One Direction One Shots / flu...

By kidfanfics

127K 1.2K 295

Kinda shooting myself in the foot here. Don't know if I have time for yet another book, but I want to do this... More

Requests !
Not quite big enough
Don't like the crowd
Moody bum
The biggest adventure of your life
Don't like me anymore
Don't be a brat
Little poorly
Just a normal day
BBQ disaster
What if I don't get to say goodbye
Rough night


6.2K 67 2
By kidfanfics

Louis 24
Liam 23
Niall 23
Harry 22

- - - -

Harry's confused once he glances at his phone, noticing that it's only about five in the morning. It takes him a moment to register why he would be up at this hour and when he does, he shoots out of bed, probably never been faster in his entire life. "Wha?" He mumbles, pulling his sheets back, noticing a large wet spot in the middle of the bed.

Harry's never been more grateful for having his own room, though he had whined last night when Louis didn't let him room with him, but Harry understands that sometimes you just need some time for yourself. "Shit." He mumbles, debating what he should do now, deciding it would be a good idea to get cleaned up first. It was the phone call to the lobby that finally broke him, and he cried in the bathroom whilst a very nice lady changed the sheets for him. Perhaps it was admitting it that made him so upset, though he made sure to say that he had spilt something, the oldest lie in the book.

He didn't manage to get back to sleep, his mind was racing trying to figure out why it had happened. Probably just a one off but then again, he did wet the bed until he was fourteen. His mind didn't shut off until his alarm started blaring besides him, sighing, he took yet another shower hoping it was just a one off.

- - -

It wasn't. Much to his horror it happened again. And again. Then yet again and he had no idea what he was supposed to do. He was barely getting any sleep, leaving him either very cranky and snappy, or feeling very fragile. He had just phoned his mum, sobbing away as he asked her what he was supposed to do, and the woman offered to call someone for him, someone who could help him, but the boy didn't want to risk that. He'd rather die than any of the crew finding out what was going on.

In the end he decided to talk to the one person he trusted the most, after a lot of encouragement from his mother of course.

"L-Lou?" The boy stuttered, feeling his cheeks already heating up. "What is it dear?" The woman looked up, sending him a smile as she finished fixing up Louis' hair. "Could I talk to you?"

"Of course, baby! What you want to talk about?"

"M-maybe in private?" Harry bit his lip to try and stop the tears from flowing. Louis sent him an odd look. They were best mates, why wouldn't the boy want to talk to him? "Right, okay." Lou nodded. "You feeling okay hun?"

"M'huh." Harry just nodded, waiting patiently for the woman to finish. "Right, let's go babes." She smiled, Harry following her out of the room and to a place where they wouldn't be interrupted. "What's going on?" She eyed the boy who looked like he was just about ready to burst into tears and placed a comforting hand on his back.

"Uhm, my mum..."

"She alright baby?" Lou's face dropped, thinking something had happened. "Yeah! She's fine!" Harry quickly assured. "Uhm, she told me to talk to you and um... um I..."

"It's fine babes. I'm listening."

"Uhm... Ivebeenwettingthebed." He mumbled, but Lou could luckily make out what he was saying so he was relieved that he didn't have to repeat himself. "Oh darling. For a long time?" Harry shook his head. "Just over a week. B-but it happens every night!" He finally burst into tears. "Haven't been sleeping and-and s'just embarrassing." The boy sobbed, allowing Lou to pull him into a hug, letting him cry on her shoulder.

Once the boy was finally beginning to calm down, Lou helped him wipe his face clean before trying to get to the bottom of this. "Why do you think it's happening darling?" Harry just shrugs, fiddling with his fingers. "Dunno."

"Do you think it's the added stress nowadays?" She begins. "You know, with Zayn leaving and all that?" She asked gently, knowing it was a fragile topic amongst the boys.

Harry's lip quivers as he shrugs again but he knows that the woman is most probably right. Lou just rubs circles on Harry's back, trying to comfort him as it looks like his mind is going a million miles an hour. "So, what do you think it would be best to do?"

"Dunno." Harry mumbles again. "Maybe protection?" Lou suggest and Harry's head whips up.

"But m'twenty-two!"

"I know, but you can't keep waking up to a wet bed." Lou reasoned, "Your mood has not been the best this week." She smiled sympathetically and Harry hung his head in defeat. "I'll get 'em for you and make sure they're in your room, okay?" Harry just sniffled giving the woman a slight nod to tell her that would be okay. With one last hug and the pair made their way back so Lou could finish getting the boys ready.

"You feeling okay?" Louis asked as soon as Harry plopped down on the sofa next to him.

"M'fine." Harry mumbled, not able to look at Louis since he knew he was sporting a hurtful look. They tell each other everything, so Harry not talking to him was like a kick in the gut.

