Mate Massacres

By SianaghGallagher

5.8M 329K 144K

(BOOK 1 - Mate Series) A merciless Alpha, notorious for hunting the mates of his enemies, uses loneliness to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82

Chapter 77

46.2K 2.8K 795
By SianaghGallagher

For the rest of the day, Pip and Krey spent time with each other. Krey greeted the opportunity to relax with open arms. Simply lying on the bed with Pip was his favourite pastime. Hours flew by when they were together, talking about anything and everything, and occasionally kissing.

"So... you grow as a human in the womb?" Pip asked.

Krey nodded.

"When do you turn to your wolf for the first time?"

"Not until we're five. The transformation is very painful."

"Do you remember when you first turned to your wolf?"

"Yes. I had done something bad that day. I don't remember what it was, but I wanted to run away when mum shouted at me, so I willed for my wolf and I shifted. The pain freaked me out so much, I actually ran away and they didn't find me for days."

"Seriously?" Pip asked, crossing his legs on the bed. Krey lay near, and on his side with his chin propped on his palm.

"Luckily, I ran north. Viktor's pack found me first. I was just a pup. Enemies would have loved to find me."

"It sounds like you were a handful," Pip chuckled.

"I was. When they took me home, I was in my wolf form for a full two weeks because I refused to shift back. That sort of pain for a child is... a lot. But it makes us stronger."

"Is shifting back as painful as shifting to your wolf?"

"Yes. That's why Sid isn't too bothered about breaking his arms. We break our bones all the time while shifting. The only difference is that they're put back together instantly after we return to human form."

"How are bones able to do that?"

Krey shrugged. "How are your bones not able to do that?"

Pip chuckled and Krey reached out a hand. Pip took it and snuggled close to his warm body. Pip had formed a pattern. They would hug for a while until Pip got warm, then they'd find something else to do until they hugged again until Pip got warm again.

Krey rested a hand on Pip's chest and studied his face with those intense brown eyes. "What were you like as a child?" he asked. His deep voice spoke softly.

"Pretty curious, I think. I liked going on adventures with my parents. We'd find a new camping spot almost every weekend. My dad enjoyed running, and he used to do races quite often. I used to run with him sometimes and I think that's why I stuck with it." Pip smiled at all the fun memories. "We used to have games nights pretty much every week. Sometimes a few times a week. They'd take me to the library every Thursday after school. I think they could tell I was obsessed with reading, even when I was young enough to barely read."

"Do you miss the freedom of being in Crescent Town?" Krey almost asked if he missed his parents. Of course he does, Krey scolded himself.

"Not really. I miss the library, but that's all. I don't even miss college." Pip smiled. "It was pretty lonely before. The only time I ever spoke was at work, and that was because I had to speak."

"And now you have a full Pack around you all the time."

"I do. It's nice."

Krey ran a hand through Pip's brown wavy hair. "Do you want to see my wolf again?"

"Yes." Pip wouldn't ponder over whether he was ready to see a wolf. After being around them over the weekend, even the thought of wolves didn't terrify him quite as much.

"Really?" Krey wasn't sure if he was saying that just to please him, or if he was finally getting used to the idea that part of him was an animal that could snap him up in one bite.

"I need to get to know that side of you."

Krey agreed and peeled himself off the bed to pull back the plastic sheet covering the window. Bright lights flooded the field. Almost fifty Wolves trained below. Metal sheets covered the fence, so humans walking by couldn't see the overgrown wolves play-fighting.

"I can shift here, and we can walk down to the field together. I should probably train with my pack," Krey mumbled, rubbing his chin.

Pip had noticed Krey was more involved with the pack after being at Sea Claw Packhouse. Krey was attending meetings, organising the meetings, and thinking on behalf of the future of his pack. "Yes, I-I wouldn't mind watching you train, if that's what you want to do." The thought of being around more wolves than just Krey was a little daunting, but Pip was eager to be comfortable around Krey's pack too, knowing that would put Krey at ease.

"You should wrap up warm, then. I know the wolves slashed your coat, but you could layer up my hoodies?" Krey stared intensely.

Pip knew he wanted to drown him in his scent. "Okay." Pip was already wearing one of Krey's black hoodies. Krey shoved another one over his head, then slipped his burgundy bobble hat over his ears, then wrapped a black scarf around his neck.

"If you get too cold, we will go inside right away."

Pip simply smiled, already feeling his cheeks turning rosy.

