Coming Home (Jace Norman fanf...

By lg_8989

61.6K 1.3K 169

Katie used to be best friends with a guy. The guy she's had a crush on for as long as she could remember, not... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's Note

Chapter 18

1.7K 46 1
By lg_8989

I collapse into a chair at the lunch table, the rest of my friends do the same.
"Well that was exhausting!" Blake exclaims.
"What? You getting me in trouble with Mr. Dick? Or the fact that you had to run 3 laps more then the rest of us in Gym after you insulted Mr Carson's booty shorts?" Carter asks. He looks annoyed, but also like he's trying not to laugh at the gym class thing. Blake sticks his tung out at Carter.
"Ugh! Mr Carson's wearing his booty shorts again?" Ashtyn asks, looking disgusted. No one seems to want to answer her question.
"There's a teacher that wears booty shorts?" I ask incredulously. Lilian laughs at the look on my face.
"Yeah, unfortunately." She says, she's giggling now.
"Oh." I reply. Then I start to giggle too.
"Hey! You guys still need to tell us where you were earlier!" Blake says, interrupting us.
"Yeah! Like why aren't you still limping?" Carter adds. Looking at me accusingly.
"Oh, right." Ashtyn says, grinning. I start to panic, I don't want to bring up the fact that I was crying.
"Well, we ended up in the washroom." I start. Hopefully Ashtyn and Lilian will get that I don't want everything shared.
"And then Katie surprised us with these!" Lilian exclaims, holding up the stuff that Jace, and Sean wrote.
"I see. So you were fangirling then?" Blake asks. He's trying to look ticked off, but he's not very good at hiding it, there's a smile playing on his lips.
"Maybe!" Ashtyn replies.
"There's more!" Lilian adds. She hold up her phone, she's already taken screenshots of what happened on Instagram. And then apparently also made a separate album for it on her phone. Blake takes Lilian's phone and starts scrolling. Ashtyn's given her phone to Carter so he can do the same.
"Cool." Carter says, giving Ashtyn back her phone.
"Cool? All you have to say is cool?" Lilian purses her lips.
"Yeah, it's cool." Carter replies.
"What's wrong with cool?" Blake asks. Blake and Carter look from each other, then to us three girls. I guarantee, without even needing to look, that the three of us are all making the same face. The one that says, "Excuse me? Do you need to get your brain fixed?"
"Do you not understand the concept of fangirling?" I ask. Blake holds up his hands defensively.
"I get it! Did I not ask earlier if you were fangirling?" He's grinning.
"True. You're excused." I say to him, making a face.
"But you aren't!" Ashtyn exclaims, pointing at Carter. We all start laughing. It's only my second day here, and I already know I have the greatest friends in the world. Ashtyn and Lilian jump back into explaining what happened this morning, but I sit back in my chair quietly. I'm happy to let them talk. I pull out my phone and open my own instagram, I see that Jace posted the picture too. Probably figured, it's already out there, may as well post it. I smile at his caption.

jacenorman7: "Movie with da squad 😝" - caption provided by @kaykay_99 👍

I post a comment, even though he probably won't see it. There's too many other people that comment and mention him.

Kaykay_99: my caption is on point 👌

I check my notifications. Lots more since Jace posted the picture, but nothing hateful. Thank god for that. I notice there's a notification from the account that gave me a shout out earlier.

"@kakay_99 you're so cool! And haha really? I got it from another fan account!"

My heart starts beating faster. I notice they also have requested to follow me, along with like a million other users and fan accounts. I accept the people I know and the one fan account. I'm dying to ask who the fan account that posted it is, but I think it would just make me look weird. Just then, a new notification pops up.

jacenorman7 mentioned you in a comment: @kaykay_99 mine's better. 🚶

I laugh, alerting my friends to me.
"What's so funny?" Ashtyn asks. I bite my lip, trying not to smile or laugh. They would flip if they knew what happened.
"Katieeeee" Lilian says warningly. I know she's teasing me. But I can feel my face start to blush. Lilian and Ashtyn jump out of their seats and run over to me, I try to hide my phone, but to no avail. They grab it out of my hand. "JACE RESPOSTED YOUR PIC?" Lilian yells at me. A couple of kids at tables around us look over. Lilian blushes and sits back down in her seat.
"Are you going to reply?" Ashtyn asks me, walking around the table and back to her seat.
"Nah. I mean, I'll s..." I stop myself short, I want to surprise them about hanging out with Jace, and I almost just let it slip. Smart move Katie, smart move.
"You meant you'll, what?" Ashtyn asks, frowning at me questioningly.
"Nothing." I can't believe I'm keeping a straight face. Thankfully, the 5 minute warning bell rings. Telling us we might want to hurry up, and get to class.
"Come on guys!" I say. "I don't want to have to fake limp again!" I grab my lunch bag and head towards the door, my friends follow behind me. Yay, more school. But at least there's my Starbucks date with Jace afterwards to look forward to!

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