Before You Go

By tobelaideisreal

25.9K 564 51

Mary is the Queen of Scotland, she has been in hiding at a convent since she was 8. Mary is a beautiful and m... More



801 17 3
By tobelaideisreal

Mary's Point of View
I rolled over and pulled the covers over me. I don't want to get up, I'm too tired. Someone opened the door, Francis came in. "I'm sorry your grace he wouldn't let me announce him." The pager said coming inside. "It's fine, leave us." I said. The pager left and closed the door. "Can I help you? I'm trying to sleep." I asked smiling. "What I just wanted to come see you?" He laughed sitting on my chaise. "What if I wanted you to leave so I could sleep?" I laughed throwing my pillow at him. "Wow, It almost seems like you don't want me in here." He laughed "Seriously what's going on?" I asked "Olivia is mad at me." He said "And this is my issue why?" I asked "Because she thinks I like you, that I like like you." He said "Like like me? Are you twelve?" I laughed "Can you just tell her nothing as happened between us?" He asked "Okay if you don't have any interest in her other than sex why do you care?" I asked "Because if she is mad then I won't get sex." He said "Wow, men are such complex creatures." I laughed "My life is unpleasant when she is mad, not just because of no sex." He said "You think you're playing her but she has you wrapped around her finger." I said "I like to think I'm a little sleeker than that." He said "Oh well you're not." I laughed, he smiled and threw my pillow back at me. The door opened up again. Madelyn and Charles came running in. "I'm sorry your grace they insisted on coming in." Charles' nanny said following behind them. "It's okay." I said "Can you come with us into town today? We are going to get dresses for Madelyn." Charles said "And for Charles." She giggled "No." He stuck his tongue out. "I would love to, I just need to get ready." I said "Francis can you come too?" Charles asked "Yes, I'd love to." Francis smiled "Fine, Francis go get Charles and yourself ready then meet in the courtyard in an hour." I said "Mary can I get ready with you?" Madelyn asked "Of course you can." I smiled and picked her up. We went in to my closet. Poor Madelyn was so scared when she first came here, I remember I was scared too and Catherine took me under wing. I put on a light blue short sleeve dress, then had my hair curled. I put on shoes. "Madelyn love come on we will get you ready." I said, she held my hand. "Mary you're so pretty." She smiled "Why thank you Madelyn, you are very pretty as well." I smiled, we walked into her rooms. I got her dressed into a simple pink dress and I did her hair. We went down the stairs and towards the courtyard. Francis and Charles were out there with a carriage prepared. Madelyn and Charles got in the carriage. "M'lady." Francis held out his hand. "Oh stop." I pinched his nose. He smiled and his dimples were in full view. I sat down, he sat down next to me. I moved my hand and it touched his by accident, he pulled away. "Mary stop trying to hold my hand." He laughed, Madelyn and Charles broke out in giggles. "I hate you, you know that right?" I laughed "You know they say all love blossoms of hate?" He smiled "Smart ass." I laughed.

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