Throw Down Your Heart

Od Sinclair19

291 3 0

Rosie Daily has been dealt a tough hand, especially compared to Drew, her brother and shining pop star, Drew... Více

Chapter Two - Oprah and Ellen
Chapter Three - Hey, Stupid, Wake Up
Chapter Four - Welcome to the Jungle
Chapter Five - That's A Wrap
Chapter Six - Disneyland for Assholes
Chapter Seven - Fashionably Late Just Went Out the Window
Chapter Eight - When You Lay A Brick...
Chapter Nine - Give It Wings and Set It Free
Chapter Ten - Why Didn't Hitler Drink Tequila?

Chapter One - Oh God, I'm Homeless

77 0 0
Od Sinclair19

~* Chapter One *~

"Hey, baby, guess what?" I called as I opened the door to my apartment. Well, I mean, I share it with my boyfriend and he was here first because he's a senior and I'm only a sophomore, but that's beside the point. Anyways, I'd just found out that there was a really cheap red-eye flight to Mexico. I was going to Mexico with Luke and all of our friends on vacation in two weeks. We have finals the week after this one then we're out for the year. I'm super excited.

What I wouldn't give to be done with school. I mean, I love math, but I would be the happiest person on the planet if I could go the rest of my life without writing another essay. Like really, I get nervous and jittery just thinking about it. Lucky for me, I was always good at math and science and Drew was good at English and History, so we could help each other out. It's weird being in school without him now. Not that he was always around in high school anyways. He's not exactly your normal brother.

He's a pop star.

That's right, pop star. The kind tween girls and grown women alike scream for. He's actually about to go out on his first headlining tour. He's just put out a new album and now he's putting the finishing touches on everything before he leaves for Colorado, the first leg of the tour. He actually leaves the week after I finish finals. He's been trying to get me to come on tour with him, but with the trip to Mexico and everything, I'll probably make a couple shows but that's it. Anyways, Drew and I are really close. We're twins, actually. Until we went our separate ways, him off to stardom and me off to college, we pretty much did everything together.

We only figured out I was dyslexic when I was eight, but by then I was so far behind that even by going to summer school every year I still couldn't catch up. It wasn't even that I wasn't as smart as everyone; I understood the material and the critical thinking stuff, I just couldn't read or write well. People were mean about it too. A lot more people than you'd think are dyslexic and you don't even notice it either because it's not that bad or they can hide it, but especially as a kid, I couldn't. Nobody wants to be the kid that's different or the one that's a step behind everyone else. Even now going out to eat really sucks because unless I'm with people who know about me, I can't really read the menu too well. I usually just end up ordering something someone else has ordered to spare me the reading.

Now I can kind of hide that I'm dyslexic, so most people don't know. I just avoid reading and writing at all costs around other people. After how I was treated in middle school and high school, I didn't want to feel like the person everyone felt sorry for all the time or the person nobody wanted to work with on group projects, so I just kept it a secret. If people know there's something wrong with you, even something as stupid and insignificant as dyslexia, they treat you differently and I'm just sick of it. So when I got to school and I met Luke, I wasn't going to be different. I was going to be normal.

Drew and I are both into music too. I took guitar and voice lessons with him as a little kid, but when my grades started getting bad in language arts, my parents pulled the plug for me. It was actually really sad because I was good at that stuff. I still am, but mom and dad didn't want me to keep getting the lessons until my grades improved. Even after I started doing better they wouldn't let me get back to taking lessons because it was starting to look like Drew was going to try to make a break into the music industry and they didn't want me to get in his way. If I'm being honest I've always thought mom and dad liked Drew better. I kinda understand why though; he's always been easier than I am. Dealing with my dyslexia has been really hard for all of us and so I can understand liking the easy kid better. Not saying it doesn't suck, but I get it.  And at least I managed to do well enough in school that I could get into a college I'm proud of.

Anyways, when I couldn't take music lessons Drew would just teach me what he learned when he got home from his lessons. I picked up on playing guitar really fast and then in a school elective I learned to play the ukulele and now I just taught myself electric bass this year while I've been at college. People with dyslexia and other learning disabilities, while we may have a hard time doing some of the traditional school stuff we tend to be very good at other things. Some of us are great artists, others are really athletic, and then there are the people like me who have an aptitude for music.