"Have you been crying?" He asked worriedly. "Allergies." Harry defended, though he knew Louis could see right through him. "Right." Louis mumbled, turning back to his phone, deciding to leave the boy alone.

Harry had barely just closed his door when there was a knock and Lou stood in the hallway asking for permission to enter. "So, I bought two packs." She pointed towards the bed where a pack of pull-ups and a back of nappies stood. "Didn't exactly know which to get since you know, I don't know how much it needs to hold." Harry was blushing abundantly as he listened to Lou explain. "So, which do you think you'll need."

"No idea." Harry blushed, eyeing between the two packets. "Well, how much do you pee?" Lou asked like there was nothing more normal. "Uhm, dunno?" Harry shrugged.

"Like a full bladder?" She held up the nappies. "Or... not so much?" She chuckled, looking at the pull-ups. "Maybe a fair bit." Harry felt like his face was on fire. "We could try pull-ups first?" Lou reasoned. "They're easier to put on so you could do it yourself?"

"Sounds fair." Harry nodded, nearly crying at the thought of Lou helping him into a nappy. "Just shout if you need help." Lou handed him the packet of pull-ups which the boy reluctantly took before heading to the bathroom.

"Doesn't feel nice." The boy whined as he emerged from the bathroom. "What doesn't feel nice?" Lou asked, checking the garment to see if it was too big or too small. "Just... feels weird." Harry huffed, eyeing himself in the mirror. If the boys would see him now, that would surely be the end of him.

"Just takes time getting used to, I guess." Lou smiled. "Good night bubs." She hugged the boy. "Just phone me if there's anything, alright darling?" Harry just nods, locking the door behind the woman and getting himself to bed.

- - -

"So?" Lou asked once Harry finally made an appearance, his suitcase in tow as it was a traveling day for them. "Didn't work." Harry grumbled; his eyes cloudy with tears as he was just so tired. "Oh babes." Lou sighed. "Then we'll try the other ones, yeah?" Harry just nodded, not really in the mood to talk about it.

"Hey Haz." Niall greeted, but Harry just waved him off, confusing the three boys. "Excuse me." Louis mumbled, following the boy towards the back of the bus, finding Harry getting into his bunk. "What's going on with you?"


"Don't act so dumb. Is it because I didn't want to share a room with you?"

"What? No."

"Then why are you ignoring us? Why are you ignoring me?" Louis raised his voice but once he noticed Harry on the verge of crying, he lowered it again. "It's just. You haven't been hanging out with us. You always go straight to your room after shows, and you're always talking with Lou." Louis pouted. "Thought we were best mates."

"We are!" Harry sniffled. "S'just... haven't been getting much sleep since Zayn..."
"Well, neither have I." Louis defended. "We've all been having a rough time Harry. You're not the only one."

"You don't understand." Harry cried. "Can you just leave me alone, please?" Louis turned around without another word, leaving Harry to cry in peace.

"I give up." Louis huffed, plopping himself next to Niall. "Give it a rest mate. He just needs time." Liam assured though Louis wasn't having it. "We used to talk all the time. Now he doesn't want to speak to me." Louis nearly cried. "Thought it was because I refused to share a room with him in Phoenix but then he requested to have his own room in San Diego."

"You're thinking about it too much."

"I only wanted some time for myself to call me mum. Hadn't had a proper talk with her since everything and Zayn and I were pretty close, and I just needed to vent, and maybe cry a bit."

"We get it mate." Niall assured. "I can assure you that Harry's not sulky about not sharing a room with you. Trust me, it will take a lot more." He chuckled, patting Louis' back reassuringly. "I guess." Louis rubbed his face. "This whole thing is bullshit. Why can't we just get time off, get to wrap our mind around it?"

- - -

"Hey Haz." Louis shook the sleeping boy. "We're in LA."


"We're in LA, outside our Hotel. You coming?"

"Yeah. Just a minute. I'll catch up." Harry grimaced from the uncomfortable feeling of wet jeans. He didn't mean to fall asleep; he's just deprived. "Okay." Louis nodded. "You wanna room together, or?"

"Yeah sure." Harry answered without thinking, just wanting Louis to get out of there so he could change his pants in peace. "Ace." Louis smiled, going to find Alberto to inform him. Harry quickly found a new pair of jeans in his case, shoving his wet ones in a side pocket to deal with later.

"Here's your key card." Alberto handed it to Harry once he stepped off the bus. "Louis' already up there."

"Wait what?" Harry looked up. "Are we s-sharing?"

"Yeah. He told me you were." Alberto shrugged, patting the boy's back to send him off, not wanting fans to accumulate. Harry frowns but makes his way up to their shared room wanting nothing more than to run off.

