Jamie And Lottie

By Lilyyyorchidaychoo

44.5K 617 295

A fanfiction story of the life of Jamie, Lottie and Ellie from Connie's amazing Rosewood series! (Lots of Jo... More

Arriving back
The return
Do you actually like me?
The fight
Nothing is ever normal.
There is never a dull moment with you
Here we go again
Some people want it all
True Love
Half term break
First night
King and Queen
Wednesday- Jottie day
Trying to find a plan
We're all in this together
Somebody that I used to know
Nothing lasts forever
Ellie's birthday
Black figure
Liliana's secret hideout
Falling Apart
What if we end it?
Falling out
Jamie and Lottie
Friends again?
19 years later

Rose Wood

700 13 11
By Lilyyyorchidaychoo

Ellie and Jamie ran as fast as they could, back to their dorms, the rest of the group closely behind, utterly confused. Once they were all sat on their beds looking at Ellie who was scrambling around in Binah's draw, Anastacia broke the silence. "What the hell has happened now?" Ellie turned around "Lottie's in trouble, we have to trade the bracelet for Lottie". Raphael stared, mouth open "that's messed up" he muttered. Binah went to grab for the bracelet now in Ellie's hand. "Ellie no! We can't give it away, even if it will get Lottie back" she squealed. Ellie ducked out the way "true friend" she sighed. 

Saskia stepped in "Binah's right. There must be another way". Ellie laughed "as I already said, I have a plan". "Tell us then" Mickey said, annoyed. Jamie sat quietly on his bed, separated from everyone else by the empty bed next to him, Lottie's bed. They were so stupid, with everything going on, they shouldn't have let Lottie go alone, someone should've gone with her. "We give them the bracelet" Ellie started, instantly getting interrupted. "What a plan, exactly what we wanted" Saskia sighed. "Well if you'd let me finish" Ellie fought back before taking a deep breath, "but, we remove all trace of the formula". 

The room lay silent. "That's so obvious I'm actually considering if I should be allowed to be in a school right now" Anastacia laughed. "How are we going to do it?" Lola questioned. "We use Binah" Saskia stated. "That much is obvious" Raphael replied. Binah sat on her bed, becoming more pink by the minute. "I guess I could, but I would need to have a lab" she whispered. Ellie clapped her hands "labs are open at lunchtimes!". 

As lunch time arrived, Binah, Ellie and Jamie crept down to the labs, the rest of the group grabbing everyone some food. "Are you sure you can do this?" Ellie whispered to Binah as they opened the doors. No one else was in there apart from their science teacher who seemed to be busy marking work. "Hello you three, need any help?" Their teacher asked. They all shook their heads before laying out the bracelet. "Remember, do not leave any formula in there, I don't know how, but they could probably use it" Ellie whispered to Binah as she pulled out a Bunsen burner. "If I heat it up, the gem made of formula should melt then we can pour it away and remelt some green plastic in to replace it." Binah sighed, turning on the gas. 

Jamie leant against the table, watching silently as Binah set to work. "How long will it take to set?" Ellie asked as Binah poured the formula down the drain before rincing it with water. "Fifteen minutes, enough time for us to send a message and for them to see it" Binah replied. 

Lottie stood in the woods, looking around eagerly for any movement. She wasn't even going to be mad if Claude popped round the corner, she just needed to know what was happening else where. "Haha, we get the bracelet" Lottie heard Ingrid laugh from the distance, leaves crunching loudly. Her jaw clenched, no, the bracelet shouldn't be given away. 

"Layer some mod podge on it, to make it more shiny" Jamie whispered, looking at the plastic that had set. Binah nodded before dipping a brush in their nearby tub of the substance. Ellie smiled, thinking about how badly they were about to trick them. "What if they put it on and they realise they're not becoming angry" Binah whispered worriedly. Ellie rolled her eyes "even if it was the formula, nothing would change, their horrible anyway". Jamie stood up "ready?". "Ready" Binah replied, picking up the bracelet. "I'll take it, you two go have lunch" he added, holding out his hand. Ellie furrowed her eyebrows "Jamie, you are not going alone". Binah handed Jamie the bracelet, knowing he didn't want Ellie going near more danger. "Ellie lets go" Binah sighed, heading for the door. Ellie followed, looking Jamie in the eyes as she passed him. 

