The New Girl

By sohyunieLover

29.3K 1.7K 345

Kim Jisoo is THE NEW GIRL. Because of her parents' frequent travels she is left with no other choice but to m... More

Important Notes
Chapter 1: Arrival
Chapter 2: Serendipity
Chapter 3: Friends
Chapter 4: Rival
Chapter 5: Misunderstood
Chapter 6: Clubs
Chapter 7: Weekend
Chapter 8: Rumour
Chapter 9: Bullied
Chapter 10: Confrontation
Chapter 11: Trip
Chapter 12: Attraction
Chapter 13: Paradox
Chapter 14: Confession
Chapter 16: Warning

Chapter 15: Answer

757 45 33
By sohyunieLover

Jisoo arrived at school the next day. She was hesitating whether to skip or not seeing that she would be facing Taeyong first thing in the morning. She hovered in front of their classroom for a moment before deciding to open it.


Jisoo flinched at first but sagged in relief after realizing that it was only Nayeon who had called her.

Jisoo forced a smile. "Hey. What's up?" Jisoo went to sit on her seat and Nayeon followed her. "What happened to your private meeting with the president?"

Nayeon groaned, plopping on the seat in front of Jisoo. "It was ruined! It turned out that he called for everyone that day for help." She pouted. "I thought i'm the only one he had called."

Jisoo laughed, finding her friend cute but Nayeon glared at her, causing Jisoo to purse her hear-shaped lips.

"Hello ladies." Taeyong arrived and sat beside Jisoo. He turned at the girl and smiled. "Good morning."

Jisoo tensed, her heart skipping a thousand beat.

"Oh. Hi Tae." Nayeon greeted. "I almost forgot. Did you manage to meet up with Jisoo yesterday?" Nayeon then turned to look at Jisoo. "He was looking for you, did you know?"

"Huh?" Jisoo looked flustered by the ambush. "Oh, uh–"

"Yeah, i found her at the pool just fine." Taeyong beamed. "Thanks."

Jisoo swallowed. He glanced at Taeyong and was caught red-handed. She immediately looked away, cursing herself for being awkward. Luckily, their homeroom teacher arrived and their conversation was interrupted.

Jisoo was losing her mind. She couldn't seem to concentrate all through out their lesson and it was all Taeyong's fault. She kept glancing over him but the boy seemed unbothered by what happened between them yesterday.

Come on Chu, focus!

"And that would be all for today." Teacher Eun said, closing his book. "Don't forget to turn in your papers tomorrow, alright? I don't want excuses especially about the upcoming festival."

Lunch finally came and Jisoo couldn't be more happier to escape from Taeyong's company. She immediately ran outside, leaving Nayeon behind. Jisoo hid behind the school drinking fountain near the track field with her pack lunch.

"What are you doing over there Jisoo?"

Jisoo jumped. She turned around and met Taehyung's gaze with his camera hanging around his neck.

"Oh, hi Tae." Jisoo straightened. "What are you doing here? What about lunch?"

Taehyung smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was about to head to the cafeteria but then i saw you acting weird so i followed you just in case you need help with something."

"Oh." Jisoo paused. "We can share my pack lunch if you want. That if you're okay with just sandwiches."

"Really? And sandwich's actually fine." Taehyung showed his box-shaped smile.

"It's okay. I actually felt bad. If you went to the cafeteria by now, there will be no food left." Jisoo smiled, looking guilty. "The judo club always buy them in bulk."

The two of them sat on a nearby bench and ate their lunch peacefully. They talked about anything that would come up in their heads.

"Hey Tae, can i ask you something personal?" Jisoo asked, facing Taehyung.

"Yeah sure." Taehyung turned to face Jisoo, cupping his chin with both his hands. "What is it?"

"I notice you always had your camera around you." Jisoo chewed on her lower lip. "Does it mean anything to you? The camera or the art of photography itself?"