Krey tugged playfully on the scarf, then crouched and started shifting into his wolf. Pip cringed at the sound of bones cracking and the quiet wincing. Krey tried to put on a brave face but breaking every bone in the body wasn't for the faint-hearted.

Pip backed away until he felt the bed at the back of his thigh. The transformation was so bizarre to Pip, he couldn't look away.

He was soon staring into the red eyes of Krey's Brown and Black wolf. Krey stood and his ears flopped forwards. He nudged Pip's hand with his wet nose. Pip smiled and buried his fingers into Krey's fur, ruffling his head. Immediately, Pip knew that he could trust him. The bond had given him that reassurance.

Krey rubbed his head against Pip's thigh and Pip was soon crouching to rub his neck. Krey liked it when Pip scratched him on the top of his head. The first chance he got, Krey licked Pip's face.

Pip scrunched his nose, but he was comfortable around such a large animal. Pip thought he would fear dogs for life. Krey had torn through his terror and Pip was grateful.

"You're actually kind of cute," Pip said and Krey stopped fussing immediately. "W-When you're not growling." Pip could imagine Krey's dislike for the word. He could picture a stubborn frown if he were in his human form.

Krey was just happy that Pip was so interested in his wolf. The first time Pip saw his wolf, he had never seen a human more scared. Pip was ready to run a million miles just to be away from him. Now, Pip was content with his fingers buried into his fur.

Krey edged towards the door and Pip followed him down the corridor and down the stairs. Krey's large claws scratched each wooden step. Pip felt strange to be sharing a staircase with a huge wolf in a building he barely knew. He was patiently waiting for the day where everything felt normal, even Krey's glowing red eyes.

When they neared the back doors, Pip rubbed his hands together, already feeling the cold winter air seeping through the layers of hoodies.

Makena sat by the door on a bench as Krey sprinted off to join his pack. Makena greeted him with a smile and offered Pip some of her warm drink. "Getting used to the wolves?" she asked.

Pip nodded, sitting next to her. At first, he glanced anxiously around, scared to connect the gaze of any other wolf because he struggled to make the connection that they were werewolves, and the humanity within would stop them attacking.

The longer Pip sat, the more he relaxed. The wolves were familiar with him. They know me, he reminded himself. Pip's eyes followed Krey's wolf up and down the field. His wolf was bigger than everyone around him, and other wolves were quick to dart out of his way if he charged too close.

Occasionally, Krey would turn to look at Pip, and Pip would think about waving until he remembered that Krey couldn't wave back. So Pip sat next to a silent Makena, watching werewolves train. My life is crazy, he thought, smiling to himself until he saw a face that planted fear into his very core.

Mark stared glumly from the bench on the opposite side of the door. Pip's heart soared with panic, until he remembered that Krey would rip Mark to shreds if he looked at him in an odd way.

The longer Pip stared at him, the more he noticed how sad Mark looked. Sad, and tired, and fearful of the field full of wolves.

Pip soon felt obliged to speak to the only other human in the institute. The bravery had risen from a place Pip didn't find often. Their current situation gave him more of a chance to connect to his former bully.

"Hey," Pip said timidly. Mark didn't even turn his head. "Um... h-how are you?" Mark didn't answer. Pip followed his gaze to the wolves. His eyes caught Krey instantly as he roughly fought with a black wolf with silver swirling eyes. "It's weird, isn't it?" Pip fiddled with the ends of his hoodie sleeves. "l-looking at wolves like this after- you know."

Mark then looked away from the field and stared blankly. "Fuck off Pippor."

Pip should have expected such a response, but in the back of his mind, he always hoped that one day Mark would see that they went through the same pain. They could relate on uncomfortable levels. Pip was okay with talking about his parents, but Mark's mind was still torturing him about his father's death every single day.

Pip didn't try to say anything else and turned back to face the field. Makena was watching him. Her dark eyes flicked to Mark, and her jaw tightened. "That boy will get what's coming to him if he's not careful," she muttered. "Krey will protect every inch of you, even your feelings."

Pip's eyes shadowed his big wolf trotting proudly through the wolves. He didn't doubt that, not even for a second. Krey was very protective of him, and so far, had made that very clear.

Pip only worried about the lengths Krey would go to in order to guard him. Pip had lived with Mark and his foul behaviour for years. He could cope with his bad attitude, but Krey could barely cope with one nasty glare.

Pip worried that one day, a nasty glare would cost Mark his life.

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