Seoul High School // Hyunin

By inniexjinnie

13K 391 306

Yang Jeongin a normal boy moved to a new school, Seoul High School a school for rich people, and without know... More

Introduction [edited]
O N E [edited]
T W O [edited]
T H R E E [edited]
F O U R [edited]
F I V E [edited]
S I X [edited]
E I G H T [edited]
N I N E [edited]
Hello, it's me
T E N & H A L F
E L E V E N & H A L F

S E V E N [edited]

808 25 23
By inniexjinnie

It's like a routine for Jeongin to stay after school at the library, because of all the homeworks and the amount of subjects he has to catch up to the others.
He came here almost every day, sometimes his friends would stay with him, sometimes he would be alone.
After his encounter with the members of the TOP3 that day, he hasn't seen them that much, he only rarely saw Han but never saw Hyunjin.
He may have a little hope to meet Hyunjin more often because of what the latter said before "I feel like we will meet each other more often", those words were ringing in Jeongin's head.

Jeongin's usual spot in the library was the one near the TOP3 room, because it was calm and nearly no one came to sit here, but he never went inside the room again after that one mistake but he didn't regret it because thanks to that mistake, he was able to talk to Hyunjin and most importantly the latter helped him understand the subjects, he easily understood because of how clearly Hyunjin explained to him, he wish someone was here to explain to him the way he did, especially right now.

It's been three hours that Jeongin was in the library and he of course fell asleep because of how tired he was.

" Does this guy even know how to rest ? " Hyunjin said with a tired sight

Hyunjin made his way to the TOP3 local and came out with a cold americano can and was about to put it against Jeongin's cheek but couldn't help but admired the younger for a bit and decided to take a picture of the sleeping boy.

Jeongin suddenly felt something cold against his skin and woke up immediately, surprised by the cold.
He got even more surprised when his eyes met Hyunjin's, they were only inches apart.

" Finally awake library boy ! " Hyunjin exclaimed stepping away a bit so the younger could have a little more space

" Oh hmm y-yeah sorry " Jeongin said

" Why are you sorry, you didn't do anything wrong? Oh maybe you messed with our group local, Imma check " Hyunjin said teasing the younger a bit

" N-NO ! I haven't done anything " Jeongin responded

" Don't worry I was joking, but you should go home it's already 7pm and it's pretty dark outside, your parents should be worried" Hyunjin said turning his face to the window and saw that the sun has already set

" Y-yeah you're right, thank you for waking me up hmmm Hyunjin hyung ? " He thanked him, hesitating about how he should adress to him properly

" No problem, here your bag do you want me to accompany you? " Hyunjin said handing the younger his bag

" N-No it's okay, I should be fine but thanks " Jeongin replied with a small thankful smile and inside his head was like "OMG THE HWANG TO THE HYUNJIN JUST ASK TO ACCOMPANY ME, OKAY OKAY DUDE STAY CALM."

" See ya then ! " Hyunjin waved goodbye and went out of the library

" Y-Yes bye ! " Jeongin waved back but Hyunjin was already leaving

Jeongin was walking out of the school and was about to take the direction to his house but saw a group of boys who didn't look very kind, there were also girls, they were laughing and joking loudly, Jeongin could hear their conversation and it was not very pleasant to hear all of that horrible thought.

" Hey pretty boy !" One of them yelled when they spotted Jeongin

Jeongin turned away and decided to take another direction to his house, it means that he has to walk for 20 minutes more.

" Fuck this, why do I always have bad luck " He murmured to himself and started walking the other way

On the other hand, the boy from the group tried to catch up to Jeongin
" Hey where are you going I just wanna get to know you " The boy said

He was about to catch up to Jeongin, there was only few inches separating them, but the boy was pushed aside and nearly fell.

" Ya ! Look where you are walking if you don't want problems! " The boy yelled

" Sorry I just thought that it was a trash bin and it was just in my way so yeah " Hyunjin spat back

That of course earned Jeongin's attention but not only him, the friends from the boy started to run toward them too.