The question made Taehyung smile. It was a first time someone had asked about him and his interest. Usually, people around his age would look at him weirdly; calling him an alien.

"Well, i've always loved taking pictures." Taehyung smiled, looking up. He reached out his hand above as if catching the sun. "I like to capture beautiful moments and keep them around to remind myself that there's always good in everything." Taehyung turned and rested his gaze on Jisoo, smiling. "Whether you may be in a bad or messy situation."

Jisoo had always known that Kim Taehyung is one of those people who always thinks positively. Yes, there were times that he was acting strange and peculiar but he was also kind and a very cheerful person. He always find good in every people.

"Does it not bother you?"

"Hmm?" Taehyung blinked. "About what?"

"I know i'm being harsh here but i think you're being too optimistic for your own good." Jisoo slapped the truth into his face. "You should be careful Kim Taehyung. People will take advantage of you for being naive."

Taehyung laughed, feeling amused. "I just like to give someone the benefit of the doubt Jisoo-ah. Everyone deserves to have second chances, right?"

Jisoo paused to think. She suddenly remembered Lee Taeyong. Should she give the man the benefit of the doubt? Suddenly, Jisoo heard a click, interrupting her from her deep thoughts. Taehyung had managed to snap a picture of her while she was distracted.

"Hey! What was that for?" Jisoo gaped.

"I told you." Taehyung smirked. "I like to capture beautiful moments."


"Hey Tae, Seulgi and the others were asking if we're free after class." Yuta said while making their way to the school cafeteria for their lunch break. "They're going to karaoke this afternoon."

"No, thanks. Tell her i'm busy." Taeyong didn't think twice to turn down the offer, making his friends to wonder what was wrong with him.

Just then a group of second year girls screamed Taeyong's name. Yuta thought his popular friend would make passes on them but to his surprise, Taeyong chose to ignore them.

"What the hell?" Yuta exclaimed.

"What?" Taeyong raised an eyebrow, looking at Yuta.

"Ah!" Johnny smirked towards Taeyong. "I know what's going on with our friend over here." Johnny wiggled his eyebrows, teasing. "It's a girl, isn't it?"

"What?" Yuta's face contorted. "Don't tell me it's Kim Jisoo?"

Taeyong frowned. "What's wrong with her?"

Yuta rolled his eyes. "Yah, she humiliated you the other day, remember? The hottest guy on campus was told off by the new girl. And clearly, she's not interested in you."

Taeyong scoffed. "How sure are you? You said it yourself, i'm the hottest guy in our school so why wouldn't she be interested?"

"Wait. If you're already this assertive, does that mean you really like this Kim Jisoo girl?" Johnny asked, feeling giddy. "Did you already confess?"

Unlike Yuta, Johnny is a type of friend who always supports his friend. He's the total opposite of Yuta.

Taeyong gave his friends a meaningful smile. Johnny howled in glee, teasing Taeyong.

Yuta groaned. "Does it really have to be her?"

Taeyong grabbed Yuta's shoulder and squeezed it. He understood his feelings. He was just worried for him as a friend.

"I know you don't like her but what should i do?" Taeyong smiled sheepishly. "I already gave her my heart."

"Ugh! Whatever." Yuta walked out, stomping his feet. "Just don't say i didn't warn you."

Taeyong smiled victoriously. He went to proceed inside the cafetria, hoping to find Jisoo but she was nowhere to be found. He brought his melon bread with him and went to look for the missing girl. His feet brought him to the track field and there he saw Jisoo talking to the guy from Class 2-B. It was Kim Taehyung if he remembered it correctly.

What were they doing there? That what was running inside Taeyong's head while watching the two of them eat. Club meetings officially start at 3 o'clock in the afternoon so why the heck were they alone together? It was Taeyong's first time to feel that way and he didn't like it.

Taeyong left the area feeling dejected. He stormed out and was met with Seulgi. The girl immediately grinned upon seeing the boy approaching.

