The Sons of Anarchy Saved Me(...

De Grandkids03

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Adina(Dina) is a 25 year old nobody who was married at the young age of 20, she had dreams that were put on h... Mais

~The Party~
~Salary Meeting & Door Notes~
~Party Till I Drop~
~2 Weeks Later~
~Surprises, Proposals, & Ex Troubles~
~Ex-Wives, Daughter & Saving~
~Waking Up~
~Day with Kerri, Taken~
~The Call~
~Let's End This~
~Waking Up~
~Leaving the Hospital & Bars~
~1 Month Later~
~Wedding Day~
~Tattoos' & Tagalongs~
~Family Surprises~
~Quitting Jobs~
~My Husbands Family~
~Almost Painting & Sambel~
~Goodbye Chibs & Painting~
~Finish Painting, Online Shopping & Cooking~
~2 Days Later & Shipments~
~1 Week Later, Designing Bathroom & Paddys' Room~
~Going Home~
~Home, Parties & Transfers~
~2 Months Later~
~1 Month Later, Wedding~
~2 Months Later, Day with the Ex-Wife~
~6 Months~
~8 Months Pregnant~
~Waking Up~
~2 Months Later & Plans~
~Goodbye Jimmy~
~Paint Shopping & Painting~
~1 Year Later~
~1 Year Later~
~2 Years Later~
~2 Months Later~
~2 Years Later~
~Day Off~
~Authors Note~
~Authors Note~
~2 Days Later~
~School Problems & Telling Everyone~
~Wedding Day~
~Authors Note~
~13 Years Later~
~2 Years Later-Epilogue~

~Moving Day~

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De Grandkids03

~Adinas' POV~

I woke up today feeling excited, all of the things I ordered are going to be arriving at the new house today at noon. Once again we've enlisted the help of the club because there's a lot of heavy furniture that needs to get moved into the house. We've been packing everything up over the past two days, and today I'm beyond happy to start this new chapter. I sighed grabbing the clothes that I laid out for Vi and I last night, knowing that everything else was going to be packed. I kept my make-up in my purse, along with my usual toiletries knowing I'd need them for today. I sighed, changing Vis' diaper, before getting her dressed in a white short sleeved onesie that said 'Mommy Was Here' with big red lipstick kisses on it.

When she was all ready I took her to the kitchen for Chibs to feed while I get ready for the day, I decided to start with my hair. I separated it down the middle before putting the two sides in bubble braids putting the ends in bubble buns at the base of my skull. When I was done with my hair I started my make-up doing a thick layer of black eye liner and mascara. As I finished the liner and everything I did a simple gray and white smokey eye-shadow, with a nude pink lipstick. I sighed going back to the bedroom pulling on an off the shoulder long sleeved graphic shirt that had three rips in the sleeves. I slipped into a pair of light wash ripped up jeans, before sitting on the bed pulling on my socks and converse shoes.

I heard the truck pull up outside, I sighed making sure Vi was in her car seat before going to help the guys load the truck. When we were done Chibs and I looked at Kerri and Juice handing them the keys to the house, and thanking them for letting us keep it for as long as we did. They smiled nodding their heads, as Kerri gave me one last hug, I smiled pulling away, kissing her cheek saying goodbye. I went to the car getting Vi all set up and ready to go, I got into the car waiting for the truck to pull out so it could follow Chibs and the guys. When we got to the house I parked on the street with the rest of the guys while Chibs directed the truck having him back into the driveway, so it'll be easier to get the furniture into the house. I got out of the car grabbing Vi and her play pen so I could set it up in the kitchen, to keep her out of the way. I quickly went inside setting up the pun and putting Vi inside laying her down with a teething toy. When I knew she was set I went to the door keeping it open while the guys put everything in their designated rooms. We made sure that everything was out of the truck from the old house and the furniture truck we paid the guys before going inside. Chibs and I decided to go upstairs and start with Violet's room so we can lay her down there while we work on the rest of the house. We set up her white and gray crib against the wall where a bed would usually go while we put the dresser on the other side of the room across from the crib. We hung the white and light gray curtains over the window before putting the changing table on the same all that shares the door. I smiled going down to the kitchen getting my little girl carrying her upstairs with Chibs behind me carrying the playpen. I went over putting her in her brand new crib watching her play with her feet before a yawn escaped her little mouth.

