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72.6K 1.9K 419

Seulgi and Irene. Different dreams. Different paths. They separated in college and has now succeeded in getti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chaoter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 17

1.7K 45 5

After Seulgi and Wendy met up with Halsey to unwind, they hoped in the same Jeep that they came in and headed back to the hotel. The after party was somewhat of a success despite the blow ups, it was nice to see everyone together. Once Seulgi and Wendy got back to there suite they decided one should shower while the other orders room service. Seulgi hoped in the shower and told Wendy to surprise her. Wendy ordered Seulgi tteokbokki with bibimbap and a cookies n cream milkshake. Stacie ordered herself  Samgyeopsal and Bulgogi with a lemonade.

"What a party huh Wan?" Seulgi asked as she sat down next to Wendy. Food long gone.

"Best party ever." Wendy chuckled resting her head on Seulgi's shoulder.

The two stayed in that position and eventually fell asleep. The rest of theit SMU friends and her team arrived back at hotel, Seulgi had rented everyone a room at the hotel. Seulgi made sure everyone had some pain killers in their room knowing they would be hung over the next morning. Seulgi couldn't drink to much due to publicity but she had grown a high tolerance so she rarely would get a hangover, same with Wendy.

Once Seulgi and Wendy woke the next morning they headed down to get some breakfast. Once they arrived and got a table they were joined by Demi and Halsey.

"Hey guys." Seulgi and Wendy said.

"Hey." Demi and Halsey replied.

The four of them ate talking about music and the Beats tour. They were just enjoying each other's company until a couple fans came up to them. They all took photos and signed autographs with the fans, that's when Demi announced she had to leave. Leaving Seulgi, Wendy and Halsey.

"So Seul about that tattoo?" Wendy smirked.

Rolling her eyes "What about it?" Seulgi asked back.

"You said today."

"I recall Wannie. Let's get this over with." Seulgi said standing up.

"What's this about a tattoo?" Halsey asked.

"Seulgi here lost a wager with me and now I get to pick a tattoo she has to get." Wendy smiled back.

"Ohhh perfect, I know just the girl to go to." Halsey said getting up.

The three then proceeded to head to the shop where one of Halsey's best friends worked at. After the quick introductions Seulgi was lead to the chair.

"Alright Wan what's it gonna be?" Seulgi asked.

Wendy smiled and sat next to Seulgi removing her shirt.

"Uhhh Wannie?" Seulgi asked eyeing her best friend.

"Matching tattoos!" Wendy exclaimed.

Seulgi raised her eyebrows "Uhh what now?"

"I decided that we're getting matching tattoos Seul." Wendy smiled.

"Right so um what's going whose body and where?" Seulgi asked.

"Well I was thinking arrows on our collarbones. With the moon in the middle of yours and the sun in the middle of mines." Wendy said.

"Explain?" Seulgi asked.

"Well I just like the arrow designs. As for the sun and moon, they represent the perfect balance between opposite forces. Your the moon since it represents darkness and feelings. While I'm the sun since it represents brightness and spirit." Stacie smiled.

Seulgi nodded along and smirked "So sunshine shall we?"

"We shall shadow." Wendy laughed.

One hour later after Wendy paid the three girls headed off to a studio to record the songs Halsey had already written. It's was a total of four they were going to record, picking three to release for the album's singles.

"Alright Seulgi so we have Now or Never, Bad at Love, Alone and 100 Letters." Halsey said as she stepped into the studio.

Seulgi had been working on beats for these songs since the meeting 3 days ago in NY.

"Alright so here's what I have so far. I made these base off the ideas you gave me and the lyrics." Seulgi said getting her laptop out.

After playing the four separate beats and the two making minor changes here and there, Halsey stepped into the booth to start. The two of them working together was like a match made in heaven. They were able to knock out all four songs in less then two hours. Once everything was edited and polished they packed up.

"Wait, shouldn't we post a picture? You know get people talking about the album and hype it up?" Seulgi asked.

Halsey and Seulgi looked at each other before nodding. The two posed with Halsey resting an arm on Seulgi's shoulder sticking out her tongue, while Seulgi crossed her arms across her chest and gave her trademark smirk.

The two quickly posted the pic on Instagram each captioning it "Four songs down, plenty to come." The post stated blowing up with people commenting and sharing it.

Halsey dropped them off at the hotel saying she'd meet up with them at airport as they were on the same flight. Wendy and Seulgi walked into the hotel and came face to face with everyone.

"Uhhh hey guys." Seulgi said with an awkward wave.

"Seulbear where have you been?" Nayeon asked crossing her arms.

"Well after I made sure all of you had pain killers, your welcome by the way. Wendy and I had breakfast down here, ran into Demi and Halsey. We then proceeded to get this." She pointed to the tattoo, they were both wearing tank tops so it was easily visible "We went with Halsey to her friend's shop, then went to record some songs for the album." Seulgi finished up as she grabbed an apple "Any more questions?"

"Can we see them?" Lisa asked curiously.

"Sure thing klutz." Seulgi chuckled. Seulgi pulled the Lakers jersey she had on down, and Wendy pulled her tank top she got a the festival down to reveal the matching arrows with the sun and moon.

"Awww you guys got matching tattoos! So cute." Lisa exclaimed as she looked closer.

"Geez Lis, you that blind?" Seulgi smirked.

"What's up with tattoos?" Yeri asked.

"Seulgi lost a wager, told her she had to get a tattoo. I decided last second to do matching ones since I kind of wanted another one." Wendy shrugged.