"Luke?" I called again as I walked into the bedroom. I guess he's not home. Maybe he's at the market? The fridge has been looking a little empty...I walked to the dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a tank top to change into when something red sticking out from under the bed caught my eye. I got down on my knees and pulled up the bed skirt to see what it was. When I pulled it out I found that it was a red lace thong with black bows on it.

And it wasn't mine.

All of a sudden I knew exactly whose it was and that there was no reason for it to be in my apartment. At least no good reason.

"Hey, do you like the skirt or the shorts better with this top?" Angie asked, standing there in a white chiffon top and a red thong with black bows and holding a black skirt in one hand and black leather shorts and the other.

"I like the skirt, but that's just me." I said as I continued putting on eyeliner. We were going to a party and she invited me over to get dressed at her dorm with Ella, her roommate, another one of our good friends.

"Thanks, babe. You're the best!"

Angie's never slept over here. There's only one reason I can think of for her underwear to be here. I ran back out to the kitchen and found two wine glasses in the dishwasher, one with a lipstick mark on the rim. You don't put wine glasses in the dishwasher, Luke. We've been over this a million fucking times. I shook my head in disbelief at how many times I'd believed him when he'd said he was going for a run at 10:00 at night or how many times I'd been willing to spend the night at a friend's so he could have a 'night with the guys?'

I felt my eyes harden and my teeth grit as my body flushed with heat and anger. He left the glasses in the fucking dishwasher. Fucking lazy bastard couldn't even hand wash two glasses to cover his ass. I held the glass with the stain on it and I felt my body start to shake with rage. Suddenly, the glass shattered. I looked at my hand and found that I had squeezed it so hard it broke. I'd also cut my hand in several places.

"Fuck!" I screamed, kicking the cabinet. I walked back to the bathroom and washed my hand off and wrapped it in some gauze. I've been with Luke since two weeks into the school year and he goes and does this? He's known Angie since he was a fucking freshman and he really thought now out of all those years was the right time to start screwing her? And on my fucking birthday too?

I yanked a big duffel bag of mine out of the closet and threw as much of my stuff as I could into it. This was the last thing I deserved on today of all days. I zipped the bag up and slung it over my shoulder. There is no way I'm staying here to confront him. He doesn't deserve that. He deserves to find out that I left the same way I found out he cheated. Clearly he didn't think I deserved the decency of an upfront conversation about it. Neither does he. I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote out a note. I even took the time to make sure it was spelled correctly. Somehow I don't think a note that looks like it was written by a toddler would be terribly effective given the circumstances.

'I want the rest of my shit back, asshole.'

I wrote the address to my only friend here that isn't connected to Luke down too for him to send the rest of my stuff to. My friend Emily lives a few towns over. That's where I'm going. I texted her to let her know I was coming and promising that I'd explain when I got there. She'll let me crash with her. I put the thong on the kitchen counter with the note, and with one last look around, I walked out the door.

I made it outside and swore again upon realizing that the only way I was getting to Emily's house was by taking the subway. I live- lived walking distance from school, so I didn't have a car here, which was fine because I could just use Luke's if I needed to, but clearly that wasn't an option now. I walked to the nearest subway station and studied the schedule for a long time before I understood what time the next train that was going where I needed to go was leaving. The whole stupid dyslexia thing made dealing with stuff like this really hard too.

I sat down on a bench and waited for the train to arrive, even though it wasn't supposed to get here for another twenty minutes. While I was sitting there my mind just wouldn't shut up. I was still so angry that I really wanted to scream, but I knew that wouldn't fly in the middle of the subway station, so I was just left to sit with my fury. You know when you're so angry that you get that knot in the back of your throat like you're about to cry? I was feeling that right up until I actually did start crying.

My train arrived and I got on it and sat down by myself, tears still silently falling down my cheeks. After about ten minutes I really realized what had happened with Luke and how much my life was going to change. No more boyfriend, no more trip to Mexico with my friends, no more of those friends, no more home right by school, no more home at all.

Oh God, I'm homeless.

I just cried harder until I reached my stop. I dragged my stuff off the subway train and walked out into the light. I managed to flag down a cab and got in. I told the driver where to go and when he heard I was crying he asked if I was okay.

"No. I just found out my boyfriend has been cheating on me with one of our friends. No, I'm not okay." I answered, wiping my cheeks. The driver sighed.

"That sucks, kid. I'm sorry." He replied sincerely as he pulled out into traffic.

"Thanks." I answered, offering him a weak smile when he looked back at me through the rearview mirror. My phone vibrated in my pocket and when I pulled it out I smiled a little when I saw who the text was from.