I chuckled a bit before having Chibs follow me out of the room, we closed the door leaving it open just a crack. We then went downstairs helping the guys set up the living room, I put the white and red curtains up over the windows. While I did that the guys put the red couches in place infront of the fireplace, and over where the "dining room" was supposed to be. I had silver side tables, and coffee tables next to and infront of the couch, the coffee table was over a small white rug, and there was a fuzzy white ottoman cattycorner to all of that. All of this red, white, and silver, matched against the brown paint in the room makes all of the colors pop.

We then moved on to the study, I hung up the long dark brown sheer curtains, while the guys put the two large bookcases against the wall across from the door. I then moved the two small square tables in place with two dark reddish brown chairs at each table. I smiled as Chibs gave over giving me a kiss leaning his forehead against mine before pulling away looking at the room.

"Everythin has turned ou' so well lass, ye've done good, people 'ill be linin up fur ye te design their houses."

I laughed nodding my head.

"Yeah, that's the dream."

"It'll come true if I have anythin te say abou' it, even if it is just startin ou' workin with the guys, or even the croweaters."

I smiled nodding my head.

"Okay, you're right, we should go help the guys with the kitchen and sunroom, or dining room as it's about te become."

He nodded his head taking my hand as we walked down the hall to the kitchen and dining room getting to work putting the tables in place. Both of the rooms were painted a very bright yellow, and aside from that I started setting up the small round table with four chairs in the kitchen. After that I helped the guys set up the very long dining table in the sun room with plenty of chairs. This room will make it so easy to host the club dinner parties, I smiled looking at the room before looking at the guys.

"Well what do you think? Could you guys see eating in this room."

They all nodded their heads and Tig came over giving me a small hug.

"It's beautiful in here, you really do have a gift Dina."

"Thanks bro."

He nodded his head and I went to the small bathroom that's down here seeing if there's anything I need to do. When I saw that it was all set, and that there was nothing else it needed having already been painted I went and got the guys having them follow me upstairs. I had them get started on the guest rooms while I went ahead and did the bathroom that's in the hall. I decorated the bathroom with a light green dandelion shower curtain, and matching towels, against the blue walls it looks amazing.

I smiled, going to Chibs and Is' adjoined bathroom getting started on that so we don't have to worry about it. I started by putting up the curtain rod, and hanging the gray and silver shower curtain, before covering the toilet seat, and hanging a couple towels, putting the rest away.

I smiled at how everything has turned out before going and checking on how the guys are doing with the guest rooms. I went to the guest rooms checking the first room that is to the left of the landing right after the stairs. The first room was the room I had painted green, I smiled as everything in the room was silver with gold accents on the bed. There was an accent rung on the floor, and the headboard was a fabric headboard, the room looked perfect. I then went next door to the other room that was painted a light yellow seeing a different silver set than what was in the other room. This room had a large rug that was half way under the bed, everything came together so elegantly and I couldn't be happier about it. Finally I went to the last guestroom seeing it look exactly like my old room at Chibs and Is' old house, it looks so pretty. I stood there looking at the room with tears in my eyes as memories flooded my mind, the first time Chibs saw me half naked. The old adjoined bathroom where he and I showered together after I got the note from my ex-husband.

I turned to see Chibs leaning against the door frame with a smile on his face, I went over giving him a kiss.

"We should send the guys home, that way they can rest up and we can get to work on our bedroom."

He nodded his head.

"I already sent them home, excep' Tig, he wouldn' leave withou' givin ye a hug."

I laughed nodding my head giving him another kiss before going downstairs to see Tig waiting by the door.

"You know you don't need to give me a hug whenever you come and go right?"

He laughed.

"That's what she said."

I chuckled, shaking my head hitting him in the arm before giving him a hug.

"Ride safe Tig, call if you need anything."

