By CognizantMind

32.7K 1.7K 643

"Strip!" "What? What the hell did you say?" "With that one inch of fabric hanging from your waist which I be... More

5.Beg me.
8.I Quit
31.Like Lovers
32.Movie Room
36.Trust me.
38. Absence.
45. Vin Chaud
53.Happy Birthday! (THE END)


696 36 0
By CognizantMind

"What?" Annastasia was perplexed.

Suga lifted his head and narrowed his eyes, "Are you deaf?"

"Wha-hhh...No! B-but, I didn't even give the interview."

"Do you want this job or not?"


"Then get back to work," he ordered.

Annastasia stood there with a flushed face, clutching to her files, not sure what step to take next.

Suga loathes repeating things and more than that he loathes confused people who aren't sure what to do. Even though he knew what's wrong with her, he asked, "Why are you standing there like a statue?"

Annastasia raised her eyelids to meet his and dared to question, "When do I start my work? A-nd what all things I'll have to do?"

He cocked his head and sneered, "Do I look like an informant to you? "


"Obviously not!!" he shouted, " And I have got bigger things to do rather than sit here and explain things to you. Go to Jungkook's cabin, he will assist you ." he beckoned her by moving his hand.

A gesture that made Annastasia feel unimportant. But she curbed her anger and decided to bear it.

"Thank You!" she bowed and left his room to head to Jungkook's cabin. A smile was plastered on her face as she was thrilled regarding how effortlessly she got the job.

Once she was on the lift, it hit her, "Oh! Fish! I don't even know where Mr Jungkook's cabin is. Whom should I ask? " Annastasia in the thought of whom to ask went all the way to the ground floor taking the same lift.

The ground floor was filled with men. As she has already realized that except for her there is not a single person with breasts. She paid the least attention to all the men ogling at her and searched for a helpful face. Then she found a person reading a newspaper at the reception and steered towards him.

"Excuse me!"

The man turned his head and was taken aback, "Woah! You scared me ."

Annastasia kept her hand on her chest, taken back as well, "What? Humans scare you?"

"Not human, but the thought of a female here scares the hell out of me. Are you even real? or am I dreaming ?" that person tried touching Annastasia but she gave a smash on his hand."

"Ah! Ok ok, you are real. How the hell did you end up here, lady?"

"I need to find Mr Jungkook's cabin, can you help me ?"

"Sure! It's on the 20th floor. As soon as you come out of the lift, take a left and then a right turn. There is his cabin ."


"You're well..."

Before even listening to his welcome, Annastasia was back out her way, to find Jungkook's cabin.

But instead of heading towards it, she turned around and walked back to the same guy.


"Yes!" the same guy turned around with a softness in his voice.

"Do you mind if I take your help? Can you show me his room, as I kind of might gets lost ."

"Ya! Sure." He smiled.

Both of them took the lift that was in the corner of the floor. The whole building has many elevators, but only one was reserved for the boss.

Anastasia's ignorant brain didn't know about this, "Why aren't we taking the one in the middle ?".

"Because no one can dare to. That lift is particularly made only for the boss. And with his permission, only Sir Jungkook can use it. So only they can use that lift in the whole building."

But I used it three times, will I get fired if the boss came to know. "What will happen if somebody else uses it?" Annastasia couldn't help asking.

"That will be his last day in this office ."

Annastasia hunkered down her nose, " That is way more ridiculous. Does the boss even do that?"

The guy turned around to Annastasia and announced, " He even fires people who forget to bow or don't mention sir in every sentence that they use in front of him."

"What?" I never used Sir, never since I landed up in this building.

In a while, both of them were on the lift to the middle floor.

As soon as the lift opened, they walked towards Jungkook's cabin.

"Here it is !" he indicated.

In a white shiny plate with a black border and in black it was written; 'JEON JUNGKOOK - MANAGING DIRECTOR'.

"Thank you!" Annastasia was about to enter Jungkook's cabin but the guy called her.

"Hey! You didn't tell me what you were doing here?"

"Oh! I am the new secretary of your boss." she smiles and heads inside.

