Faithless Memories

By chaosmoon75

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"Can you really not remember your name? If that's the case, why don't I give you one for now?" Zack found a g... More

Stranger in Our Midst
Encounter in the Woods
Part of the Family
Confronting the Future
Locked Memories
Heartbreaking Decisions
Breaking the News
Setting Out
The Adventures of Traveling
Crossing the Ocean
Making it to Midgar
Settling In
Coming of Age
Becoming a Soldier
Why Purple?
To Sector Five
Unexpected Offer
First Date - Sort Of
Job Offer
Weighing the Options
Surprise Lunch
Time to Decide
New Friends
Finally, A Real Date
Male Pride
New Job
First Kiss
What Had Been Hidden
A Brother's Defense
Appreciative Gift
Brighter Than the Stars
End of Summer
Together Yet Apart
Tell Her Something
Letting Go
What Was Lost...
...Now Is Found
Man or Monster
A Hint to the Past
A Decision Made
Unbury the Past
Even Angels Have Their Demons
Facing the Facts
Cold Hard Truth
Next Steps
Despite the Uncertainty
Healing Genesis
Happy News?
Still Work to be Done
Back to Midgar
Unexpected Addition
To Junon
Face From the Past
Meeting the In-Laws
Stop in Gongaga
Into Nibelheim
The Devil Within
Enter the Gunman
Still Under the Influence
Up Mount Nibel
Into the Reactor
Facing the Beast
By the Skin of Our Teeth
Impossible Choices
Time to Decide
Revelations of a Madman
Breaking the News
Home Again
Home is Where the Heart Is

Join Shinra?

115 7 0
By chaosmoon75

Chapter 26

Kris wasn't sure that she had managed to convince Zack at all, but at least he had agreed to let her make her own decisions. He still insisted on swearing bodily harm to Genesis if she got hurt. She had rolled her eyes at that. Not because she doubted him, or even because she didn't appreciate it, but they both knew there was no way her brother could put a dent into the Commander. She hoped that when it did end, she would be able to convince him it was something she had been prepared for.

She pushed those thoughts back when they rejoined the others. Genesis stood as she approached and pushed her seat in for her. When he sat next to her, she could feel her face heating again, but she ignored it when her attention was almost immediately grabbed by the General. Having so many intimidating men surrounding her made her more nervous than usual, especially since she was so much smaller than all of them. She tried not to let it show when she focused on what he was saying.

"I had not been told anything before your bout with Genesis, so I was quite surprised at all the hype afterward. Thankfully the whole match was recorded. I must admit that once I saw it, my first thoughts were that it is a pity that women can't join Soldier. We have never had another recruit that was able to stand against one of us for so long. The average is just under six minutes for the test to go from Third to Second. Your brother made quite the splash with his eight minutes. You both must have gone through extensive training. How old were you when you started learning?"

Kris tried to keep from grimacing at his question. She still hadn't shared the fact that she was adopted with anyone. She wasn't sure if it was lucky or not, but Zack spoke up before she could. His enthusiasm was palpable at the turn the conversation had taken.

"We figure she must have started when she was little. The first time she saved me from a gagighandi with nothing but a limb, it was awesome!"

Kris could suddenly feel three sets of eyes on her. She looked around to see all three of the Firsts were giving her curious looks. She shrugged self-consciously and was just thankful that they didn't press her on the first part of his statement. "It's not like I fought it on purpose. It's kind of funny actually. I climbed a tree to get away from it and then ended up falling on top of it when a limb broke. I got lucky, and the limb was sturdy enough for me to defend myself."

Kris was a little chagrined when her explanation didn't seem to do anything other than make them more interested. She caught the evaluating look Genesis was giving her, but she was thankful that Sephiroth spoke up first. Or, at least she was grateful until she heard what he said.

"I know that the reason women aren't in Soldier is that they usually cannot handle the mako or the level of training. I would be willing to chance it if you would be interested in trying out. Zachary has already proven to be a great asset to the company. Having another Fair on the team would be helpful."

Kris had to blink a few times as she tried to assimilate what he had asked. She could feel her ears burning as she finally managed to answer. "While I really appreciate the offer, I don't think being in Soldier would be a good fit for me. I'm liable to piss off the wrong person."

Both Genesis and Zack laughed at her claim. When Zack realized it, he stopped immediately and gave the Commander a dirty look. Thankfully, Kris didn't see the exchange. She was still looking at Sephiroth.

He was giving her a wry look. "I suppose I can understand your concerns. Still, you have quite the talent. It would be a shame for it to go to waste. Have you considered applying for other branches within Shinra? I am certain you would be welcomed, especially with what you have already shown us."

Kris was dumbfounded. She had never considered this conversation would be the outcome of her spar. At the time, she hadn't really thought she had made such a good showing. She hadn't even realized she had lasted as long as she had until Zack had brought it up. He was a little jealous, but more so proud. Even if he hated that it had been against Genesis, he was still glad that she had the opportunity to prove that she wasn't a shrinking wallflower.

When she finally found her voice, she shook her head. "I don't know. I have never really thought about it. I currently have a job that I would hate to leave. Mr. Alexandros depends on me a lot, and I wouldn't want to leave him high and dry."

Genesis gestured toward Kris. "I have already spoken to her about coming to work with us and received much the same response. It would not surprise me if others take it upon themselves to try and recruit her as well."

