One Direction One Shots / flu...

By kidfanfics

127K 1.2K 295

Kinda shooting myself in the foot here. Don't know if I have time for yet another book, but I want to do this... More

Requests !
Not quite big enough
Don't like the crowd
Moody bum
The biggest adventure of your life
Don't like me anymore
Don't be a brat
Little poorly
Just a normal day
BBQ disaster
What if I don't get to say goodbye
Rough night


5.1K 52 7
By kidfanfics

Louis 20
Liam 19
Niall 19
Harry 16


"Uh oh." Harry gasped. "Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh." He frantically looked around for a place to hide. "No, no, no, no." He sniffled. He was doing so good, and now it was all ruined and Louis would surely hate him. "There!" He whispered to himself, shoving himself into a small broom closet he had found backstage. Slightly scared of the dark, but he couldn't think about it right now.

"Harry? Bubba, where are you?" He heard Liam's voice calling, not far from where he was hiding. "We've got a show in an hour bub." He tried again but Harry was literally holding his breath so that Liam wouldn't hear his sniffles. "Don't worry Li. He's probably off with Paul or Preston, he was begging them to take him for a ride in the golf cart." Louis' voice could be heard right outside the door that Harry was hiding behind. "He'll be back."

"I really hope you are right." Liam grumbled. "He knows he still needs to get his hair done and all. Takes ages." The man sighed and once Harry was sure they were gone, he slowly crept out of his hiding spot, letting out a shaky breath. All he had to do was sneak into their dressing room, grab a pair of jeans that looked similar to what he was wearing and change into those. That didn't sound too complicated; he could surely do that.

He kept looking around, just in case someone happened to be there, but just to his luck no one was. He peeked his head into one of the dressing rooms, finding all three boys and a couple of crew members so he quickly backed away, sneaking to take a look into the other room. He smiled happily once he noticed no one was there so he rummaged through the clothes to find similar jeans.

"These will have to do." He muttered, holding one of Liam's pair as he knew all his clothes were in the other room, so he had to make these work. He managed to sneak to the bathroom, feeling his heart beat loudly once he closed the door. He couldn't believe he was pulling this off. He quickly got out of his cold, soggy jeans, debating what to do with them until deciding he'd just shove them in the bin along with his boxers. "M'sorry." He mumbled to them; they were his favourite pair after all.

He grabbed a bit of toilet paper to clean himself with, knowing he'd never do as good of a job as the other lads but oh well. Once he had put on the jeans, that were slightly big at the waist and a little too long, he slowly tip toed out of the bathroom, taking a deep breath before he made his way to find the boys.

"Hey Hazza!" Louis cheered once the youngest showed up. "Told you Liam." He stuck out his tongue at the man who returned the favour. "Where were you?"

"Uhm... just lookin' around." He mumbled shyly, climbing onto Louis' lap to give him a snuggle. "Still need to let Lou fix your hair." Louis ran his fingers through Harry's hair and the boy pouted.

 "Don't wanna. Wanna have it like this." He placed his hands over his head as if he were shielding it, not in the mood to have Lou tug his hair to get the tangles out.

"I know bub, but you know it works." Louis smiled, gently tapping the boy's thigh as to tell him to get up so he could guide the boy to Lou's chair where Niall was just finishing.

"Hi baby." Lou smiled. "Did Caroline give you those trousers bub?" She looked the boy up and down, noticing how big they were. "Uh huh." Harry nodded, his face scarlet. "Might be her pregnancy brain." Lou chuckled, pulling the waistband back on his jeans making the boy squeal. "Think those are Liam's." She laughed, "And where are your underpants?"

"Harry!" Liam yelled from his spot. "Can't wear my clothes without underwear!"

"M'sorry. Didn't have any." He lied, hoping that the people would change subjects as he was getting slightly uncomfortable. "Alright, hop on." Lou instructed and the boy did as told, allowing the woman to fix his hair, letting out a few tears when she tugged too hard but Louis was quick to calm him down.

Louis helped the boy roll up his jeans as Harry refused to change pants and Caroline told them that she must be going crazy as she was sure she had handed to boy the right jeans and now she couldn't find them. Harry didn't like lying to them, but he had nearly gone two weeks without a daytime accident, and he had been promised some cool things if he managed two weeks. "All set." Louis smiled, helping the boy place a belt around his waist to keep the trousers up during the concert.

By the end of the concert Harry was a fidgeting mess. He felt like his thighs were on fire and it hurt so bad. "Go potty if you have to bub." Louis reminded the boy, making him blush. "Don't need to." He pouted.

"Your dancing is telling me something else." Louis chuckled, grabbing the boy's hand to take him to the bathroom before they would leave the building. "Can do it by myself!" Harry huffed, taking his hand out of Louis', though he made sure the man would stand by the door just in case. Louis just laughed, assuring the boy that he would be waiting outside the door.

Harry gasped once he noticed the angry rash that coated his inner thighs, no doubt on his private area too but Harry was too afraid to look. "Owie." He sniffled, running his finger over his bumpy skin, tears filling his eyes. He had no idea what to do now, because if he decided to let Louis know then the man would question him, and he'd have to fess up to everything. He panicked for a moment, looking around the bathroom for a solution but there was nothing there that could help him. In the end he knew he had to tell Louis because he would help him get ready for bed and would notice it then anyways.

