How Do I Say I Like You? | BL

By the_flower_bed

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On the day of his first tattoo, Wang Li is sitting with his best friend and soulmate in a cozy cafe, while tr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 16

312 8 5
By the_flower_bed

Wang Li laid Xu Chen down in the luxurious backseat and cradled his head in his lap, slowly his friend was able to breathe properly again and the nausea subsided. The bruised Wang Li ignored the man driving them for the whole ride until they pulled into an underground parking area and Ma Tian opened the door, waiting for them to get out.

After shimmying the tired Xu Chen off his lap, Wang Li got out and Ma Tian bent down to help Xu Chen but Wang Li scooted in first. All Ma Tian could do was shake his head and guide them to the elevator with a slow speed. Wang Li had basically recovered from his punch but Xu Chen's face had paled since getting into the car and he struggled to walk by himself, leaning most of his weight onto Wang Li reluctantly.

"S-Sorry Xiao Li."

Xu Chen felt horrible and his body was weak but he still felt bad since Wang Li had also been injured but was helping him support his body, Wang Li told him not to worry and held his friend closer. The group of three were standing in the elevator quietly after Ma Tian had pressed the top floors button, Xu Chen was trying to stand by himself so he wasn't depending on his friend too much but he fainted before they had passed the fifth floor. Wang Li was beginning to feel exhausted like Xu Chen and didn't have the speed or strength to catch his falling friend, luckily Ma Tian was there otherwise Xu Chen would've fallen face first into the elevator doors. He didn't waste any time and picked the unconscious Xu Chen up in a princess carry.

The elevator moved smoothly and quietly until they reached the top floor, Ma Tian led the way while still carrying Xu Chen's slumped body with a tired and frustrated Wang Li following behind. When they entered a large office room, Wang Li was pulled into a bear hug, he could tell from the height and strong grip that JieJie was the one hugging him. After a few seconds, he was promptly let go then hugged again, this time it was Kong Da.

Ma Tian placed Xu Chen down on the sofa as the company doctor came to look over the boys stomach and ribs. Wang Li held Kong Da's hand tightly as he walked over to his friend, Xu Chen had woken up before the elevator had stopped but was still a little muddle headed. Ma Tian stood off to the side as he made a phone call and he pulled a reluctant Kong Da to his side. Wang Li didn't care what was happening between those two as he nervously watched Xu Chen groan when the doctor gently pressed around the lower ribs over his shirt.

The doctor had to remove Xu Chen's shirt in order to properly see what injuries had occurred during the fight, with the shirt removed, both the doctor and Wang Li saw a large black and blue bruise on Xu Chen's sternum. Xu Chen tried to hold back his discomfort and pain but when the doctor applied more subtle pressure to his ribs he groaned out loudly with a pained expression. Ma Tian and Kong Da returned to the two injured boys' sides and the doctor turned to Ma Tian seriously.

"Sir, I need to take him to my office. Two of his ribs are cracked and I need to tape them."

Wang Li wanted to accompany Xu Chen after hearing about his ribs but Kong Da told him he needed to ice his cheek and rest. Ma Tian helped Xu Chen up but couldn't carry him since it put too much pressure on the injured area, instead he sat the boy in his office chair. Wang Li watched anxiously while Xu Chen was wheeled out of the room. Kong Da was handed an ice pack by the doctor before leaving and guided Wang Li onto the sofa. It was only once Xu Chen was out of sight that Kong Da heard his lover speak softly.

"You knew about Chen Ai's brother?"

Un. Suo Su and JieJie were sitting off to the side so the couple could speak privately and Kong Da admitted his fault honestly.

"I did, I didn't tell you for a few reasons but I was wrong in doing so."

Kong Da held the ice pack for Wang Li and pulled the injured man to lean on his shoulder. Wang Li wanted to talk more about the situation but was too tired and the last bit of adrenaline had left his body now that Xu Chen wasn't with him, he leaned into Kong Da heavily and fell asleep.

. . . . . .

When Wang Li woke up he was in a single bed and Xu Chen was in a bed beside him. Outside, he could see the sun had set and the city lights were shining brightly. Xu Chen was already awake on his phone and he greeted Wang Li quietly as he turned his phone off. Wang Li quickly got out of bed and kneeled beside Xu Chen.

"ChenChen are you okay? Your injuries are so bad even though you weren't involved in any of this."

"I'm fine, my ribs only hurt a little bit thanks to the medicine. I should be fine in a few weeks."

Ma Tian and Kong Da entered the room while Wang Li lightly sat next to Xu Chen, the other two men sat on the opposite bed. Ma Tian speaking first.

