The Monster Inside Me


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My first Sonic x Reader story! (Y/n) is a creation of Eggman. She's kind hearted and gentle at nature. What h... Еще



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I sat in a field of white flowers. The sun was high in the sky and warm on my face. The wind blew gently through my hair as I looked up at the bright blue skies. I turned my head to see Sonic sitting a little ways away from me. His back faced me.

I stood and ran towards him, smiling brightly. "Sonic, hey! Sonic! Son...ic?"

As I came closer, I noticed the white flowers were splattered in blood. I could feel the fear rising in my chest as I came closer.


He sobbed softly as his body shook. I looked down to see Amy in his arms. "H-Hey...what's wrong?"I asked. I gently touched his shoulder and he whipped his head around to look at me.

My eyes widened when I saw that Amy was lifeless. She had a gaping wound in her chest and her eyes were dull and half closed.

"What did you do?! (Y/n)! WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Sonic's eyes were full of tears and wide with terror.

"I-I...I didn't do a-anything,"I said softly, backing away. "Yes, you did! How could you lose control like that?! Look at them!"he yelled.

I looked around the field to find everyone else laying in the blood decorated flowers. Rouge, Blaze, Shadow, Knuckles, Tails, Silver, Cream, Cheese...all dead.

My chin started to tremble as my chest tightened. "I didn't...S-Sonic, I-I-I didn't do this!"I cried.

He gently laid Amy down and stood. He turned to me to expose his blood stained hands and chest. His hands were curled into tight fists as he came closer to me. "Amy told me you were dangerous and I let you live with us. Now look at what you did!"he yelled.

I flinched back, tears streaming from my eyes. "N-No! I c-couldn't have! Please, b-b-believe me!"I stuttered.

"You're covered in blood, (Y/n). I'm not fucking dumb!"

I looked down to see my hands and my white dress were stained with splatters of red. I dropped to my knees. I could barely speak as I stared down at my hands. The blood was still warm and dripping. I could see my fur was black.

I couldn't have killed them...could I?

Sonic came closer to me and I quickly moved back. I tried to turn and crawl on my hands and knees but he caught me. He pulled me back towards him and sat on my stomach.

"I'm going to make you pay, (Y/n)."

I began to sob heavily, my chest heaving up and down. I could barely breathe as my tears flowed like waterfalls down the sides of my face. Sonic stared down at me, his green eyes cold and unforgiving.

"I didn' it! I-I swear!"I choked out.

"How could I have ever loved you? You're nothing but a monster. A FUCKING MONSTER."

I closed my eyes just as he cocked his fist back. When I didn't feel the impact of his fist, I opened my eyes.

My fist was through his chest. His blood spilled all around us and onto my dress. My eyes widened as I screamed in horror. Sonic tumbled off me and I just laid there, screaming and crying until my throat was raw.

I woke up. I stared up at my ceiling for a few seconds before bursting into tears. Oh chaos. What was that.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?"

I looked over to see Sonic, his eyes full of worry and still squinted with sleep. I quickly cuddled into his chest as I continued to sob. He wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, your fur is changing...did you have a nightmare?"he asked.

I couldn't even speak. My body was hurting from how hard I was crying. "I'm so sorry. Cry as long as you need to,"he said softly. He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead until I was only sniffling. "You wanna talk about it?"he asked.

I shook my head. "N-No,"I replied softly. How can I talk about that? It was...horrifying.

Last night, Sonic and I kissed. We were in the kitchen and it just happened. It was wonderful until Amy walked in on us and she went crazy. She was yelling and she called me names. She called me a whore. A freak. A monster.

Sonic yelled back at her in my defense and took me up to my room where we fell asleep together. Before we fell asleep, Sonic consoled me and told me it wasn't true what she said and to not believe her.

But I am. I'm a monster.

When I finally calmed down, Sonic got up and said he'd be going to town to get me some things. When he left, I took a shower and put on some black leggings and a gray T-shirt.

I stayed in my room. I couldn't face anyone after my nightmare. I'd probably start crying again. I sat on my bed, my knees up to my chest and my face in them.

My door opened but I didn't look up. It closed.


I didn't look up. But I could tell it was Amy. "I'm going to tell you something no one else has the guts to tell you,"she said. I still stayed silent.

"Sonic doesn't actually like you. He used you to get information about Eggman and kept you happy just so we would find a way to kill you before we took you back."

I looked up at her. She just stood there, staring down at me with disgust. "He wouldn't. Sonic does love me,"I said. "That's what he wanted you to think. He went to town to get flowers for you. As a goodbye present. We're taking you back today. You're just too much to handle,"she said.

My chest tightened as I glared at her. "That doesn't make any sense. Why would he treat me so well if he was gonna take me back?"I asked. "Like I said, we had to keep you happy. I know what happens when you get upset,"she said.

My stomach dropped and I looked down. "I don't...I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb. I saw it at Sonic's party. I saw your fur when you ran up to your room. You can fool everyone but you can't fool me."

"I'm not trying to fool anyone."

"Your fur turns black and you lose control and you hurt people,"she continued. "I don't!"I yelled, slamming my hand on the bed. She snickered. "See? It's already starting. Calm down. I wouldn't want to end up worse than Kendall,"she said.

