Grave Keeper

By PenguinKiwi

2.2K 49 3

All for One is gone, Gray still walks the earth as a Servant. The next Chapter to Class 1-A's lives is about... More

Grave Keeper: Chapter 1
Grave Keeper: Chapter 2
Grave Keeper: Chapter 3
Grave Keeper: Chapter 4
Grave Keeper: Chapter 5
Grave Keeper: Chapter 6
Grave Keeper: Chapter 7
Grave Keeper: Chapter 8
Grave Keeper: Chapter 9
Grave Keeper: Chapter 10
Grave Keeper: Chapter 11
Grave Keeper: Chapter 12
Grave Keeper: Chapter 13
Grave Keeper: Chapter 15
Grave Keeper: Chapter 16
Grave Keeper: Chapter 17
Grave Keeper: Chapter 18- Finale

Grave Keeper: Chapter 14

56 2 0
By PenguinKiwi

 PLEASE BE CAREFUL OUT THERE, GUYS! Also I forgot what day it was again and so this is a bit late.


Overhaul wasn't cute at all, nor was he handsome.

In short, Circe was unimpressed.

She liked Fatgum, and Sir Nighteye was attractive as well. Not to mention that Eraserhead (Aizawa, whatever name he went by)— she'd love to have those three as part of her collection of piglets, but this boy?

That mask really didn't do him any favors. He might've been cuter without it, but that wouldn't change the personality.

"I'd appreciate it if you could hand over little Eri," she continued, "Or else next time I won't miss."

"Somehow three children have managed to get here," the one with the hood said, and Overhaul nodded.

"None of you should have been able to traverse the path leading here so quickly," he agreed. Circe smiled, her wings flicking again before feathers shot towards the two Yakuza, one grazing Overhaul's cheek and cutting it.

"Call me a child again and I will kill you," she said. "We took a shortcut to get to you two pigs. I'll say it again, please give us Eri."

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Overhaul said, twitching a bit as blood dripped down his cheek. He seemed to steel himself, starting to turn around. "Because that boy turned a blind eye last time, so she no longer sees him as a Hero."

"That's why I came here," Mirio said, clenching his hands at his sides. Overhaul sighed.

"There's just no getting through to you is there? let me tell you this in simple terms," he said as the other man turned as well. "Just die."

Circe swung her staff up suddenly as Mirio made a dash towards Overhaul. Gray knelt and slammed Add down on the floor, the scythe transforming into a bow. Circe's smile never left her face as her staff smashed into the jaw of a man hanging onto the ceiling and blue bolts slammed into a second, knocking a gun from his hands as Mirio took off down the hall after Overhaul and his accomplice.

"Gray, go," Circe said as she landed and the Assassin hesitated. She turned, giving her a nod before the gray-haired girl seemed to understand.

Overhaul was the bigger threat and Circe was more than cappable of taking care of herself.

The girl took off after the Hero-in-training.

"Hyayayaya, do ya think that ya can take us both down, little girly~?" the shirtless member of the Shie Hassaikai asked as the black-clad one.

"I wonder how you managed to realize where we were?" he asked and Circe snorted.

"In all honesty, you're hardly that sneaky. I've dealt with inebriated soldiers more stealthy than you are," she said before she frowned. She had said that without thinking?

So it was forced from her.

Her lips curled upwards into a sneer— this would be fun.

"I told your boss that if he called me a child again, he'd regret it, the same goes for you," she said slowly as she flapped her wings again. "Here's a secret I'll let you in on— unlike the heroes, I don't care about that whole code of no killing. You insulted the Queen Witch and I don't plan on letting that go."

She flew up, grinning broadly as she pointed her staff at the two Shie Hassaikai members as they quickly leaped into action.

"And a note for the future if you survive this," she said, as a magic circle appeared at the end of the staff and the two of them rushed at her. "Try to remember to never offend a witch. Machia Hecatia Graea!" She chanted as violet light gathered and shot from the magic circle, blasting the two Yakuza members.

