Just Friends | ✓

By RealKritzz

337K 23.1K 7.5K

Love happens to find us in the most amusing of ways. Reality TV show, Bigg boss contestants - Sidharth Shukla... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
professor's syllogism of love
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
she's back.
farewell FMHTY
New Book-BAARI

chapter 10

10.1K 721 219
By RealKritzz

Since it's Eid, here's a small gift.
Follow me so that I can announce when I'll update in case I'm late (which is the only case . Hehe) and share . Spread love

Stream BHULA DUNGA! (I need the surprise..please)


I turned around to meet the 'particular' pair of eyes that were the most unexpected. I scowl at him but he gives me an uninterested look. He was angry , I could tell but what am I supposed to do with it?

"So this is your boyfriend?'' Utkarsh says amused at the tension between the two of us.

"Yes, now if you'd please excuse my girl" (wait..what?) Sidharth says grabbing my hand and taking me towards the exist.
His grip is iron tight , still, now that we are outside the club. I jerk off my hand.

"What the fuck are you doing here in this club at this time'' he barks. My head already hurt and I wasn't going to take his crap.

"That's none of your business and I'm not alone. I came here with my boyfriend'' I snap back at him.

"And where exactly is that boyfriend of yours ? Vanished into thin air?'' Sidharth's eyes are now in splits , burning fire.

I look around , here and there but there's no sight of Rohanpreet. I switch on my phone and ignore his 30 missed calls , and call Rohan instead. He doesn't pick up and I'm scared. Where is he ? I hope he is fine and how could he leave me alone here.

Sidharth must have seen me uncomfortable because his posture becomes taut, if that was even possible . He knew he had the upper hand but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of that.

"Now sit in the damn car Sana'' he pulls my wrists but I push him away.

"No I won't. And why the hell are YOU here?" I am almost losing my sanity


" Because you can't let me live in peace. Were you keeping an eye on me. God , that's disgusting" I don't let him finish because I am furious.

I turn to walk back in but he stops me
"Where are you going ?'' he asks

" Inside , the party is not over yet'' I say coolly but I felt dizzy, I don't know why.

"Seriously? This is your definition of a party? To be with perverts. You should have seen that guy.. I can't believe you're the same girl who cried that day because she thought I called her a child." He says exasperated.

Yeah right. I 'thought' , my foot.

My lips twitch and tears prickle at the back of my eyes.

No shehnaaz , you're not going to cry in front of him.

"What I do and I do not should not be your business. You are just a coward you can't acknowledge anybody's emotions"

" Shut it woman, " he snapped angrily," I am not a coward"

"Yeah, whatever" I rolled my eyes. Again, geez I need to stop this too.

He looked away momentarily, as if not trying to meet my eyes . I didn't bother.

"Don't provoke me Shehnaaz " he threatened

I stared at him boringly. " You don't scare me anymore and I'll come back when I want to . Just GO. Okay''

I set my head high and turned to look at him , smirking one last time and trotting towards the club. Music was loud and most of the people were on the dance floor by now.

I felt dizzy , my head hurt and my steps were faltering. I close my eyes and let my palm rub my Jawline.

I opened my eyes after a moment and sauntered towards the dance floor and mingled with the crowd , swaying to the beats.

"Would you like me to join you ?" A fair guy asked and on my nod he instantly pulled me close, not too close of course and when danced in rhythm.

"You're gorgeous" he said aloud and then spun me around with my left hand, I felt week in the knees and clashed into the chest of another man.
Due to the dizziness , I didn't move my head from the man's chest and stayed where I was.

"Small head , I am not going to leave you alone" what?

I move back to see Sidharth standing in front of me with a small , playful smile on his face.

Not again. I mutter under my breath and shove him .

"I can't believe you came inside again, after me. It's ridiculous'' I scoff at him.

Sidharth became annoyed. He came forward and glowered at me, "will you just stop pushing me , it's irritating" . He waited for me to respond but I just rolled my eyes.

" And no I haven't come for you, I'm here to party. It'll be a different experience after the lockdown" he answered to my questions.

I looked at him in disbelief." Are you kidding me ?"

"No I'm quite serious" he answered solemnly. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

He grabbed my arm , "Now , come on. Don't overload your small head"

He dragged me to the dance floor, not roughly but this time rather slowly.

"Why are we at the dance floor" I shouted because the music was quite loud.

He leaned on , getting close to my ear. "I thought you wanted to dance ?''

Was ye watching me before ? He moved back his head and looked at me.

"Do you even know how to dance " of Course he did not. I knew it so well.

He shook his head in disbelief and then snaked and arm around my waist, pulling me close.

I got staggered and place my hands on his chest involuntarily. My heart began beating unsteadily at his proximity as it brought back those sensations.

He held my hand and moved it upto his shoulders "that's where you're supposed to keep it".

Sidharth moved his face again closed to my ear, brushing his cheek with mine. "You're really underestimating me. Girls were all over me in parties like this in my young days. They still fawn over me by the way"

He moved back and noticed my scowl.

