popstar, harry styles

By moodycowbaby

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Remember when we went on tour together and fell in love, and then we wrote a song about it. Thats the life o... More

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By moodycowbaby


The feeling of Harrys warm presence always brings a smile to my face, especially today. The feeling of being woken up by dozens of kisses attacking your face is like no other.

"Wakey wakey birthday girl."

I couldn't contain the huge smile that spread its way on my face, as I heard my lovely boyfriend above me. I humorously rolled over away from him and hid under one of my pillows, before humming against the sheets. I heard his adorable chuckle from behind me, which caused my smile to grow even bigger.

Life has been just like this, since our performance where we confessed our love to each other. It had been a month since, and I haven't remembered the last time I have smiled this much.

Every morning getting to wake up in his arms was like a dream come true. It is like we are attached to each other. We have been spending almost every second together, since we were both going on our separate tours soon.

It is still insane to me how much my life has changed for the better in such a short amount of time. There has been many bumps along the way, but it has been completely worth it. I was in a happy and loving relationship with my dream man and my career was at its all time high.

I was waiting to wake up from this amazing dream, but I haven't. That was real life and it was all still so insane to me.

"Cmon, get up sunflower," Harry whined from behind me, as I continued to pretend to be asleep. I finally rolled back towards Harry to see him looking down at me with a small smile and love in his eyes.

This was insane knowing that someone loved me the way Harry did. He always made sure I knew it too, by telling me whenever he got a chance. He was like a happy energetic kid and I loved him for it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts, by Harry pulling his face down and kissing me on the forehead gently. If it was possible my smile got even bigger at his action.

He was the absolute cutest.

Without warning, Harry easily slipped his arms under my knees and lifted me up from the bed. I couldn't help the small scream come out of my lips at his motive, but my smile stayed on my face. I looked up to see Harry giving me his usual cheeky smile and saying, "Fine if you won't get up, then I sure as hell will make you." I laughed at his words, before he finally placed me down on the kitchen counter, where I was faced with a full plate of food.

I quickly helped myself to the delicious food, while hearing Harry chuckle at my eagerness. I looked up to see him smiling brightly at me with his hands behind his back. I felt my eyebrows furrow before I asked, "What do you got behind your back?"

Harrys smile got even bigger, before he slowly walked towards, while I tried to look for what ever was behind his back. Finally when he stood in front of me, I got a good look at the cute basket that he was hiding behind his back.

Before I could say anything, Harry reached for the now empty plate and moved himself between my legs before saying, "I want you to get dressed and then I will take you to your birthday location." I felt my cheeks blush at his statement, but he quickly kissed both my cheeks before moving his hands to my waist and pulling me down from the counter.

I quickly kissed his nose before whispering, "Please say you didn't do or get me anything expensive." I looked up to see Harry smiling proudly down at me, which immediately answered my question. I wined dramatically at him, "Harry please say you didn't do anything extreme." He laughed at me before kissing me quickly and saying, "I didn't, now go get dressed, before I have to do it for you."

I felt the smirk slides it way on my face and I couldn't help myself from whispering, "Maybe I want you to." I saw Harrys eyes darken at my comment, but he quickly pulled himself together and saying, "Cheeky girl I see, but as much as I would love to help I still have a couple things I got to do." I put on a fake pout, before releasing myself from Harry and walking away from him to get ready.

Before I could walk out of the kitchen, I felt a smack on my behind and I couldn't help the screech come out of my lips. I turned around to see Harry giving me a cheeky smile and before I could tell him off he said, "Love you baby."

Whenever I heard those words come out of his mouth, it was like I fell in love with him all over again. I gave him another smile, before whispering, "Love you too." Harrys eyes soften at my response, but I finally turned out of the kitchen to the bedroom to get ready for whatever he had planned.

I was excited for whatever he had planned for my birthday. I walked straight over to Harrys bed, before reaching for my phone to see some messages wishing me a happy birthday. After I looked at my phone for a couple of minutes, I walked over to Harrys closet where I had put a couple of my own outfits in.

I couldn't deny the burn to my cheeks, whenever I saw my clothes hanging in his closet. I loved the idea of having a home with Harry. I could definitely see a future with Harry and I knew Harry felt the same, which was a cherry on top.

I looked through a couple of my dresses, when I finally pulled out one of my usual summer dresses. I quickly got ready and I could feel the excitement bouncing off of me at the thought the plans Harry made.

I didn't need anything big for my birthday, just being with Harry would automatically make it the best birthday, but it felt good knowing he put thought into it.

After I finished getting ready, I practically skipped out of the bedroom to see Harry standing by the front door with the same basket in his hand.

What was this man up to?