"Hold up you had one already?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Yeah, this is actually our second time getting matching tattoos." Wendy said as both Seulgi and her showed them the tattoo they had on there left hip.

"Why those characters?" This time it wasJoy.

"They represent the nicknames we gave each other back in freshmen year. I called Seulgi Smurfette because of her odd obsession with blue berries, always told her she would actually turn into her. And Seulgi has always called me Godzilla due to my height and according to her my mean side." Wendy explained.

"Ok that's cute and all but you mentioned songs?" Yeri asked.

"Yup Halsey and I recorded four and now we have to pick three for the single releases." Seulgi answered as she finished the apple.

Yeri nodded and no one else had any more questions. Until Lisa asked Seulgi "Hey grumpy?"

"What's up klutz?" Seulgi smirked at the nicknames.

"What did you want to discuss yesterday?" Lisa smiled.

"Oh right, come on let's find somewhere to sit."
Beca led them to a sofa they had in the corner of the lobby. "Right so I wanted to see if you were interested in signing with me as an artist?"

Lisa sat there wide eyed and just stared at Beca no moving or saying anything. "Uhh Lis?" Beca waved her hand in front of her face "Manoban!" Seulgi shouted.

Snapping out of it "Oh my god are you serious?" Lisa asked.

"Yup" Seulgi said popping the p.

Lisa quickly engulfed Seulgi in a tight embrace "Yes! Yes!"

"Alright Lis you won't have a contract if you suffocate me." Seulgi said chuckling.

"Sorry sorry." Lisa said shyly. "Are you sure Lisa? I mean I don't know if I'm that good. I mean look at the people you've worked with."

Seulgi put a hand on Lisa's shoulder causing the younger girl to look at her "Listen Lis, I've known you for what four years? Maybe more? You are one of the most talented and charismatic people I know. Your ability to write songs and voice your emotions is incredible. You are more then capable of becoming a star in this industry, and that's why I'm sure. I'm opening up a label ok and I want the most talented singers possible. And your one of them." Seulgi smiled as she finished.

Lisa nodded holding back the tears "Thank you Seul. Thank you so much, I appreciate you saying that. Coming from you it means everything." Lisa smiled.

"Come on baby sis let's go talk to people in charge of the paper work." Seulgi and Lisa laughed knowing Yeri and Joy weren't going to like this.

"Hey annoying power couple!" Seulgi shouted.

Yeri and Joy turned around both rolling their eyes "Yes my grouchy client?" Yeri smirked.

"Well your grouchy client that pays you a ridiculous salary has some information." Seulgi grinned.

"What is it?" Yeri asked with a sigh.

"Klutz is going to be my new artist." Seulgi said patting Lisa on the back.

"Your new artist?" Joy asked raising a brow.

"Yup, remember I talked about opening a record label? Well, Lis here is going to be the first person that signs." Seulgi announced.

"Do you even have the ball rolling on that record label?" Joy asked.

"Yes I do Park. I've been in contact with the right people and all I got to do is sign the paper work that should be arriving in your e-mail by the next week and then pick between two spaces I have for the actual studio." Seulgi answered.

Yeri and Joy were actually surprised mainly because Seulgi hadn't told them any of this. Without them knowing apparently she had about 85% of the job done.

"Wow I'm impressed. You actually did this with out our help." Joy smiled.

"What can I say when I want something, I get it done. So about the paper work for Lisa?"

"I'll get on that." Joy smiled.

"I'll do whatever it is I have to do." Yeri said.

"Perfect. Give them about a week Lis." Seulgi said as she walked away.

"Seulgi wait!" Joy called.

"Yeah Joy?"

"Can I talk to you really quick? Please?" Joy pleaded.


Joy pulled Seulgi aside "Listen I know you said you needed time and all that, but I just want to explain really quick."

Seulgi nodded so Joy proceeded "Ok so you have to understand my predicament. You and Seulgi are my two best friends, and I just wanted the two of you to be truly happy. It was like trying to pick which one of you to make happy so I thought why not both by putting you to together. See a part of me wanted the old dynamic all of us had back at Barden, while the other part knew that was long gone. It was an inner turmoil that was killing me." Joy finished looking down.

Seulgi took all that in, now she understood why Joy did what she did. Being caught in the middle had to be hard for her, especially with her everything has to be perfect personality. But Seulgi was still mad that Joy hadn't said a word about it, and forced it to happen. Joy obviously knew Yeri wouldn't fight her on it cause well, let's face it, this is Yeri we're talking about.

"Joy like I told you yesterday, I just want you to know that I don't hate you. So I don't want you thinking that ok?" Joy nodded so Seulgi continued "I just don't like how you kept this from me, to me you broke my trust majorly. You just need to give me time to get over it, because I will and we'll be ok. Your like my sister Joy and sisters fight all the time. I understand where you were coming from and for that I forgive you. College Seulgi wouldn't but I'm not that same angry at the world girl anymore." Seulgi finished with a smile.

"Thanks Seul Unnie. And you'll always be my little annoying sister that I just want to slap silly." Joy smiled.

"Now we still have business to take care of so we'll still be around each other. Just fix whatever you have with Yeri and go sight seeing or some shit like that. Oh and get Lisa's papers." Seulgi laughed.

"Will do Seul." Joy smiled.

"Love you. Don't forget that." Seulgi hugged Joy.

Joy smiled and returned the embrace "Love you to midget." It was rare for these two to say they loved each other let alone show any type of affection to one another.

Seulgi walked back towards Wendy as they needed to pack since they were leaving for London later that night.

"You and Park good now?" Wendy asked.

"We will be." Seulgi answered.

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