Nothing More Than Best Friend...

By Spreading_My_Wings

101K 955 184


Chapter 1- Is that..?
Chapter 2- Catching Up
Chapter 3- Falling
Chapter 4- The Boyfriend
Chapter 6- In love with my Best Friend
Chapter 7- My Boyfriend
Chapter 8- Supportive Boyfriend
Chapter 9- Some of the Future and a Little Bit of the Past
Chapter 10; Going Home
Chapter 11: First Time for Everything
Chapter 12- Famous People
Chapter 13- Crazy Friends and Good News
Chapter 14: Teen Choice Awards
Chapter 15- Radio Hosting w/ Harry Styles
Chapter 16- Surprises at Holmes
Chapter 17- Day One
Chapter 18- Horseplay
Chapter 19- Good or Bad news?
Chapter 20- New Faces
Chapter 21- Pool Party
Chapter 22- What Better Place Than an Ed Sheeran Concert
Chapter 23- Last of Charlie Adams
Chapter 24- Happily Married

Chapter 5-Whirlwind of Emotions

5.2K 48 11
By Spreading_My_Wings

Charlie POV

"Hey baby" Tyler said, coming into my room from my connected bathroom. 

"Pop a squat" I said, motioning for him to lie down next to me. 

"Soooo I talked to Harry" He started, something hiding in his voice. 

"Yeah I know. You sound weird. Did he say something?" I asked. 

"Well no.. I'm just worried" He shyly said. 

"About what?" I asked turning my body around to him. 

"Was there anything between you and Harry before?" He asked.

"Tyler, look at me" I said, taking his chin. "Harry and I are best friends. That's it. He's practically my brother, nothing more! I promise" I said, kissing his lips. 

"Ok" He mumbled. 

"Kids dinner!" My mom shouted up the stairs. 

"Coming," I hollered back. "Come on" I said reaching for Tyler's hand. I intertwined our fingers and walked down the stairs. 

"Oh hey sis!" Daniel said, walking out of his room. 

"Danny!" I screeched jumping into his arms. 

"Thanks for coming in to say hi!" 

"Sorry! So this must be Chelsea?" I asked. 

"Yup! Hi, it's so nice to meet you!" She said, pulling me in for a hug. 

"You too" I said.

"Hey Daniel" Tyler said with a smile. Daniel shot him daggers. Did I mention that no man in my life likes Tyler. Not Daniel, not my dad, not Noah, and not even Harry.

We parted and waked downstairs. 

"Hello daddy!" I sung as I kissed him on the cheek. 

"Hey, pumpkin!" He said. 

Harry POV

After dinner, Gemma, Daniel, Chelsea, Tyler, Charlie, and I all decided to walk into town. 

"Oh Harry! Remember when you used to work here?" Charlie gushed. I gave her a hesitant smile, scared that the cheesy grin that was begging to show up on my face would cause a fist being forced onto my face. I looked up at the familiar bakery. 

"Let's go in!" Gemma said, skipping into the pastry smelling shop. 

"Harry Styles and Charlie Adams. What is this?" The owner asked, the same guy who used to be my boss. 

"It's so nice to see you again!" I said, giving him a firm handshake. 

"What ever you would like, it is on the house!" He said. 

"Oh no! It's fine." I said, feeling bad. 

"Please, I insist!" I give him a sincere thank you and looked into the window to see all the tasty treats. 

"I'll have the usual if you remember" Charlie said, licking her lips. She is so beautiful. 

"Do you mind if I flex my memory a bit?" I asked with a sly smile. 

"Of course" He said, throwing me an apron. I smiled, and wrapped it around my waist. I waked behind the counter and started creating my masterpiece that sold to the hundreds of customers years ago. 

I handed the first one to Charlie. She took a bite into it and closed her eyes in complete awe. 

"Pretty damn good styles! You have not lost the charm of your excellent baking skills" She said winking. I could have sworn I went weak at the knees. 

"Thanks" I mumbled, trying not to look her in the eye. I made another 5 desserts and we all sat down at a table. 

"Can we go shopping, or actually do something after this? Totally not in the mood to go home" Gemma complained. 

"Chels and I are going home. Long day today" Daniel smirked. 

"Yes, 'lying in bed' takes a lot out of you" Gemma teased, putting air quotes around lying in bed. 

