An Unexpected Friendship

By SSU2020

141K 2.9K 141

15 year old Sophia Richardson finally has the chance to see the national team play when they arrive for a fri... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 11

4.3K 92 3
By SSU2020

I sit on my bed trying to process what Alex has just told me. I know that most people would be grateful in this situation. I was, but I was also angry. Angry that she shared my story without asking me. Sad because that would mean I would have to move. Confused at why she would want someone as broken and screwed up as me.

I couldn't bring myself to talk to her so I stayed in my room for the remainder of the night. Around 10pm I hear a knock on my door. Luca walks in with a sympathetic look on his face. I put my head on his shoulder as soon as he lays down next to me. "Did she leave?" I ask him. He looks over at me and nods sadly. "She talked with my parents after you went inside. She left about an hour later," he tells me.

Of course this had to happen right before she leaves to fly home. Now I won't even get the chance to say goodbye. "I shouldn't have left. I should've talked to her," I say frustrated with myself. "She wasn't mad. She understood. I'm sure you guys will work it out," Luca says confidently.


I wake up Saturday morning to find that Luca isn't next to me anymore. I assume he's downstairs so I get up to find him. When I get to the kitchen I see Alex sitting there talking to him. She notices me as I walk closer and stands up. I run over to her and hug her tight. Relief washes over me seeing that she came back.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left," I tell her. She pulls away and looks at me. "You don't have anything to be sorry about. I shouldn't have ambushed you. That's why I came this morning. I wanted to make sure we were okay before I left," she says apologetically. I smiled at her half-heartedly as the guilt remains. "Can I talk to you outside for a minute?" I ask. She nods her head and I lead us out to the backyard.

"I just want you to know that I appreciate your offer. There is nothing that I would love more than to fly home with you. But..." I say looking down at my feet. "I can't come with you. This situation with DCF is tricky. We'd have to go through a lot for me to even be able to leave. I can't just leave Luca behind either. He's been my best friend since we were five. His family has been the only other family I have known. As much as I hate my current situation, I just can't commit to uprooting my life. I hope you understand," I explain.

"Of course I understand. Above all I just want you to be happy. If you ever change your mind, the offer will always stand," she says kissing my head. She then reaches for my phone and I hand it to her. After a minute she gives it back to me and smiles. "I put my number in your phone. Call or text any time. Just keep me in the loop," she says. She then turns and walks away without another word. I stand there in the front yard with a heavy heart as I watch her pull away from the curb and disappear down the road.

*Luca's POV*
I watch from the window as Sophia lets Alex go. Why didn't she go with her? I meet Sophia by the door as she walks back inside. "What happened?" I ask intently. "She's flying home and I'm staying here," she tells me as she walks away.

"What's the matter with you?! Why didn't you agree to go with her?" I ask in frustration. She turns around and looks at me in shock. "What's wrong with me? Why are you so mad that I'm staying?" she asks raising her voice. "Because you're giving up your one chance to have an actual family again!" I yell. "You don't understand," she says. "What don't I understand? She loves you and wants to take care of you!" I yell. "It's not that simple! I can't just leave!" she yells back. "Yes you can! You can start over! You can be happy! What's stopping you?" I ask as I slam my hand on the kitchen island. "You and your family! How could I just leave after everything you all have done for me?" she says. "No. Don't do that. Don't use us as an excuse!" I shoot back. She tries to walk away, but I grab her wrist. She yanks her wrist from my hand and turns to look at me. 

"I'm scared okay! I'm scared to get attached. I've already had one family taken away from me and I really don't want that to happen again..." she yells before quieting her voice. Before I can say anything else, she walks away. This time I don't stop her.

"Nice one dipshit," I mumble to myself.


I sit on the porch swing thinking about how much of an ass I was to Sophia earlier. I never meant for any of it to come off the way it did. She's always had this habit of putting herself last and I just wanted her to put herself first this time. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear the front door shut. I look to my left to see Sophia standing there wrapped in a blanket. She doesn't say anything as she walks over and sits next to me.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. She sighs and leans her head on my shoulder. "Don't be. You were right," she says. I rest my head on hers wishing I could take away the sadness and hurt she's feeling. "I should've gone with her. I was just scared..." she says quietly. "It's never too late to change your mind," I tell her. "I don't know Luke. I know she said she understood, but I think I hurt her," she says defeated.


