Dark Marvel Stuff/Smut

By colorfulpersonality

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One shots full of whatever the f*** I want. It's gonna have kills, torture and junk so don't come here and co... More

WinterWidow - kill for love, die for love
Death came early for you old man
I knife you (short)
Chicken? I hate that, your flesh? I eat that
A/N: about ships/ taking requests
Scott Lang's solution #4
Uh excuse me?
Hank×Scott - Stripper!Scott
Get to know the author....just a bit
Frank Castle pics
Steve×Scott- from cat to human
Too Fast
Kurt Wagner
Mother's day story
Marvel as cyanide and happiness videos
Ransom x Francis
Scott Lang's solution #38
Spideypool/Wolvesilver - Partner switch
Villain!Thor x Captain America (Smut)
Hydra Ironstrange

Hydra Steve × Frank Castle

1K 8 14
By colorfulpersonality

From a role-play between me and SpiderLoft .
So when Bucky and Sam along with Natasha and Clint have a shared wedding Steve/Tony's son(Edward) and Frank/Hydra Steve's son(Harry) like each other but goodie two shoes doesnt like his son being with the son of two killers so a fight broke out which made Hydra Steve angry and go Hydra mode for a while, trashing stuff. In the end Hydra Steve ended up in the hospital and he and Frank knew they couldn't stay with the avengers anymore so they got an apartment in hell's kitchen. Which makes shit more complicated cause Matt's in the same building and he and Frank used to date. Also SpiderLoft drew that picture above! It's fucking awesome! We love this ship so much!


Frank was praying, yes actually praying, that he wouldn't run into Matt while they stayed in the apartment building.

Hydra Steve noticed his distress and acted accordingly in the best way he knew how. He crept up behind him and grabbed him, tossing him onto the couch. "Sneaaaak attack!"

Frank snapped out of his thoughts and put his attention to Hydra Steve and wrapped his arms around him. "Heh you got me sunshine"

Steve pouted and nuzzled his cheek before pulling away again. "What's got you down Frank? You seem to be upset about something but I haven't figured it out yet... is it because we moved?"

Frank chuckled a bit nervously but tried to play it cool. "Yeah...moving is a big change sunshine"

Steve's red eyes narrowed and he looked at Frank with an intensity that could curdle milk. 

Frank shut his eyes to avoid looking at Steve's but he could still feel the intensity of it and sighed. "Look I... something I gotta tell you sunshine. About someone who lives in this building..."

That's all Steve needed to hear. He hopped up from the couch and disappeared into their new room, then came back with a loaded revolver and seemed so casual about it. "Give me their room number and their name's mud."

"Whoa whoa whoa— sunshine" Frank went over to Steve quickly and lowered his weapon. "At least hear me out first and don't use that-" he gestured to the gun "okay?" He sighed. "Have you um...ever heard of a vigilante called Daredevil? Think his identity is still known.."

Steve's eyes widened. He remembered Daredevil, of course he had. He was one of his oldest and most hated nemeses! Hydra had assigned him to be taken out years ago, but Steve had failed and was punished severely. He hated that man and would take pleasure in killing him any day. He held up the revolver more eagerly. "Hell yeah!"

Frank seemed a bit surprised that Steve actually knew who Daredevil was. "Well he aka Matt well..." He sighed. "We used to be a thing— but it wasn't that serious though he took it that way. We split cause he couldn't take the fact that I kill but whenever I come back here to do my business he tries to get me back....I never mentioned this because I didn't want you to worry or well" he gestures the gun that's still in Steve's grip. "Go too far. The last time I was here I think he finally got the message but now that we're in the same building as him I wanna avoid him at all costs"

Steve couldn't believe what he was hearing. His fiancé's EX was living in the same apartments as them? And it just so happened that it was his worst, most hated enemy DAREDEVIL? AND FRANK USED TO BE A THING WITH HIM?! "W-Wha..." He slumped onto the couch in shock, and he even dropped the revolver. "Holy sh*t Frank... I can't believe you wouldn't tell me something like that..."