" I don't know why you're doing this. Do you have any idea , anyone could see us here and we are 'together' . Media could spot us" this man has lost his mind .

I slipped my hands down from his shoulders , put then on his arms and tried to let go of him.

The volume of the music was down thankfully. I could hear him.

"Don't worry, were too far into the city. No one would notice.. I made sure of it" He says almost in a daze.

He forced me to dance with him. Our bodies swayed in slow rhythm. Due to the dizziness I let him have control over my movements because I felt weak. He raised my hand above my head and spun me around. My back came in contact with his chest. His hold on me tightened and he nuzzled
my hair. I felt the tiny hair on my body rise as he cleared his way by sliding my hair to the other side. He brushed his lips just above my collerbone and made me shiver. Reflexively, I held his arm on my tummy.

"You smell good" he whispered against my skin. And my breath got caught in my throat, shocked due to his compliment.

"Le..t me ..go" I stuttered.

His lips touched the sensitive part of my neck as he chuckled at my words, noticing my nervousness. I froze in his arms as if my limbs had no energy to fight against him. I was staggered to at the effect of his touch on my body.

"Face it baby, you find me irresistible" he burried his face in the hollow of my neck , at the same time moving his arms down to my sides.

I clenched my fists and recalled his words . His denial towards my feelings. Those words brought back my sanity. I reluctantly stepped forward and moved around to face him.

My heartbeat was louder than the music around me. Sidharth had the power of making me forget about everything. I totally forgot I am in a club , surrounded by people.

Where the hell is Rohan?

His dazzling eyes gleamed in the dim light as he stared at me. The twinkle in them showed he enjoyed teasing me.

"You are so full of yourself Sidharth , I am going to get myself a drink" I yelled in frustration and began ambling towards the bar.

I thought of drinking some fruity drink, may be, it could help me regain
my strength and reduce my dizziness. So I ordered the drink and gulped down some of immediately.

I felt itching at the area he kissed on my neck . That arrogant beast really knew how to mess with me . I was trying to kill my likeness for him and here he was , making it difficult for me.

Just why does he have such an effect on me ?

" Can we leave now ?"

I moved my head and saw that Sidharth was standing beside me.

"I told you I am not going with you"

"Can you stop being so stubborn. It's already too late. How much longer do you want to stay?" He grumbled

" Don't boss me around" I warned and empitied the glass.

He groaned. " I am not bossing you around. I am being very polite if you've noticed"

" Yeah , right. I almost fell for it'' I said . My voice laden with sarcasm.

He seethed "shehnaaz you---"

"Hey" two unfamiliar faces appeared. Drunk teenage Girl. Hormones.

They glanced at Sidharth, drooling over him. So much for a good looking guy. They acted all nice, sweet , polite and formal and trust me , it all looked really fake.

"Hey, is this handsome man with you?" One of them asks mirthfully. He chuckles at thier excitement, much to my annoyance.

Without waiting for me to answer , they moved towards Sidharth and extended their hands shyly.


"You're hot" one of them added on. Do they not recognize who he is. Are they this blind ?

Sidharth chuckles again , making me angrier. He was a pervert himself.

I had had enough of it. I moved forward, linking my arms with Sidharth , first glaring at him and then at those -good-for-nothing- drunk teen girls.

"We're about to leave "

Both of the girls glowered at me. I raised my head high.

These despos should find some other man for themselves who would satisfy their desires. He's my man.

Wait , what?

"Yeah, she's right" Sidharth looked down at me amusingly, raising one brow.

Fine , fine. He won the game and I accept my defeat. Surprisingly, he put his hand on top of mine , linking our fingers and I flinched a little , because damn , it was warm.

"You should enjoy the rest of the night" he said to the girls.

I slightly smirked at them as they continue to glower at me

"Shall we ?" He turned his head at me with a teasing smile.

I twitched my lips to control my anger. "Yes"

I knew he was enjoying the situation.

Sidharth and I were standing beside his car . I hated those horny teenagers for making me listen to him. I had decided I won't go with him , but here I was , going to go with him .

But I had something on my mind to annoy him some more. I won't let him win that easily. He was an annoying, douche bag , after all.

I detach myself from him and run my fingers through my hair.

"If you want me to come with you. First stop by at some cafe, I want to buy something for myself"

I mentally sneered.

I didn't say this only to pester him but I really craved to eat something. I haven't had anything after breakfast. I wanted something fruity, something cold, something sweet , like some creamy dessert, like some french vanilla ice cream. Just thinking about them made my mouth water.

"Like what?" He seemed annoyed.

"I want to eat something sweet and fruity. Take me There I'll be quick"

" I am not your driver miss" he grumbled.

I let out a huff, " then I'm going to get it on my own"

I sprinted a few tipsy steps , he held my arms "stop being so childish"

That word , is not acceptable

" I am not a fucking child okay. Either take me there or I'll go by myself." I persisted.

" You are so annoying"

I shrugged, " learned it from you ''

" Fine, I'll take you there but after that I'm not entertaining any of your requests.. I swear"

I mentally patted myself on the back. This time , I won. I rolled my eyes and walked over to sit in his car. After a few seconds, he followed.

