93.5K 2.5K 321

Regina, Cruella, Jafar and Malificent all have one wish, to have someone to love and cherish forever. The VKs... More

Wishing on a star
Hidden beneath the skin
Mercy is overrated.
Can't break me.
A touch.
I'll catch you when you fall
To love
Sweet child of mine.
Meet the counsellor
Lost girl
Puppy Love
Forget me not.
Split and run
Welcome Home
Sand storm.
What makes a dragon?

Burn baby burn.

2.1K 80 16
By iconicbearhug

The castle wasnt large per say. It was less run down than Cruellas home and was somehow even less inviting but it was on the small side. Regina hoped this other her took pain from that.

"So what's the plan for this one?" Cynthia asked. "Or are we just gonna go in guns blazing?"

"You just bitch slapped your alter ego with a metal bar you dont get any say in further plans." Mallory countered.

Cynthia opened her mouth to argue... and then promptly closed it again. It wasn't as though she could say that hadnt happened because it did. She also wouldn't have changed anything about what she did except maybe she should have hit her a few more times.

She would have to double back once the others were dealt with.

"Do you have a plan?" Jason asked quietly.


"Let me guess it involves more knocking?"

"If by that you mean am I going to smash in my own front door I'm sadly going to have to disappoint you." The mans eyebrows raised. "You see I was thinking of something a little... hotter."

Most of the isle was made of scraps. Lost things just like the lost people scrounging for them. Each house was patched with these scraps which meant that, after the years, houses became far more patchwork projects than actual buildings. Though to many this may seem like an odd thing to remember it jolted quickly into Evies memory as she watched Regina moved towards her old home.

Her mother, Grimhilde, loved the regal feel and nothing said regal like old wood.

When Regina's fire coated hand came into contact with this the old, dry wood that made up a large portion of the house Evie felt her brain short circuit. She could do nothing but watch as flames began to lick with ease up the buildings walls, small but growing fast.

Evie had grown up in that house and though it wasn't a happy childhood she still had some found memories. For instance Mal had climbed the walls once when Evie had been locked inside the closet. She had smudged her eyeliner (made from charcoal and iron) and hadnt been seen in days. When Mal found her she was starving, shaking and repeating over and over again that she was sorry. And she was. So so sorry. She never messed up again.

Something smashed in the house. One of the mirrors maybe. Must be.

There were 37 mirrors inside Grimhildes home. 37 places Evie was forced to stand in front of day after day, night after night and try her hardest to fix herself to her mothers standards. Standards that each day changed. Became harsher and harsher. She never looked perfect and that was the one thing her mother strived for. That she would be perfect. Though from those 37 it was the 38th, the one she pretended didnt exist though it haunted her reflection.

The mirror room.

Evie hated that room.

Mirrored floor, walls and ceiling. Cracked from the force the small girl had been thrown into it, skull cracking against the cold, sharp covering again and again.

More crashing and then finally, as the flames began to lick further into the building and the smoke began to climb she could hear it. A scream. A piercing screech that could only come from inside the wall of flames.

Evie looked to her mother, her grip on Mals hand vice like. Regina stood tall. There was no reaction, no change to the wails that were beginning from inside the fire she had lit. It was only when Mallory waved her hand muttering under her breath that had the woman flickered her eyes away from the dancing flames and looked to her instead.

"Making sure it doesnt spread." The ex villain stated in way of explanation.

Regina didnt answer back but nodded and then turned back to the burning home as something hit the door.

The screaming was louder now. Scraping against Evies ear drums as she stood shaking. She knew it was her mother. Knew it was Grimhilde. Banging on the door, screaming and shouting and burning.

But she didnt move.

She didnt step forwards or beg for mercy.

She didnt cry.

Instead she stayed by Mals side, Carlos and Jay stood close by protecting her still from her mothers shouts. Always protecting.

And then the door burst open.

Evie had seen the dead before. Living on the Isle it was impossible not to but the body that came barreling out of her house took her by surprise.

Blackened skin, burnt and cracked and bubbling away. Hair missing and smoking, inflamed. Clothing covered in fire and fused into the skin. Eyes wild with the flickering of flames as it stumbled forwards. The smell of burning flesh protuded into the air and Evie knew that Carlos would be feeling queasy now. She should be too but she couldnt seem to feel anything. The mouth was wide open, the black burns marking teeth and gums. The mouth was screeching, roaring in anger. In pain. In fear.

It looked nothing like her mother.

But it was exactly as she imagined her to be.

Grimhilde escaped the house that began to fall as flames consumed it behind her but she could not escape the damage already done. Evie watched her scream, stumble and then crash to her knees.

Right in front of Regina.

Regina looked down in disgust, eyes ablaze with a look Evie had never seen before. It was as though she was looking at a slug. Something vile and not worth the air it was breathing.

"Hello Grimhilde." Regina's voice was dripping in ice. The woman on the ground groaned but Regina leaned down, a smirk beginning on her face.

Full of the promise of pain.

"You hurt your daughter." Eyes flickering around, glazed and furious as they finally landed on Evie. "My daughter. And that... is unforgivable."

She trailed a manicured hand across the woman's burnt cheek and the eyes came back to her.

"You may be a villain... but I am a Queen!"

And them she struck.

A hand shot forwards, plunging through the woman's chest. Grimhilde gasped, body stiffening and the glint in Regina's eyes grew. Burning. Blinding. A glow of such intensity that Evie felt the air leave her lungs even as she stayed frozen.

It was when the hand came back that she came alive, beginning to move closer and feeling the others coming with her as she did so. The orb in Regina's hand was bright red and pulsing, a strange hun echoing through the air.

"Its her heart." Evie glanced up but Regina's eyes were only on her now. Piercing through her with a look she couldnt distinguish.

Evie looked back down, curious now. Her mothers heart. Her mother had a heart. Her mother who was going grey around her burned skin, staring up at her with terrified eyes just as she had done before the cane came down on her shivering body. She remembered each time she'd begged her mother for mercy and each time she had been denied it.

She felt herself leaning forward before she could stop herself. Her mother eyes following her as she came towards her ear, lips brushing across scorched skin.

"You will never be the fairest of them all."

She pulled away, looked to Regina her mother now. She squeezed and the heart crumpled in her hand. Grimhilde gasped, shuddered and then her eyes glazed over. Her body fell sideways, lying on the ground, not even cold yet but the heart lay shattered under her daughters feet.

"E?" Mal squeezed her hand softly and she looked into those blazing green eyes surrounded by the shadows of the Isle and the flames of her old home. "What did you say to her?"

Evie grinned.

"Something I wanted to say for a while."

She didnt explains and Mal didnt ask her to. They walked away, heading for the next home and Grimhilde lay forgotten behind them. Evie wrapped her arm around Reginas and strolled into the growing night.

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