"Well for one I heard it's not good to mention your ex Relationship to someone you're currently seeing and two I didn't think I'd have to since that's past me" Frank sat next to Steve and held his hand. "Do remember that I love you and only you. Hell I used to care for the devil of this place but I didn't feel what I feel for you"

Steve sighed shakily, but he slowly slipped his hand out of Frank's and placed it in his own lap. This was just so shocking to him, he didn't know what to think or say. The daredevil did it with HIS Frank? Matt was here in this apartment? That smug little red cockroach was still scuttling around in his life, and he wanted no part in whatever might come. "Thank you, Frank- really that means a lot..." he looked away. 

Frank sighed. "I get it...you're upset most likely. I'll um" he picked up Steve's gun and stood up. "I'll give you space. I'm a go kill Someone or something.." he sighed again and walked out quietly, mentally cursing at himself for not telling Steve sooner.

Steve just nodded and stared down with a shaky sigh. He didn't want to be upset with Frank, it wasn't entirely his fault but he still was so shocked by this news. He would do his best to get over it, but first he needed to get it in his head that his future husband had dated his most hated enemy.

In one room, one floor above them. A certain blind lawyer hears the familiar heartbeat of Frank's and smirks. He got dressed in his suit and went out to find his ex of a killer. 

Frank instead was outside in the hallway, trying to figure out how to lift a box full of dishes without dropping the fragile China onto the ground. He didn't want to bother Steve about it for obvious reasons, so he sighed and crouched down to pick it up.

Frank got it up a bit but was about to drop it. "Shit-" then he felt something hold the other side. Castle was confused til he looked up and saw the last person he wanted to see. "Hello Frank," Matthew greeted.
Frank scoffed lowly. "Church boy" he greeted back bitterly.

"Aww i missed you too" 

Frank rolled his eyes. "If you don't mind I got this"

Matt smirked. "Heard you still kill" Frank just wanted to get out of this conversation already. "Yup sorry red but I never changed" Murdock chuckled. "Even though that's bad I liked that you haven't changed." Castle sighed. "Look how about you go about and do your lawyer stuff or whatever the fuck you do now and let me handle these dishes" that just made Matt smirk more. "You sound like a housewife Frank" he giggled a bit. "Your so funny"

Steve was in the bedroom unpacking some of the clothes and folding them up nicely. His head perked up instantly when his superior hearing caught the sound of Matt's familiar voice. "Ohhhh hell no..." He dropped the clothes and came out of the room, then saw them in the doorway together. "You've got to be f*cking kidding me... 

Matt just kept that smirk on his face as he held the box of dishes with Frank, his hand dangerously close to castles.

Steve instinctively grabbed at his belt for a revolver, then realized Frank had taken it. So instead he shoved his way in between them and took the box for Frank. "Let me help you with that love."

Frank smiled while thanking Steve with his eyes for coming at the right time. Not just for the box but for interrupting conversation with Matt. Matthew raised an eyebrow. "Who's that Frank?"

"You f*cking know who I am you bastard," Steve growled as he held the box and glared at him. "It's taking all the self control I have not to strangle you right now... And stay away from my fiancé!"

Matt raised both of his eyebrows. His not that often blinking eyes widened through his glasses. "That voice....wait fiancé gods I can sense you might not be a natural blonde" he scoffed. "Listen Church boy i-" Frank began but was interrupted by Hydra Steve.

Steve's eye twitched dangerously and Frank knew he had been in Matt's presence too long. "First of all, I AM a natural blonde you judgmental b*tch!!" He shoved the box back into Frank's arms and grabbed Matt by the collar roughly. "And I will personally HANG your dead corpse on the FLAGPOLE!"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you cause right now it looks like you're threatening a blind man" Matt informed. Frank looked at Steve. "Sunshine let him go" 

Steve would give anything to clobber Matt, and he was PAINFULLY close to it. But he glanced at Frank and sighed frustratedly, releasing his collar which was now all ruffled up. "You just got lucky..." He hissed spitefully.

"More like you have," Matt said sternly then turned to Frank's direction. "I'll see you around Frank~" He said flirtatiously and started walking off with his cane. Frank scoffed at that.

Steve snarled and cletched both his fists as he watched him go furiously. He looked like an angry bomb that was about to go off, it was almost scary. He muttered curses as Matt left and he stormed back inside the apartment. "THAT BASTARD!" He hollered at no one and threw himself onto the bed.