Her words leave a dumbfounded person with mouth open enough to fit a double-decker meat burger. He remains in that position until his colleague comes and smacks the bottom of his chin.

"May I come in, Sir?" Annastasia asks politely and in a sweet voice mentioning sir which she should have when she was in the Boss's cabin.

"Yes!" the charming voice replies.

"Hello! Sir." Annastasia bows down.

"Annastasia?" Both of them seemed glad to see each other. For unknown reasons. Annastasia is happy cause in a way Jungkook helped her to get a job and he is helping her to even live at his place. And Jungkook, he is no doubt a great guy and a great human who helps even his enemies. But knowingly he is pushing Annastasia off the cliff for his benefits, which Annastasia will realise later.

"Come sit."

"Thank You Mr Jungkook."

"So, how come you are here ?"

"I am also surprised, how come I landed up here."

"What do you mean?"

"I finally got the job that too without any interview."

"What??" Jungkook becomes bewildered.

"You are shocked? I thought you knew your boss very well Mr Jungkook ."

"Yes, but this is something extraordinaire." He has never done anything like this, is Suga that desperate to keep you. It isn't a surprise if he spends nine years in searching you then this is something very easy for him.

"Hmm! So, he said that you will give me further instructions."

"Oh! Ok! Umm! Could you wait for some minutes, till I finish this work." he pointed out the pile of documents kept on the table.

"Yes! sure."

Jungkook got back to his work, and Annastasia sat there appreciating his sleek interiors and playing with her phone.

"Done!" Jungkook closed his laptop and came to sit beside Annastasia. He handed her a paper and a pen.

"What is this for ?" Annastasia questioned seeing the paper and pen in her hand.

"You will thank me later, trust me."


"So, here we go. First and foremost, you are not a managing secretary, we already have a manging secretary who is in control of the administrative works, you're going to be his personal secretary. And not just a secretary but.."

"Ya! Ya! I know, a maid, a servant as well."

"Woah! You know a good deal about being a secretary."

"Thank You! Next!"

"You are going to be acting as the first point of contact. Managing diaries, organising meetings and appointments..." Jungkook kept on adding everything while Annastasia looked at him with a distorted expression, "....controlling access to booking, arranging travel, transport and accommodation organising events and conferences..." Annastasia kept on scribbling everything on the piece of paper given by Jungkook,"...reminding him of important tasks and deadlines. And the most important thing, remember, you aren't just limited to this office, outside the office as well, your work goes on. "

"Outside the office?? Would I have to cook for him if he asked me to?"

"That won't happen, I believe, but yes you have to obey him ."

"Ok! Obeying people is difficult for me but I will try my best."

"Next, you just don't just have to enlighten yourself regarding this company and office but also regarding your boss, his taste likes dislikes, everything. "

"Why do I have to know so many details about him, he is my boss, not my boyfriend ."

"You will spend your major time of the day with him, so in a way he is and plus that is what you are getting paid for. You must have known the salary, it is way higher than what an average secretary gets."

"I know Mr Jungkook that is the reason I decided to stay here even though I've started hating your boss."

Jungkook chuckled, "Good! Next you..."

"Mr Jungkook, I know everything. Tell me the difficult part of this job."

"The difficult part is that you have to control yourself from giving up."

Annastasia raised her eyebrow, "Are you serious? Why would anyone give up a job that pays that much salary?"

"People do, and sometimes he does. Money isn't everything for some their self-respect is."

"I know, but sometimes...sometimes money becomes everything. We don't choose it that way, but life puts you in a certain position that even your self respect gotta bow in front of it. I am the perfect example of it." Annastasia humps her back and randomly scribbles on the paper.

Jungkook identifies the grimace on her face, "Don't worry, everything will be fine ." he caresses her back, which somebody sees. That somebody vanishes away after witnessing this.

"So, is there any advice that you would like to give me ."

"Yes, if life brings pain then happiness is right behind it. Remember this."

"I will, for sure."

"So.." Jungkook gets up from his seat and goes back to his former place, "Tomorrow is going to be your first day, now you can go home. I'll bring all the necessary materials which you'll be reading today."