"Well well well, Jamie seems desperate to get you back" Claude laughed, re-amerging from the trees. "Your little boyfriend!" Ingrid laughed, holding up a photo of them together from half term on her phone. Lottie shook her head, they weren't supposed to know about this, this will ruin the whole royal family's reputation. "What a scandal this will be, no longer will you be in line for the thrown once we announce your in love with your cousin" Claude laughed. Lottie sank into the tree, she'd ruined Ellie's whole future, she'd lost everyone's trust. "He'll be here in a moment" Ingrid laughed. 

Sure enough, Jamie joined them, the bracelet in his hand. Lottie looked at him "don't give it to them". Jamie smiled before handing it to Claude, "now let her go" he ordered. Ingrid let out a squeal of excitement, unwrapping Lottie from the tree. "See you when I'm the one on the thrown" Claude laughed, strolling away. "Here's you phone, Princess, or should I even call you that?" Ingrid sniggered, throwing Lottie's phone across the floor. Lottie weakly went to pick it up, tears building up in her eyes. 

Jamie went to hug Lottie but she pushed him away, tears now streaming down her face. "Lottie? Look the bracket didn't even have the formula, don't be mad" he called out. Lottie turned around "they know, they know we're a thing and now they're going to ruin everything and it's all my fault" she sobbed, the wind blowing her hair. "Everyone has been in trouble because of me, your about to be heartbroken because of me, Ellie's future is now ruined because of me, Claude's now going to ruin our country because of me, it's all because of me and I can't deal with that anymore, I don't want to be here anymore". Jamie looked at her in shock before quickly trying to catch up with her. "Lottie, it's not all your fault". Lottie turned to face him "but it is, I know it is, you know it is, your just to kind to say so" she replied before storming off. 

Ahead, Lottie could see the rest of the group coming. She turned around to Jamie, tears still streaming down her face. "I don't want to face them" she whispered, walking towards him. Jamie tried to make eye contact with Ellie, telling her to turn around but she kept on running towards them, everyone else staying behind. Lottie walked past Jamie and back to the woods, trying to wipe away her tears but they continued to stream down her face. "Did it work?" Ellie squealed, jumping up and down in front of Jamie.

Jamie sighed "Ellie, please just, I don't know, go join the others". "What! Why?" She moaned, starting to walk towards Lottie. "Lottie? You ok" Ellie smiled, tapping Lottie on the shoulder. "I'm so sorry Ellie, I promise I will leave you all alone now" Lottie blurted out, bringing Ellie into a hug. Ellie took it, completely confused "what do you mean, Lottie? Your not leaving us, you're the one keeping us together". "They know, they found out about me and Jamie, Claude will ruin your reputation and it's all my fault. You will never get to rule the country and you would have been awesome at it. And I put all my friends in danger and I can't do it anymore. I am so sorry" Lottie cried into Ellie's shoulder. 

Ellie pulled away, in shock, looking back to Jamie who looked absolutely broken. "But that was your one promise to dad, that they'd never have to know". Lottie nodded " I know, I was so stupid for keeping photos on my phone, I ruined everything". Lottie quickly wiped away her tears and tidied herself up, knowing she wasn't the one that should be crying right now. "Ellie, it's not her fault" Jamie said, looking at the anger in Ellie's eyes. "I trusted you" Ellie muttered at Lottie, "I trusted you with my life". Soon enough their whole friend group had joined them. 

"I know you did Ellie, I am so sorry, truly I am, I ruined everything for your family that welcomed me as their own" Lottie replied. "Yeah because you don't have a family, you took mine instead, no wonder your parents left you" Ellie muttered. "What is she saying?" Anastacia muttered to Jamie as Ellie insulted Lottie, "that's so rude". Jamie turned away, shaking his head. Lottie looked at Ellie "your right, I'll just go". "Leave and never, EVER, come back" Ellie called after Lottie who was walking away. "Ellie?" Saskia asked, looking at Ellie in disgust, "why would you say that". Ellie looked at everyone before breaking down "she ruined everything".

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