Pray For Me | Lee Felix FF ✔️

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[Completed ✔️]18+ Part 1 of the Dark Kids Series What happens when your stuck in a hard place? Who do you as... Xem Thêm

To Make a Deal
Extra #1
0 to 100
Extra #2
Forbidden Fruit
Extra #3
Blood in the Water
Extra #4
Extra #5
To Let her Go
Extra #6: Fall out
All's well that Ends Well
Part 2 of The Dark Kids Series

Out of Hand

18.1K 547 342
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He wasn't there when I had awoke from my bed that morning. The side he always stared at me from was empty. And it really made me remember why I hated him. He so selfish. Its not a surprise though, I mean, he is a demon..

Its such a beautiful day. Such a day to get yelled at and thrown outside the curb.. However, dispite last nights events, my family carried on like nothing had happened. They were doing what they do walking, talking, and smiling. It was odd. Almost like their memory was erased... Felix. He probably did that, for my sake. At least he was good with helping me with that problem.. I'd of been damned if they still remembered what we did. Surely, I would no what hell was if nothing was done to wash their memories clean.
I jumped sitting down at the table.
"Yes?" I looked up to Aunt Kate smiling awkwardly.
"You look pale as a ghost.. Are you ok?" She sits beside me looking worryingly.
"Im fine.."
My uncle chuckles, "Then eat up kiddo. You got a test today remember?"
"Oh yeah.."

Shit. I was too busy dealing with Felix and fantasizing about my painting. I forgot to study thanks to that. Fuck. I'll never get a break from my Aunt's and Uncle's lectures..
"I think Im sick.." I state.
"Your joking." Aunt Kate says rolling her eyes.
"No no. I don't think I can go to school.."
"But that test-" My uncle inteupts her and raises his left hand.
"Like you said she looks pale." He feels my forehead, " Ah, Shes running a fever. Might have caught what you had Kate."
"Oh my. Well.. I guess she could stay home.."
"Thank you.." I smile softly, " Well if you excuse me I will go rest.."
"Of course. Sleep well dear." My aunt smiles. I immediately, get up and enter my room agian.

It's so weird to see her all smiles. Especially after she practically disowned me not too long ago.. Is this all worth it?.. Is this really How Ill remember living here before I die?.. I sighed at the thought. And Quickly, I started laying myself down on my bed. Without any knock, my then Uncle walks in with a damp towel. He grabs a chair and sits beside my bed smiling.
"I can't believe you got sick on your test day young lady." He smirks.
"My luck." He places the towel on my forehead.
"You sure your not kissing on any boys? And getting nasty germs?" The man's forehead wrinkles up questioningly.
"Uncle!!! Dont say things like that!" I chuckle.
" Haha, But You didn't deny it." I rolled my eyes, " Whats his name Zoey?" He asks.
"Im not seeing anyone, because like you said I cant date til im 30. I know the rules.."
"Whats his name?.." I pause raising a brow at him confuse.
" Seriously, Im not with anyone."
"Is his name Felix?"
"Wait- How do you-"
"I got suspicious after hearing his name really loud around the house last night. You mind keeping it down next time?"
"I-" I thought that Felix wiped their memory!? How does he know? Oh no, this is it. Here comes the lecture. Damn you Felix..
"Listen.. I know things. Many things." He smirks.
Suddenly, I feel a hand softly touch my cheek from behind. I whip around to be greeted by a brunette with red eyes. Thats when everything did a 360°. Right then and there it was obvious why he knows about Felix and I.
"So, shes going to be mine?... Right boss?"
"Of course, Haechan.."
I turn to my uncle to see his eyes pitched black.
"What a desirable human." Haechan chuckles.
I began freaking out, "Your not my Uncle.. Your..."
"I am Felix's father. I go by many many names. So, call me what you will.." His eyes start dripping with black thick tears. My body trembled at the site of my uncle in this form. The form of posession. What did they do to him?
"Then, where is My Uncle? This isn't his doing. He shouldn't be involved."
"He's exactly where you think he is. With me. And the only way to get him back is to comply with my deal.."
"B-but." As I stuttered, The demon boy behind me tightly wraps me into a soft back hug.
"No need to overthink. Im going to  give you time. You can ethier do it or not. I could care less which." The Devil states.
"How long do I have?"
"How ever long you need.."
"Is my uncle really in..."
"Hell?" A shiver crawls up my spine as the boy hugging me hisses into my ear.
The Devil chuckles in front of me, " Yes. Your the only one who can help him. But, you need to make a deal with me first."
"What's your goal?"
"A punishment for Felix. And personal hell for you. All for the price of your sweet Uncle." I swallowed hard within my throat before he speaks agian.
"The demon behind you is Haechan.. Youll find him to be very lively and also someone whose not good at introductions, as you can tell. He just likes to get to the point.. However, If you need anything at all, ask him. All you need to do is call his name. He will hear you and come to your aid. No matter what it is. The boy is at your command. He will also keep an eye on you before agreeing or disagreeing to my arrangement. For the mean time, I will be your secret Uncle and Haechan your trusty slave/guardian. Do not dare tell Felix. Don't even tell him that you know Haechan. Because if you do, I'll throw Felix in along with your lovely Uncle into a tournament you could never fathom."
"I need more information on this deal.." I demanded.
"Of course... " He chuckles, " Felix is taking too long with your current deal together. Its pissing me off a little too much, you should be dead already. So I came up with a plan, if you wish to agree that is.. In return for your Uncle to be left out of your problems and safe, Your Haechan's. He is your hell, because fire is too nice for a person like you. A person who ruined my son.."
"If I disagree?"
"Guess your precious Uncle will just have to suffer wondering why his little niece did him wrong.."
"I see.." I look down sadly.