Frank grunted as he put down the box on the living room floor and followed Steve. "Sunshine don't let him get to you, they call him a damn good lawyer for a reason. Has a way of getting to people's heads and stuff"

Steve ignored his words as he tried to let out all his pent up and almost forgotten rage. He sat up and shoved his face into a plush pillow, then screamed into it which was muffled by the material. He then hurled it across the room and fell onto his back, staring in defeat at the ceiling.

Frank sat next to him and held his hand. "Don't worry, the little annoying Catholic boy gotta stop eventually"

Steve smacked him with a pillow too and crawled away with an angry huff. "Shut up just- shut up..." He hissed.

Frank sighed a bit sadly and left the room to give Steve his space.

After a couple hours of nothing from Steve, he finally calmed down enough to socialize again. "Frank?... You can come if you want now.."

But Frank wasn't home, he was out killing. He had his target locked but didn't see a man was behind him. Frank took his shot and smirked. The mystery figure was about to shoot til he got knocked out by the devil of hell's kitchen. "Seems like everyone wants a piece of you Frank." Castle groaned eternally. "And what do you want for that?" Daredevil smirked and started walking closer. "Maybe a little reward~" 

Steve sat up in the bed, listening to the eerie silence. Something wasn't sitting right in his hyperactive super soldier mind. He walked out the door and peered out and around, with still no sign of his fiancé. "Frank? Love?"

Frank had left behind a note explaining that he went out to do the usual. The usual being out to kill. It didn't settle well with Steve knowing that Daredevil roams the night. As Steve read that note Daredevil and Punisher were beating up some bad guys. "Seems like old times huh Frankie?" Matt said happily as he knocked a guy out. "This is strictly coincidental business red" Frank shot the last guy. It made Matt wince but he didn't lose his flirtatious attitude.

Steve hummed uncomfortably as he shifted restlessly around the apartment. Finally he couldn't take it anymore so he suited up and informed Harry that he was going out. He then jogged out of the complex in search of his love, hoping that daredevil was well out of their business. He heard a commotion with his sensitive ears and peeked into an alleyway where the two were.

"Look red what we had strictly stays in the past. I don't want anything to do with you, I found someone who I actually love and doesn't care that I kill" Frank glared at Matt. Daredevil scoffed. "You really think he trusts you though?"

Frank growled. "He does trust me" Matt tskd. "Doesn't seem he does now does he? Knowing you used to date a hero that's also a devil" Matt wrapped his arms around Frank's neck and was very close to his lips. "Fuck off red!" 

Matt shushed Frank and ghosted his lips over Frank's. "You know you missed me~" 

Steve's spine seemed to bristle along with the rest of his body as he watched this with horrified eyes. Something seemed to keep him from running up to them and cracking Devil's skull open with his bare hands, but he didn't know what it was. His body seemed to freeze up rigidly as his ruby eyes widened, watching this unfold from a distance. 

Frank shoved Daredevil away. "For a Catholic you sure want to fuck around with sin" Matt actually grinned. "Only with you~" he stepped closer to Frank and gripped his wrists. "Just fucking admit you missed this, me. Who knows how long that fake blonde actually wants to be with you" he tried convincing Frank but obviously it wasn't working.

Steve snapped out of it and gasped. He needed to step in and make that bastard leave his fiancé alone! He charged into the alleyway at full ramming speed and barreled Matt over roughly, causing both of them to tumble down a stairway and crash to the ground. Steve groaned and tried to push himself up again, but his limbs gave out and he needed a moment to recover from the damage the fall had done.

Matt grunted and sat up. "You big headed blonde bitch!" He cursed and was about to stand up. 

Steve desperately tried to defend himself as he was starting to get beaten yet again. He made sounds similar to a puppy getting kicked, but he grabbed Matt and tripped him up weakly.

"Fine" Matt growled from the trip and stood up weakily, readying his fists. "You wanna fight Blondie, let's fight. I want what was rightfully mine back" Frank was at a distance from them and was telling them to stop but of course Steve and Matt were blinded by anger and jealousy.

