The Super Saiyan Girl

By _Alex-san_

31.8K 765 182

[*BOOK 1*] After three years from the events of Namek, Freeza arrives to Earth, but is surprisingly stopped b... More

EP. 0 - Ruined*
EP. 1 - Past*
EP. 2 - Training*
EP. 3 - Search
EP. 4 - Fight
EP. 5 - Androids
Future Timeline - Tale 1
EP. 6 - Fear
EP. 7 - Family
EP. 8 - Revealed
EP. 9 - Chase
EP. 10 - Found
EP. 11 - Absorbed
EP. 12 - Struggle
EP. 13 - Perfect
EP. 14 - Merciless
EP. 15 - Prepare
Future Timeline - Tale 3
EP. 16 - Emotions
EP. 17 - Boundaries
EP. 18 - Growth
EP. 19 - Love
EP. 20 - Games
Future Timeline - Tale 4
EP. 21 - Ruleless
EP. 22 - Limits
EP. 23 - Boy
EP. 24 - Snap
EP. 25 - Ascended
Future Timeline - Tale 5
EP. 26 - Defeat
EP. 27 - Home
EP. 28 - Bygones
EP. 29 - End
Bonus: Epilogue: EP. 30 - Royalty
SEQUEL: Sneak Peak - The Super Saiyan Princess

Future Timeline - Tale 2

501 12 2
By _Alex-san_

The week long wait lasted an agonizing eternity. Of course, Bulma, Ken-La, and Noemi knew that the boy Android 17 was looking for had snuck into the Time Machine for his mother.

Every day, the women and the half-saiyan girl would listen to the radio, hearing of Android 17 and 18's cruel acts of destruction on humanity.

"I have to go stop them!" Noemi would insist to her caretakers each time, but they always convinced her to stop before she left the garage door.

"Rrr!" Noemi growled in anger and kicked an empty bucket into the wall. "What's taking Auntie and Trunks so long?! They have Niko! Don't they know they need to bring him back?!"

Bulma sighed heavily, "I'm sure they do. But we all know that the Time Machine only has enough fuel for one more trip."

"But they should be back already!" Noemi insisted, frustrated. "I don't get what's taking them so long! We need them!" She shut her eyes tight and clenched her fists. If only she could go Super Saiyan... then maybe she could stand a chance!

But then Noemi was taken aback when Ken-La reached down and hugged her. She held the girl tight. 

"We do need them," Ken-La agreed, her voice always soft. "But their mission is important."

"How?!" Noemi clutched at the woman's shirt. "How is it more important than us?!" She dug her face into Ken-La's shirt as she began to sob. "We need them! ... I need them!" 

Ken-La gave a shaky sigh. She rubbed the girl's back, "They're making sure that the Past Timeline doesn't suffer like we do. They're making sure that no Androids kill more people, and that Earth is safe."

Noemi sniffled and pulled away. "Th-That's what they're doing?"

Ken-La caressed her face and nodded, "Yes. And I'm sure they're trying their best to get back here."

Noemi sniffled and wiped her eyes. But then she started crying again. "But it's been a week! The Androids are going to kill everyone now!"  

"No, no they won't," Ken-La embraced her once more, glancing worriedly at Bulma. 

The scientist had her arms crossed with a deep frown, a pensive look on her face. Then suddenly, her face lit up with an idea. "I think I know what we could tell Seventeen," she said.

The Aunt and the child turned to her curiously.

× × ×

The next day, at a bit past midday, Noemi once again waited just outside the garage. It was once again half open, as to not seem suspicious.

She had her cotton candy colored hair down a bit past her shoulders, afraid he would grab it once more. She wore a long sleeve shirt with pants and boots, making sure to cover as much skin as she could. It was all a precaution...

Noemi waited, leaning against the wall. She couldn't sit still. She had to be standing and alert. But still, she couldn't help tapping her foot nervously on the ground.

"Do we still have a problem?"

Noemi turned her eyes to meet 17's, but she felt her stomach grow in tight knots at the sight of 18 a few feet behind him.

Oh no. What are they both doing here?! she mentally questioned.

But soon, Noemi cleared her throat. Okay, relax. Go with the plan. She nodded slowly. "Ya see," she started, "we haven't seen or heard from Auntie and Trunks either. So, we think that they took Niko and ran away... or something..."

Noemi began to lower her head in fear and flinched when 18 scoffed. She cried out when she was suddenly grabbed by the collar of her shirt by 17.

He lifted her high into the air, his eyes ablaze with fury. "No. You know where they are."

Noemi squirmed in his grasp. "No! I don't know where they are! Let me go!"

From behind them, 18 spoke up. "I told you," she crossed her arms, "She was totally dating him in secret. I bet the kid's actually his."

"Shut it, Eighteen!" 17 snapped at his twin sister. "The kid's mine, and we're going after him."

18 scoffed in annoyance, "Really? And how do you think we're going to find them? We can't sense energy."

17 tightened his grip on Noemi's shirt collar before loosening it a bit and showing her to his sister. "This kid can."

Noemi's eyes widened.

"What makes you think the kid will help us?" 18 asked, her tone still annoyed.

"She'll help us because she doesn't want everyone to die, does she?" 17 turned to the girl. He glared at her. "You can sense them, so you know where they've been this whole time."

Noemi quivered in fear. This was not going to plan. How did everything get so complicated so quickly?

17 became so furious that he punched her in the face. Blood began to spill from Noemi's nose, but he didn't stop. He punched her over and over until his sister stopped him.

18 placed a hand on his wrist, avoiding his blood stained knuckles. "Don't kill her just yet, Seventeen. We need her, remember?" she reminded him.

17 was lightly panting, and his fist was shaking in anger, but upon seeing the girl's bloodied face, he lowered his fist and dropped her.

Noemi fell to the ground with a gasp. She found it hard to breathe, as blood filled her nose and mouth. Her left eye was bruising and puffing quickly. It was hard grasping onto consciousness, but she managed to do so as she clutched the dirt beneath her.

She wanted to cry. No, she was already crying as she saw her tears spill onto the dirt.

"Come on, kid," 17 glared down at her, "show us where Niya and Trunks are with Nick."

Noemi struggled to find her voice. "C... Can my Auntie h-heal me... first?" she croaked.

17 glared, "Fine. But listen, half-breed, do anything suspicious and we'll kill your precious Aunties. Got it?"

Noemi trembled in fear and nodded.

"Hurry it up," 17 kicked her side, sending her closer to the garage.

Noemi groaned. The pain was overwhelming. She wanted to just curl up and die already. But no, she couldn't. She couldn't let everyone on Earth die.

She persevered and painstakingly crawled under the garage to see that Ken-La and Bulma were silently crying at what the Androids had done to her and what she would have to do.

☆ ▪ ☆ ▪


I hope y'all like these little shorts!


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