Before I could even ask about what as going on, Harry pulled me into him and gave me a quick kiss before speaking, "You look gorgeous." Harry quickly took my hand and led me out of the house and walked me out front to where his motorcycle stood.

I looked over at Harry to see him putting the small basket into a small compartment in the back of the motorcycle. Harry looked over his shoulder and shot me a quick wink, before hopping on the motorcycle and patting the spot behind him.

Is he serious?

I continued to just stay in my spot in front of the bike and stare at Harry like he was a lunatic. I had never rode on a motorcycle before and I surely wasn't about to just hop on one without a helmet.

I really don't want to die on my birthday.

"Sunflower, hop on. I promise you will be perfectly safe." I could feel that Harry must have felt my apprehensiveness because he walked back over to me, took my hands, and slowly backed me up towards the bike. I continued to stare at Harry like he was crazy, but I felt the tension roll of my body, as he pulled me closer and hugged me against his muscular body.

"Do you trust me?" I looked back up to Harry to see him smiling softly at me. I nodded slowly, which caused Harry to beam down at me.

Well, I guess this is when I die.

When we both were finally situated on the bike Harry looked over his shoulder again to me and said, "Keep a firm grip, it is not far I promise." I could only nod at him, so I quickly moved closer to his body and wrapped my lengthy arms tightly around his torso.

Before I knew it, I heard the engine start and we were off. My body was still tense, but I felt myself relax slightly after a few minutes and I hadn't fallen off and died yet. My long brown hair was flowing wildly in my face, but I couldn't bring myself to move it, since I was still to scared to release myself from Harry.

The entire ride I kept my head against Harrys back and looked out at the streets of Los Angeles. As scared as I was, I felt safe with Harry, even if I felt my heart running a marathon against my chest.

After about ten more minutes, the bike finally came to a stop and I removed my tight grip from around Harrys waist. I looked around to just see trees and a bunch of green grass. Before I could ask any questions, Harry pulled me off the bike and reached for my hand.

I couldn't help myself from asking questions, as we walked along the bright green grass together. "Where are we?" Harry looked down at me with a smile, before bringing he lips to the top of my head and responding, "Its a surprise." I huffed at Harry, but I could tell he saw the excitement that was obvious on my facial features, as he chuckled at me.

After a few more minutes of walking in silence, I felt my jaw drop at the sight in front of me. We walked towards a beautiful picnic set up. The blanket that was laid down was a dark green color with some details on it, but the food on top made my mouth water at the sight of it. There was an assortment of fruits, veggies, and two sandwiches, which looked like peanut butter and jelly. There was also a wine bottle with two fancy wine glasses placed next to it.

I thought the motorcycle ride was the thing that was going to kill me, but this takes the cake.

Speaking of cake, there was a cake near the end of the blanket that was beautifully decorated. I could feel the tears swimming in my eyes at the sight of the gorgeous picnic.

I felt a small tug on my hand and looked up to see Harry beaming down at me, he looked so proud of himself. I couldn't stop myself from practically throwing myself on him and kissing him with as much passion as I could muster. I wanted him to feel the love I had for him in the best way I could.

Harry finally pulled me off of him and took my hand to lead me towards the beautiful setting in front of me. This felt like a movie, by how perfect it was. The closer we got the more perfect it looked.

When we made it over to the picnic, Harry pulled us down so I was sitting in his lap. I turned around so I was looking straight at him and pulled his lips back to mine. I probably looked so needy, but I couldn't give a shit. I pulled away from his slightly and whispered against his mouth, "Thank you, this means the actual world to me." I heard my voice crack a little and I knew I was only a second away from crying like a baby. Harry gave me a soft smile before replying, "You deserve the world."

That was the final thing to put me over the edge, as I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I had been super emotional lately, even though I hadn't been on my period and this whole site was testing my emotions.

Harry chuckled at me, before wiping the few tears that had slipped from my eyes and spoke, "Don't cry yet, we haven't even gotten to the present yet."


I looked over at Harry with furrowed eyebrows and replied to him, "Harry what are you talking about? This is absolutely beautiful, I don't need anything else." Harry rolled his eyes humorlessly at my humble statement and said, "Let me spoil you, sunflower." I smiled at him before kissing his cheek and saying, "I know, but just being with you makes it the best birthday ever." Harry looked down at me and placed his hand on his heart and said, "I'm the one who is going to start crying at your words now." I swatted him away playfully, before reaching out for the sandwich that looked delicious.

The rest of the day was filled with eating, stolen kisses, horrible jokes, funny conversations, and sometimes just sitting in silence enjoying this time together.

That was exactly the birthday that I needed and wanted.

The sun had fallen a little and we both were sitting in silence appreciating the sunset that looked gorgeous. Harry finally broke the silence, by reaching for me and kissing my cheek sweetly and whispering, "I love you."

