Benefits with Bucky Barnes

By CharmianFantasia

972K 20K 17.6K

"Is that what we are? Friends with benefits" I pause. "I guess, unless you want to stop all this and go back... More

1)The Party
2)Angry Lust
3)Gym Exercises
4)Hickey Hot-tub
5)Horror Movie
6)Truth or Dare
8)Changing Room Messages
9)Their First
10)Period Pains
11)Mission Seduction
12)Water Bombs
14)Brunch and Dates
15)Make up
16)40s Date
18)New Things
19)Night Terror
22)Make Love
23)In His Arms
24)She's Dying!
25)Serious Talks
26)Asgardian Visitor
27)Leaving For Good
28)Christmas Party
29)Awkward Atmosphere
30)Together At Last
Bonus Chapter-Tony knows
Bonus Chapter - They never had a child
Bonus Chapter - Bondage
Bonus Chapter- Knives and Hate

20)Assumptions and Breakups

22.8K 501 391
By CharmianFantasia

"Oh Steve, that feels so nice! Oh right there, that feels so nice!"

"You need to be quiet, Bucky might hear and walk in!"

"Then stop doing it"

"But I need to see if it works!"

"Oh it does! So stop!"

An electronic massager. Bucky had said he wanted one the other week and so Steve and I looked all over for one. It took awhile to find one we liked but we did it.

"Good, now we just need to wrap it and hide it" I nod.

"Not my room, he's there too often"

"Right, I'll hide it in mine" He puts it back into its box and into a bag. Then he leaves my room. I sigh and fall onto my bed while taking out my phone. I've been taking pictures with Bucky all month and mainly this week for his present.

I grin and put my phone away just as he comes in. "Hi" He says quietly.

"Hello Barnes" I grin as he sits at the bottom of my bed.

"This might seem strange, but can I see your phone" I start to panic.

"NO! erm... why?"

"I just wanted to look at something" I slowly get my phone out and pass it him. He probably won't even know what the app is never mind look at it. I watch as he goes to my messages and stares at the top one.

It was from Steve saying that 'everything was good and he had no idea'. I freak out as Bucky went to click on him so I snatched the phone off him. We were talking about his surprise on it and I couldn't risk him knowing.

"What is going on!" He stood up glaring at me.

"What do you mean" I see his jaw clench.

"You and Steve! Sneaking around behind my back. Acting suspicious!" I flinch. Oh shit didn't think about that.

"Sorry Bucky, I just wanted to get to know Steve better seeing as he's your best friend" Good save.

"You already know Steve. You've been living here for like a year" Bad save!

"Yeah but we never really had anything in common. Now we have you" I smile and get up. I go to hug him but he stepped back. Ouch.

He was silent before he looked at me with a hurt expression, "Are you using me to get closer to Steve" My mouth fell open.

"What!" Is he serious. "Why would I do that!"

"Because he's Captain America and I'm the evil Winter Soldier. He's America's golden boy and I'm the broken assassin!" He deadpans. I flinch and feel tears coming to my eyes.

"I'm not using you James" I tried to step towards him but he stopped me.

"What else am I suppose to think Rouge" He sounds tired, the pain is clear in his eyes.

"Trust me James! I would never to do to you" I feel like crying. Am I crying? Am I in the wrong here?

"I heard you earlier. Moaning at whatever you and he were doing" he spat at me. "Steve telling you to be quiet and all in case I found out!"I understand why that seemed suspicious but I would never cheat on him.

"It's not what you think. Please, please believe me. It'll make sense soon" I go to grab his hand and actually succeed this time. I felt a few tears fall down my face.

"I'm sorry Rouge" I relax a little. "I just need some time alone" he pushes me off him and walks out. Every step he takes I feel my heart tearing apart.

"Bucky no. Please I'm sorry!" I ran out my room but he had already slammed his door. I sunk to the floor and felt a sob rack through my body.

"And now he won't talk to you?" I had just told Steve what happened. "Maybe we should just tell him"

"But I don't wanna ruin it for him" I look down at my hands.

"If not he's gonna keep assuming things. We might as well tell him the truth"

"Will you tell him with me?"

"Of co-"

"It's fine. I've heard enough" We both look to the doorway with wide-eyes.

"Buck, let us expl-"

"No need, I'm going out" I quickly get up.

"James please listen to us!" I chase after him but stop as he turns around.

"I get it. You're both in love. It's fine, I won't hold you back from each other" he gave me a pained smile. Wait what, me in love with Steve. Does he realise how crazy that is.

"But I'm not... in love with Steve?" He had already left. When did he leave! I start to cry again. I don't want anyone but Bucky. I don't love anyone but Bucky.

I look down at my phone and see the picture of Bucky and dancing together on our first date. Someone had noticed Bucky Barnes and took a picture, posting it on social media. He was looking down at me as I stared up at him, it was like no one else was in the room.

Why didn't he understand.

I don't love Steve! "I love you"

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