The Hunt

By LeslyAmbreth27

14.9K 340 75

Paisley Parker Mathison is 23 year old Beta to the Moonstone Pack. Brother is Alpha Derek Mathison, Parents a... More

Author Note
No more Hiding
You're playing a dangerous game, Love
Who the hell do you think you are?
Cause you need me, Man, I don't need you.
Can't keep this up for forever, Little one.
Time out?
He threw himself on the floor..
You're Projecting to me
I Won't Fight You
Tell me why you ran away from me.
Fuck Me, Daddy
final update!

Paisley, Paisley, Paisley...

392 21 2
By LeslyAmbreth27

I turned to look at my little group, slipping into leader mode.

"Carla, head with the warrior's to the west border. Ryan and Carter will meet you there. Sophia, Matt and I are bringing you to the bunker. You know the way so you'll have to give us directions but we can both fight and protect you. Matt, you and I have both been trained to fight so Ryan wants us in the bunker to protect everyone in case they get past the guards. Carla, be careful and watch your back. Let's go."

We quickly headed out of the gym and up the stairs. Trying to be as quiet as possible. Matt and Carla took the lead with Sophia next and me bringing up the rear. Once outside Carla took off in the opposite direction we did. Hopefully she makes it there okay. We had made it about a mile into the woods when I heard some twigs snapping from behind us. We all froze and turned to look. I took up the position to protect Sophia. She was trained but she was nowhere near good enough to fight off rogues.

My eyes scanned the woods around us when four wolves with black eyes emerged. The black eyes signaled they were rogues. All eyes were trained on me. I knew that if we tried to all leave they would attack. Maybe if I could lead them away I could make it to where Ryan is at and Matt and Sophia can make it to the bunker.

"Ry, we have a problem."

"What's wrong?" His voice sounded a little strained.

"We are almost to the bunker but we have four rogues here."

"Shit. I'll send Carla back. Carter can be there in five. Can you guys make it to the bunker?"

"Matt and Sophia can."


"You said they want me right? I can lead them away. Matt can get Sophia to safety. We don't have 5 minutes to sit here and wait. They will attack first."

"No. Don't you dare try to lead them away."

"I don't have a choice. If we all try to get to the bunker they will attack. If I take off they will follow. I'm faster than they are in human and wolf form. I can make it to you."

"If you get hurt, I'll kill you myself." He growled.

I cut our connection and turned to Matt. "Get her to the bunker."

"What? What about you?"

"They want me. Your only chance is to go. I'll make it to Ryan."

"No. I am your guard."

"Sophia can't fight. Get her to the Bunker. That is an order."

Matt clenched his jaw but nodded once. He grabbed her arm and they both took off heading for safety. I turned back to the wolves. I knew the leader of this group wasn't here. Calvin was bigger than any of his followers. No these were just the scapegoats, sent to capture me if they could and if they died they were ones he was willing to spare.

"Catch me if you can." I smirked.

I took off, leaping over the one who jumped at my legs. All I knew was to follow Carla's scent. I don't know the territory enough to know exactly where the west border was. By retracing our steps back to the pack house I was able to find Carla's scent. I started following it, keeping a decent lead on the wolves. I can fight in human form so I didn't want to take the risk of trying to shift.

I made it past the pack house and risked looking behind me. I was still about 20 yards ahead of them. All of a sudden I was rammed into. I landed on my side harshly feeling a crack go through my ribs. I groaned. I looked up and saw another wolf had joined and he was who ran into me from the front. I should have heard it coming. What good is being able to hear now when it still doesn't help me.

The wolf that hit me shifted into human form and I froze. Calvin's second in command, Jack was standing before me. He was the only other one, besides Calvin, who was allowed to touch me and use me sexually. I was free game to everyone while being beat but it was made clear they were the only ones who could use me. He quickly slipped on shorts and a pair of sneakers before he made his way to me. He pulled me up by my hair.

"Hi. We told you we would leave you alone as long as you stayed away from your mate, didn't we? Couldn't keep your part of the deal. You. Are. Calvin's. He's waiting for you."

He gave a sinister smile and pulled me by the hair to follow him. I couldn't stay on my feet so the journey to the battle field was mostly me being dragged and trying to claw his hands off. Once we entered the clearing I could see everyone fighting. I easily picked out where Ryan was, Carter and Carla flanking him. From the amount of dead ragged wolves on the ground I would say the Firestone Pack was winning. I looked around when the rogues slowly stopped fighting.