"You do the same Dina."

I nodded my head pulling away, grabbing my keys and Chibs' so I could move his bike, and my car into the garage. I opened the garage as I walked down the driveway, Tig gave me a confused look as he sighed, shaking his head.

"Do you need help Dina?"

"No I'm okay, I just have to move the car, and Chibs bike into the garage."

"Let me move his bike."

I laughed, shaking my head.

"No, my bikes already in the garage, I can move this without a problem, don't worry about it, just head home I'll be fine."

"Alright, I'll see you later."

I nodded my head as he pulled on his helmet before riding away, I got on Chibs bike getting situated before starting it up. I rode up the drive into the garage parking it and putting the kickstand down, before going back down to my car. I pulled it into the driveway far enough from the garage so Chibs could get out when he needed to, without being blocked in. I locked up the car before going into the garage closing it up, going into the house locking the door behind me. I sighed going upstairs checking on my flower from the sky making sure she's not awake, I softly moved the door open a bit more looking in to see her fast asleep. I smiled before going to Chibs and Is' bedroom seeing that he already had most of the bedroom set up. Against the wall was our bed with a black two drawer, one shelf night stand on each side, next to the window against the small wall was a tall four drawer dresser. Then on the other side of the room against the same wall that the door was on there were two short six drawer dressers. The bed was a queen size beige bed with a fabric headboard, on the bed the spread and pillows were black stripped with beige. I smiled going to the window hanging the curtains that faded from white, to light blue, then dark blue, and eventually black at the bottom. I turned to Chibs and he smiled looking at the boxes of clothes, I sighed looking at the small clock on my nightstand. I saw that it was only eight so we have time if we want to put the rest of our things away, I went to the very small closet in the corner knowing Chibs didn't need it. He has nothing nice and what he does have he usually just folds into a drawer, so I started hanging my dresses. When my clothes were hung I threw my shoes in a tub on the floor of the closet, I then started separating my clothes, folding them and putting them away.

When everything was done I sighed hearing my stomach grumble, I looked at Chibs who shook his head.

"We haven' had time te stock the kitchen ye' there's nothin down there."

"I'll call Tig see if he'll pick something up for us while we get changed."

He nodded his head.

"Alrigh' sounds good."

He went into that bathroom while I pulled out my night clothes, however before getting changed I called Tig.


"Hey Tig, I'm sorry to bother you, I know you probably just got home, but Chibs and I don't have any food in the house yet. We're both hungry, would you mind stopping at the diner? You know what we both eat, and I'll pay for the food and gas. I'm so sorry Tig, if I had known I would've asked you before you left, I don't want to inconvenience you with this."

He laughed, and I knew that he had to be shaking his head.

*Dina it's alright, I'm actually at the diner, I'll have them bag my order and make yours and Chibs. Then I'll be right over alright? I told you, you can always call me, no matter what it is, no matter the time.*

I smiled.

"Thank you Tig, I'll see you soon."

*See you soon.*

With that I hung up the phone pulling on my night clothes, I pulled on a pair of leggings that had cross stings up the side of both pant legs, with a light blue, and navy blue zip up sports bra. I pulled on my black zip up hoodie that had angel wings on the bed, however I left it unzipped letting it hang off of one shoulder. I took my hair out of it's buns letting it flow down my back before going to the bathroom washing the make-up off my face.

I sighed looking over at the clock seeing that it was already ten, so I decided to go down to the kitchen and put Vis' formula in the cabinet above the sink. Not too much later I heard the front door open and looked down the hall to see Tig coming in with the food. I went over giving him a side hug and thanking him, he smiled nodding his head as we walked to the kitchen. I had him set the food on the counter asking him to stay and eat with us, he agreed, causing me to smile as I went to get Chibs. I went to the bedroom seeing him pull on a pair of sweatpants, and a white t-shirt, he turned giving me a smile.

"Tig's here, and he brought food, you coming?"

He nodded his head.

"Aye, le's eat."