I looked down to see my fur turning black on my leg. "I didn't mean to hurt him. You're the one that made him come on to me."

"Maybe. But I'm not the one that made him bleed. Sonic doesn't love you. How can he love someone so dangerous? You should just leave before he gets back. Make it easier for all of us."

Sonic's POV~

I held the bouquet of purple pansies close to my chest as I walked down the sidewalk. I hope (Y/n) likes them. With Amy saying those things about her last night, I just want to make her feel better.

I was going to tell her I loved her last night but Any just had to come downstairs and ruin it. I want to tell her now but I don't think it's the best time to-

Someone slammed into me and we both fell to the ground. I looked down to see the flowers were crushed and scattered. I looked up to see (Y/n) in front of me. She stared at the bouquet in my hands. The flowers had gotten into her hair.

I quickly got up. "Hey, you okay? What are you doing out here?"I asked, pulling her to her feet. I dusted the flowers from her hair and smiled at her. But she didn't smile back.

"Amy told me everything when you left. Is it true?"

Did she...did she tell her about my feelings?

"(Y/n)...I don't-"
"Is it true, Sonic? Yes or no. Please don't lie to me."

I scratched the back of my head. I guess she already knows so what's the point in lying.

"(Y/n)...yes. It's true. B-But I was planning on telling you when I came back. I can't believe Any told you,"I sighed. She stood silent for a moment. I watched as her chin began to tremble. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

"(Y/n)? Why are you crying?"I asked, reaching for her hand. She jerked back.

"How could you do that?! I thought we were friends!"

My heart dropped. My ears flattened as I tried to come closer. "W-We can still be friends,"I said softly.

"H-How can we still be friends?! You used me! If this was all you were going to do, you should've just left me with the doctor!"

"(Y/n)...I never tried to use you. I'm so sorry if you feel that way. Let's go back to the house and-"


Her fur was starting to turn black quickly. "Woah, (Y/n). Hey, calm down, okay?"

"How can I calm down?! You made me think I had a chance at love and at being happy but all you wanted was to experiment on me until you were able to kill me!"


Before I had a chance to respond, she took off running. I took off after her, dropping the bouquet. As I ran after her, I pulled out my phone and called Shadow.

"(Y/n) is running away! She thinks we were experimenting on her?!"I said into the phone. "Where are you? We'll come and help you get her back,"he replied. "I'm not sure where she's going but I'm following her now. Track my phone and hers, okay?"I said. I hung up the phone and continued to follow her.

After a few minutes of running, I lost her. I followed her all the way to the park where we first met and fought. I stood at the entrance, trying to collect my emotions.

What the actual hell did Amy say to her?!


I turned to see everyone coming towards me. "Where is she?"Rouge asked. "I-I don't know. She's somewhere in the park,"I replied. We all walked inside, calling her name.

I followed beside Shadow who was tracking her phone on his. "I don't understand. It says she's right around here somewhere,"he said.

"I found her phone!"Knuckles yelled. He ran over and handed it to me.

The wind began to pick up and the trees began to wave frantically. I looked up to see Eggman flying overhead.

No. NO! He is not taking her back!

I followed right behind Eggman to find (Y/n) standing at the cliff where she first came to us. Her fur was still turning black as she climbed into the metal tube Eggman placed on the ground.

"(Y/n)!"I yelled out, running towards her. She looked back at me as the door slid closed. Her eyes were solid white but tears still streamed down her cheeks.

"I'm not your problem anymore, Sonic."

Eggman took off quickly with her but I ran and jumped off the cliff, attempting to grab onto the tube. I missed by inches and began to fall. A pair of hands caught me around my waist and brought me back up to the cliff.

I watched as Eggman flew away with (Y/n).

"Are you okay?! You could've fucking died!"Rouge yelled. When my feet touched solid ground, I just stood there.

My chest tightened and my eyes stung with tears. "She's gone,"I muttered.

I felt weak. Defeated. Empty. I never knew true loss until now. My pain quickly festered into anger as I turned around.

"Amy! What the fuck did you tell her?!"I yelled, coming at her. Shadow and Silver stepped in front of me, holding me back.

"She didn't have to listen. She left on her own account,"she said, folding her arms. "Amy! What did you do?!"Blaze asked, taking her by her shoulders.

"I...I told her Sonic didn't love her. I told her we were just experimenting on her to find ways to kill her,"she said softly.

"Are you happy now?! She's back with Eggman!"I yelled. "She was dangerous!"Amy yelled back. "You provoked her! She was happy! We were all happy! But you couldn't leave well enough alone!"I yelled.

I broke free from Silver and Shadow. "I'm gonna go get her,"I said, stomping away. "Sonic, you can't!"Tails yelled, following after me. "Why not?"I asked.

"(Y/n) isn't just going to let you bring her back. You know how strong she is. If she wants to come back, she'll come back. What Amy did is unforgivable...but you can't force (Y/n) to come home. For now, the damage is already done."

Tails hugged me and I fell apart. I sobbed as I hugged him back tightly.


I got a prequel for The Mind Does Crazy Things in the works and I'm so excited!!!! But I'm sad this story is almost over :(
Coming back to Wattpad has really been fun. I missed writing so much.

But hey if anyone has any stories they like or they wrote, comment them cuz I need stuff to read.

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