Kris felt a little out of place under their stares. She knew that she was skilled, but not to the extent that they were making her out to be. This was the last thing she had expected, especially since it was supposed to be a social outing. At that thought, she shook her head and decided it was time for a change of subject. "I appreciate the fact that you all believe I have talent, but isn't tonight supposed to not be about work? What do you normally talk about when you are trying to relax?"

Genesis chuckled at her question since both Angeal and Sephiroth looked slightly abashed. He caught Kris' attention and gestured toward the other two. "If they had their way, it would always be about work. It is left up to me to ensure they are exposed to culture."

Kris didn't miss the fact that Angeal rolled his eyes, and Sephiroth shook his head. Sephiroth tried to be neutral in his response. "While Loveless is an influential part of our society, there is only so much of it we can handle at a time."

Kris had to hide a laugh behind her hand at the dirty look Genesis shot the two of them. It didn't stop him from noticing it, though. He cast them all a long-suffering glance. "There are no dreams, no honor remains. It pains me that my two closest companions cannot appreciate the finer points of such an epic." He lowered his brows and looked to Kris before continuing. "I hope that you prove to be a little more interested in the arts."

She couldn't hide her laugh at that. When his gaze nearly became a glare, she finally got herself under control and was able to speak. "It isn't that I am not interested. I simply have never had the opportunity to find out if I like it or not."

Genesis gave her a contemplative look before he responded. "It is always a pleasure to share Loveless with someone for the first time. Would you be interested in joining me for one of the showings soon? I believe they even have some available on weeknights."

Kris was stunned by his offer. It took her a moment to gather her wits, and it struck her that it shouldn't have surprised her. It was a well-known fact that Commander Genesis Rhapsodos was an enormous fan of Loveless. One of his fan clubs revolved around that fact. She should have known that he would invite her at some point if they dated for any amount of time. The thought that she was technically considered to be dating the man had her flustered all over again, but she managed to find her voice before he could get the impression she was rejecting him.

"I think that would be wonderful. If weeknights are available, that would be best, of course." She heard Zack make a disgusted noise at her agreement, but she ignored it. It was harder to ignore the looks from the other two Firsts. Sephiroth's was contemplative, but Angeal's mirrored Zack's. Neither of them commented, thankfully, so it was easy for her to pretend she hadn't seen them.

Genesis gave her one of his charming smiles, but the waiter finally arrived with drinks for everyone at that point. Kris was grateful that the conversation turned to other things. Mostly it was everyone getting to know one another. She didn't allow it to go too far into her past, but all in all, it was a conversation that she enjoyed. Getting to know the human side of the famous Firsts was a treat that she had never expected. She could tell that Zack was just as glad. He had idolized Sephiroth for years, and he held a great deal of respect for the other two. At least when it came to business. He didn't care for Genesis' interest in his sister, but he had to admit the man was an impressive fighter.

The rest of the evening was pleasant enough. At least until it was time to go. Genesis insisted on escorting Kris home, and since Zack lived in the same place, he ended up riding with them. Kris was just thankful it was a short ride. It was awkward enough without it having been extended. By the time they made it home, and Genesis wished her goodnight with a kiss to her knuckles, she was debating whether it would be best to not have the others in attendance if they went out again.


The next day Kris had work. She was almost thankful for the fact that it kept her busy. It gave her less time to have to worry about whether Genesis would call or not and set up a time for them to see Loveless. It also didn't give her much time to worry about Zack and his clear disapproval of what she was doing. She felt a little bad since it was the first time they had ever really disagreed to such an extent. She just hoped that the tenseness between them would end soon.

It was near to midday, and Mr. Alexandros had come in to allow her time to take lunch. She was just finishing up with a customer and was ready to relax for a few moments when her attention was drawn by the sound of the front door ringing open again. She looked up to greet two men in dark suits. Something about the way they were looking around made it suddenly hard for her to hold onto her smile.

She still managed to plaster one on when she greeted them. "Hello. Is there something that I can help you find?"

The one with red hair looked her up and down once, causing her hackles to rise. His words made it even worse. "Damn! If I'da known that Fair had a sister like you, I woulda insisted on meetin' ya sooner, yo."

Kris was stunned for several moments. She had no idea what to make of the man's opening. Before she spoke, Mr. Alexandros approached them and gave her a smile. "Kris, why don't you let me take care of these gentlemen. It's your lunchtime."

She gave him a grateful smile, but before she could turn, the redhead spoke again. "Ah, we're actually here to speak to her. It's great that it's lunchtime."

Both Kris and her boss gave the man confused looks. He laughed before he continued. "Sorry 'bout bargin' in unannounced like, but my boss wants to talk to you. He asked us to bring you as soon as we found you. It woulda been yesterday, but Fair wouldn't tell us where ya lived. We had to do it the hard way."

Kris' eyes had widened, and she looked between the strangers and her boss with confusion. Mr. Alexandros was giving her a curious look, but she could tell there was worry underneath it. Finally, he took her by the arm and gave the strangers another smile. "Would you please excuse us for a moment? If Kris is going to be gone for a bit, then I need to make sure I have everything in order, as I don't usually stay after lunch." Kris could tell his request didn't have anything to do with what he said, as it was his store. He liked having her help, but he didn't need it, at least not in the way he was implying. Still, when the redhead nodded with a grin, she went with her boss silently.

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