By xxmilkybqbesxx

229K 5.5K 1.9K


1; Her Story
2: Her Family
3; Attracted?
4; Apology
5; Jealousy
6; Kiss
7; Carefree
8; Flashbacks
9; Thrill
10; Introducing Me
11; documentary part one
12; documentary part two
13; documentary part three
14; documentary part four
15; documentary part five
Random chapter: Instagram
16; documentary part six
17; The L Word
18; future
19; Wrestlemania
20; Celebration
21; In Loving Memory
22; Stress
23; Scared
24; Together
25; Family Reunion
26; Truth
27; Relapse
28; Complicated
29; Soulmate
Breaking Instagram
30; Unexpected
31; First man
32; Arguments
Breaking Instagram Part 2
33; Wedding Bells
34; Married
36; Recovery
37; Rumors
38; Split
39; Hopelessly Devoted
40; Mommy Dearest
41; Surprise
Breaking Instagram Part 3
42; Hurting
43; Young, Wild, and Free
44; Chaos
45; Past
Breaking Instagram Part 4
46; Gender Reveal
Breaking Instagram Part 5: 47; The Battle
48; Delivery
Breaking Instagram Part 6
49; Return
50; I Like Me Better
51; Danger
Breaking Instagram Part 7: 52; Moving Forward
53; Surprise #2
54; Pregnant
55; Podcast Pregnancy And Goodbyes
56; Arguments Part 2
57; Reacting
58; Anniversary
Breaking Instagram Part 8: 59; Family
60; Reality TV
Bonus Chapter
61; Advice
Breaking Instagram Part 9
62; Fights
63; Episode 1
Breaking Instagram Part 10: 64; Episode 2
65; Delivery Part 2
66; Challenge
Breaking Instagram Part 11
67; Celebrations and Confrontation
Breaking Instagram Part 12
68; Confrontation Part 2
Welcome Back
70; Rumors Part 2
71; Tell All
Breaking Instagram Part 13
72; Family
73; Podcast
74; Boyfriend
75; Daughter

35; Hardships

2.4K 62 5
By xxmilkybqbesxx

hardships• severe suffering or privation.

"Roman! Roman! Roman!" Paparazzi and gossip channels swarmed Roman outside of the airport.

"Are you and Luciana getting a divorce?!"

"What are you talking about man?" Roman asked, clearly annoyed.

"Inside sources say you and your wife have been off to a rocky start of your marriage!"

"Dancing with the stars top dancer Artem, is apparently getting close with your wife! How do you feel about this?"

"You guys need to stop making up stories for a paycheck" Roman rolled his eyes. "We're fine. That's my wife and we're not getting a divorce."


"Hey," Roman walked in their hotel room.

Ever since the comment he made, things have been awkward between them. She was hurting and he knew it.

"Hey," She looked up from her phone. "What's in the bag?"

"Some things for you actually." He said and sat down next to her. "Here."

She looked at him curiously and opened the bag. "You got me food and??"

Roman grabbed the gift at the bottom and unwrapped it for her. It was quite big. A picture he had made for them.

Luciana leaned over him to get a better look at the picture. Tears filled her eyes. How did they get to this place? A month ago, they were extremely happy.

"You made this?" She finally spoke.

"Yeah," Roman smiled and looked at her. "I know I've been a jerk.. An asshole... An idiot. Truth is, I don't know what battle you're fighting, and that's what bothers me. It kills me that I can't take the pain away... And I'm afraid, that I'll fail you. I want you to talk to me about what he did, I want you to open up to me. Cause when you relapsed," he began to cry. "For a split second, it was like you were dead. And I didn't know what I would do if you were gone, I was there. I was there with you and I should've known something was gonna happen when you had the first nightmare. I should've done something.."

Luciana stayed quiet for a few minutes. Finally she moved everything and sat in front of him. "When I relapsed with you, I was in this other world... I was with my dad and he said he had been watching over me. He said he really likes you and that you're apparently my healer.. I even got to see Luca."

"You did?" Roman smiled. "I bet he looks like you."

Luciana nodded through her tears. "Yeah, my dad says he's my twin."

"We haven't really talked about kids..." Roman said. "I definitely want children, especially with you. But, if you're not wanting to take that risk and try, I understand."