I suppressed the pain and the hurt he caused me and sit in the car silently. It was not easy to bear the presence of a man who refuses to acknowledge my feelings. Such a douchebag. A handsome one though. I sigh.

He pulled the car aside in front of some unknown cafe or maybe I was too drunk to notice. I removed the seatbelt. And quickly started walked towards the cafe , stumbling twice.

I didn't care.

My French vanilla ice cream awaits me inside.

I almost stumble the third time when I feel strong arms around me , preventing me from falling on the ground .

He takes both of inside and pulls out a chair for me to sit, then plopped himself on the chair opposite me.

So much for being a gentleman he was not. He was a douche bag.

The light cooling of the air -conditioning Relaxed my limbs. The place was pretty calm and soothing.

"The place is good , thanks" I said examining the menu on the table.

He groaned in irritation.

I paid attention only to the desserts and ignored the salty items. Just the pictures of creamy strawberry delights and chocolate chip ice cream were mouth watering. I immediately placed my order.

"Isn't this too much for one person ?''

I shrugged. " I am going to eat all of this. You can also have some if you want".

That day, I got to know one thing about me . I get hungry when I'm drunk. Oh well.

I thought only to eat the strawberry delight and ice cream but then my eyes caught the vanilla pastries with caramel topping , then red velvet gelato, And those chocolate cookies one could die for . I couldn't help myself and bouth them too.

I started with the first ice cream. I put one spoonful and just moaned in pleasure as I felt all the flavours. I looked up , he was staring at me with a blank expression. His eyes transfixed.

"This is so good. Thanks for bringing me here " I smiled.

He shook his head in disbelief. "Why are you eating as if you have been starving for ages"

" You should taste them too, you'll understand" I pushed the vanilla pastries to him.

He looked at me thoughtfully for a moment before accepting my request. He then took one bite , I couldn't help but notice the way , the cream touched his lips , before he opened his mouth and pushed the spoon inside his mouth . He licked his lips to wipe the cream off them.

"What are you looking at ? " He looked at me confused.

" Nothing" I move my head down and finish my dessert.

There was no way my dirty mind would give me a break. I sighed mentally.

I wanted to keep him to me. I just wanted to forget all the reasons he said he couldn't be mine and just keep him. Apart from all the hurt , I enjoyed his company. I wanted him to stay around me . Every second of every day.

I looked up at him. He was already staring at me. His expression unreadable.

"I am sorry for those girls at the club" I say embarrassed.

He chuckled, " your friends were acting funny"

"Those were not my friend" I snap " and besides you were enjoying their attention"

" Who doesn't enjoy attention? Especially of hot ,young chicks" he retorted, sneering. My mouth hung open. THIS JERK.

I lost my appetite. He totally ruined my mood. "You're being vulgar''

" And you're being jealous" he chortled.

I gasped out a chuckle, " why would I be jealous for a douche bag?''

I was jealous. One hundred percent jealous.

"Shehnaaz" he snapped "stop calling me names"

" Stop getting on my nerves" from my chair and walked out, grabbing his car keys that were kept on the table.

I huffed and puffed and sat on the seat exasperated. This man needs to stop being so ridiculously annoying.


"Shehnaaz" he came running and sat on the driver seat himself. I do not bother opening my eyes. I kept them shut and so I wasn't able to read his expression as we sat there in silence for rest of the drive.

I could practically feel intoxication run through my viens slowly and steadily. My head hurt and suddenly I couldn't stop the urge to giggle.

"Hehehe" I chuckled.

He probably got scared.

" Wha..at happened shehnaaz?" His eyes snapped at me. His grip at the steering tightened.

" Khekhekhe.. Two two Sidharth''
I giggled again pointing the two blurred images that were visible to me. Hurting me further.

The car stopped so I guess we must have reached the society. He got out and then quickly made his way towards me while I put all my efforts in squinting on his face.

I got out and wrapped my arms around his neck , making him lose his balance a little.

"Hehe.. Sidaarth. Hum uuudd rhe h kyaa?'' I ask dreamily. Leaning on him.

And then I could literally feel my legs off the ground. A strong pair of arms were snaking me and took me upstairs while I dangled my feet in air giggling.

"Sidaaaarth'' I lost the count of times I had called him giggling in the lift, my legs still floating to and fro in air.

" Haaaan shehnaaz" a voice answered from I don't know where , it's tone monotonous.

The door clicked opened, I could make out from the sound . And I heard a similar sound again.

And I felt myself being plopped on bed.

"Sidaaarthhh'' I titter again.

" Han baby" I pout at the boring response.

And then I Felt something like the tip of nose extremely close to mine . I blink in order to concentrate but all I could make out was not one , not two , nor three but five blurred outlines of face.

I didn't understand the things he was whispering softly in my ears , the effort it took was paining my head. They seemed nothing more than sweet nothings to me.

And then I gave up all the efforts of staying awake , giving into the warm and soft touch of the arms that encircled me.

Phewww!! Long one.

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