Avowal // pjm [COMPLETED]

By alloflovethatmadeit

12.8K 855 170

Avowal n. a statement asserting the existence or the truth of something "Connection doesn't care about the la... More

"Pick A Dick, Quae"
The Breakup
Lifting Weights
Dating Men
The One Who Mattered
Laid Bare
Moving Out
Saying Goodbye
Catching Up
Coming to Grips
Don't Question
Living The Dream
Let Me Love You
Taken Into Consideration
DISAVOWAL: An Avowal Sequel

Finally Friday

338 30 16
By alloflovethatmadeit

Seven Years Later..

Jimin POV

Finally Friday. It's been a long week and I'm glad for the weekend to finally make it here. It's treat day for me so I stop by the pizza place on my way home to grab my favorite beef and pineapple pizza. I'm running a bit late today so the small restaurant has more noisy customers than usual and we're all a bit crowded in together.

I wait patiently for my order to be called while scrolling through random socials on my phone. "Ten thirteen! Beef and pineapple!" the worker behind the register calls.

"Right here!" I answer, heading towards the register. I'm looking into my coat pocket for my wallet as I approach the register when I bump into someone. I immediately raise my head to apologize and get flustered at the woman in front of me.

She's gorgeous. She's dressed nicely, in a gray pencil skirt that stops just below her knees and a button down lavender blouse. Her black hair is parted on one side gathered in a low ponytail that curls just past her shoulders.

"I'm so sorry," I give my best smile.

"I'm sorry as well. It's a bit crowded in here, isn't it?" She has a lovely smile. 

"Yes, it is. I'm Jimin, by the way."

"Taryn. Nice to meet you, Jimin." I notice her giving me the once over and she smirks in approval. 

"Do you live around here? I'm not sure I've ever seen you before," I ask as I hand my card to the cashier. I thank him when he returns it and collect my pizza.

"No, actually. I'm in town to meet my future in laws."

My smile wavers just a bit, but I still enjoy the conversation. "Well, that sounds nerve wrecking," I laugh again. I'm being perfectly honest.

"Let's just say, it didn't go as planned. There's my fiance now." She waves her arm over her head as she calls out, "Over here, honey!"

It feels like the air has changed and the chatter of the patrons has muffled as I turn to meet the lucky man and my jaw drops.

I feel an instant attraction I haven't felt in years. There stands another gorgeous woman in front of me in black dress slacks that hug her every curve and a sheer black blouse that with a tie at the collar. I'm assuming the dark colors are to tone down her amazing figure, but it fails because I appreciate every inch of her body.

Her dark brown hair is loose, sleek and smooth and also just past her shoulders. Her eyes widen in surprise when she sees me and my heart flutters, my hands becoming just a bit moist. 

This gorgeous woman is Quae.

We both stand speechless for a moment before Taryn speaks. "Jimin, I'd like you to meet my fiance. This is Lilith. Lilith, honey, this is Jimin. We ordered the same type of pizza."

"Lilith," I manage to squeak out. My mouth hasn't closed nor have I blinked. I feel like I may pass out alerting me to the fact I've stopped breathing. 

"Nice to meet you, Jimin," Quae says. At least I thought she was my Quae. My god, she's so beautiful. 

"Well it was nice talking to you, Jimin. Maybe we'll run into each other again sometime," Taryn continues the conversation or lack thereof. 

"I hope to see you again soon. I really do," I never break eye contact with Lilith. If she is my Quae, she understands what I mean. 

The couple make their way back into the crowd with Lilith glancing once over her shoulder at me before they disappear. I know that is her. My heart can feel her.

I can't shake the strange feeling the entire way home. My heart still aches for Quae everyday. I tried for nearly a year to find her but without knowing anywhere she would go or anyone outside of me, Taehyung, or Hoseok she could go to, the search was fruitless. I haven't heard from her since the day she left.

Could this be her?

I'm no longer hungry once I arrive home so I drop the pizza on the kitchen table and change into my track pants. I know today is supposed to be my rest day but I need to work things out in my head and pullups usually help that. 

Lost in thought, I've completed a variety of exercises in multiple spots of my apartment not realizing two hours have passed and it is now raining. My upper body glistens with sweat as I walk over to the living room coffee table and sit on the floor in front of it with the sofa to my back.

I grab a piece of paper and a pen preparing to write the letter I write this same day every year. The past few years it's become harder and harder to write these letters which, I was told, is a good thing. It means I'm healing and soon would no longer need to write them at all.

Things have changed today though and the words flow freely and smoothly from my pen to the paper. 

I receive a text from Taehyung asking if I'd mind some company. He knows what today is and hasn't hesitated to clear his schedule on this day every year to sit with me. Our friendship has grown exponentially where Hoseok and I have slacked.

How things change in such a short time.

I start my second page when I hear the doorbell. I hop up and jog over to the door, beginning to speak before it's fully open. "Dude, guess who I thought I saw.. today.." I trail off. My heart races in my chest and I stare in silent awe.

The same gorgeous woman from the pizza place is standing outside my door. She's drenched from the rain and her clothes cling even closer to her body than they did earlier. She licks her lips, eyeing me from head.. to shirtless chest.. to six pack.. to toe and back up again. Leaning her head slightly to the side she asks, "Who did you think you saw today, Ji?"  

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