The new "A" team

By TembiJonat

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After the previous events of the Avengers, Stark Industries thought it was time to recruit some new members... More

Chapter 1. Orientation/Tess
Chapter 2: Kris
Chapter 3: new groups
Chapter 4: Meet and Greet
Chapter 5: First training sessions
Chapter six: Group training/bad blood
Chapter 8: First Night after Training
Chatper 9: Yo Ho
Chapter 10: Last Training Session
Chapter 11: Mission Breakout
Chapter 12: And the Winner Is...
Chapter 13: Party Time
Chapter 14: The Events After
Chapter 15: Come and Get Your Love
Chapter 16: The Queen of Mean
Chapter 17: This sucks
Chapter 18: Lost in the woods
Chapter 19: This is the end
Chapter 20: I Gotta Go My Own Way

Chapter 7: Stations

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By TembiJonat

"I just can't get this fricken plane off the ground!" Jojo yelled out of frustration.

We just arrived at our first station which was flight. We were all put in a mock airplane which reminded me a lot of Apollo 13, and then we were all taught which buttons would control certain aspects of the plane.

"Also why do I have to learn this if I'm not training to be a flippin pilot!" Jojo yelled again.

"Whoa! Cool it hot stuff, we are not suspecting profession right away. Usually you are all given a pilot for your missions, we just have to see if any one can learn the skills from your team if you were in a life or death situation." Carol Danvers said.

"I still can't believe Captain Marvel is teaching us flight right now!" I gushed.

"Yeah! I can't believe I'm failing flight in front of her right now!" Jojo said out of frustration. "That's it! I quite! Amelia you try."

"Sure, you see a plane is just like a computer, you have to know the right buttons to press and then it will operate. And viola!" She exclaimed as she was flying the simulated airplane.

"Is anyone else finding it extremely ironic that the person whose powers are flight, can't actually fly a plane?" I asked.

The rest of the group laughed and so did Captain Marvel herself.

"Hey, don't worry about it kid. We can't all be perfect at everything." Carol said trying to comfort Jojo.

"Except for the fact that you can fly yourself and a plane!" Jojo whined.

"Jeez if this is how you handle failure I would hate to see what you got throughout school." Kris muttered.

"Once in university I got an A- on my term paper!" Jojo exclaimed.

We all stared at him confused at first.

"You guys don't understand but that grade is completely unacceptable! I might as well have dropped out!" He whined.

"Oh stop being such a drama king!" I said patronizingly.

"Tess is right, plus you guys are due at the first aid station." Captain Marvel said.

"I wonder who this is lead by?" Jenny asked.

"Oh my gosh it's by Captain America! Twice in one day how lucky are we!" Kitty exclaimed.

"Hello team Sta-

"Don't say it!" Kris yelled.

"Right. Well I'm going to be going over wound care with you guys. I'm going to show you clean and sterile techniques for dressings and how to put in makeshift staples." Steve informed.

"I did this in nursing! Well not applying staples but besides that. Also why do we have to go through this if I can heal people because of my powers?" I asked.

"Because what if a team mate is hurt and you are not around to help?" Cap asked.

"Good point, let's get started!" I answered.

"Okay I have some fake wounds with fake blood that we will use." Steve said.

"Oh my gosh I think I'm going to throw up!" Kitty exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Jojo asked.

"I have a fear of blood. It makes me nauseous whenever I see it." Kitty answered.

I saw Steve write something down on his tablet when Kitty said that. "But you can still be here for the lecture?" I asked hoping that we wouldn't be considered weak since Kitty couldn't handle blood.

"I have to go lie down!" Kitty said before rushing off to grab a paper bag.

"Well well well. It seems like wound care is going well with sir pukes a lot." Jen smirked. "Just so you know I mastered the flying station and my stitches look like they could have been down by a professional. Captain America said so himself."

"That's enough Jen, go back to gun patrol." Steve said.

"Also someone should check up on Doc Martin at some point." I said. Everybody just have me a blank stare. "You know from the British tv show?"

"Not everyone watches the same shows as you." Kris said.

"Ahem, we only have a certain amount of time so let's continue with the lesson." Steve said getting us back on track.

By the time we were done with this station all of us could perform enough first aid to save any of us in battle. The next station we were heading off too was comp units with Bruce and Tony.

"Hey it's my favourite team!" Tony greeted us.

"Stark! We can't show favourites!" Bruce yelled.

"What? I'm their team leader and so therefore they're me favourite." Tony said not giving a tiny rats ass.

"So what are we doing here?" I asked.

"Besides looking at hot geeks," Kris whispered in my ear.

I smirked trying to pay attention to the lesson in front of me. We were going through the different tracking devices, communication devices, ect ect ect.

"So these are your different spy cameras," Bruce started to say. "These are the ones we let all the interns use during training."

"Wait a second!" I said interrupting them. I then pointed to the giant camera we were allowed to use compared to the tiny ones that they use. "This is your spy camera and that one is ours? Look at the size of this thing!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah I thought that in the spy world size does matter?" Kris asked.

"Yes! You want people to say look how small and sexy this machine is, not how huge it is. People will say look what they pulled out of their pants, it's huge!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah won't people laugh at us if we pull these out?" Jenny asked.

