From Work, With Love || Dylan...

By stiles-o-dylan24

15.5K 425 447

If you don't know-- It's Always Been You is my other series which is a complete rewrite of Teen Wolf with the... More

And Action!
Cameras Rolling
No Spoilers
Don't Break Character
Supporting Role
Needed on Set
Running Lines
Filming Schedules
Play the Trailer
Quiet on Set
New Season, New Characters
Gag Reel
Booking Roles
Guest Star
On Location
Unit Base
Lining Up Auditions
Switching Sets
Autographs & Pictures
From the Top

Meet Cute

1.5K 27 20
By stiles-o-dylan24

Addison POV

Mentally going through the schedule for today I walk over to my closet and start pulling out my clothes for the day.

I've had a few call backs and today I have chemistry reads with Holland and Crystal as well as the two guys who already got their respective parts– Dylan and Tyler.

To say I'm a bundle of anxious nerves is an understatement– I haven't wanted a part this bad in a while.

Sure I've gone on auditions and whatnot but for the most part it's just to get a damn job, however, as soon as I heard about Teen Wolf and read the pilot, I've not felt this way about a part before.

My dream role is Addy, however my manager said Tyler got the part of Scott and since they're twins I don't really know why they're wanting me to read for her.

Though it is their job to cast people so I'm just going to go with it.

I slip a black short sleeve summer dress over my head and get it situated to fall on my mid thigh.

Sliding my arms into a light jean jacket, I step into some slip on white converse and grab my purse off my bed.

We've got a few hours before I need to be at the audition's building, so I think that's just the right amount of time to kill with a smoothie.


Dylan POV

I stop talking mid sentence, my eyes widening when they land on a figure standing across the room near the window "Holy shit, that's her– what is she doing here?"

Tyler follows my line of sight and smirks, looking between her and me "What do you mean 'that's her'?"

I make a noise and lift my arm towards her "From this morning, she started a pay it forward chain at Jamba Juice. They were handing over her drink to her when I was ordering and when I went to pay the dude just shook his head and said it's covered– to pay it forward if I could. We were the only ones in there so I looked over to her and she just smiled brightly as she slid her sunglasses on and then she just walked out without saying anything. She had left ten dollars to cover the next person's order– so I did the same thing for whoever came in after me."

"Damn, I love when that happens," Tyler mutters and I nod though my eyes don't move from her direction "Right? It's the best feeling. I can't believe she's here though, who is she?"

He shakes his head and looks over to her once more "I haven't met her yet, all I know is Jeff pointed her out a minute ago and said he's going to kill us if we don't get on with her."

"What why?" I finally look away from her and over to Tyler who lifts both of his shoulders as he answers "She's exactly who he pictured for Addy and I guess everyone who's read after her hasn't even come close to measuring up."

I furrow my brows and look between him and her "He picked you for Scott and she's who he pictured for Addy?"

"Yeah, I guess," he shrugs and my eyes move back to see her typing away on her phone as I elaborate "You two look nothing alike– you're you and she's..." I trail off as I take in her blonde hair and remember her definite non brown eyes, though I didn't get a good look at their color before she covered them earlier.

"Thanks dick," he deadpans and continues through my chuckle "I dunno he said something about fraternal instead of identical twins and explaining why we look different later on in the show but she's who they want so you better have chemistry with her."

Looking back at him quickly I ask probably louder than I should have "What– why's it falling on me, what about you and her?"

He throws me an amused look as he answers "We'd be playing siblings, we can make that work if we don't get along all the time. From what we've read of the pilot you have more scenes with Addy though, so it's all on you dude."

I groan inwardly with that pressure because even though I don't know her at all or hell even her name, I know I want her to get this part. I want to know her.

I move my eyes back in her direction and widen them as I murmur quietly "Oh my god she's coming over here."

"Of course she is, you've been staring," he states without missing a beat and I hit him in the arm "Shut up– hey!"

She jerks her head back with my outburst and smiles softly, moving her, lightest shade of blue I've ever seen, eyes between us "Hey guys, I was getting anxious standing on my own so I hope you don't mind me coming over here and bugging you."

"Nope," I clip out nervously and Tyler moves his lips between his teeth to hide his smile.

I may not have known him for long, but he's quickly proving to be just as much of a sarcastic ass that I am.

She clears her throat through the awkward that I brought on with my clipped one worded answer and I mentally slap myself across the face before I nod towards her, asking something I already know "Ha– so are you auditioning for Addy, Allison or um, Lydia?"

