Faithless Memories

By chaosmoon75

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"Can you really not remember your name? If that's the case, why don't I give you one for now?" Zack found a g... More

Stranger in Our Midst
Encounter in the Woods
Part of the Family
Confronting the Future
Locked Memories
Heartbreaking Decisions
Breaking the News
Setting Out
The Adventures of Traveling
Crossing the Ocean
Making it to Midgar
Settling In
Coming of Age
Becoming a Soldier
Why Purple?
To Sector Five
Unexpected Offer
First Date - Sort Of
Join Shinra?
Job Offer
Weighing the Options
Surprise Lunch
New Friends
Finally, A Real Date
Male Pride
New Job
First Kiss
What Had Been Hidden
A Brother's Defense
Appreciative Gift
Brighter Than the Stars
End of Summer
Together Yet Apart
Tell Her Something
Letting Go
What Was Lost...
...Now Is Found
Man or Monster
A Hint to the Past
A Decision Made
Unbury the Past
Even Angels Have Their Demons
Facing the Facts
Cold Hard Truth
Next Steps
Despite the Uncertainty
Healing Genesis
Happy News?
Still Work to be Done
Back to Midgar
Unexpected Addition
To Junon
Face From the Past
Meeting the In-Laws
Stop in Gongaga
Into Nibelheim
The Devil Within
Enter the Gunman
Still Under the Influence
Up Mount Nibel
Into the Reactor
Facing the Beast
By the Skin of Our Teeth
Impossible Choices
Time to Decide
Revelations of a Madman
Breaking the News
Home Again
Home is Where the Heart Is

Time to Decide

69 7 0
By chaosmoon75

Chapter 31

When he took her hand and kissed her knuckles before he left, she could feel her face heating again, but she ignored it as she gave him a smile and a wave. She was still grinning when she joined Mr. Alexandros to let him know she was good to take over again. She had all but forgotten that he had implied that he wanted an explanation. At least until he sat next to her and gave her an expectant look.

She had both the urge to roll her eyes and to try and find something else to do to hide her embarrassment. She considered her boss a friend of sorts, and having him find out everything he had over the last couple of days in the manner it had happened made her cringe.

She sighed and shook her head. "I didn't think it would become an issue, but the Commander asked me out after the spar I told you about yesterday. There really isn't much to say as I suppose this lunch counts as our second date. Maybe even less since Zack and the other Firsts were there during the first one."

He blinked at her a couple of times before he shook his head with a chuckle. "I guess it doesn't surprise me. I was late because I pulled some strings to be able to see what the fuss was about. I heard your name several times while I was there. I have to say that I was a little shocked. You're so nice all the time that I never expected to see you try to take the Commander's head off more than once."

By that point, he had started laughing in earnest. When he caught sight of her reddened cheeks, he tried to tone it down and grinned at her. "I doubt the Commander has been the first man to see you and want to ask you out. He's just the lucky one that you noticed in return."

Kris tried to glare back, but it didn't hold any heat. "Zack said the same thing, but I don't see it." She stood at that point as the door had rung open. She glanced at him quickly and shook her head. "Still, thank you for being understanding."

He smiled and shooed her toward the couple that had just come in. "Don't thank me, just keep your head around him. I don't want to lose my best employee."

She smirked. "I'm your only employee. Don't worry, I don't plan on leaving." She didn't give him the chance to respond again before she turned to greet the young couple.


Genesis ended up visiting again on Sunday. He even stayed for a few hours and tried to chat when she was in between customers. Kris did like sharing conversations with him but ended up having to shoo him out. She wasn't getting anything done, and she didn't want to get into trouble for being lazy. At least he had managed to keep himself hidden when customers came it. She hated to think about the disaster it would have been if he had been spotted. It might have increased their customers, but likely not in the way they needed.

When Monday came, he called her early as he was headed to the helicopter. She wanted to grumble at the hour, but something in his tone made her hold her tongue. She couldn't bring herself to fully believe it, but it sounded like he was actually going to miss her. Once they were off the phone, she dismissed the idea as crazy. No matter what else she knew about him, or assumptions she could make, they really barely knew each other. If he did miss her, it was only going to be in a shallow kind of way. Even so, the thought had her smiling as she made breakfast.