He walked into the field from the woods with a smirk on his face. From the corner of my eye I could see Ryan, Carla, and Carter shift and quickly pull on some shorts, and a t-shirt for Carla, that another pack wolf brought them. I let my gaze drift back to Calvin. I was still hunched over from where Jack was gripping my hair but as Calvin neared I was yanked forward and dropped to my knees. My head was yanked up so I was being forced to look directly at Calvin.

"Paisley, Paisley, Paisley..... You should have heeded my warning. I promised you I would let you live a nice life as long as you stayed hidden and away from your mate, did I not? Now you make me look like the bad guy having to come get you. Naughty boy."

He leaned down into my face as he spoke. As soon as he was done speaking I spit in his face. Almost immediately I was smacked so hard I swear I felt my brain rattle. Calvin stood up and used his shirt to wipe my spit off his face. I glared at him from where I was.

"Now, why'd you have to go and do that? I was being nice to you. None of my men have hurt you."

"Ha. Jack broke my rib and is pulling my hair out. You don't want me to spit at you then do yourself a favor and leave."

Once again I was slapped. This time by Jack. I could hear Ryan's growls and could see Carter holding him back.

"Now, Jack. It's alright. You can let him go. He won't go anywhere. Not knowing I could have his mate killed in a matter of seconds. You'll be a good boy and stay put, won't you Paisley."

I gave a slight nod. Anything to get Jack's filthy hands out of my hair. Jack let go and stepped away.

"Good boy, Paisley."

I had to bite my tongue and fight back the nausea at hearing him say that. Over two years he constantly said that when I would stop fighting and let him use me. I could feel my anger rising, Percy fighting to be set free. My eyes were clearly shifting from mine to my wolves, over and over.

Calvin cocked his head to the side. "Oh my. Have you grown a spine in the last six years? Do you really think you can kill me? An Alpha?"

"You're not an Alpha. You're a rogue."

"But I lead this pack of rogues so I would say I'm an Alpha. And what are you? A rejected Beta. A no good, washed up, used Alpha's mate? Come home with me where you belong, Paisley, no one else has to die here today."

"He's not going anywhere with you."

"Ahh. Alpha Ryan. I do believe you weren't a part of this conversation."

Ryan growled so fiercely I saw some of the rogues flinch. "He's MY Mate. Over my dead body will you take him."

"Careful now, that can be arranged. Paisley, tell him you don't want him. Reject him. Come with me. You won't have to play the submissive mate, worry about leading, hide your wolf. You can just be who you really are and rule by my side."

I started laughing. I knew it wasn't my normal laughter, in all honesty I sounded crazy. "Rejecting him wouldn't work anyways. I would die before you made it back to wherever you came from. Choosing you would be choosing my death. And I wouldn't have to play the submissive mate because you would just beat me until I couldn't fight you off anyways. It's what you always did. Chain me, beat me, use me. So go fuck yourself."

His eyes darkened into the black pits that only a rogue's can. "Wrong. Answer." He snapped and pointed at Jack.

I braced myself for impact. I was shoved and kicked and punched over and over. Only succeeding in raising my anger. It was only a matter of time before I wouldn't be able to hold back anymore.

"Ry, please, leave."

"No! I'm not going to let them kill or take you."

"I'm not worried about that." I ground out. Percy was fighting harder to try and protect me. "If you see what I'm capable of you won't want me anymore."

"I will, nothing will change that."

"Don't watch. I can't hold him back anymore. Please."


I was shoved away before he could finish.


I growled as another kick hit my already broken rib. I could feel some of the rogues and pack wolves freeze at the sound. I slowly stood up. Grabbing Jack's arm inches from my face. I looked at him and his eyes widened.

"Y-y-your feral." I saw Calvin straighten up behind him.

I laughed. "Not quite." With that said I plunged my hand into his chest and gripped his heart. "Tell me does this hurt?" I tilted my head to the side.

When his only reply was a sickening gurgle in his throat before he spit out blood, I smiled. I quickly yanked his heart out and let his dead body hit the ground. I dropped the heart by my feet and looked up.