My Uncle doesn't deserve that kind of torture. I wanted to die. But I never want to drag my uncle into my deal with Felix... I never imagined something like this would occur when I made the decision that I did.
"Well I'll be off now. Please think about what you wish to do and think carefully. As for you, Haechan, Don't go too wild on her right now, she hasn't made a deal with me, yet.."
"Of course." He says twirling my hair with his fingers. Like that, within seconds, that man vanished leaving Haechan and I alone.
Haechan then speaks softly to me, " Felix was right, your soul is Bi-colored."
"W-what does that mean?"
"Means your special..Well to him at least.. You see, souls have colors. Having one color is normal, but 2 colors? Its rare. It's is an indicator of a demi-Angel Specifically your a type of Angel whose job is to unconsciously guide humans on Earth, until the rapture... A miracle worker per say. A person of pure heart. The ones that die young."
"Thats crazy.." I mumble
"However the thing is, Felix thinks your important. And well, His Father has told him that he is in need of these souls alike yours. The king also told Lix that they are used for a much bigger plan. Well, as you can tell, it isn't true.  Those kinds of souls are just useless."
"It was a lie..."
"Yes, Felix has been chasing nothing for centuries. And he sure as hell isn't getting the throne either. Pitiful the prince is.." He smirks touching the ends of my shirt.
"Then why do you want me, if I am of no value?"
"Well, I've never slept with an demi-Angel's Soul before.. Im thinking it's why you have Felix all fucked up... Now, you remember my name right?"
"Haechan,  right?" He touches my cheek softly looking deeply into my eyes.
"Thats my name, your going to have to get used to saying it outloud for me for the rest of internity. You already say it so beautifully.."
"Calm down HoeChan, I haven't made any deals with your king yet.." Haechan presses his tongue against the inside of his cheek as if he was irradiated.
"Of course." Haechan says while he tightens his arms around me.
"Could you not touch me?" I snapped.
"He didn't say I couldn't touch you or you know...kiss you.." He pecks my cheek, chuckling afterwards.
"Im trying to process everything.  And yoy being here is not helping.." I give a disgusted face.
"Im here because I figured you need help... You know, Help you make the right decision.." He rubs my thigh with his thumb.
"He said you'll do what I ask right?"
"Right. Anything you want." He lays his head on my shoulder chuckling like a kid.
"Then do you mind leaving me alone for a bit? Your touchyness is destracting.. and disturbing. "
"But.~ "
"I need to really think.." He begans to pout.
"Can..Can..I least get a kiss??" He begs.
"No-" he quicky grabs my neck roughly.
"Can I?" He glares with crimson eyes.
"Haechan-" He tightens his grip on my neck.
"Your going to have to be polite my little kitten."
"Yes." I chirp.
"Yes what?" He smirks.
"Yes, You can kiss me." He lets go gently satisfied with my answer, but still keeps a hold on my neck with one hand.
"Your so scandalous saying yes like that to me. You know... especially after fucking Felix all night last night... Who knew you were a sluty girl.." He smirks and leans in kissing me softly and slowly.
"Fuck... Your lips are so soft." He growls softly digging his nails into my throat, " I can't wait to experiment with you. I want this to last. Just Imagine the things I could do to you.. All those things that Felix could only dream of doing.." He whimpers agianist my ear.
"May I have time to myself?" I began shaking.
He raises a brow, " And?"
"Please." I whispered breathlessly. He smiles and places his forehead onto mine.
"Of course, Your wish is my command." I close my eyes, feeling his hand leave my throat. The moment I opened them up again he was gone.

