Ellie's birthday

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Lottie and Jamie had done all they could to help out with the decorations, presents and food, now they just had to wait for Ellie. They knew they wouldn't be waiting long as Ellie was like a child on Christmas morning when it came to her birthday, up and out of bed a split second after opening her eyes.

 Everyone in the palace sat in the ballroom, looking around at the balloons neatly bunched up into bundles, tied around the room. Banners had been hung up, in gold calligraphy the words 'happy birthday ellie' glowed. Lottie's cake was placed out on the table with the rest of the food, ready to be eaten by everyone. She stood by the door, ready to jump out at Ellie and ready to fire the confetti cannon in her hands. Jamie stood opposite her, on the other side of the door, holding a similar cannon. Lottie had had to do a lot of begging to make him do one as Jamie didn't want to be seen not playing his partisan role in-front of Ellie's family.

After everyone whispering conversations, nervously watching the door, Ellie's footsteps could be heard. The conversations died out and all eyes were on the door. Ellie bust it open, the door banging into Jamie's face whilst Lottie struggled to set off the cannon. Finally it rained confetti over Ellie, Lottie laughing at Jamie who had thrown his cannon at Ellie, "nearly flattened my nose, honestly" he mumbled. Ellie rolled her eyes, "meh, I wouldn't mind a Voldemort", suddenly she noticed everyone in the room and the decorations surrounding her. "Happy birthday" everyone squealed before running over to submerge her in a group hug, Lottie the first to squeeze Ellie, laughing with her. 

Once everyone was tucking into the food, all in their own conversations, Lottie turned to Ellie and Jamie. "Ellie, I forgot your present! I'll go get it" she said, dropping the slice of cake that was in her hands, into Jamie's who claimed he wasn't hungry. As Lottie ran off, Ellie called out to her "it can wait" but it was no use, Lottie had left the hall. 

Lottie looked around her room, scanning it for where she had left her neatly wrapped present with a black bow. "Looking for this?" A voice asked from behind her, the corner she hadn't even bothered to look at. Lottie's heart thumped, slowly turning around to see a man sat on her arm chair, holding up the present, holding it by the thread. Lottie simply stared at him, keeping a firm face. "You dirty little thief, give that back" she muttered, going to get it back but she knew it was no use. "A feisty princess, just how master described, ha ha! I'm going to have fun with you" he laughed, pulling an evil grin. 

Lottie needed to warn Jamie somehow, he needed to get Ellie out of here. "You won't be going back to that silly little birthday party darling, you'll be coming back with me" he snarled, noticing Lottie's eyes on the door back to the corridors. Lottie snapped her eyes back on him, her hands becoming clammy. "Who are you?" She asked, "tell me". The man smiled, tossing the present in the air "they call me Hansel but you can call me sir, that would be polite wouldn't it princess?". Lottie gulped, there was no way of getting past him. She wiped her palms on the back of her dress she had been so excited to wear, now, she worried it wouldn't be practical. "Stupid castle, thinking the guards can leave their duties to celebrate, ahh we knew, we knew today would be the perfect day to steal the princess". Lottie's fury grew, what did they want with Maravich's princess. "Whatever you and your disgusting, fowl organisation want with me, you won't get it, I won't let you" Lottie threatened, pointing her finger at him as she slowly backed away. "Our organisation is not fowl, or disgusting, it is saving our country from having a useless fraud rule, we want Claude back on that thrown". 

Lottie had hit the wall opposite him, her heart stopped, Jamie's father. "After all this time he's finally decided to be responsible enough to not hide from his duties? Well to late, his duties belong to my family now." Lottie fought, trying  not to blow their cover as her body shook with anger. "He was forced to move away after that hag of a woman gave birth to that wretched son of his" the man scowled, standing from the chair. Lottie had had it. "Don't you dare call Jamie a wretched son and no he is no son of his, and his mother wasn't a hag!" She roared before punching him right in the face. The man laughed before snatching the trim of Lottie's dress and whipping her to his waist. "Such a pretty princess, if only your fait wasn't as deadly" he tutted, crawling his hand up her skirt. Lottie shrieked, slapping his arm off her, now scared. 

The man laughed once again, grabbing her face with both his hands, holding them along her jaw line. Lottie looked at him in terror, his stubble scratching against her forehead as he smelled her hair. "You'll be coming on a long journey with me, we wouldn't want that time to go to waste when our connection is really quite clear, would we?" He whispered, trailing his fingers along her waist once again. Lottie let out a sob, struggling against his embrace, "get off me" she cried, pushing him back. "You're coming with me" he smiled before quickly snatching her away and down the corridor. 

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