"Chen Bo has been handed over to the authorities and he will be kept under supervision until his trial, I've sorted everything so the two of you won't be named in the report and the police won't come looking for the two of you for an interrogation."

Wang Li was understandibly confused.

"How can it be sorted so easily? Also how do you know he will be kept in police custody? Last time he was able to go free"

Kong Da answered simply.


Ma Tian shrugged without denying and he left the room to order food for everyone. Kong Da looked over at Wang Li apologetically but he didn't say anything since Xu Chen was present. Wang Li tried to ignore his puppy looking boyfriend but couldn't and stood up to leave the room with Kong Da following behind, Wang Li told Xu Chen he wouldn't be long before closing the door softly. They returned to the sofa that Wang Li had fallen asleep on.

"Where's JieJie and Suo Su?"

"They went home since they weren't needed."

Wang Li suddenly thought about something and turned to Kong Da.

"How did you get here so quickly, did you already know Chen Bo was going to attack us today?"

Kong Da was surprised at Wang Li's assumption and quickly denied it.

"Of course not. Ma Tian had a worker follow you once we knew you were being stalked, when he saw the two of you running, he ran after you once he had sent a message to Ma Tian. I came with Suo Su and JieJie the moment Ma Tian called me."

"You drove?!"

Kong Da rubbed his head while he said it was more like he was slumped in the backseat while Suo Su sped through the city to get to Ma Tian's family company building. After hearing how Kong Da faced his fear for him, Wang Li felt a little better but he still scolded him for not telling him earlier.

"Thank you for doing that Ge, though I need you to be honest with me, especially if it involves me being in danger."

"I know. I'm sorry Xiao Li."

Kong Da held Wang Li's head in his large hands as his thumb rubbed over the bruised cheek tenderly. He placed a small kiss on Wang Li's forehead before apologizing again, his lips grazing across the soft skin while he mumbled out his deep apologies. Wang Li pulled Kong Da close to him and he snuggled into the broad chest. Ma Tian walked past them while he placed a bag down with their dinner before he walked into the room where Xu Chen was, closing the door behind him. Seeing this Wang Li tried to run in after him but Kong Da pulled him back to the sofa.

In the room, Xu Chen had sent a series of messages about his condition to Martian but hadn't received a reply yet. Ma Tian came in and saw Xu Chen's complicated face staring at the bright phone screen in the dark room.

"Ribs hurt?"

Xu Chen quickly hid his phone under the blankets and shook his head while Ma Tian sat on the side of the bed. The injured boy was still able to do daily activities like feeding himself but Ma Tian wouldn't give him the spoon or chopsticks so he had to accept being fed. Ma Tian took the job of feeding Xu Chen seriously but what came out of his mouth wasn't so serious.

"Xiao Li tells me you have a boyfriend now."

These words made Xu Chen almost choke on his food and a small cup of water was brought to his mouth. He shook his head and cursed Wang Li in his head. Ma Tian laughed under his breath and continued feeding Xu Chen, speaking after a few spoonfuls.

"Does Xao Chen have someone he likes?"

The meal was hard to swallow with Ma Tian's questioning and Xu Chen shyly shook his head again but his red cheeks implied that he was lying. Ma Tian grinned but didn't persist with his teasing and quickly finished feeding Xu Chen.

That night Kong Da took Wang Li to stay at his apartment while Xu Chen stayed with Ma Tian at the company. Wang Li had refused for a long time though, not because he didn't want to stay with his hubby but because he didn't want Xu Chen to stay with Ma Tian. Even if they were sleeping in separate beds and Xu Chen couldn't do sexy times in his condition, he couldn't allow it. However, Xu Chen told him to rest so he could only stop his tantrum and leave with his boyfriend.

Although Kong Da had been able to ride in a car to come see Wang Li, driving back to his apartment was too much and he apologized multiple times during the walk to where he lived. Wang Li had refused the apologies since he was aware of how hard it was for Kong Da, but his refusals soon turned into demanding a piggy back ride since Kong Da wouldn't stop. His handsome man didn't refuse and they made it to the apartment at a fast pace.

Wang Li had guessed Kong Da made a nice amount of money since his tattoos were set at a high price and he had a steady flow of clients but this didn't stop him from being surprised at the nice apartment.

"Wa~ So nice. Ge I didn't think you were this rich"

"Hehe, it was actually a gift from someone."

Wang Li didn't think Kong Da would know someone rich enough to easily gift such an expensive apartment. He tried to dig and find out the identity but Kong Da only told him it was a family member. Kong Da's apartment shared the floor with only one other apartment so the floor space was large and open, it was also one floor below the penthouse. Kong Da didn't fill his apartment with lots of things and aside from the furniture there wasn't much to comment on.