"Okay! Thanks a lot, Mr Jungkook." Annastasia bows down and goes back to the house.

Meanwhile, a furiously pissed off boss enters his favourite employee's cabin.

"Suga!" Jungkook becomes surprised to see him ." What made you come here?"

Without answering Suga walks, drags the seat and sits there. He has this habit of directly attacking people without knowing anything. " Why was your hand caressing her? Are you guys in a relationship?"

"No! At least ask before making assumptions."

"You better not be Jungkook, because you know who she is and why she got this job."

Suga stands up with force making the chair whirl around and starts walking towards the door.

"Suga! Please remember this, it wasn't her fault, so don't torture her till death."

The pale man turned around and gave a smirk, " The ball is in my court Jungkook, not yours.", then he left.


"Gosh! What the fucking hell is this? Not even in my whole fucking life did I ever read so many books ."

"You curse a lot, Annastasia, you have to stop that because he doesn't likes it."

"I'll try Mr Jungkook, but why the hell am I seeing so many books. Who the fu.." Annastasia bit her tongue, " I mean who the hell reads this much. I am glad I didn't study further, education sucks."

"Education doesn't sucks, the thought of becoming scared from it does."


"Read everything before the sun rises tomorrow morning ."

"I don't even wake up until the sun rises and is fucking on top of my head. How the hell am I going to study these?"

"You have to Annastasia, and yes don't forget to take his favourite coffee."

"What coffee? Who coffee? Where the hell this came from? You didn't tell me anything about that." caterwauled Annastasia.

"Oops! I forget. You have to go to 'Hakrim Dabang' and buy his favourite coffee. All the secretaries did this now you have to as well. "

"Being the Richest Billionaire I expected him to have his taste in the seven-star hotels, but why in the oldest café of Seoul ?"

"That is something you will find out later Miss. For now, focus on your work ."

She sighs, "Okay, Anything to pay my debt. Is there something else Mr.Jungkook, if it then tell me . I don't want to get fired on my first day."

"You have to reach the office before he does. Take these." Jungkook throws keys to her." These are his duplicate keys, only he and I have it now you do as well. Reach before he does, tidy his room, keep his coffee and a glass of water. Then align all the documents and files on his table. because he must have left everything scattered and if he doesn't see everything sorted at his desk then you will be in a big problem."

Annastasia blinked a few times and asked again," Mr, Jungkook who the hell was doing these things when a secretary wasn't there."

"He had hired a single person, but then he fired him after hiring you."

"So, strange ."

"All the best!"

Annastasia spent the whole night studying those books. 90% of the books kept there were regarding Suga, it seemed to her that knowing regarding Suga is more important rather than knowing regarding the company.


"Where is Annastasia Oppa?" Irene asked her brother as they sat for breakfast.

"She is off to the office ."

Irene looked at her watch, "But it's only 7:30."

"Yes, still late for her."

Annastasia hadn't slept for the whole night. Even though she had sleepy eyes she hid it with makeup. That's the power of makeup, she looked fresh. She went to the café that Jungkook had mentioned and bought a random coffee. The employees there were shocked to look at her.. The workers there knew Suga personally and were aware of Suga's reputation and his hate for women and probably they have never seen any girl in a place where every day a guy used to come.

She ran with the coffee to the office and impulsively took the same lift in the middle of the floor. And went straight up to her bosses cabin.

Meanwhile, Suga had already arrived. His driver leaves him near the entrance and Suga walks straight to his elevator. But today, he couldn't get inside it because he realized that somebody was using it. Whoever dared to use my lift will have the worse day of his life today.

Annastasia ran in her heels, the office was vacant. The sounds of her pointed heels were echoing in her room. She opened the door and kept everything as it is. As soon as she kept the glass of water on the table a pissed off Suga in his hostile nature wearing a sable colour suit came inside. He looked alluring, what he did next wasn't expected by the girl standing there. As soon as he entered his cabin, he was near his desk in a couple of strides. His hands went for the coffee, he took one sip, scrunched his nose and threw the cup on the floor.

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