"Hi Tae!" Seulgi grabbed the boy's arm, linking it to hers. "I was about to look for you."

"Sorry sunbae, not now." Taeyong pulled his arm away while pushing Seulgi gently.

Seulgi was taken aback. She actually felt hurt. She pouted and went to grab his wrist, forcing him to look at her.

"Come on Tae, don't be like this." Seulgi forced herself to smile. "The girls and i are going to karaoke after class. You should join us."

"Sunbae." Taeyong sighed, feeling tired. He looked at Seulgi with his hard expression making the girl let go.

Seulgi's eyes became blurry with her tears, threatening to fall. She bit down her lips to prevent herself from crying.

"I'm sorry sunbae but my time of playinng around is done." Taeyong grimaced upon seeing the hurt on the girl's eyes. "I want to change for her."

"Taeyong, you idiot!" Seulgi shouted. "Why her? Why does it have to be Kim Jisoo? It should've been me! I've always like you from the very beginning!"

"Seulgi-sunbae, please calm do–"

"You only like Kim Jisoo because she looks like her, right?" Seulgi was hysterical and Taeyong's face turned grim upon mentioning his first love.

It was a long time ago and Taeyong wanted to move on from that and he believed that Kim Jisoo was the right person for it. At first, he only thought of her as an ordinary girl but as time went by, he found himself falling deeper into her charms. She was not just any other girl. She was Kim Jisoo.

"Don't you ever mention her in front of me again." Taeyong's voice was laced with anger and Seulgi took it as a warning to shut up. "And don't compare her to Jisoo. Jisoo's different and i intend to keep her on my side for a long time."


Jisoo went to the ladies' toilet to fix herself up before going back to her afternoon classes. She was washing her hand when she kept hearing these noises coming from one of the cubicles. Jisoo got curious and went to the source of the noise.


Jisoo could now clearly make out the noise. It seemed like someone had been crying. Jisoo got worried.

"Hey, are you–" Jisoo hesitated. Afterall, she didn't want to appear intrusive to a stranger. "Are you alright?"

Suddenly, the door leading to the crying voice opened. Jisoo jumped out of the way but was surprised to see Kang Seulgi behind the door. Jisoo wondered what made the vice president cry.

"Don't think that this is the end." Seulgi glared, her eyes still puffy from crying. "Taeyong will realize that you're not meant for him. And when that day comes, he will leave you."

Ah! Now, Jisoo knew the reason.

Seulgi stormed out of the room leaving Jisoo to process everything that had happened.

Did Taeyong dumped her? Wait, it was not like she was Taeyong's girlfriend in the first place.

Jisoo shook it off and headed to proceed to her classes. On her way to her classroom, she happened to bump into Bobby.

"Hey." She greeted him.

"'Sup, dork?" Bobby greeted back, nodding once.

Jisoo's eyes narrowed. "The other day, you called me a loser. Now, you're calling me a dork? Just make up your mind already."

"It depends on my mood. You can't force it."

Jisoo groaned, rolling her eyes. "And where the hell are you going? Classes will start any minute now."

Bobby shrugged. "Hey, was that Kang Seulgi i saw earlier?"

"What?" Jisoo blinked, confused about the sudden change of topic.

"The wench who got you in trouble." Bobby's eyebrow raised. "She didn't do anything to you while you're inside, right?"

Jisoo shook her head slowly, still confused.

"It's fine then." Bobby patted Jisoo's head before walking away. "Gotta go."

"Yah! Where are you going? That's not where the classrooms are." Jisoo shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth.

"I'm skipping, can't you see?" Bobby smirked before jogging away.

"Boys." Jisoo rolled her eyes for the last time, shaking her head.

The day went on and Jisoo noticed how Taeyong became reluctant all throughout the class. He was clearly out of it and even tended to ignore Jisoo from time to time which she found to be odd. When classes were finally over, Jisoo went to her final practice for their swimming practimum the next day. Nayeon was also there to monitor her progress.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Chu." Nayeon waved her good bye before climbing into her family's car.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Jisoo smiled, returning the wave.