After his lover had a long look around, Kong Da led Wang Li to his ensuite bathroom and ran the shower for him before stepping out of the room. Wang Li was given a t-shirt to wear as well as a clean pair of underwear. When the bathroom was free, Kong Da showered before changing into his usual short and tank top then laid beside Wang Li in his bed.

Wang Li had had a long nap before leaving the company so he wasn't too tired and he kept poking Kong Da's face in random areas. Kong Da ignored it since he was pretty tired after everything that had happened, when Wang Li showed no signs of stopping he quickly caught the short finger and bit it , Wang Li giggled as he wriggled his finger between Kong Da's teeth. Once his finger was free he didn't bother with poking and instead laid his face over Kong Da's. Kong Da's voice was a little muffled thanks to Wang Li as he asked.

"Not tired?"

Un. Wang Li rubbed his face over Kong Da's, after some time he began lightly kissing various spots. Like before Kong Da didn't react and Wang Li slowly made his way to the soft lips. He first pecked at the lips softly before he would press longer kisses, moving his mouth slightly so he could nibble on them before he tried to push his tongue into Kong Da's mouth. Kong Da's tiredness had slowly gone away because of his silly lover and he rolled over so he was laying on top of Wang Li, he shoved his tongue in as far as it could go in Wang Li's mouth before pulling it out, only to thrust it back in.

Wang Li melted into the soft mattress and his body shivered as he whimpered into Kong Da's mouth. Suddenly, Kong Da pulled away and bit down firmly on Wang Li's clothed collarbone before rolling over to lay on his back.

"Go to sleep now."

Wang Li laid still, a little out of breath. The man beside him was half way between asleep and awake. He rolled to his side and quietly watched Kong Da, like always he had had a reaction to the seductive kiss and his erection was pressing firmly against his underwear uncomfortably. Wang Li didn't know why he did it but he slowly reached down through the blankets and touched the erection over the fabric. Kong Da was about to fully fall asleep when he heard Wang Li's breath hitch and the bed moved slightly.

He opened his eyes and saw Wang Li curled with one hand down in the blankets while the other was covering his mouth. Wang Li had closed his eyes since he was close and didn't realise that Kong Da was now watching him.

He was close to cumming when Kong Da gently caught his wrist, the surprise almost made him cum right then and there. Wang Li's face turned bright red as he had been caught masturbating while laying beside someone. He tried to come up with an excuse but Kong Da pulled his hand closer then licked the clear juice on Wang Li's hand before he dipped under the blankets. Wang Li gasped and bucked his hips once he could feel Kong Da's mouth wrap around him.

Wang Li had already been close to cumming from jerking off and Kong Da had only bobbed his head a few times before he was groaning quietly, Kong Da pushed the whole cock down into his mouth and the load of sperm went down his throat. Wang Li was trembling still when Kong Da came up from the blankets. He walked into the bathroom and wet a washcloth then entered the room and wiped Wang Li's hand as well as removing his underwear to wipe the area. Wang Li laid there without moving, letting his handsome man do whatever. With the area cleaned Kong Da slid back into the bed and Wang Li wriggled over to his side before falling asleep quickly. Kong Da fell asleep soon after, the soft snores lulling him to sleep.

At the company, Ma Tian had closed the door to the room Xu Chen was in. He had told Xu Chen he would be busy working for a while before he left, Xu Chen took this opportunity to check his phone in case Martian had messaged him but there were no new messages. Xu Chen felt a little sad after having no response from the other side for so long until his phone buzzed lightly in his hand.

Martian: What happened? Are your ribs okay?

ChenChen: I'm fine now, the doctor said they should be mostly healed after six weeks and I have medicine to dull the pain.

Martian: Does my Xiao Chen need nursing

Chen Chen: No, a friend of a friend's boyfriend is helping take care of me

Xu Chen felt better after messaging Martian and he felt the dulled pain in his chest alleviate, he waited for a reply to come but after a few minutes no message came. Xu Chen read over the two messages he had sent to see if he had said something wrong but found nothing. He was at a loss until he thought. Is he jealous?

Chen Chen: Ge? Are you there?

Martian: Here

Chen Chen: Don't be jealous Ge, you're much more handsome than the person helping me.

Martian: how do you know? You haven't seen my face

Chen Chen: I still think Ge is more handsome

Martian started messaging back with quick replies after this, making Xu Chen relax. He kept messaging until the man told him to rest and get better quickly. Xu Chen did as he was told and sent a quick goodnight voice message before he pushed his phone under his pillow. He fell asleep quickly because of his tired body and Ma Tian came in soon after. He first checked over the blankets and pillows before he lightly shook his head at the silly boy and entered the empty single bed.

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