Faithless Memories

By chaosmoon75

7.7K 504 46

"Can you really not remember your name? If that's the case, why don't I give you one for now?" Zack found a g... More

Stranger in Our Midst
Encounter in the Woods
Part of the Family
Confronting the Future
Locked Memories
Heartbreaking Decisions
Breaking the News
Setting Out
The Adventures of Traveling
Crossing the Ocean
Making it to Midgar
Settling In
Coming of Age
Becoming a Soldier
Why Purple?
To Sector Five
Unexpected Offer
First Date - Sort Of
Join Shinra?
Job Offer
Weighing the Options
Surprise Lunch
Time to Decide
New Friends
Finally, A Real Date
Male Pride
New Job
First Kiss
What Had Been Hidden
A Brother's Defense
Appreciative Gift
Brighter Than the Stars
End of Summer
Together Yet Apart
Tell Her Something
Letting Go
What Was Lost...
...Now Is Found
Man or Monster
A Hint to the Past
A Decision Made
Unbury the Past
Even Angels Have Their Demons
Facing the Facts
Cold Hard Truth
Next Steps
Despite the Uncertainty
Healing Genesis
Happy News?
Still Work to be Done
Back to Midgar
Unexpected Addition
To Junon
Face From the Past
Meeting the In-Laws
Stop in Gongaga
Into Nibelheim
The Devil Within
Enter the Gunman
Still Under the Influence
Up Mount Nibel
Into the Reactor
Facing the Beast
By the Skin of Our Teeth
Impossible Choices
Time to Decide
Revelations of a Madman
Breaking the News
Home Again
Home is Where the Heart Is


65 6 0
By chaosmoon75

Chapter 34

The next morning, Kris was woken by the sound of Zack in the shower. She stretched languidly and grinned as she pushed herself out of bed and toward the kitchen. She had barely finished the bacon when Zack came into the kitchen. He patted her on the head and jumped to the side as she tried to poke him before he grabbed a piece of bacon. He ignored her huff as he rummaged in the refrigerator for the jar of juice.

She had already moved on by the time he stood. It wasn't until she turned to serve everything that she noticed he was leaning against the table and staring at her. She didn't need to say anything. She just raised a brow at his look. He grinned before he took the pan and sat down. He didn't speak until after he gestured for her to sit too.

"I heard you humming in the shower last night."

That had been the last thing she expected to hear. She felt her cheeks redden, but she ignored it as she answered. "Sorry if I woke you."

Zack shook his head and sighed. He leaned back and gave her a half-smile. "Don't worry, you didn't."

Kris didn't know what to say to that, so she just nodded. Zack chuckled, but it didn't sound like his usual laugh. He was shaking his head when she looked back up again. She gave him a curious look, but she didn't have to wait long. "You're happy when you're with him, aren't you?"

Kris didn't need to ask who he was talking about. She felt her stomach churn a little as she nodded. She really didn't want to fight with her brother about it again and felt almost guilty that she enjoyed Genesis' company as much as she did. She was shocked when Zack just nodded.

It wasn't until he handed the pan of eggs over to her that he spoke again. "I still don't like the idea that he might just leave you high and dry, but I won't keep trying to split you up. You deserve to be happy, even if it's just for a little while."

Kris suddenly felt tears prick her eyes, and she ignored his look as she got up and grabbed him around the neck. It was only a few seconds before he started protesting that she was squeezing the life out of him and pushed her off. When she let go, he was giving her his typical grin. Kris had never been so happy to see it. "Thanks."

Zack shook his head and made a mock sound of disgust as he gently pushed her back toward her own chair. "Don't thank me. I still plan on killing him if he hurts you. I just won't say anything until it happens."

Kris could tell that he was only partially joking, but it made her laugh anyway. She was just glad that both the men in her life had finally decided to quit acting like territorial wolves. She hoped it signaled good times to come.

When she sat back down, she grinned at him. If he could compromise, so could she. A little anyway. "Don't worry that it means I plan to stiff you and the guys. It'll still be nice to go out with friends too."

Zack shot her a full-blown grin at that. Kris shook her head and pointed to his plate. "Eat up. You'll be late." He gave her a mock salute before he dug in with gusto. When he got up to leave, Kris was humming again while she washed the dishes.