" Ya ! You bastard ! " The boy was about to punch Hyunjin but couldn't because the latter intercepted his fist just on time

" If I were you I wouldn't do that " Hyunjin said

" As if I wouldn't " The other said irritated ready to punch with his other fist but his friends stopped him

" DON'T !!!! YOU'LL BE FUCKED IF YOU CONTINUE!!!! " A girl shouted

" You should listen to your friends " Hyunjin advised

" It's Hwang Hyunjin from the same family as the Hwang corporation just don't " She continued

" You do know things. Oh.....I see our school uniform, seriously you shouldn't stay with them and don't ruin the school reputation please, seriously there are much more better people than.......this and you guys better do something better in life" Hyunjin said

" I've got no lesson to learn from you " The one who was gonna punch Hyunjin said while the girl just lowered her head, maybe trying to hide her face and also the feeling of shame

" I was just saying you know, it's you not me " Hyunjin continued

The other couldn't control his anger really well ( a/n of course because I decided so ) and was ready to punch Hyunjin's face but again his fist was stopped, not buy Hyunjin this time but someone with more power.

" Boy you shouldn't do that " Changbin said

" Oh hey hyung " Hyunjin greeted

" You always attract attention don't you? And you just go already we won't do anything this time! " Changbin said to Hyunjin before turning and telling firmly to the others to get lost and they did walked away, partially because the girls tell them to go too

" Hmm....Sorry and thank you " Jeongin exclaimed

" Do you always get in trouble like this seriously " Hyunjin sighted for the second time since he saw Jeongin today

" Who is this ? The newby Han talked about? " Changbin asked

" H-Hi I'm J-Jeongin " Jeongin said a little bit intimidated by the older boy, does everyone in their friend group look cool and all or what ? Jeongin asked himself

" Glad to meet you Jeongin ! My name is Changbin " Changbin greeted with a smile to reassure the younger

" Anyways, where do you live ? " Hyunjin suddenly asked

" That way " Jeongin responded pointing to the direction to his home

" Okay, let's go ! See you later Hyung " Hyunjin said and bid goodbye to Changbin while walking in the direction Jeongin showed

" W-What w-why? " Jeongin questioned loudly

" Yeah yeah see ya and be careful ! I don't wanna explain to Chan hyung if you get hurt, he is.......... scary "
Changbin said while shivering just thinking about Chan's reaction to that one time when Minho got a little bit hurt because someone wanted to fight him

Changbin went on his way while the other two walked to Jeongin's house in a silence that was a bit akward but after few minutes, it was better.

" Hmm here is my house, thank you for today hyung " Jeongin finally broke the silence

" No problem and try not to get into trouble next time ! Bye Library boy " Hyunjin said

" B-bye ! " Jeongin bid goodbye and went inside his house

" So hmm who was that boy ? " Jeongin's mom asked with hopeful sparkle stars in her eyes

" A friend from school ? If I can even call him that ? " He answered but also questioned himself

" A friend you sure ? " She insisted

" Yes mom, Imma go take a shower don't wait for me to eat when dad comes back I'm too tired I just want to sleep, goodnight mom ! " He said and headed to take a shower then to his room

Jeongin was unpacking his bag and saw a can of iced-americano with a sticky note with a number on it. He was thinking about who could have put it inside his bag, because there was no way that it was Hyunjin.
So he decided to add and text the number.

Jeongin ( J ): Hello ?
J : May I know who you are ?
UNKNOWN: I just saved your life a few minutes ago
J : Hyunjin hyung ?!
Hyunjin ( H ): Yep !


H : Good night library boy, see you tomorrow!
J : it's only 8pm
H : true but have you even take a full night of sleep ? Just rest already
J : Good night !

With that Jeongin closed his phone and smiled to himself because Hyunjin cared about his sleep and told him to rest.
Jeongin drifted to dreamland expecting tomorrow.


Yeah hmmm I finished it faster than I expected so it's great then !
I hope you liked this chapter :)
I didn't proof read so sorry for the mistakes if there is any.
Take care !

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