"I want kids with you Roman." She grabbed his hands. "But, you need to understand, he left his mark on me. And sometimes I won't be myself, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to let this go. You need to understand that and if you can't, then I don't know where we go from here."

He bit his lip, processing what she just said. Basically she was saying they'd have to go their separate ways without actually saying it. Snapping out of his thoughts, he sniffed and wiped his eyes. Roman pulled her into a hug and held her tight.

"I'm not gonna let it get to that point." He whispered into her ear. "I made vows to you, for better or for worse remember?"

"Then prove me wrong and keep it." She challenged.

Monday Night Raw:

"Guess whattt??!!" Luciana hopped on Roman's back.

"Oh my gosh babe," Roman laughed and held onto her legs. "Be careful."

"Guessss." She pouted.

"Umm, is it work related?" He wondered.

"Yes," she smiled.

"Wrestling or music related?" Roman spun with her on his back.

"Music!" She beamed. Luciana hopped off his back and stood in front of him. "I have three news songs I've been working on. Two are actually for you."

"I inspire you huh?" Roman smirked and tugged her closer.

"Maybe," she playfully rolled her eyes.

"And the other song?"

"It's me and Brie," Luciana squealed. "We're making an announcement though so keep it on the down low."

"Yes ma'am." Roman said, then fixed his gear.

"You ready for your match?" Luciana asked and straightened his vest for him.

He nodded, "Yes, I can't wait to get back out there."

"Promise me that you'll take it easy?" Luciana looked him in the eyes. His were filled with determination and plain adrenaline. While hers literally spelt out the word "worry."

"I promise." He stated sincerely. "If I can't handle it, I'll tell the ref. Deal?"

Luciana thinly smiled. "Thank you. If you don't, I'll spear you, or superman punch you.. Or both."

Roman laughed. "Damn it's like that. Ah my wife is such a badass." He kissed her. "My wife."

"So possessive." Luci let out a sigh.

"Uh have you seen you?" Roman wondered. "You're literally gorgeous. And not just your physical appearance, your soul is what really made me fall head over heels for you."

"Is that so?" She titled her head.

"You're the definition of beauty." He kissed her nose. "And I'm lucky enough to keep you all to myself."

Roman's match was almost on, Luciana was with the girls quickly before she went to watch his match. She sat with Brie, as they discussed putting out the cover of their single 'Beautiful Liar.'

"I haven't seen it yet, can I?" Nikki asked. Luciana nodded and handed her the phone. She gasped, "Oh my goodness. It's so cool."

"I'm so glad we did this song." Brie gushed. "It was so fun writing it."

"I didn't know you could sing, why'd you never tell me?" Luciana nudged her.

"She does have a beautiful voice but she never really pursued it." Nikki answered.

"Well I'm glad me and you did this, it was really fun." Brie hugged her.

"Yess, it was so fun." Luciana smiled.

"Luci!" Sasha and Paige ran in the room.

"Roman, Drew attacked him from behind, and he's heart bad." Paige panted.

"The match started?!" Luciana jumped up and ran to the gorilla. She watched the replay, Drew attacked him from behind and gave him quite the beating. His face kicked into the post, punches and being tossed. Seth had already run out there to check on him, Roman looked like he was in pain. The doctor was trying to exam him but Roman kept brushing them off. Luciana ran out to the ring, the crowd cheering at her presence.

"He's banged up Luci." Seth told her as she approached him.

"Are you okay?" She gently held his face and looked at the nasty bruise presented on his cheek.

"I just have a slight headache." Roman shut his eyes, clearly in pain.

"It's alright man, lets just go and get you checked in the back, just to be on the safe side." Seth reasoned, Roman instantly shaking his head and saying he was fine.

"Roman," Luciana said sternly. "Just let the doctor check you out okay? So we can be sure you're alright. Cmon Ro, I know you don't want to but just to be 100% sure."

He sighed in defeat knowing his wife wasn't necessarily giving him a choice. He put his arms around her and Seths shoulder, walking him to the doctor backstage.

"In my defense, I did take it easy." Roman held his hands up.

The couple was back in their hotel room after Raw. Thankfully there were no major injuries to Roman after the brutal beating from Drew happened. Just bruises but the doctor advised Roman to take headache medicine.

"I know you did." Luciana replied while wrapping his shoulder. "You hit the post pretty hard though so let's take it easy for a couple of days."

He sighed and smiled at her. "Yes wife."