She looks between us as she fills in "I read for Lydia first a few days ago and they suggested I come back and try for Addy– had two call backs with that and now I'm here for the chemistry test with you both," she makes a noise and moves her knee back and forth with her nerves as she connects her eyes with mine "I had a chemistry test with Crystal and Holland earlier today and you guys are the last on the list I'm told... so please mesh well with me because I really want to work with you– with you all."

"That's sounding like good news, yeah?" Tyler offers lightly and she lifts a shoulder as she looks over at him "I mean, I hope so? I really wanted Addy to begin with but I didn't think I looked the part that they were going for with you" she chuckles and grimaces "However I've been on loads of auditions the past couple of months and I've learned not to get my hopes up for a chemistry test."

"Right, well I'm sure it's going to be fine..." I trail off and widen my eyes at the realization we never got her name when she came over here "I didn't even– what's your name?"

She smiles softly and answers "Addison," we return her smile however before we can respond with our names she points between us and continues "And Jeff pointed you out saying you were Tyler," she turns towards me as she goes on "So that makes you Dylan?"

Tyler and I nod with her words as she points to us and I share a look with him before I laugh softly "So your name is Addison and you're going for Addeline, that's... well do you have any nicknames?"

She shares a look with both of us, clearly holding back a laugh before she admits "Yeah– it's Addy."

"Of course it is," we join in with our own laughs and Tyler nods his head to the side as he comes up with "Well I mean that's actually pretty–"

"Convenient?" She fills in and nods once "Yes it is, so you know– you're both very welcome if I do get the part, you won't have to worry about calling me the wrong name resulting in everyone getting angry that you're always messing up the scenes, which is what will happen to me– a lot, I'm sure of it."

Tyler barks out a laugh that we all share before I say "Well that is true– damn how ever will we repay you for making that be the easy part?"

She thinks about that for a second and smirks "Let me call you Scott and Stiles all the time even when we're not working?"

We laugh again and Tyler eases her fear she previously mentioned "You get used to the name thing, don't let that stress you out. Plus they're usually not too strict about messing up the scene unless it's been like hours on end and we're not close to being done."

"That's good to know" she breathes out her relief and Jeff signals for Tyler to head over to him.

Tyler nods and sets his hand on her shoulder "See you in a bit, don't be nervous" he hits me on the back of my shoulder in a goodbye as he walks past and across the room towards Jeff's table.

Just the two of us now and I look over to see her cross her arms over her chest and look down to her feet. I can feel the nerves rolling off of her and even though I know I got my part, I still know what she's going through... and it's a shitty feeling.

Knowing what Tyler said about them wanting her for Addy makes me want to ease her nerves for her– however I have no idea how to do that without spilling the news that I definitely can't tell her.

She looks exactly like what I would picture Addy to look like though, she even talks like her and has the presence you get from reading Addy's lines in the script.

"Adds" I mumble absentmindedly and she snaps her head back up to connect her eyes with mine, drawing her brows inwards with her confusion "Adds?"

Clearing my throat I scratch the back of my neck and nod my head to the side as I elaborate my weird train of thought "Yeah, I kind of like using nicknames with my friends so I think I'm uh... I'm gonna call you Adds if that's okay– or has a family member already called dibs on that nickname?"

The corners of her mouth lift as she thinks about that "No, no one has actually ever called me that before–"

Immediately back tracking, I stammer out quickly "Oh if you don't like it I'll stick with Addy or Addison, if you like your full name, I just thought with the similar names it might be–"

"I actually really like it" she interrupts and smiles once more, earning me to lift the corner of my mouth as I clarify "Yeah?"

She nods reassuringly and it brings a smile to my face "Cool, Adds it is and I call dibs."

"Duly noted," she chuckles and for the first time since she walked over, she looks less nervous and more sure of herself standing in this room with us.

We keep chatting for a few more minutes before Jeff walks over and sets his hands on our shoulders "All right guys, that'll be it for today," he directs his next words to her "Thanks for coming in and we'll be in touch."

"What?" I ask without even thinking, moving my eyes between them and I watch as her face falls "Oh–"

I look between them as I grasp for straws at this turn of events and nod towards Jeff, silently asking him what the fuck is going on "You don't want us to run a couple of the lines?"

He just smiles and shakes his head "No, we got enough. Thanks."

Jeff walks off and I follow him with my eyes before I breathe out deeply and look back at her "Well that was weird, right?"

"I don't know, I uh– I guess I'll be going then," she replies so softly and I quickly try to come up with something to say "Well, hey can I get your number? I still think you've got this but just in case, I don't– uh I'd like to keep in touch with you..."