He took my hand and we walked down to the kitchen, we sat at the small table eating, talking, and laughing. However by the time we were done it was already midnight, I sighed looking at Tig seeing how tired he was.

"Tig why don't you stay tonight? It's late and I can tell that you're tired, we have three guest rooms. Just pick one and stay, I know you're used to driving while tired but I don't like it, it's not safe in any way. Plus if I'm being honest it's the least I can do for having you go get us food then come all the way back here."

He sighed looking at Chibs who nodded his head silently telling him that it was okay, Tig then looked back at me giving me a small side smile nodding his head.

"Alright, thanks Dina."

"No problem, thank you again for all of your help through all of this, and bringing us food."


I smiled and with that we stood up, Chibs took my hand as we walked upstairs, I watched as Tig took the room that looks like the guest room in the old house. While Chibs and I walked to our room, however as soon as the door closed I knew that he wasn't happy.

"Wha' the fuck is goin on be'ween ye and Tig?"

I looked at him like he was fucking crazy.

"What the hell are you talking about Chibs? Nothing is going on, he's a brother, he was being nice, he helped us paint, helped us put together the house. Then just when he thought he had time to sit down and eat he got a call asking him to bring us food because we have nothing. He's being nice, and me offering him a guest room is me being nice right back, he shouldn't have to drive, not tonight at least."

He sighed, shaking his head.

"Tha's no' all there is te this, all the huggin, and him helpin ye whenever ye ask, him basically bein at yer beck and call. Plus don' think I didn' see the way ye hugged him durin tha' figh' wit' Jimmy, he came through those falls and ye jumped inte his arms like he was me. Somethin ain' righ' here Adina and we both know it, he loves ye, and I think ye migh' love him te."

Once again I looked at him like he was fucking crazy, like he had lost his mind.

"You're looking way too far into this Chibs, if he loves me then fine, but I don't love him, I had a chance to be with him when I first got here. Guess what? I chose you every step of the way, no matter how much shit you put me through at the end of the day I love you. So you know what if that's how you really feel, if that's what you really see going on, if you don't trust me, then why are we here? Why did we move into a whole new house together? Hell why did we ever get married? However I won't ask why we had a kid because I don't regret having her, and I never will. However this whole conversation make's me think that you have a lot of regrets and that's bullshit. I have never given you a reason not to trust me, so do me a favor, trust me now, believe me when I saw he's a brother and nothing is going on between us."

He sighed nodding his head.

"Te answer yer questions, we're here because I love ye and I wan'ed te give ye everythin I could te raise our little girl in a good home. We moved te a whole new house so we could start a life tegether, a real life withou' livin at the club. We got married because I love ye wit' everythin I am, yer the best thing tha's ever happened te me aside from my daughters. I don' have regrets, I have fears, my first wife lef' me fur a man who hurt me, imagine the pain if my wife now lef' me fur one of my brothers. I do trust ye, bu' I don' trust him, I'm afraid one day ye'll open yer eyes and realize ye migh've made a mistake in marryin me instead of him. I don' wan' tha', I love ye Adina, and I'm sorry I came at ye the way I did, however I'm no' sorry I asked."

I sighed going to him taking his face in my hands looking into his brown eyes with my green ones before giving him a small kiss. When we pulled away, I shook my head against his before placing my hands on his chest keeping him close to me.

"I love you Chibs, and you'll never have to worry about me leaving, you're stuck with me, till death do us part."

"Aye, till death, I'm sorry lass, I love ye."

I smiled.

"It's alright, I love you to, now let's get some sleep okay?"


With that we crawled into bed, I rolled over cuddling into his chest, as he fell asleep I laid there thinking. Could he be right? Could he be seeing something that I'm missing completely? What about me? Could I feel something for Tig or am I just being paranoid because of the questions Chibs raised? Either way I knew that from now on I had to be careful, instead of calling Tig I'd have to call someone else. Instead of being so open with Tig I'll have to set boundaries with him, and hope he understands that it's what's best for my marriage. I sighed, falling into a fit full, restless sleep, hoping that what Chibs is seeing is all in his mind, and my life isn't going to be flipped upside down.

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