"Plus I can make us way better ones that we can use on our first challenge tomorrow." Amelia bragged.

"Okay let's see you skills hot rod," Tony dared.

"Tony she my trainee." Bruce reasoned. "And I would like to see what she can make right now."

"Challenge accepted!" Amelia said. In the next 30 minutes Amelia had finished rewiring some of the old devices and made very sexy spy cameras for us.

"Dude! You are on fire!" Kris exclaimed.

"Told you that my skills would be useful in the lab." Amelia said.

"Amelia! I'm impressed!" Bruce exclaimed.

"Me too! I can't wait to see what we can make for Kris tomorrow!" Tony exclaimed.

Kris just smiled at Tony which made him blush.

"Okay you guys you are half way done the stations. It is time to make your way to gun and weapon defence with Cling and Natasha." Tony said.

We left Tony and headed for target practice. Kris went to go grab Kitty before we headed off to the next station.

"Okay, it seems like you guys have done a lot of defence skills already today." Clint said.

"So who's ready time shoot some guns!" Natasha exclaimed.

"Awesome!" Jenny exclaimed.

"I swear it's like looking in the mirror!" Tony whispered in my ear.

"Cut it out before she hears. But I appreciate the compliment," I said to him.

"Great! Let's get started! I'll go first!" Kitty exclaimed.

"Are you sure you're up to it? You did just have to lie down." I wondered.

"I'll be fine, just tell me the target!" Kitty exclaimed.

Clint handed her a gun and she hit the bullseye every single time.

"Whoa Kitty! I didn't know you had that in you!" Kris exclaimed.

"Yeah I know," she smirked. "I get really competitive when it comes to games or laser tag so I'm not surprised that I did so well."

"And this is coming from the girl who almost passed out while seeing blood!" I said in awe.

"Hey aren't you competitive too Tess when it comes to games?" Kris inquired.

"You know it. Hand me that gun." I said. I got a gun and started shooting at different targets while I was moving from different places.

"You didn't hit the centre of his head every time like Kitty did." Amelia said.

"No but I got him in places that would seriously injury him and other places that would kill him while moving. Check mate," I said raising my eyebrows at Kitty daring her to beat that.

"Crap I don't think I would do so well while moving! Guess I need to practice that as well." Kitty said.

By the time we were done with this station we could all hit a moving target which will be useful for future simulations. The next station we headed to was help us with our undercover skills which was led by Spider-Man.

"Our next lesson is taught by a child?" Kris asked in disbelief.

"Hey I'm not a child anymore and I always had to pretend that I wasn't Spider-Man in high school so I think I'm perfect for the job," he implied.

"Yes you are, and you are not much older than me. Shoot did I say that out loud?" Jenny asked in horror.

"Yes but to be fair it wasn't loud enough for him to hear." I answered.

"Whew! That was close. He's my second crush after the-

"The Flash! We know." We all said in unison.

"So the key to being undercover is to get comfortable with the fact that you are going to have to lie. We don't encourage it but if someone asks why you are speaking into your cuff link you will say?" Peter Parker asked Kris.

"This is stupid. I don't need lessons on lying! I'll prove it. Jojo say something crazy like you're wearing ladies underwear!"

"I most certainly am not!" Jojo said getting red in the face.

"It's a thong!" Everybody stared at Jojo and me in disbelief. "What didn't you guys ever grow up watching Shrek 2?" I asked.

"That's a great series! But if Jojo couldn't lie about that you guys will need some practice getting use to new identities. So your group will defiantly need to practice this more before you simulation tomorrow." Spider-Man said.

We left that station coming out looking like complete idiots to our instructor which might have hindered our groups chances into getting on the Avengers. The last station that we had was in a great big lab that had everything you could imagine. This station was dedicated for us to spend time on working on our own skills and seeing how our team could work together with what we got.

"This is awesome! Who wants to fight me?" I asked. My team just gave me blank stares.

"Look down, look down, don't look her in the eye," Kris sang.

"Haha nice! But seriously! Nobody wants to fight me?" I asked.

"I'll do it. Even though I'm not on your team I'll still whip your butt." Jen said.

"Bring it on!" I exclaimed.

What she didn't know was that I have a fantastic memory and my super powers are literally adoptive muscle memory. Once I could see and figure out her routines I'll have her beat in no time. But before that could happen I did get knocked down a couple times before completely studying her movements. Once I knew her signature moves I had her pinned to the ground in defeat.

"Well I guess you can't win every battle." I smirked at her.

"Agh!" She cried off in disgust.

"Great fighting skills Tess!" Tony exclaimed.

I looked up at him and saw that all the Avengers were watching our little boxing match.

"Thanks! Having adoptive muscle memory really helps though." I said.

"Don't cut yourself short. Your skills will be very useful to your team and to yourself when fighting villains like the Green Goblin." Steve Rogers said to me.

"I appreciate that coming from you guys," I said in response.

"Okay people gather around!" Tony yelled. That is all for our time today but I trust that everyone got to all the stations and I just wanted to say good luck, and don't f**k it up tomorrow."

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