"You know me" He nudged her making her giggle. I saw Chelsea tense up, but she didn't know the relationship between the Adams and Jones family. Yes, Gemma and Daniel dated. And of course, I'm madly and completely in love with Charlie, but our families are practically family. We know every embarrassing story about one another, we can joke around without it causing a huge fight, we can do anything a normal family could do with each other. 

The couple got up and left the 4 of us alone. 

"Let's go to a bar" Tyler suggested. 

"I'm not really in the mood to" Charlie said. 

"Oh come on! Don't be a pussy! Just come on" Tyler said standing up and throwing away his half eaten dessert. Charlie huffed and my fists tightened. How dare he talk to her like that. 

Charlie POV

Harry has been acting awkwardly distant from me. In dinner he barley said a word, pushing his food around his plate and sometimes popping it into his mouth. On the walk into town, he kept his distance from me. His eyes never met mine this whole night and he mumbles answers back to the questions I asked. 

Something was up.. 

We walked into a small boutique, Gemma's pick after we all convinced Tyler to skip the bar tonight. Tyler went off into the men's section followed by Harry and Gemma came with me. 

"Is it just me, or is Harry acting weird?" I asked, keeping my eyes on the rack of clothes I was looking through. 

"Yeah. I was thinking about that, actually. He does seem a little off" She admitted. I nodded and acted as if I wasn't thinking about it. But I was. And I was determined to see what was wrong with my best friend. 

I saw Harry bolt over to the elevator that brought us to the second floor of the shop. I followed behind, just making it into the enclosed lift before the doors shut behind me. 

"Hi" I smiled. 

"Mmm" Harry mummbled. 

"Whats up?" i asked, making the second floors light light up. 

"Nothing" Harry said, bleakly. 

"That sounds like fun" He just gave me a small and weak smile. 

"Ok what the fuck is wrong with you?" I snapped. 

"I don't know what you're talking about" Harry said, stepping towards the doors that just dinged, letting us know that our floor was coming. 

"Harry, you damn well know what I'm talking about! Ever since we got here, you barely said a word to me. You won't look me in the eye, you won't stand close to me! What do I smell bad?" I asked, keeping a straight and stern face plastered on my usual calm and relaxed face. 

"I really don't want to talk about this Charlotte" 

"Charlotte... really Harry?" I asked. 

"Why aren't these fucking doors opening?" Harry shouted, banging on them. 

"Harry, talk to me" I said pulling on his wrist. 

"Fucking great" He mumbled. It was silent for a while then Harry turned towards me, "Tyler is going to be a hero and open those doors in a matter of seconds" He said. 

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean?" I asked. 

"You're fucking boyfriend is going to save you! Be the dreamy guy that you fell in love with. You know what, he's a fucking bastard. Do you know he doesn't even love you? He told me in the car 'she's hot' he told me. This dick ass has no feelings for you, Charlie. Can't you see that?" 

I couldn't help my hand from slapping him right across the face. "How dare you!" I screeched. 

The next thing that shocked me was Harry's hands cupping my face and his body pushing my against the wall. He's lips smashed against mine, taking me by surprise. I didn't kiss back.. not yet at least. Soon, after about 2 seconds of him holding me like this, our lips started to move in sync. As much as I hated to say it, I knew it was going to happen, that I would hear bells ringing, fireworks everywhere, butterflies in my stomach, and tingles from the top of my head to my toes, especially in my lips.The whole nine yards, it all came over my body, making me weak at the knees and my heart race. I let my hands find the soft curls that were so familiar from when we were in diapers, just in time for the doors to open and Gemma and Tyler to be standing in front of us. 

Harry quickly stepped away from me, breathless. I also struggled to catch my breath. 

"Well this makes me breaking up with you tonight seem a lot better" Tyler shrugged and then walked off. 

My jaw fell to the floor. I looked at a wide eyed Harry and then at Gemma. I looked back at Harry, once more, his lips plump and sore, his hair a bit messy and his chest rising and falling. I huffed stomping off, out of the store and into the street. 

"Charlie!" I heard a female voice say. I just ignored it. "Charlie stop!" Gemma called again. "Charlotte Rae!" She screeched. 

I spun around, looking at Gemma and Harry approaching me. "I needto be by myself! I'll see you um I'll see you later Gemma" I said before storming off again, trying to keep my distance, from everyone.

"Hey sweetie.. Oh whats wrong?" My mom asked, drinking tea on the couch. With Anne of course.