She landed, brushing her tunic off as the light faded and the two yakuza members were sprawled in the hall— dead or unconscious, she didn't know nor care— as smoke rose off of their charred bodies. She paused before she snapped her fingers and two pigs appeared.

"Darlings, watch these two," she said, and the green and blue pigs oinked, trotting to the two. "You have permission to eat if they try to escape you, okay, darlings?"

The Falcon Witch smiled at the two pigs, before she took off down the hall. At the speed she had been flying, it didn't take long for her to catch up with the group. Yelling came from farther ahead and she grinned, raising her staff as Mirio, Gray, Overhaul, and the hooded Yakuza member came into sight. With a flourish of feathers and wind, Circe sent the hooded man flying as she arrived, making Overhaul's eyes widen a bit.

"Sorry I'm late~" she said, landing and leaning over Mirio. The blonde was holding Eri to his chest tightly, making Circe smile as she waved to the girl.

"We're here to save you," she told her before she stood back up, stepping in front of Mirio and standing next to Gray.

"Why...?" Eri asked softly, her voice trembling, "Go... Go away! He'll kill you!"

Circe hummed, her wings fluttering a bit. "If you're worried about that man managing to kill us, don't be," she told the girl as adjusted her scythe.

"You can't kill someone who's already dead," the Assassin said, "Master, do I have permission to release my Noble Phantasm?" she asked before she adjusted her scythe again. "Thank you."

"Trust us," Mirio said, holding Eri closer to his chest. "I'll never let anything make you sad again, I swear it! We'll be your heroes!"

Circe had to smile at his determination as Overhaul wiped his cheek, eyes now wide with loathing. Mirio had managed to get a punch in, it seemed.

"Filthy..." the gloved man uttered and Circe raised a brow. An obsession with cleanliness, then... well, she would certainly have some fun with that. "Eri, come back here," he hissed, "Or do you want these three children to be killed? How many times do I have to say it for you to understand? You were born to destroy people."

He wiped his face again, movements getting frantic as he crouched. "I'm always telling you, aren't I? Because of your selfishness, I end up having to get my hands dirty. Each and every one of your actions kill people, your mere existence is cursed."

"How can you say that—" Mirio started before he was cut off by a sudden pressure that gathered. The pressure startled Circe as she glanced over to Gray, the hair on the back of her neck raising a bit at the sheer anger that seemed to come from the normally composed and quite girl.

"Cursed existence?" Gray asked softly, her hood shadowing her face.

"Is there something wrong with what I said, girl?" Overhaul asked, slowly removing his glove.

"Yes, in fact," She said, "Because you don't know what a cursed existence really is!"

In the same moment, Gray leaped forwards, her scythe glowing with golden energy as Overhaul slammed his hand down on the ground. The ground erupted into debris and Circe took to the air, swinging her staff out and sending Mirio up into the air with her with a spell of winds.

"Mirio! You need to go!" She ordered, ignoring his startled look as she pulled him out of the way of a spike. She landed, pulling him down too.

"But—" he started before Circe pushed him towards the hall.

"Go!" She told him, "Gray and I will be fine, remember the mission!"

She swung her staff out, smashing a spike with a scowl as Gray sliced through others nearby. Several more rushed towards Mirio and Eri, the blonde holding the girl high above his head as the spikes went through him.

"Are you worried about the girl?" Overhaul taunted from his spot. "Don't worry, as long as I can repair her immediately, she won't die. She's experienced it first hand after all."

Gray tensed and she lunged at the villain again. Circe gripped her staff tighter as she rose back into the air, raising one hand and weaving a magic spell with it as well.

"Mirio, please, you have to go," she said again, not looking over as a magic circle formed. "Go as fast as you can and get as many people from our side out of here. Gray and I pan to take this entire building down.

The blonde seemed conflicted but nodded, taking off. Circe glanced back for a moment before she turned her attention back to Overhaul. She blasted spires and spikes out of Gray's path using Machia Hecatia Graea and lightning as the man slammed his hand on the ground gain. A sharp intake of breath made Circe turn.