'Hey, birthday girl.' - Drew

'Hey...' - Me. I was pretty surprised to hear from Drew after we'd already talked on the phone this morning.

'I think I know how to get u to come with me on tour.' - Drew

'Oh yeah? How?' - Me

'I got your favorite band 2 open 4 me...' - Drew

'Which favorite band?' - Me

'Throw Down' - Drew

'No way! My actual favorite!' - Me

'Uh-huh. So are you coming on tour with me? Lol' - Drew

'Sure. Y not?' - Me

'Are you serious?!' - Drew

'Ya. If u rly want me 2 come.' - Me

'I totally want you 2 come! What changed?' - Drew

'My entire fucking life.' - Me

'Uh-oh. What happened?' - Drew

'Long story. I'll tell u wen I c u.' - Me

'Ok...want me to send the jet for you?' - Drew

'That'd b great. Thanks Drew.' - Me

'No problem. I'll schedule the flight. Love you.' - Drew

'Love you to.' - Me

Couple things to clear up. First, thank god for autocorrect. Actually, one important thing. We don't own a private jet outright. We share one with Miranda Cosgrove. No, I've never met her, it's just an easy way to not have to own the jet ourselves because really, who needs a jet 24/7? Although, we've been looking into buying her out with the tour coming up. Anyways, the really great thing about what Drew said is who's opening up for him.

Throw Down is my favorite band ever. I can't even quite explain it...they're just amazing. I don't know, maybe not everybody feels the way I do about them, but the lyrics are so relatable, the music is addictive, and the lead singer, Asher's, voice combined with his lyrics have the power to transport you to wherever he wants to take you. This doesn't really do them justice, but have you ever done a really great job describing your favorite band? No matter how amazing you think they are, there are no words to communicate that to someone else, but take my word for it, Throw Down is incredible.

Once the cab pulled up at Emily's house I got out my wallet to pay the driver when he stopped me.

"You've had a bad enough night, this one's on me." He said, getting out and helping me pull my duffle out of the trunk.

"That's very kind of you. Thank you." I replied, trying hard to smile at him.

"I know it's hard to see now, but if you hadn't found out about him now, you would've later. Ending it with him now just gives you more time to find prince charming." The driver told me, handing me my bag and patting my shoulder. I handed him a ten dollar tip and made him take it, even though he refused to let me pay for the ride.

I walked up to Emily's door and knocked. I heard some shuffling and then the door opened. As soon as she saw me she pulled me into a tight hug. It was like she knew what was wrong before I even had to tell her. She led me inside and I told her everything while over hot chocolate.

"Maybe you should write about it." She suggested when I finished. I looked at her like she was crazy. "It helps me when I'm upset. Makes me feel a bit better."

"But I'm dyslexic. Writing makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a fork." I answered. I had to tell Emily about my dyslexia because one day we were driving somewhere and she got a text and asked me to read it to her so she wouldn't be breaking the law, but after a lot of protesting on my part, I finally agreed and started sounding out the words in it. I was going to try to play it off as a stutter, but once she heard me trying to read she figured it out. Her little brother is dyslexic and she said I sounded a lot like him. She's the only person I've told since I've been away at college.

"Yeah, but this doesn't have to be correct and shit. Just write down how you're feeling. You can do it phonetically. Nobody else ever has to see it." She pointed out, making me stop to think about it for a second. I nodded slowly, even though I was pretty sure I wouldn't do it. "But don't do it now. Now you should go to bed. You've had a long day." I wholeheartedly agreed with that. "Oh, and Rosie, Happy Birthday."

I thanked her and let myself into the guest room and promptly crashed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.


Hello hello!  Long time, update, or really visit Wattpad in general.  I've recently checked my account after not having looked in a long time and I'm blown away by how many reads English is Flammable has gotten and I'm so flattered by all the nice things people have said.  I'm very grateful and I want to say a big thank you to everyone that's read, voted, and let me know what you think.

As for this story, I've been sitting on this for a long time and if I'm being honest, I'm not entirely happy with some plot points throughout it, but I thought I would throw it out here if for nothing else but to get some feedback on the writing and to use that as inspiration for my next project.  I also created some characters in here that I really like, so I wanted to share them with you as well.  And I don't mean to sell the story too short.  I'll let you guys decide that.  I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, please let me know, or even if you don't like it you can still let me know.  Spread the word if you'd be so kind to do so and think the story deserves it, and most importantly, happy reading!

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