It was nearly 10:30 before Kris remembered that she had told Sephiroth that she would come visit him. She swore to herself as she jumped up and managed to get ready in record time. She still had no idea what the request was about, but she added a little make-up, just in case. It was better to be safe than sorry.

When she got to the Shinra building, she almost went straight to the Soldier floor, but she remembered at the last minute that she had only ever been to Angeal's office. She was sure that Sephiroth's should be close to that area, but she didn't know for sure. She sighed as she veered to the receptionist's desk instead. She hated dealing with the hormonal females if she didn't have to. After her first few visits to Zack, she avoided them if she could.

She plastered on a fake smile as she made it to the desk. She didn't wait for the woman to ask what her business was before she spoke. "General Sephiroth is expecting me this morning. Could you please point me to his office."

The woman gave her a doubtful sneer, but Kris just raised a brow. "I'm sure you can verify if you need to."

The woman huffed at the reminder of her job duties, but she efficiently dialed a number. It was only a matter of moments before the woman hung up and shot Kris a glare. Her voice showed her irritation when she gave instructions on where to go. Kris shot her a grin as she thanked her and walked away. It took all she had not to laugh at the woman's grumbling. She could only imagine how much worse it would have been if they knew that she was dating Genesis. Or maybe not. From the woman's actions, she was probably a die-hard Silver Elite member.

She was still smiling when she made it to Sephiroth's office and knocked. When he bid her enter, he raised a brow at her smile and gave her one in return. "I'm glad to see you in good spirits this morning. Hopefully, that will bode well for my request."

Kris felt her smile slip a little, but his expression was still genial when he gestured for her to take a seat. She shook her head and sat before she raised her brows and gave him a curious look. "So, what is this about anyway?"

He leaned back a little. "I'll get right to the point. I know you have already told several of us that you do not feel you would fit well within any branch of the military. However, I feel that you are incredibly talented, and I would hate for that talent to go to waste."

Kris opened her mouth to object, but Sephiroth held up a hand. "Please allow me to finish first."

Kris' brows drew down a little as she snapped her mouth shut. Sephiroth shook his head with a rueful smile. "Please do not think that we will continue to ask something that you have made yourself clear on." When he gave her another smile, she tried to relax and gave him a nod.

"Thank you. This may sound strange, but I feel that with what you have already taught Soldier Fair, that you may also have a talent for training. I would like to ask you to consider becoming a consultant. You can train our Thirds in hand-to-hand and maneuverability."

Once he finished speaking, Kris stared at him for several moments without a sound. She opened her mouth several times but snapped it shut each time as she couldn't find the words. Finally, she shook her head. "I am not enhanced. How could that possibly be a good idea?"

Sephiroth smiled at the fact that she hadn't turned him down immediately. "You have already proven that you are more than a match for the average Third. Their enhancements are minimal. As Soldiers, we are taught armed melee, but I have seen that many of the lower ranks are too rigid. They could only benefit from being taught to think on their feet and expect the unexpected. Would you at least think about it?"

Kris swallowed several times as she tried to process the request. Finally, she frowned at him. "Even if I was interested, I already have a job that I don't want to leave."

Sephiroth nodded. That was an objection he had expected as well. "I am aware. I also know that you only work on the three days of the weekend. I am not asking you to work here full time. A couple of days a week would be sufficient."

Kris absently nodded as she looked out into space. Sephiroth leaned back and gave her the silence to think. Finally, she shook her head and gave him a hard look. "If I am to train them, then I expect them to listen. If there are any that don't want to, then I will warn you right now that I won't put up with it."

Sephiroth tried not to let his smile grow too big. He gave her a nod. "Of course. Discipline is expected, and punishment will closely follow any insubordination."

Kris gave him a pointed look. "I was talking about having free rein to handle it myself. If they are going to be expected to respect me enough to listen, then I will need to have that authority."

Sephiroth had not been expecting her demand, but he gave her a nod in approval. She was proving to be more up to the task than he had initially thought, and he had already felt she would be a good fit. "Of course. I have no problem with that."

Kris sighed and leaned back. His offer was the last thing she had expected, but she had to admit that it was a good one. She would be able to utilize the skills she enjoyed and still be able to keep the job that she loved. Plus, even though she would work for Shinra, she wouldn't be part of the military. She couldn't see any downsides. She didn't get to vocalize those thoughts before there was a knock at the door. She saw Sephiroth frown slightly, but he still bade whoever it was to enter.

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