*Sophia's POV*
It's been over a month since Alex flew home to Florida. I think about her everyday and about how much I miss her. Despite me missing her, I have been reluctant to contact her. I just feel like if I do, it will make the separation so much harder. I've also returned to school since she's been gone. Last week Principal Anderson allowed Savannah and the others to return, which has sent my anxiety through the roof. Luca has been super protective of me since their return to school.

Luca and I change for our fifth period gym class and then make our way up to the gym. I look around to see Savannah trailing not far behind us. Mr. White blows his whistle to get our attention as he walks into the gym. "Alright everyone. Today we're playing flag football. Line up at half court so I can divide you into two teams," he says tiredly. To my surprise, Luca and I find ourselves on the same team. 


"Red team, this is your last chance to score a touchdown before the bell rings! If you fail to do so, the yellow team will be walking out with a win today," Mr. White yells. We huddle quickly to discuss a play. Luca yells for the ball to be hiked and then hands it off to me. I run with it up the court as fast as I can. Just as I'm about to score, I feel someone make contact with me. I stumble quickly before hitting my head off of the gym floor. The force of hitting my head causes me to black out. After a minute I come to and grab the back of my head groaning loudly in pain. My eyes struggle to refocus upon opening them. After a few seconds they do and I see Savannah standing over me. "You should really watch where you're going next time," she sneers.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I hear Luca yell as he shoves her away from me. I watch everyone else jump in as I lay on the ground in pain. Mr. White runs over blowing his whistle to try to break it up. "Savannah and Luca walk your asses up to Anderson's office! Everyone else go to the locker room and change!" Mr. White yells before radioing for the nurse. "How you doing kiddo?" he asks me. "Not great," I groan.


"Do you know what day it is?" nurse Wilson asks me. I wince as she shines her pen light in my eyes. "It's December 1st I think," I answer groggily. "Do you remember what happened?" she asks sitting down in front of me. I sigh shifting the ice pack on the back of my head. "Not really. I remember running and then waking up on the ground in pain," I answer.

There's a knock on the door as one of the school security guards walks in. "Nurse Wilson, Pam Johnson is here to pick up Sophia," I hear him say. She nods and then turns back towards me. "Lay back down while I go talk to her," she says softly. I overhear hear them as they talk quietly by the door. The nurse is telling Pam what happened and informs her that I definitely have a concussion. I close my eyes in frustration. 

I hear someone walk towards me and open my eyes to see Pam sitting in front of me. "You ready to go home?" she asks sympathetically. "Where's Luca?" I ask as she helps me up. "He's out in the car with Aaron," she answers while giving my shoulder a squeeze.

I collapse against Luca as soon as I get into the car. "I overheard Principle Anderson say that she's expelling Savannah," Luca tells me. "And what about you?" I ask him. He huffs and shakes his head. "Suspended for two days," he says.

Luca helps me up to my room once we get home as I am still a bit groggy. As we step foot in my bedroom, I feel anger rise within me. I immediately throw my backpack across the room. I then grab the next closest thing to me and throw it as hard as I can. I hear glass shatter as what I threw hits the wall. I walk over to see that it was a picture of my family and I. We took this picture two months before the accident. I remember being annoyed that I had to wear a dress. I collapse on the ground and clutch the picture against my chest. Luca sits down next to me with a worried look.

"We can reframe it," he says quietly. I look over at him feeling completely defeated. "Luca I can't do this anymore. I'm tired. Tired of living life without a family. And tired of feeling like I always have to be looking over my shoulder. I need... Alex," I sigh pulling out my phone. "Do what you gotta do," he tells me. He gives my hand a light squeeze before leaving me alone in my room. I unlock my phone and search my contact list until I find Alex's name. I take a deep breath and tap the call button.


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