Apart but still together~ min...

By sparklino

8.7K 384 81

Jisung loves to perform and sing and rap in front of audiences when suddenly he felt like he was about to bre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chaper 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Final chapter

Chapter 7

379 17 0
By sparklino

*jisoo POV*

*says in her head*
'Well at least I know Minho is going to be safe tonight.....and can be happy with jisung.....but don't worry Minho I will give you a better life soon....I just need to think of a way how......*

As I was lost in my thoughts my front door slammed open and in came byunghoon......
"Hey...babe what's for dinner....."he says to me but I knew full well that he was drunk and it annoyed me so much
"Don't talk to me if your drunk...."I tell him
"I'm not drunk-...."he tells me acting like I'm stupid but I cut him off
"Byunghoon I'm not stupid...I know when your drunk or not and honestly I'm sick of it all the time everyday you always come home drunk and all the time you take it out on Minho......minho is your son....would you like it if your dad came home everyday drunk and has been hitting you and leaving bruises ever since you was 5years old huh would you no u wouldn't now I'm off to go pack mine and Minho things because we are leaving.....!"I tell him I don't know where any of this came from but I had to get me and Minho away from him.....he is a beast and I can't stand Minho being in danger any long because of him.......
"Oh your not going anywhere....!!"byunghoon shouts while he grabs my arm and pulls me back towards him...
"LET GO OF ME!!"I yell wanting him to let go because his grip tightened around my wrists and I could feel his nails  going into my skin
"Why won't you let us go huh?? you hate Minho why do you still want him here and you clearly don't love me anymore because all you do is come home drunk...you think I want to live with a drunkie I used to love well truth is I don't and maybe I don't love you anymore either and you really think Minho wants to live with his so called father when all he does is beat him I'm sick and tired of seeing you hitting Minho like he is nothing like he is a piece of shit when he's not byunghoon he's not.....how would you feel if your father beat you!"I shouted back at him
"You know I never had a father he died when I was born so I would I know...!!!!maybe I guess I just wasn't ready to be a father!!"byunghoon lowered his voice a little bit he was still yelling
"Yeh well I can tell you this about having a father.....they don't hit there sons they don't hate there sons they don't treat them like they should t be alive or shouldn't feel safe in their own home fathers don't give them scares and bruises that are there for most of their lives which prevents them having friends!!!this is what u have put Minho through...YOU DID THIS TO HIM NOW LETTT GOO!!!! I am packing mine and Minho stuff and we are leaving !!!"I shout breaking free from his grip noticing fingernail marks were left in my skin from him.....
"Fine leave...!!!!but when you got nowhere to go don't bring yourself back here and definitely don't bring that little shit back do you understand..!!!!"byunghoon shouts
"Oh don't you worry we will be happier living on the streets then be living with you.!!!!"I shout walking upstairs
"Yeah u won't be saying that when you got no fucking money or any place to go and your little precious son you love so much will be suffering even more...."byunghoon shouts
"Trust me I will give Minho the life he deserves where he doesn't have to deal with anymore suffering....."I shout now entering minhos room to pack his stuff first....

-time skip to when Jisoo packed everything-

I was making my way downstairs to head out with mine and minhos stuff but I was pulled back by someone when I was about to leave
"Wow....your really leaving?!"yells Byunghoon
"Yess of course I'm leaving you really think.....I'm staying after everything....were you not listening to a word I just said earlier.....I am leaving whether you like it or not..!"I shout back at him
"Jisoo You don't understand do you!!"shouts Byunghoon
"What! What don't I understand!!!" I yell
"You won't survive one day without me!!"yells Byunghoon
"Oh watch me!!"I yell

As I broke loose from his grip before I was out of the door he grabbed me pulled me in forcefully making me fall over and bash the side of my face on the table which was now starting to bleed also my lip was bleeding......
"Aishhh jisoo I'm so sorry I didn't mean to..."byunghoon said while trying to help me up
"NO GET OFF ME DONT TOUCH ME......YOUR A MONSTER LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!"I yell before standing up grabbing mine and Minhos stuff and just running to chaeyoung not even looking back for a second.......

Jisungs POV:

Me and Minho were still eating when my mom finished and started to do the dishes.......
"This is really good thank you mrs Han..." says Minho
" aha your welcome Minho......just call me chaeyoung by the way sweetie okay...."replies chaeyoung
"Okay" chuckles Minho.....

We were still eating when we heard someone banging in the door so hard it sounded like us was gonna fall through...
It scared me so much I accidentally spilled my drink while I was drinking.....
"Here jisung some tissues....."says Minho handing me some tissues
"Stay here boys I will see who it is......"says chaeyoung going to the front door.......

As chaeyoung got to the door me and Minho stayed silent until we heard my mom say "oh my gosh jisoo what happened" at this point Minho was straight out of his chair and running to the front door......I followed.....only to find his mom crying with her lip and side of her face bleeding.....
"Mom!!"Minho shouts running to her than hugging her........

I can't be the only one who is crying so much at bangchans new song "don't want to accept" 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭whoever hurt Channie STAYS are by your side......but when I listen to it a certain someone comes to mind.....only STAYS know🥺🥺😥😰😢😢😭😭🥺🥺🥺

Anyways hope your enjoying the storyyyy🤪✌🏻❤️

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