Jisoo waited for the car to disappear from the corner before leaving the school gate. She walked, heading to the train station. There, she saw Lee Taeyong sitting on one of the benches. The girls from the other schools were staring at him, gawking. With his good looks and towering height, he really does catches everyone's attention. Jisoo bet that even some of the talent agencies have already asked for his number. Jisoo's thoughts were interrupted when she heard one of the girls' squeal. She was pushing her friend to talk to Taeyong or even try to get his number. Jisoo sighed. She didn't want to be the center of that attention so she tried to make a break for it.

"Hey, Soo!"

Taeyong stood up and went to Jisoo's side. The girls who were hovering around Taeyong earlier were now staring at Jisoo. They were looking at them, wondering if she was his girlfriend. Jisoo mentally slapped herself for getting caught. Now, even the guys from the neighboring schools were staring at them. Taeyong noticed it and couldn't help but be protective. He grabbed Jisoo by the shoulder and pulled her close to him.

"Hey!" Jisoo frowned. "What are you doing?"

Taeyong looked down and gave Jisoo an apologetic smile. "Bare with me for a while, okay? Just until these boys have cleared out."

Taeyong had always known that Jisoo's attractive and the girl seemed unaware of this. Taeyong suddenly felt tired. It was going to be a problem for him later on.

"And there's actually something i want to talk to you about." Taeyong added.

Taeyong guided them towards a nearby café and there, they spent their time staring at their drinks. Jisoo was getting impatient. She finally had it and was about to leave when Taeyong suddenly remembered to talk.

"I think i can't wait any longer."

"What?" Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean by you can't wait? I swear, Taeyong-ah if you don't–"

"Your answer." Taeyong said, making Jisoo quiet. "Can't you see Soo? You're making me nervous."

Taeyong looked frustrated and he didn't know how to deal with it. Jisoo noticed it suddenly felt sorry but the funny thing was she didn't know what she was sorry for.

"Look. If you don't tell me what this is all about then i won't be able to–"

"I'm jealous, can't you see?" Taeyong ran his hand to his face, clearly upset. "Every time i see you talking to a guy, i can't help but get worried so please." Taeyong took a deep breath before looking at Jisoo who looked dumbfounded. "Can't you just give me an answer now before i finally lose my mind?"

Jisoo swallowed hard. What should she do now?

Think Jisoo, think!

Jisoo glanced over at Taeyong and it was a mistake. The pressure of Taeyong's gaze wasn't helping her at all. She already received his confession, yes but what Jisoo was really worrying about was his sincerity.

"I just like to give someone the benefit of the doubt, Jisoo-ah."

Suddenly, Taehyung's words rung inside Jisoo's head.

"Everyone deserves to have second chances, right?"

He was right. The least she could do was give Taeyong the benefit of the doubt.

"You already hesitated and do you know what that means?"

Bobby's words suddenly echoed down her memory lane, hitting Jisoo hard like a wrecking ball.

"Yes." Jisoo said, making Taeyong blink.

"Wh–what?" Taeyong asked, not really sure.

Jisoo smirked, raising an eyebrow. "You're the one who wanted my answer, remember?"

Taeyong's eyes widened with realization. He opened his mouth but nothing was coming out. He suddenly stood up, shouting and jumping. Jisoo's jaw suddenly dropped, horrified to witness something so embarrassing.

"Yah!" Jisoo tried hiding her flushed face. "Sit down. Everyone's staring at us!"

Taeyong sat down without warning. He grabbed Jisoo's hands and squeezed them. "You won't regret it, i promise."

Taeyong's smile made Jisoo's heart flutter. She returned the smile with her own. Yes, she was sure of it now. Kim Jisoo finally came to like Lee Taeyong.

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