"Still want me, Calvin?" His eyes widened and he started to back up. My voice was super husky and dark. "Be a good boy and don't make me chase you, Calvin."

He didn't listen and turned to run. I quickly pursued, breaking the necks of any of his wolves that jumped at me. I ripped out a few throats of the ones who got close to my face. I was covered in blood at this point, but there was one person who still needed to bleed. I caught Calvin before he could even leave the field. I rammed into him from behind causing him to fall. I circled him. Watching him closely as he flipped to be sitting and leaning back away from me. I could see Ryan and the pack coming closer and watching intently.

"P-please don't. I won't come after you again."

"How many times did I say that? When you whipped me? When you shoved your dick down my throat? When you refused me food and water? When you made me go to the bathroom in a bowl? When you RAPED ME? HOW MANY TIMES CALVIN?"

"I-I-I I don't know. I don't remember. Hundreds?"

"And? Did you stop?"


"So why should I?" I stomped on his leg, breaking it, the bone coming through the back of his leg. He let out a scream of agony.

"Please, I'm sorry!"

"Sorry, doesn't do shit! You ruined me, for 8 long years you ruined me. I almost died at your hands, I tried to kill myself. All because of you. Now.... Haha. Now you're the one being ruined. You're the one that's going to die. See Parker and Percy... they were too weak to do what needed to be done." I snapped his other leg. "Me? I do what needs to be done." I snapped his right arm.

"Shh. Shh." I put my bloodied hand up to his mouth. I could see in his eyes he thought I was crazy. Hell I know I am. The way I look right now, there's no doubt even Ryan will fear me.

"You, Calvin. You. Need. To. Die. No young boy will be safe until you are." I broke his left arm.

"No see... You are a sick and twisted man. You prey on the young and weak. It makes you feel superior." I slowly grabbed his throat. "Me? I don't want to be superior. See I was born a Beta, I was meant to follow someone. I also just so happened to be an Alpha's mate. Now look what you did. You brought me out. Parker, would have gone willingly the second you threatened his mate. Me, I just wanted you dead." I smirked. "So I wished it and so it will be." I sank my caws into his throat and pulled. Efficiently ripping his throat out.

I growled as I felt a presence nearing me.

"Hey, hey. It's just me. It's Ryan, I won't hurt you."

"Stay away. I won't be forgiven if I hurt you."

"You won't hurt me. I'm your mate. I need you to bring Parker back."

"If I do, he won't be awake."

"That's okay. He needs to come back and be looked at by a doctor. He has a broken rib."

"He won't remember this. I won't let him."

"You need to. He thinks Percy is hurting people and won't shift."

"He will try to kill himself again."

"I'll be there to stop him."

"Fine." I growled out. Before everything went black.


I rushed forward and caught his body right before it hit the ground.

"Carter, get someone to work on cleaning this up. Carla, please go make sure everyone in the bunker is okay. Someone get Dr. Matella to meet me at the pack house immediately."

I scooped Parker into my arms and ran towards the pack house. Upon entering I rushed up into the Alpha's suite. I laid Parker on the bed. He better be okay. I told him it was a stupid idea to try to lead them away. Now I know why he's been scared to shift. Not that it was Percy doing anything. God, The fact he would think I would hate him and reject him after this makes me sick.

"His name is Perin. He's the Feral side of both of them and he came about when they both weren't able to protect themselves. The first time He showed up was when Parker was challenged for Beta at 19. He's always shut his memories out so they wouldn't remember what they did or know about him."

"What do I do, Ryker? If he's just going to slaughter everyone that makes him mad, how am I supposed to protect and reassure the pack?"

"He won't. He knows the pack is safe, even if he gets pissed off he wouldn't hurt the pack. Talk to Derek. He might know more."

Dr. Matella entered the room. "Oh my god!"

"Most of the blood isn't from him."

"I'm sorry, Alpha, but I need you to leave the room. I need room to work."

"I'll be in my office. Please get me if he wakes or when you are finished."

"Of course."

I quickly exited the room and entered my office. I grabbed my phone and entered Derek's number. He answered on the third ring.



"Ryan? What's wrong?"

"Calvin and his pack of rogues just attacked."

"Where is my brother? Is he okay?"

"He's fine. He killed them."

"He killed them?"


"All of them?"


"Oh no."

"Yes, please tell me why I wasn't informed my mate is slightly feral?"


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