I sat shaking on the edge of my bed holding onto my neck.
"Zoey-" My Aunt pauses half way through the door to see me in my shocked state, " Lay down sweetie. You look awful!! Your even paler and- Oh your temper rose too." She lightly pushes me back to lay down.
"Im ok." I state.
"No, no. You need to lay down. You shouldn't be up at all. Rest my dear..."
"Sure.." I smile sadly.
"Ok. Ill be back later ok. Just stay resting."
"Thank you, Aunt Kate. Im sorry to have caused you trouble. ."
"Its okay darling, Id do anything for you." She says pinching my cheek before walking out.

"Did I really make you sick?" A deep voice rings out as the door to my room closes.
"Maybe so.." He walks up to sit on the side of my bed. Felix feels my forehead with the back of his hand.
"You are burning up a bit.. Sorry about that.."
"Its okay. Its not your fault."
"It could have been.. I've never had sex with a human. Maybe its a side effect..?"
"Im not really that nauseated though, its not too bad. Just exhausted.."
"Are you sure it isnt that bad?" He gets closer to my face looking at me.
"Im sure." I smiled.
"Anyway, the main reason I came because you felt scared..  Im thinking its because you figured your family would kill you. No worries though, of course Id erase those memories... In not supposed to ruin your life remember?" He chuckles.
"Of course.. Guess we are spending the day together now, huh?" I say sighing.
"Looks like it.. What do you want to do?" He smirks.
"Good question.." I say sighing loudly.
" Do you wanna..." He wiggles his eye brows.
"Felix we just-"
"And? We can do it agian..." he says getting closer to me.
"Im sick remember.. Gosh, Im taking a shower."
"Im a demon, I don't get sick~ " He says as he grabs my arm.
"I need a shower though.."
"Then let me take it with you."
"I want to take one by myself... I really dont feel right."  I pull away from him and start walking into the bathroom. He silently follows me along into the bathroom.
"Yes?" I asked back grabing a towel from under my cabinet.
"Your not sick are you."
"I am."
"Really? It just seems off."
" Why does it matter to you?" I start running the water for my bath instead of a shower. Im thinking a soak will help ease my mind before I make my decision.
"Im not sure why.. But, to me it matters."
"It doesn't." I sigh looking at Felix.
"I- I just don't want to talk about it Felix.."
"You shouldn't hide what your thinking. You know, Im not Changbin, I can't just read your mind. Say something."
"Thats a good thing you can't read mind. I'd kill myself before I'd ever let you see what Im thinking."
"I want to know what you're thinking especially if its about me.. Zoey, If you have something on your mind please tell me.."
"I'll take it to grave." Without a warning, Felix pushes me against the wall staring me down.
"No. Tell me. Tell me now before I go fucking insane."
"Felix. Calm down." I say bringing my hands up to me parallel to his chest.
"I won't calm down til you tell me something. Anything Zoey. Something is bothering you. I need to know." He glares. I think its obvious something is also bothering him, but what? What does he want me to say!?
"Want to know? Maybe Im just madly in love with you or something." I say sarcastically. He pauses giving me a serious look.
"Do you mean that?" He asks.
"Im just saying, its what you want to hear right? You want to here me confess so you can just kill me right?"
"Answer my question first." I sigh thinking deeply. I hate that Im about to answer so honestly..
"What if its something I've considered? What if I considered falling for you? " I say with a more serious tone.
"Than, I'll end the deal."
"What!? Your playing now. Your definitely joking right?" I scoff trying to push him away.
"No. Im done with the deal." He says letting go of me.
"I know, I know its weird to just say that. I don't understand it ethier. And its been ripping me up because your not the only one whose considered this stupid emotion of attraction..  L-lets make another deal." Felix grabs my shoulders softly looking me in the eyes.
"Is this a joke?" I ask agian. It is. I bet you this is apart of his plan. All he does is lie. And im fucking falling for it..
"Of course not. Im serious. I just. I just, want to hold on to you. Not only for now. But For as long as I can."
"It won't work-"
"I will make it work."
"You have 48 hours to answer.. No scratch that." He looks down in frustration thinking, " You, you don't have a choice anymore. Your staying with me. I won't take a no." He roughly presses his forehead against mine breathing in deeply.
"Felix.." I called.
He genuinely looks like hes loosing it.. Felix is such a good actor. He acts so cold and then flips his shit claiming he wants me like a love sick psychopath. Such a proformer. God, when he says I have no choice it makes me swoon. But the thing is, even if Im sitting here gushing over his fake persona. I still have to choose whether or not its best to save my uncle.. My uncle who never should have gotten dragged into my problems. Damn it all, I should have stayed depressed in my little space. Shouldn't have wondered so far. These choices make me realize I had it good thinking about death. I had it good. Now, Im stuck in a place I can't get out of. No matter what I choose each option has bad consequences..

I'll have to choose one. Just one. However, That is all up to the difference between the viscosity of Blood and Water..

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