"You okay?" Louis asks once Harry closes the door. "Look like you're about to throw up." He looks concerned so Harry quickly tells him he's okay, just feeling tired. "I'm glad you wanted to share a room though." Louis said sheepishly. "Was starting to think you hated me."

"Could never hate you." Harry smiled but it was quickly wiped off once he noticed there weren't two twin beds but just one large one. No way could he do this. Then again, he didn't want to upset Louis any further, so he'd probably just have to suck it up.

"Which side you wanna sleep on?"

"Doesn't matter. You can pick." Harry shrugged, mainly thinking about how he was going to get a nappy from his bag and sneak it to the bathroom. "Then I'll take this one." Louis jumped onto the bed. "How about a movie or something. I'm not really tired since I fell asleep on the bus too." He laughed. "Yeah sounds good." Harry nodded. "You can pick one. M'just gonna get changed and brush my teeth." Harry smirked, feeling sly as he wrapped the nappy in his pyjama bottoms to hide it.

That turned out to be the easy part. Getting the bloody thing on was another thing. It wasn't as easy as sliding a pull-up up your legs, and every time Harry tried to fasten the tabs the whole thing would come sliding down not matter how tight he did it.

"You okay in there?" Louis knocked. "Been a while." He chuckled but only heard a sniffle in response. "Harry, are you crying?" Louis panicked but the door was locked so he couldn't get inside.

"Uh, could you get Lou, please."

"Harry I'm right here. I can help!"

"C-can you just please get Lou." Harry cried but he heard Louis walk away and much to his relief he heard Lou's soft voice on the other side of the door. "Can you open for me, love?"

"Can't put it on." Harry sobbed, tugging at the nappy that was hanging loosely around his waist.

"There's no need for tears babes. C'mon now, let's stop those." She wet a washcloth to clean the boy's face, much to his dismay, but she got it done. "Would be better with you laying down, but here, hold this." She instructed, telling him to hold the garment up, his face beet red from embarrassment. "There, should be snug." She smiled, patting his bottom.

"He'll notice it." Harry whined as he looked at himself in the mirror. "No, he won't." Lou assured. "Now, will you be okay? Am I safe to go back to bed?"

"Can I stay with you?"

"Sorry bubs. Sharing with Caroline." Harry just pouted but bid the woman goodnight. He took a few deep breaths before emerging from the bathroom, finding Louis already in bed watching some crappy TV. "M'sorry 'bout that." Harry frowned, crawling into the other side of the bed.

"S'fine." Louis mumbled. "Do you want to watch The Avengers?" He asked coldly and Harry couldn't help but to cry. "D-do you hate me?"

"Harry. I could never hate you." He repeated Harry's words from earlier, propping himself up on the bed. "Just, why can't you just tell me what's going on?"

"'Cause it's embarrassing." Harry cried. "You'll hate me."

"What did I just say?" Louis chuckled. "Can you please just tell me. Feels weird keeping secrets."
"I..." Harry stammered, "I've been wetting the bed." Blurted as he sobs. "Lou's been helping me 'cause I needed some things."

"Some things?" Louis was puzzled. "Please don't make me say it." Harry cried as he looked at Louis. "I just started wearing... protection... to bed."

"And you thought I would hate you?" Louis' face softened. "God, Harry, I couldn't care less. But I was wondering when you started wearing pyjama bottoms to bed." He allowed the crying boy to scramble onto his lap so he could comfort him properly. "Please don't cry those silly tears. It's obviously something you can't help." Louis soothed, swaying them softly. "Did it start after Zayn left?" He felt the boy nod against his chest.

"You won't tell anyone though?" Harry cried.

"I won't." Louis promised. "Now can we stop those tears, huh?" He managed to pry the boy away from his chest, gently wiping his cheeks with his hands. "See, they're not necessary." He smiled, "Thank you for sharing with me though."

"Thank you for not hating me." Harry sniffled. "You don't think I'm weird, do you?"

"Of course you are weird. But that's for a whole other reason." Louis laughed, finally earning a small smile from the boy. "You can't control this, so why would I think of you any differently." He swept the boy's hair to the side, letting his hand linger for a bit. "Promise you'll tell me next time if anything is bothering you?"

"M'huh." Harry mumbled, resting his head on Louis' shoulder. "Harry. Can't sleep sitting up." Louis laughed. "And my things are falling asleep." Harry huffed but climbed from Louis' lap, allowing him to lay down before attaching himself onto him.

"You're like a koala bear." Louis snorted, but he of course wouldn't change it for the world. "Could be your koala bear." Harry mumbled sleepily, this time making Louis blush. 

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