Mirio's exit was sealed off. He couldn't get through with Eri— he would either have to fight or leave Eri behind.

"With that last 'Repair', I've sealed off all of your exits," the man said as Mirio turned, still clutching Eri in his arms. Circe turned to swing her staff out before movement caught her eye.

It was the other yakuza member, the one with the hood that Circe had forgotten until then. He sat up and raised a gun, pointing it at Mirio. "Even your Quirk will be as good as gone if I hit ya with this..."

The ground erupted again and Circe and Gray leaped into action, Gray swinging her scythe and shifting it into a shield as gunshots rang out. The bullets plinked harmlessly off the shield before a strangled cry made Overhaul whip his head around. Circe was sitting on the back of the hooded man, mask tugged off and a chalice forced to his lips.

Overhaul lunged for her but skidded to a halt as she took back to the air again, sneering. The hooded man clawed at his throat before another strangled noise escaped him and in a sudden burst of smoke, he had been transformed into a blue pig.

"Oh, he's not cute at all," she mocked as Overhaul backed up. He didn't get far, Mirio appearing out of the ground and nailing the man in the face as Gray scooped Eri up, moving her to a safe spot. Circe raised her arm, sending the blue pig flying across the room and rendering him unconscious. Even if he did wake back up, he would be useless as a Pig.

Overhaul stumbled back, only to be kicked in the chest by Gray and sent flying. Both Mirio and Gray had abandoned their cloak and cape, the fabric wrapped around Eri while the two attacked— eyes blazing.

"A hero's cape, is for bundling up a young girl who is in terrible pain!" Mirio cried as he reappeared behind Overhaul, kicking him in the back. Circe raised her hand, chanting quickly and Gray leaped up, the spell reinforcing her kick that sent the man to the ground. "Focus on your opponent, predict their next action!" the blonde continued as Overhaul rolled to his feet, dodging the slashes from Gray's scythe and the blasts of lighting Circe sent at him.

"You're quite agile," Circe noted, summoning another chalice to her hand that was dripping with a purple liquid. "But guess what?"

In a flurry of movement, Scylla's dog-headed tentacles appeared from the liquid that spilled over, slamming into Overhaul, who was sent back to the ground by Gray and Mirio's fists.

"We won't let you lay another finger on Eri!" Gray cried, "We'll take you all down!"

"This is checkmate, Chisaki Kai!" Mirio added.

Overhaul's eyes narrowed with rage as he stumbled back, bleeding from the bites that Scylla had inflicted on him.

Circe descended suddenly, a vail slipping into her hand and Mirio was barely able to gasp before the pink-haired Caster was in front of him. A bitter liquid suddenly forced past his lips as the glass vial was pressed against them. He had no choice but to swallow before Circe took back to the air again, a second vial already empty and between her teeth. A third had been tossed down, broken and empty as well, by Gray's feet as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Don't speak that name!" Overhaul hissed as Circe flew above them, eyes scanning the room. "I abandoned it long ago!"

He slammed his hand down on the ground and the hooded man's gun flew up. Circe made a move to blast it, though failed as she dodged a spire that was aimed at her chest. Cursing she saw Overhaul throw a bullet case down, four bullets clattering from a five slot case.

A gunshot was fired in Eri's direction and she folded her wings in a dive, arm outstretched as Gray rushed at Overhaul. Mirio reached Eri first, grabbing her in his arms as the bullet made contact with his shoulder.

Circe's eyes widened as Mirio doubled over. Did the medicine not work? Had her calculations been wrong? No, that wasn't it...

Slow acting and delayed.

She let her lips twitch upwards. Of course, she had Hecate guiding her— if it meant polymorphing or stopping death, her medicines would never fail.


There is a reason why I am terrified of boars and pigs— they don't give a rats ass if what they're eating is human or slop.

Anyways, if Circe can stop Mata Hari from dying, then she can easily create a potion that protects the Quirk Factor section of a human's DNA. Plot hole loosely filled.

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