"Yeah, yeah I'd like that" She replies and hands over her phone with her screen already pulled up to a new contact and I enter my name and number– hitting the call button and feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket before I hand hers back over to her "Please let me know when you find out, yeah?"

"I will" she answers and her tiny frame just looks so dejected.

I make a noise and don't really think twice before I step closer and pull her in for a hug that I don't question if it's too early to give or not.

I've known her for all of an hour, maybe, however after talking to her I feel like I've known her for years.

She pulls away and offers a small smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes before she clears her throat and the sadness from her eyes "See you later, Dylio."

I chuckle with the new nickname and raise my brows at her while I clarify "Dylio?"

"Yeah, I'm having an off day but as of right now that's my nickname for you until I can come up with a better one that's only mine," she winks and turns around on her heel, walking out of the room with her head held high.

Once she's out of sight I immediately turn around and walk back towards Jeff and Tyler sitting at the far table, lifting my arms out to my sides "I know my opinion means shit since we just got the parts but she has to play Addy, she's absolutely perfect."

Jeff shares a smirk with Tyler and nods back towards me "She is perfect for the part."

"Well good I'm glad you agree– but then why didn't you let us run the chemistry tests with her?" I question and he just continues to smirk as he shrugs "I didn't need to."

I jerk my head back and set my hands on the table in front of them "Jeff are you going for some kind of suspense or something here because you just let her walk–"

"She is the best person to walk in here that we've seen to play Addy– which is why she has the part" he interrupts me and I stand up straighter "She–"

"We're calling her manager as we speak" he interrupts once more and I furrow my brows "But–"

He chuckles and looks between Tyler and I while he elaborates "Not to sound super creepy but we had the camera's on and we were watching you three talk– then when I called Tyler over here we switched to watching you and her. I didn't need her to read the same lines I've already heard her say because I already knew she had to be Addy. I needed to see her with you and exactly thirty seconds of watching the two of you talk was enough for me to know I have exactly what I need to bring Stiles and Addy to life."


Addison POV

Walking inside the house I don't see my mom in the living room, so I just decide to head upstairs to my room and call it a night.

I huff when I walk inside my room and slip off my shoes, dropping my purse and jacket onto my desk chair before flopping back onto my bed.

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I roll onto my side to fish it out of the dress pocket, seeing a text message alert when I hold my phone above my face

Crystal: I got Allison! I just found out– have you heard anything?"

I unlock my phone to reply when another text comes through

Holland: Hey girl, I just got the call and Lydia is officially mine... please tell me you're my Addy?

I close my eyes and drop my hand holding the phone down to my side on the bed, silently begging the casting gods to bring me the same kind of news.

I've never connected with the people at auditions the way that I did today with the girls and then with Tyler and Dylan.

My phone vibrating in my hand once more has me lifting it up, however when I see mom's contact picture flashing on my screen I sit up quickly and answer the call "Mom?"

"They called sweetheart" she informs without missing a beat and I chew on the side of my lip "Did they say why they didn't have me run the chemistry test because that's been bugging me the whole way home– I don't understand what went wrong while we were waiting for them to start."

She chuckles and fills in quickly "Yes they picked up on your chemistry with the boys while you three were chatting. They wanted you for Addy the whole time and seeing you chat in a non pressure filled setting was what sealed the deal honey. You got the part– Addy's yours."

I let out an excited squeal as I stand up and dance around my room, hearing mum's soft laughter float through the phone before she says she's almost home and hangs up.

I quickly respond back to Crystal and Holland in a new group chat

Addy: Well we are officially the Teen Wolf ladies trio!

Crystal: What no way?!! This is the best news!

Holland: Seriously, I've never been so nervous waiting to hear if you guys got the parts as well! They made the best decisions!

Addy: This is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to work with you guys

Holland: Atlanta here we come!

Crystal: Shit I have to pack

Holland: Me too, talk to you guys soon!

Addy: Night ladies!

The smile has not left my face since mom told me the news and I don't even think twice before I scroll through my contacts and click on the next person I want to tell.

I bring my phone to my ear and it rings three times before he answers "Fucking finally, hey– so did they call you?"

I snort and flop back onto my bed "How long have you known?"

"Since you left, I was ready to yell at Jeff for letting you walk away but he filled me in and said they were calling your manager. That was like an hour ago though so T-Pose and I have been dying waiting to hear from you."

"What's up sis?" I hear Ty shout through the phone and I smile through my chuckle as I fill in "My manager is my mom and she just called me with the news– I can't believe this is happening, I'm so fucking excited!"

I squeal again and can hear their chuckles before Dylan's voice filters through "Believe it, Adds– this is going to be the time of our lives."

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