"Nothing mom" I snapped. 

"Oh sweetie! What happened, you can tell us!" Anne said, coming over and hugging me. I let the tears fall from my eyes to my cheeks and then onto Anne's shirt. 

I sat on the couch with the women that Gemma and I would sit with almost every weekend and vent to. It wasn't like they were our moms when we talked, it was like they were our friends who took in every word we said, rubbed our backs and provided tissues. 

"Well" I started, telling them everything. From Harry being distant the whole night, to Tyler insisting we go clubbing, to Gemma begging to go into the store, to Harry and I getting stuck in the elevator, the kiss and Tyler breaking up with me. 

"Oh goodness! That's a lot to take in in one night!" My mom cooed, rubbing my back. I nodded and sniffled. 

"Why don't you go to sleep, sweetheart? Bring a cup of tea too, and relax!" Anne suggested. I shrugged and kissed both of their cheeks goodnight. 

I walked into my room and instantly regretted. Tyler's suitcase and clothes were on the floor. I stomped across the hall over to Daniel's door. I banged on the door and after a few pounds on the hardwood the door opened. 

"Yes?" Daniel asked, chuckling at his sarcasm. When he saw my state, though, he sighed and took me in for a hug. "Who did this to you?" He asked. 

"Everyone, everything" I replied. "Can you just take all of Tyler's stuff out of my room and leave it by the mailbox for the raccoons and what not to eat?" I asked. 

"Finally you got rid of that jerk" Daniel cheered, happily waltzing into my room and kicking Tyler's stuff around. Chelsea came out of Daniel's room in one of Daniel's tshirts and a pair of short shorts that were barely visible. 

"I'm sorry" She pouted. 

"It's fine! Not your fault" She smiled and pulled me into a loving hug. 

"You're so sweet, Chelsea, you know that?" I asked. She giggled and pulled me away, so she could look at me.

"You are too! I hope that we can be best friends!" She cheered, I laughed at her excessive excitement.

"of course we can!" I smiled.

Daniel came up behind us, "Mission accomplish, sis! Aw, look at my two favorite girls!" He cooed, hugging us both in his arms. Chelsea and I giggled.

"Goodnight Charlie!" Chelsea said. I smiled and waved to the happy couple. I went into my room, washing up a bit and putting on my comfiest PJs.

I slipped into bed and let my head hit the soft pillow. I went over the extreme events that happened today.

Harry practically ignored me. 

I got stuck in an elevator  with him. 

I yelled at him and then slapped him. 

He pushed me up against the wall and kissed me like I've never been kissed before. 

Tyler caught us in this act and told me he was going to break up with me anyway and then I stormed off. 

But that kiss, it was so magical. But Harry's my best friend, we both know that this is wrong. It could ruin everything we have. I couldn't take that chance, no matter how much I needed his lips on mine. 

I heard a vigorous knock on the front door and pitter pattering of my mom's slippers on the floor. The door squeaked open and in came a stomping person. 

"Is Charlie here?" Harry's deep voice asked worriedly. I stopped breathing, as if the slightest movement could end the world. 

"Harry, go home honey! Charlie is sleeping" Anne said, I could practically see her pushing her son out of the house. 

"No, I need her, right now" He yelled, waking up the whole neighborhood.. not literally. 

"You can see her tomorrow" My mom offered. No he couldn't. He couldn't see me. Things would be awkward, I needed time to think, process what happened. I heard Harry sigh and groan as the door closed behind him. I jumped out of bed and over to my window, watching Harry kick a rock around my driveway, cursing as he did so. I giggled to myself, feeling myself starting to maintain all that happened today. 

I hopped back into bed just to be disturbed a few moments later. 

Tap tap. This noise startled me, making me pull the blanket over my head. Tap tap this time it was louder. I suddenly knew what was going on, I went over  to my window and opened it. Seeing my best friend standing bellow with a few pebbles in his hand. 

A/N: CLIFFHANGER! How you liking it so far? I know probs I won't get any comments, like usual (input sad face) and I'm sure not many people, if any at all are reading this because, who does... But I mean thought I would lighten up the mood from that tense seen up there to the people that actually care... but i honestly have nothing to say so i hope you enjoyed that chapter, i think it's a little longer than I usually do but IDK

sooooooooo in order to recieve the next part I must have 930 followers on TWITTAAAAA: @Go1Den_


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