"Ha I'd like to see you TRY to get MY Frank back," Steve sneered and squared up to him. "When I'm through with you, I'll leave your skin nailed to my wall!" He gave him a savage blow to his jaw with his strong fist.

Matt spat out some blood and charged at Steve, using his special set of skills on the blonde. Giving smacks and punches to him.

Steve coughed up his own scarlet blood and felt like one of his ribs had been popped. He grabbed Matt by the hair and threw him forward with his superior strength, sending him crashing to the ground. Something changed in his soft eyes and no humanity was left, only cold hatred and murder was let. "I'm gonna kill you!" He snarled and ran at him.

Frank charged over and grabbed Steve's wrist and forced him to turn around. "Don't! He isn't worth shit!" 

Steve panted and tried to tug his wrist away violently. "That's why he's gonna pay for everything he's done to me AND even worse, you!" he cried. "Let me kill him d*mmit!!"

"As much as hate the fucking Catholic asshole you can't kill him, this shitty city needs him!" Frank yelled back. "Aww...you do care.." Matt said weakly. "Don't think I won't do shit to you red, you hurt my sunshine" Frank glared at him. Matt grinned weakly. "That just means I can just keep trying to get you, I probably won't stop soon. You may have not fell for me but I fell for you" 

Frank scoffed. "I knew about Elektra..." He sighed. "I know you and her had....while we were together. I agreed to our split because I knew what you did, you don't fucking love me" Matt frowned. "No Frank, it was a mistake! I didn't want anymore to do with her—i haven't even seen her since!" Castle chuckled coldly. "Yeah whatever, either fucking way I don't ever want to be with you again" 

Steve glared weakly at Matt and tried to stand on his own, but he was too beaten up so he just held onto Frank's arm for support. "Dream on, b*tch... This man right here is MINE. I don't care what you think, but so much as breathe in his direction and I f*cking promise you I will be there to tear your head off..." Steve rasped. "Cause I'm going to protect my Frank, no matter WHAT you try." He sounded as serious as death, and he gave Matt that intense, hateful look.

Frank gently put Steve on the ground and walked over to Daredevil. He punched him square in the face. "That's for cheating and this-" he kicked Matt's chest hard making him spit out more blood. "Is for my Sunshine" castle then went back over to Steve and carried him bridal style. "Let's go home.."

Steve coughed weakly and rested against him, feeling satisfied and safe now in Frank's strong arms. He closed his eyes and rested against his chest as he was carried out of the alleyway, away from the man he hated and basically wanted to kill. He gazed up at Frank and smiled through his pain. "You did good~" he whispered shakily.

"don't worry I'll tend to your wounds when we get back then I'm gonna give you so much love" Frank kissed Steve's cheek, soon making it back to the apartment

Steve smiled more at that and sighed deeply as he was brought inside. Boxes still littered the floor of the apartment, but neither of the men could care less about the mess. Steve was just happy to be home of course. "Thank you Frank.." he whispered.

"No need to thank me, I love you and I'd do anything for you" Frank helped Steve onto their bed and laid him there gently. He left the room and came back with little towels, rubbing alcohol and band aids. He tended to Steve's wounds.

Steve winced here and there as his wounds were clean, but he never pulled away. No matter how painful his wounds could be, he always wanted to feel Frank's touch. He smiled softly as he was all cleaned up and already felt like he was on the mend. "Oh Frank... I love you so much..." he whispered. "I'd do anything for you too..."

Frank smiled softly and finished tending to Steve's wounds. He kissed Steve's forehead. "Glad I found someone who does...you mean so damn much to me, you know that?" He whispered back

He nuzzled his cheek softly and reached to him to stroke the nape of his neck gently. "I do know that-" he placed a sweet kiss on the tip of his nose and chuckled hoarsely. "You're my treasure, my world... I wouldn't give you away for anything..."

"You truly are my soulmate Steve.." Frank smiled softly and kissed Steve's forehead. "My love.."

Steve smiled and relaxed against the plush pillows. "Good thing I'm marrying you then, hm?" He giggled and ruffled up Frank's hair playfully.

Frank chuckled. "Yeah...I still have a lot to plan. Hopefully church boy stays out of our way"

Spoiler: he doesn't

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