He buttoned his jeans back up, before he unlocked the door and shyly exited the bathroom. "All done?" Louis looked up from his phone, frowning once he noticed the boy was crying. "What happened bubba?" He quickly looked at the boy's jeans to see if maybe he hadn't made it, but to his surprise they were dry.

"Did something bad Loulou." Harry threw his head back, loud sobs escaping him. "Very, very bad." Louis quickly hoisted the boy onto his hip, trying to calm him down. "Shh, no tears bubba. Can you tell Loulou what happened?"

"B-b-baaad." Harry wailed, though after a couple of minutes Louis had successfully reduced his sobs to little sniffles. "There we go. All done." He cooed, slightly bouncing the boy.

"Lou! The car's about to leave!" Niall called down the hallway and Louis just told them to go and send the car back for them, he needed to get Harry settled first since he was positive Harry wouldn't agree to sit in his seat if he was this upset.

"Now," Louis placed the boy down on his feet, swiping his messy hair away from his eyes. "What's got you all upset now?" Harry was still trying to manage his breathing, but he was a lot calmer. "D-did a bad thing." He repeated and Louis sighed. "I know bub. You've already said. But can you tell me what?"

"Had an accident, Lou." Harry's bottom lip quivered, and he was moments away from bursting into sobs again. "What do you mean?" Louis asked confused. "Your trousers are dry darling."
"Nooo." The boy whined, frustrated that he had to explain. "Before. When I was exploring." He admitted sheepishly. "Didn't say 'cause 'cause, uhm 'cause I want the preseeent." Harry started sobbing again, feeling a bit sorry for himself since he had ruined his chances of getting to pick out a present this weekend. "Now it huuurts."

"Can Loulou take a look?" The man asked gently, earning a sad nod from the boy. "Oh baby. Looks bad." Louis tutted, scanning over Harry's bits and thighs that were an angry red colour. "Need to get back and put cream on it, huh?"

"Y-yeah." Harry sniffled. "M'sorry Lou. Was doing so good."

"Hey. It was only an accident." Louis assured, buttoning the boy's pants up before placing him on his hip. Luckily the hotel wasn't war from the stadium so the car was already back for the pair and they managed to sneak out without being seen as Louis knew management would have his head if they were spotted together.

"Will I still get to go to the toy store?" Harry suddenly asked, breaking the silence in the car. "Don't know bubs. Need to have a chat with Ni and Li." Louis admitted with a sad smile. He didn't want to get the boy's hopes up.

"O-okay." The boy sniffled sadly, placing his head back onto Louis' shoulder, feeling quite mopey.

"Everything alright?" Niall questioned once the pair made their way into the hotel room. "Had an accident." Louis explained briefly. "Now he's got a rash." He sighed, placing the boy onto one of the beds so he could gather the supplies he needed.

"Aw bubs. Can't feel nice, huh?" Harry just shook his head, avoiding Niall's eyes as he felt quite embarrassed. "He had an accident before the show and didn't tell anyone." Louis added once he returned with everything he needed.

"How did he manage to hide it though?" Liam questioned, feeling confused as Harry has never been known to be sneaky. "No idea." Louis shrugged, instructing Harry to lay down.

"Hid in the broom closet." Harry admitted. "Then I- Then I went to your and NiNi's dressing room and then I threw my jeans in the bin." The boy fumbled with his fingers, not wanting to look up in case someone was angry.

"Oh Harry." Liam sighed. "You know you're supposed to tell us because otherwise this happens." He motioned to Harry's rash and the boy gives a weak nod. "What you did was pretty naughty."

"Now now Liam." Louis tutted. "Harry knows what he did was wrong, and he won't ever do it again, right bubs?"

"Never ever ever ever!" Harry agreed, shaking his head vigorously.

"Too much of a softy you are." Liam accused, shaking his head at Louis who just stuck his tongue out. "Owie Lou!" Harry shrieked when he felt Louis run a washcloth over his thighs, but once he was smothered in cream, he felt quite content.

"Might need to go without a pull-up tonight baby. Need to let your bits breathe."

"Nakey?" Harry asked excitedly and Louis just laughed. "Yes, you get to be naked." He shook his head with a fond smile plastered on his face when the boy squealed, never feeling modest around the boy's.

"Alright, calm down now. Think it's someone's bedtime." Louis quickly retrieved a couple of towels to place under the boy, as Harry hadn't had a dry night in God knows how long.

"Remember if you feel like you need to go potty, you can wake me up, okay?" Louis explained and Harry just nodded. "Really want to avoid a wet bed." He mumbled, but he of course knew the boy couldn't help it. "All set now?"

"M'huh." Harry nodded, his stuffed monkey secured under his arm, and now his mouth was gaped open waiting patiently for a dummy to placed there. Louis placed said item into his mouth and gave him a peck on the cheeks. "Night, night bubba. Don't let the bed bugs bite." He tickled the boy, making him squeal. "Ni't Lou. 'ove 'ou" The boy slurred from behind his dummy and Louis blew him kiss before leaving to have a dreaded conversation with the boys about what to do now. 

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