She didn't bother telling Zack what her grin was about, but she did tell him she would see him later. She was glad he was rushing and didn't get a chance to ask her why. She had already decided what she was going to tell Tseng and planned to go ahead and get it over with that morning. She didn't think making her brother late to go over it would have been a good idea.

She waited until around 10:00 before she decided to head to the Shinra building. She didn't bother talking to the receptionist as she headed in. When she got to the Turk floor, she stepped off the elevator and was greeted with an exuberant hello. She turned to see Reno had stood from behind his desk and was grinning as he approached.

"Look at who it is." She didn't hide her rolling eyes at the appreciative look he was giving her. He either didn't see it or was ignoring it as he continued. "I wasn't expectin' ya until later this week. Am I just so irresistible ya gotta come see me?"

She laughed at him. From some of the things her brother had told her, this was just the way the Turk was with everyone. He apparently had a flirty streak a mile wide. It was one of the reasons Zack had continued not to tell his friends that he had a sister until he was forced to. She shook her head before she answered. "While I'm sure women are lining up for you, I'm not ever going to be one of them. Besides, I've already got my hands full."

Instead of backing off, the red-head leaned over, so he was a little closer. He dropped his voice into a mock whisper and smirked at her. "Yeah, I heard. I can guarantee that Commander Cranky ain't better than me, though."

Kris held up both hands and took a step back. She shook her head at his antics. "I'm not debating that today. I need to talk to Tseng anyway."

He laughed before he pointed to the office they had shown her to during her previous visit. "He's probably expectin' ya. I got a desk ready for ya right next to mine." She raised a brow at his statement but didn't bother saying anything. She wanted to talk to Tseng first.

She only had to knock once before she was bid to enter. Tseng stood as soon as he saw it was her and gave her a small smile. She noted it didn't reach his eyes and hoped that was normal and not because he anticipated what she was going to tell him. He waited until they were both seated again before he spoke. "I would like to say that I am pleased to see you again, but since it has been less than a week, I expect you are not here to tell me yes."

Kris had to fight to keep from grimacing. She shouldn't be surprised that he was able to figure it out. She gave him a nod. "While I appreciate the offer, I don't think that I would be a good fit for the Turks. It isn't about what you all do, or at least what I expect you do, but it's more that I believe I would probably end up getting shot or something."

He raised a brow at her explanation. "While I won't say that getting shot isn't a possibility, I had not pegged you for a person that would shy away for that reason alone."

She gave him a confused look for a split second before she realized that his meaning was not the same as hers. She laughed and shook her head. "Sorry, I guess I should have clarified. I expect that I would get shot by a co-worker, or you. I have a bad habit of not bothering to filter what I say. I can see how that would get me in trouble quick in this type of environment."

He just stared at her for several moments while he tried to make sense of what she said. Kris barely noticed that his brow had drawn down the tiniest sliver. His voice was neutral when he spoke again. "Shooting insubordinate Turks is not my usual form of punishment, no matter how much I might want to. If that is your only fear, then it is an unfounded one."

Kris had to clamp her lips together tightly to keep from laughing again. She was sure by the look he was giving her that he knew it too. She cleared her throat and gave it a moment before she felt she could talk without cracking up. "You do realize that statement was an exaggeration, right? At least the part about being shot. I really do think that I would get into more trouble here than what would be acceptable to me. I can't see any branch of military being right for me."

His expression hadn't changed, but something in his tone made Kris want to leave. She managed to curb the urge. "Is that your final answer?"

She gave him a nod. "Yes. At this time, I cannot accept your offer. I realize it was generous, but I don't think it would work."

He gave her a curt nod and stood. When she joined him, he gave her another smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I appreciate you taking the time to think it over, at least. If you change your mind in the near future, please let me know. I will leave the offer open for now."

She was shocked that he was so accepting, but she wasn't going to question it. "Thank you. I'll keep it in mind." She didn't want to hang around anymore and nodded to him on her way out.

When she saw Reno give her a confused look that she was already out, she hurried to the elevator. The last thing she wanted was to have to tell him too. She was sure Zack would hear about it later, but she had a sneaky suspicion her brother would be happy about it, even if he was friends with Reno.

Once she was outside, she finally remembered she had told Zack she would visit. With a sigh, she headed to the closest burger joint. It was always a good idea to bring him food. Even if he had already eaten, she knew he would eat again. At least thinking about her brother's never-ending appetite put a smile back on her face.

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