I looked over at him and before I could say anything, Harry started to nervously ramble, while reaching into the small basket that I had completely forgotten about.

"I have always been the worst with relationships, I never knew what to do and how to express my fondness for anyone. After Camille, I completely loss control and felt broken. I didn't think I deserved to feel love and I felt like I wasn't good enough." I felt my blood boil at the thought of Camille. I didn't know much about her and I never asked, but I knew she hurt him bad and that made me stomach sick. Who could hurt such a beautiful man with the most beautiful heart in the whole world? Before I could reassure him that he was worth love he interrupted me by continuing his speech, "That was until you came along and crushed all doubts about love. I knew I loved you early on, but I never wanted to admit it. I was a broken man, who put on an act that I was ok, but I wasn't. You deserved someone better than who I was at the time. You deserved someone who wasn't an arrogant son of a bitch and could love you like you deserved."

As Harry continued his speech, I could feel his hands shaking in mine, while he rubbed his finger along my own. I squeezed his hand slightly to reassure him that I was listening to him. It hurt a lot to know that he felt all these terrible things about himself at one point, when that was the last thing he was. He made me feel happy and loved, even if he didn't realize that he did. I was always so uptight and wanted to have control over everything so I couldn't get hurt like I had before, but he taught me that sometimes the best things are the things we don't expect. He made me feel free and beautiful, when those were some of the last things I felt about myself at the time.

"I still feel so much guilt how things ended the first time. That was the last thing that you deserved and that was really the breakthrough for me, when I knew I needed help. So, I went to therapy and worked on myself. I wrote a lot and stayed out of the media after the tour was over. I just wanted to get better for everyone in my life and myself. I won't lie, I kept tabs on you and when your first album came out I had never felt so proud. I listened to it on repeat for days straight, it also made me realize how much I hurt you."

I could feel my eyes watering at what Harry was saying. He had never been so open with me, he was letting all his walls down and it hurt me to know he had been going through so much.

"I want to spend the rest of my life wanting to treat you like how you deserve and how I should have in the beginning. I want to spend the rest of my life making up for being a complete idiot. You are easily one of the best things that have ever happened to me. One day I want to marry you and start a family. I can see that so clearly with you."

At this point I was full on ugly crying. Hearing all these words and feelings come out of Harrys lips were so much to take in. Just knowing that this was what Harry wanted too, made my heart skip a beat. Knowing that Harry saw a future with me was the icing on top. All I wanted to do was jump on him and make love to him, but I had to wait until he was done speaking, because I know he is never this open.

I saw Harry take a deep breath and pull out of the basket and small velvet box. I felt my brows furrow at the small box, but when he opened it I felt my heart stop.

In the small velvet box was a gorgeous sliver band and a diamond sunflower placed on top. The sunflower on top was detailed with sterling silver petals circling a detailed bronze center.

It was breathtaking.

I finally looked up at Harry to see him smiling down at me with the same tears pooling in his bright green eyes, that looked brighter as we sat in the green grassland.

"I'm not proposing, yet. This ring is just a promise that one day I will. That I plan to stay by your side for everything and one day I will replace this ring with a diamond one. I promise to be with you till the end of my life. I cannot promise to never be an idiot again, but I do promise to never hurt you like I did. I could never do that again, cause life with you is the best life I could live."

I was crying so hard at this point and when Harry slipped the finger on my ring finger, I couldn't help myself from launching on to him and kissing him with as much love as I had in my body.

Harry pulled me closer to him and hugged me into him, as he kissed me with just as much passion. I could feel both of our tears on our face, as we kissed.

I don't know what I had done to deserve such a perfect man, but I wasn't ever planning on letting him go. There had to be a better word for Harry. I couldn't just love him, he was so much more. He was the one that deserved all the love in the world.

After a couple of minutes have passed, Harry separated from me to catch his breath and I couldn't help but to just admire his gorgeous facial features. He was absolutely perfect.

"I love you."

I smiled back at Harry after he said those three words to me that meant the world to me. I could still feel the tears falling down my face but I pushed through it and said back to him, "I love you much. I'm not good with words, but I promise to you Harry that I will spend the rest of my life showing you the love you deserve."

I was so choke up that was all I could get out, but it didn't matter anyway because Harry cut me off by kissing me again.

Fuck, I can't even express how much I love this man.

As hard as it is for me to express myself by just speaking, I can promise to myself to treat Harry the best I humanly can, because he is the one who deserves the world.


I hope you enjoyed this long chapter! Give it a vote and comment!

Also I hate to say it, but this was the second to last chapter before this book ends.

I hope you all are continuing to stay safe and TREATING PEOPLE WITH KINDNESS!

Love you all!

-Lexie xx

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