2 months later: Hell in a cell

The feud between Maryse and Luciana continued over these past months. Roman even got them in marriage counseling so he could get a better idea of what Luciana was actually going through. He remained in remission, getting him stronger and stronger each day. Artems lawyer's had been working on the case, potentially heading towards a trial. Luciana hadn't been experiencing the nightmares as much. The marriage counseling and therapy really helped her and Roman to succeed on their marriage and not go down the separation route.

Today was Hell In A Cell, Maryse and Luci had a match since their fight had been going on for some time now. Even though it was fake, neither knew who would win, the storyline writers not wanting to come up with the outcome for this match.

"You ready?" Becky questioned Luciana and helped her with her hair.

"Yes, hopefully everything goes well." She replied, the two beginning to walk to the gorilla.

"So you don't know who will win?" Becky asked.

"No, they're leaving that up to us. But I don't mind if she wins." Luciana said. She looked over and seen Becky smiling and blushing at her phone. "Who's got you so flushed?"

Becky shyly smiled and looked around before speaking. "Me and... Seth are kinda a thing."

"Really?!" Luciana gasped and jumped up and down.
"When did this happen?!"

"A few months ago," Becky squealed. "We began talking again, more than friends since me and that guy ended a long time ago. And I never realized how much we have in common, it's so surprising how we mesh well together."

"I'm so happy for you!" She hugged her friend. "I knew you guys would make a cute couple."

"Hey Luci," Dean walked up to them. "Roman's waiting for you, I'd hurry before he dies without you being by his side."

Luciana chuckled. "See you after the match." She told Becky and walked to her husband. "I heard you might die if you went second longer without my presence."

"Ha ha," Roman rolled his eyes. "I needed to see my queen before her match. So, good luck, you got this. Win or lose, just come back to me and be safe."

She grinned and kissed him. "Always."

"Luci!" Maryse yelled. "It's timeeee."

The two said good luck to each other, she hugged Roman before going out first. She'd lie if she said she didn't get chills when she approached the ring. Being locked in literally hell. Maryse did her entrance and shortly, the match was on.

The Cell was lowered while the women were brawling outside of the ring, so they decided that since it was there, they may as well climb up. As expected, this didn't end well, as Luciana was able to powerbomb Maryse through one of the announce tables from about half-way up the Cell.

After finally getting in the ring, the two went at it. Hitting each other with the steps, chairs, tables, anything they could. Luciana took to the rope and delivered a moonsault, unable to put Maryse away. After fighting intensely, the two found themselves on the top of the cage, battling for the win.

Luciana and Maryse ended up on the edge of the cell, neither knowing what was going to happen next. Luciana delivered a super kick to Maryse, waiting for her to regain her balance to go for a spear. However Maryse went for her move the 'French Kiss' but lost both of their balances, Maryse falling backwards on her back and Luciana falling forwards on her front. Both landed hard on the announcers table, Luciana catching the end of it.

Luciana felt an awful pain in her knee. She cried out in pain and held it. Her head cut open and she was beginning to bleed. The ref was calling for a stretcher and told them to ring the bell.

"Luci!" Maryse dragged herself to her.


"Oh my god," Sasha covered her mouth, watching the replay of their fall.

"Where's Roman?!" Seth frantically asked.

"I think he went to the bathroom," Paige said. "Her knee, look. She hit hard."

"Someone go get him!" Brie cried out.

"I'm going out there." Nikki said and ran out to the stage.

Roman walked back in, everyone immediately telling him what happened. "What?!" He watched the replay. He quickly ran out to check on her.

"Luci, I'm here." Nikki crouched next to her. "They're getting you a stretcher okay? And then you're gonna go to the hospital."

Luciana used the barricade and forced herself to stand up. "No, I don't need to go." She felt the blood rolling down her face.

"It looks like a shattered knee." One of the medical staff told them.

"You need to Luci, I know you don't want to but you need to. You can't even walk." Nikki helped her to keep her balance.

"Hey baby, I'm here." Roman approached and scooped Luciana up, being careful with her knee. "We're going to the hospital."

The stretcher came, Roman gently lied her down and they began to secure her.

"Agh! Damnit." Luciana cried and clenched her fists.



"What's happening!? Luci!"

"We're gonna need to you step back, Roman you need to get back!"

"She's going into hemorrhagic shock!"

"Roman you need to get back!"

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